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What temperature do you keep the house at during the day?

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I am guilty of turning the heat up to 74 on the coldest winter days but that is only on main living floor. Upstairs and downstairs stay @ 64 ish. I can't stand being cold all day! I shiver even bundeled up and so do dc. For the most part it stays at 70 in the winter and I try not to turn AC on in summer unless it hits 85 degrees or higher outside and then only in the middle of the day if it is oppresive.

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a/c goes on if the house gets higher than 80. Then the chocolate starts to melt :). If I turn on the A/C I usually set it at 76 (dh sets it at 77) during the day. At night it goes down to 73.


During the winter I usually keep the thermostat set on 70 during the day at 67 at night.

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72 if we're sitting around doing schoolwork

68 if I'm cleaning, doing chores, cooking ie. have my butt off the couch


When it really starts getting cold & wet, I keep the gas fireplace running in the living area too.


I hate being cold & I get cold very easily. Adequate heat is one of the luxuries in life that I'm unwilling to give up. I do drop the furnace down to 61 overnight (because I have huge down quilts, cat & dogs to keep us from freezing at night) but it's programmed to kick in about 1/2 hr before I get up so the house is nice & warm.


A wimp in Canada

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We live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast...79 in summer...64 in winter.


We are looking forward to moving back to Alaska where we pretty much kept the heat at 64 in winter and off w/ no A/C in summer.


I grew up in Anchorage and am hoping to be able to move back someday. I remember the no-a/c summers!

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As warm as we can stand in the summer -- in the 80s -- and as cold as we can stand in the winter, majorly bundled up -- in the 50s.


When Sweetie is home, though, that all goes out the window, so to speak. He doesn't like it that hot or that cold, so he sets it to whatever he wants, and we get a break when he's here. :D


It can actually get a little chilly in here in the summer time because of this. He is in that air conditioned truck all summer, so he's used to it being pretty darned cold.

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Hubby and I are too cheap to mess with it too much! In the desert where we live now, we keep it around 80 in the summer (hard to keep up with 113 degree weather!) and don't heat in the winter. I've only spent one winter here, so I don't remember how cold it gets, but when we lived in Idaho it was sometimes as cold as 55 degrees in our bathroom in the morning! Once we have kids however, we'll keep the temperature more "normal" for them, since a baby can't sleep with an electric blanket or go take a cold shower to adjust!

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72, year round. I wouldn't set the ac that low in the summer if it weren't dh's preference, but I would often like to set the heat higher in winter, so it all evens out :001_smile:. We actually prefer about 68 for sleeping, but we don't set the ac that low in the summer. My favorite time of year here in Ohio is the springtime when we can turn off the heat, but don't have to turn on the ac yet, and we can just leave the windows open and let the breeze blow through the house!

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During the summer we keep the air on 78 during the day and I turn the downstairs unit to 72 at night and upstairs to 74. We live in Texas so we have to have air during these hot days.


In the winter, the heat goes down to 60-62 at night and maybe 70 in the morning to heat up the house and then it goes back dwon to about 68 or so.




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