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Yet another mass shooting...


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The building was home to the Inland Regional Center, providing services to developmentally disabled and mentally ill clients. :(

All I can think of is why would a heavily armed group of people in body armor want to hurt mentally ill and disabled kids and their caregivers and doctors? Sounds pretty pointless even as a terrorist statement  :confused1:

Edited by mathnerd
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All I can think of is why would a heavily armed group of people in body armor want to hurt mentally ill and disabled kids and their caregivers and doctors? Sounds pretty pointless even as a terrorist statement  :confused1:


As opposed to all the other mass shootings in this country?


I mean, I get your point, but they all seem pretty pointless to me.

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I'm not even surprised any more.  If nothing changed after Sandy Hook, when how many babies were slaughtered, then nothing will change.


If we wanted it to change we would change it, but we don't so we won't. 





I don't understand what you mean in light of this recent occurrence. Would the terrorists who coordinated this mass homicide have been stopped by gun laws?


If only there was someone there who WAS armed and could have taken one or more of those maniacs out...

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I don't understand what you mean in light of this recent occurrence. Would the terrorists who coordinated this mass homicide have been stopped by gun laws?


If only there was someone there who WAS armed and could have taken one or more of those maniacs out...


You know exactly what I  mean


And congratulations, you actually beat the NRA in calling to arm employees in homes for people with developmental disabilities. That was really quick on the..well... trigger.


And we don't know anything about the shooter or shooters, if there really are more than one, other than they are reportedly white men. Maybe they would have been stopped...but we just don't know yet, do we?

Edited by redsquirrel
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I don't understand what you mean in light of this recent occurrence. Would the terrorists who coordinated this mass homicide have been stopped by gun laws?


If only there was someone there who WAS armed and could have taken one or more of those maniacs out...


They were wearing body armor, reports say. Good luck with that. :(


Why do we need to be armed to go out in public now, anyway??? How is that the solution?


I've emailed my senator and representatives. I've had it.

Edited by whitehawk
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You know exactly what I  mean


And congratulations, you actually beat the NRA in calling to arm employees in homes for people with developmental disabilities. That was really quick on the..well... trigger.


And we don't know anything about the shooter or shooters, if there really are more than one, other than they are reportedly white men. Maybe they would have been stopped...but we just don't know yet, do we?


Actually I don't know what you mean at all.


For the record, we don't own guns and I will never own them. I just don't understand the logic behind your thinking. Truly.


But yeah, maybe public facilities (like our friggin' SCHOOLS) should have armed guards. WTH!?

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Would arming people in public really help? You're going about your day in your workplace, maybe on your lunch break chatting with friends or playing a game of Monopoly with some intellectually impaired teenagers and suddenly someone jumps in the room and starts firing. Are you really going to have the presence of mind to grab a gun and start shooting back?


I suggest you would most likely be dead before you had a coherent thought of defending yourself. Even if someone is shooting at you it takes a lot of guts to shoot back with the intention of killing someone...especially if you are not normally so inclined to kill things.


Security guards might be a better answer...but who knows.

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Would arming people in public really help? You're going about your day in your workplace, maybe on your lunch break chatting with friends or playing a game of Monopoly with some intellectually impaired teenagers and suddenly someone jumps in the room and starts firing. Are you really going to have the presence of mind to grab a gun and start shooting back?


I suggest you would most likely be dead before you had a coherent thought of defending yourself. Even if someone is shooting at you it takes a lot of guts to shoot back with the intention of killing someone...especially if you are not normally so inclined to kill things.


Security guards might be a better answer...but who knows.


Actually, you might be surprised how many people around you are carrying concealed in public (depending upon where you live.)  And those who carry concealed (esp. off-duty law enforcement officers) would likely have the presence of mind to do just that.  Just because you believe acting in such a situation would be overwhelmingly difficult does not mean that everyone shares your opinion or inclination.

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Would arming people in public really help? You're going about your day in your workplace, maybe on your lunch break chatting with friends or playing a game of Monopoly with some intellectually impaired teenagers and suddenly someone jumps in the room and starts firing. Are you really going to have the presence of mind to grab a gun and start shooting back?


I suggest you would most likely be dead before you had a coherent thought of defending yourself. Even if someone is shooting at you it takes a lot of guts to shoot back with the intention of killing someone...especially if you are not normally so inclined to kill things.


Security guards might be a better answer...but who knows.


No, it wouldn't help.  In all likelihood it would make things worse, and more innocent people would be killed.  Even very well trained LEOs are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to shooting in high pressure situations.  And yet every stoopid yahoo who's ever gone to a shooting range or shot cans off fence posts in his back yard thinks he (or she) would be calm and accurate.




According to a 2008 RAND Corporation study evaluating the New York Police Department’s firearm training, between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate during gunfights was just 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, police officers hit their targets 30 percent of the time.


The data show what any police officer who has ever been involved in a shooting can tell you–firing accurately in a stressful situation is extremely hard. In an article for TIME last year, Amanda Ripley looked what happens in the brain and body when shots are fired. The brain stem sends out signals that cause blood vessels to constrict and hormones to surge. Studies have shown that eyesight becomes narrower (literally tunnel vision) under such conditions. People who have been in gunfights describe hearing very little and perceieve time slowing down. Amid this chaos, as police officers have to make difficult, split-second decisions, humans can lose motor skills as the body reverts to basic fight or flight instincts.


Overcoming those natural reactions is the goal of rigorous training. Many police departments focus on decision-making as much as marksmanship, helping officers to decide in an instant whether to fire their weapon. Instructors will show targets–both good and bad guys–for only a split second, then score officers on their choices as well as their accuracy. The goal is to inoculate officers against the stress, allowing them to experience what a chaotic situation will feel like before they face the real thing.


The NYPD has some of the most comprehensive and sophisticated firearms training of any police force in the country, using a combination of live fire, non-lethal force and simulated scenarios. But on Saturday, that apparently wasn’t enough for the officers involved to land even a single bullet where they intended.


Full article



Actually, you might be surprised how many people around you are carrying concealed in public (depending upon where you live.)  And those who carry concealed (esp. off-duty law enforcement officers) would likely have the presence of mind to do just that.  Just because you believe acting in such a situation would be overwhelmingly difficult does not mean that everyone shares your opinion or inclination.


No, I wouldn't be surprised.  It scares me.  See above.

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Actually, you might be surprised how many people around you are carrying concealed in public (depending upon where you live.)  And those who carry concealed (esp. off-duty law enforcement officers) would likely have the presence of mind to do just that.  Just because you believe acting in such a situation would be overwhelmingly difficult does not mean that everyone shares your opinion or inclination.


yes, but how many people in an average elementary school are off duty law enforcement or military? Or a shopping center? Or a mall or a church?  And I worked with cops, an awful lot of them would NEVER take a gun into a school, even when on duty.  It got locked in the trunk in a locked gun case. I knew quite a few who didn't take their service weapon home because they didn't want guns around their kids. They had seen too many accidents.


And our constant arming ourselves certainly isn't doing anything right now, is it?  As a nation we are armed to the teeth, but these mass shooting are still happening.


And it is being reported that these shooters were wearing body armor..as have others.


Maybe we all need to go around wearing body armor all the time. That might fix this, right?  Seems reasonable.


But again, this is all pointless to even discuss because this is going to happen again in two or three days or next week. We say we want it to stop, but we don't. Not really. We love our guns more than we love our children. That's the truth.




That link is an attempt to keep track of the children under the age of 15 that were shot in 2014

and here is a map:




Here are the kids killed so far in 2015.  There are 83




David Waldman, the person collecting the data using google alert, is pretty sure we lose more kids under the age of 15 to accidental gun deaths than we lose cops to shootings. It's difficult b/c there is no money to conduct official studies of gun violence.  The NRA put a stop to that.





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There was also a mass shooting at a park in Louisianna the same day that PP was attacked. I don't know why the media would bury that news story. The frequency of these kind of shootings are beyond belief.


Probably because it looks like it was a typical gang fight.  Those happen crazily often and are not quite as terrifying to people as someone opening fire on a bunch of innocent people going about their day (unfortunately in gang fights, innocent bystanders are often caught in the crossfire, as they did in New Orleans).  Also, it has been reported, just not ad nauseum.  http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/11/29/new-orleans-park-shooting-suspect-held/76547580/A simple google search turned that up as hit #1, but there were quite a few more as well from a variety of mainstream news sources, most local since gang violence is generally considered local news. (It wasn't the same day.  The shooting in New Orleans was on the 22nd and the PP shooting was November 27th.)

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Would arming people in public really help? You're going about your day in your workplace, maybe on your lunch break chatting with friends or playing a game of Monopoly with some intellectually impaired teenagers and suddenly someone jumps in the room and starts firing. Are you really going to have the presence of mind to grab a gun and start shooting back?


I suggest you would most likely be dead before you had a coherent thought of defending yourself. Even if someone is shooting at you it takes a lot of guts to shoot back with the intention of killing someone...especially if you are not normally so inclined to kill things.


Security guards might be a better answer...but who knows.


Would *I* have the presence of mind? Not likely! I don't know how to shoot a gun...heck, I've actually never even held a gun, come to think of it.


But reports are saying that the attack went on for "several minutes" so if there was a trained individual whose job was to provide real security, then just maybe all those people wouldn't have been killed.


We have a law enforcement member as a good friend, and he has said that he thinks if public facilities would hire retired cops and military with security clearance and legit marksmanship training, then places like our schools and other "soft targets" would be well-served. It's an intriguing thought.

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A lot of places do hire 'ex-cops' but there are also a lot of retired cops who want to actually retire and not have to deal with any more of that crap.


There simply aren't enough to go around. It isn't the solution.


And how much extra money do school systems and hospitals and every single workplace have to pay several people to work around the clock,


And let's not forget In the past couple years we have had mass shootings at military bases. I mean, one would think there would be a whole lot of armed people, stead and calm under fire, in those situations. And the death toll was still high.








Here was a police officer shot coming out of the police station



and here's a guy who over powered the police officer and shot her and two other officers





so being used to guns and training doesn't guarantee that you will react well

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This is a summary of an FBI study an active shooter incidents. Between 2000 and 2013 out of 160 shootings 90 ended when the shooter took his or her own life. 21 of the shootings ended when an armed citizen was able to restrain the shooter. This summary doesn't cover it, and I don't have the figures in front of me, but I do know that oftentimes a shooter will take his or her own life when confronted with an armed citizen, as was the case here recently in Oregon.

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No, it wouldn't help.  In all likelihood it would make things worse, and more innocent people would be killed.  Even very well trained LEOs are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to shooting in high pressure situations.  And yet every stoopid yahoo who's ever gone to a shooting range or shot cans off fence posts in his back yard thinks he (or she) would be calm and accurate.


:iagree:  I have military training, and I definitely couldn't take out a shooter in a situation like what happened today. With all the scared people running around, the odds of hitting a civilian would be astronomical. I can only imagine what would happen if several untrained morons with CC permits all decided to start shooting. The death toll would almost certainly have been higher. Then when the police did get there, they'd have no idea who was the original shooter, and would probably end up shooting the CC permit people. 


It would make an already horrific situation even worse. There's no good way to end a mass shooting, especially one like today's with assault weapons and body armor. The only way to prevent people from losing their lives is to prevent the shootings from happening at all.

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Would *I* have the presence of mind? Not likely! I don't know how to shoot a gun...heck, I've actually never even held a gun, come to think of it.


But reports are saying that the attack went on for "several minutes" so if there was a trained individual whose job was to provide real security, then just maybe all those people wouldn't have been killed.


We have a law enforcement member as a good friend, and he has said that he thinks if public facilities would hire retired cops and military with security clearance and legit marksmanship training, then places like our schools and other "soft targets" would be well-served. It's an intriguing thought.


A rent-a-cop with a handgun wouldn't have done much against three people with body armor and AK-47s. 

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Would *I* have the presence of mind? Not likely! I don't know how to shoot a gun...heck, I've actually never even held a gun, come to think of it.


But reports are saying that the attack went on for "several minutes" so if there was a trained individual whose job was to provide real security, then just maybe all those people wouldn't have been killed.


We have a law enforcement member as a good friend, and he has said that he thinks if public facilities would hire retired cops and military with security clearance and legit marksmanship training, then places like our schools and other "soft targets" would be well-served. It's an intriguing thought.

You want to put trained individuals in every office, school, mall, movie theater, office building, etc. in the U.S.? How many retired police officers are there in this country? All this so the gun lovers in this country don't have to give up their toys and their paranoid fantasies.

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I read today that there will be more gun deaths than car accident deaths in 2015. That really hit me. I don't know anyone who has been shot, but I can name about 30 people I knew who have died in car accidents. That gun deaths are becoming THAT common is sobering.

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I just want to say that I have been trained for this sort of situation, but even if you are armed and you are trained, the safest thing to do in a mass shooting situation is to run.  You get out, and you take as many people with you as you can.  You only fight back if you are trapped and you have no choice.  There's a very good video about surviving mass shootings that was going around on facebook recently, I'll find it and post it here.

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I read today that there will be more gun deaths than car accident deaths in 2015. That really hit me. I don't know anyone who has been shot, but I can name about 30 people I knew who have died in car accidents. That gun deaths are becoming THAT common is sobering.


Well Chicago is more dangerous than Iraq.  So subtract those deaths in gang controlled areas and you're going to start feeling significantly safer.

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Prayers for the families... Why are there so many mass shootings now, or at least it seems that way? We really need to improve the mental health system in this country to help these people who do these crimes and those who are victims.

Why are there so many disturbed people in the first place today? What is happening to them?  Is it drug side effects (which seem really common)?  Chemicals in the food, water, air?  What is going on?

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I'm waiting for more information. We have no idea who did this, much less how they got their guns or their motives.


I've not seen or heard anything at this point that makes me think lawful gun ownership led to this, though I've written before on things I'd like to see be stricter about that too.

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I read today that there will be more gun deaths than car accident deaths in 2015. That really hit me. I don't know anyone who has been shot, but I can name about 30 people I knew who have died in car accidents. That gun deaths are becoming THAT common is sobering.

I knew several people who were shot. I spent several days driving past numerous funerals every time I left my house. This issue makes my blood boil! I just don't understand why we in this country don't care enough about our children to pass some sensible gun control laws. Every time there is another mass shooting we hear the predictable comment that we just need more guns. ???

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I knew several people who were shot. I spent several days driving past numerous funerals every time I left my house. This issue makes my blood boil! I just don't understand why we in this country don't care enough about our children to pass some sensible gun control laws. Every time there is another mass shooting we hear the predictable comment that we just need more guns. ???


The reason is that there isn't a law that would have stopped these incidents.  In many cases if existing laws were enforced they couldn't have happened.  There are big issues with civil rights and a patient's right to privacy when it comes to mental health.

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This marks the 355th mass shooting (defined as 4+ victims) in the US this year. 355. That's an average of more than one per day. Every dang day.  The longest stretch with no shootings was 8 days last April.  It's sickening.

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I think saying people who are for keeping gun rights must not love their kids is an efficient way to not have any conversation about what gun laws could ever possibly be agreed upon.


I don't think more gun laws are the answer. I think getting rid of all the damned guns is the answer. Police should have guns. The military should have guns. Nobody else should have guns.

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I think saying people who are for keeping gun rights must not love their kids is an efficient way to not have any conversation about what gun laws could ever possibly be agreed upon.


That's extraordinarily inflammatory.  You do realize that in large portions of the country average police response is more than three hours and it is frequently taught that it is your moral responsibility to have a gun to protect your family?

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