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Which party do I attend?


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I was invited to two Christmas parties with 2 different sets of friends on the same stupid night.  I haven't accepted either invite and am almost tempted to turn down both just so I don't feel bad about choosing one over the other!  One is a cookie exchange party with mommy friends and the other is an ornament exchange with church friends.  I'd honestly rather do an ornament exchange (no need for cookies and I don't want to bake!) but I haven't seen some of the mommy friends in awhile so I'd like to reconnect with them.  But we're also relatively new to the church and want to get more involved/rooted.   Both start at the same time so I can't even start at one and then move to the other.  Or I could but I'd get there really late.  What would you do?

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I would go to the party that had the friends I would like to see most. Sounds like the mom friends for you.

Depending on how things go, I might leave early and stop by briefly at the other one.


Ornaments vs cookies would not factor in my decision - to me, it is about people.

If I really hated to bake and did not want cookies, I might still drop by the cookie party but not participate in the exchange, just hang out and chat, and then go not-so-late to the other one.


Edited by regentrude
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I was invited to two Christmas parties with 2 different sets of friends on the same stupid night.  I haven't accepted either invite and am almost tempted to turn down both just so I don't feel bad about choosing one over the other!  One is a cookie exchange party with mommy friends and the other is an ornament exchange with church friends.  I'd honestly rather do an ornament exchange (no need for cookies and I don't want to bake!) but I haven't seen some of the mommy friends in awhile so I'd like to reconnect with them.  But we're also relatively new to the church and want to get more involved/rooted.   Both start at the same time so I can't even start at one and then move to the other.  Or I could but I'd get there really late.  What would you do?


This is my vote.  Go to the no-bake party.

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Hard choice.  If you don't want to make cookies, check with the cookie exchange host to be sure you could still go.  I have a thread going about being told not to come to a cookie exchange without cookies.  :-) 


My inclination would be to stick with the old friends, because that's more comfortable.  But I also agree with Starr, that the best way to get connected in a new group is to show up at events.


So, sorry, no help from me.  Hope you are comfortable with your decision.  :-)



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Making new connections with church friends is important but will you have other opportunities this Christmas season to socialize with them?  Even though you don't want to bake, it might be the only chance you have to get together with your mommy friends.  So...I'd probably choose based on whether I could see either group again in the next few weeks.



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I'd probably start at the church friends' party, stay for about an hour, then go to the other one.  That way you can connect with the church friends while the cookie ladies are sharing out their cookies, and so when you arrive at that party you can just socialize and not feel conspicuous for not participating in the exchange. Also, that group is more likely to talk late into the evening, so you may not miss much talking time even by arriving late.

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Haha you guys are not making the choice easier! I'm leaning towards the cookie one and just asking if I can skip the cookie part.


See, I wouldn't put the hostess on the spot by asking that. It's a cookie exchange. Either bake cookies and go, or don't bake cookies and do the ornament exchange.

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I'd probably start at the church friends' party, stay for about an hour, then go to the other one. That way you can connect with the church friends while the cookie ladies are sharing out their cookies, and so when you arrive at that party you can just socialize and not feel conspicuous for not participating in the exchange. Also, that group is more likely to talk late into the evening, so you may not miss much talking time even by arriving late.


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Go to the one you really want to go to.  Enjoy the night.  You have a lot of time to connect with your new friends, but you will find that over time, it is harder to reconnect with old ones if you don't stay current with them.  

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I talked to the friend who is hosting the church one.  She told me to go enjoy the cookie one.  She's attended the ornament exchange party for years and basically said I'd have way more fun with my mom friends!  So...decision made!  As for asking the hostess of the cookie party if I can attend without bringing cookies I'm sure she'll say she's good with that.  My family has multiple food allergies and she knows that.   They are a VERY casual group and she's just wanting people to get together.  It won't be an insult and a lot of the others attending are very much into baking and will have a blast with that part.  I just don't want to drag home a bunch of cookies that my kids and I can't eat. 


UPDATED:  I've decided I'm going to make cookies, do the exchange and then wrap up the cookies I bring home in sets to deliver to fire stations/etc.  I assume that's still an okay thing to do?

Edited by UCF612
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UPDATED:  I've decided I'm going to make cookies, do the exchange and then wrap up the cookies I bring home in sets to deliver to fire stations/etc.  I assume that's still an okay thing to do?


I've heard they can't/won't just take food like that anymore.  Too many crazies who wouldn't think twice about putting something in the food just to get at some representation of government or something.   I'd call first and be sure.  Especially if due to your allergies, you can't be bringing the cookies into the house.

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I've heard they can't/won't just take food like that anymore.  Too many crazies who wouldn't think twice about putting something in the food just to get at some representation of government or something.   I'd call first and be sure.  Especially if due to your allergies, you can't be bringing the cookies into the house.


I was worried that might be the case.   Sad. :(  

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I've heard they can't/won't just take food like that anymore.  Too many crazies who wouldn't think twice about putting something in the food just to get at some representation of government or something.   I'd call first and be sure.  Especially if due to your allergies, you can't be bringing the cookies into the house.

One of my dd's groups has taken cookies to fire stations for several years. The firefighters were thankful and someone who is friends with one of them said they got more than they could eat so they sometimes take them on calls and give some to people in stressful situations.

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The youth and Cub Scouts at church have taken cookies to various police/fire stations over the last few years with nothing but profuse thanks for them bringing them. They were not rejected.

If you call ahead and include a note of thanks for their service as well as your contact info, it should be okay.

We always appreciate cookies.

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