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Ipad Mini vs. Roomba


Roomba vs. IPad Mini  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prioritize?

    • Roomba
    • IPad Mini

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Okay....an old friend just unexpectedly sent me a new Ipad Mini (& case).  I had asked him about acquiring his old one a couple of years ago when he upgraded, and he just now got around to it (but sent me a new one instead because he's like that!).  Of course in that amount of time I picked up a Droid Tablet that my DD6 and I use occasionally every week. I still haven't opened it, and am thinking of trading the Ipad in for a much needed Roomba instead. I am very excited about that prospect. Then of course, I always see folks post links for cool IPad apps for their children that aren't available on other tablets, so I'm doubting my instincts. *decisions, decisions*


Sooo, given that we already have a non-IPad tablet, and I ALWAYS have dust bunnies coming out my ears, should I stick with my original plan of trading in the new IPad Mini for a Roomba?  And no, I can't do both!


And if anyone has experience with the Roomba, I'll take suggestions on which one :)



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My friends and hubby's cousin like their roomba for the floors but they still need to take care of dust bunnies everywhere else. Another thing is that the rechargeable battery does die in time and replacement battery is not cheap.


My hubby does the vacumming and he prefers the big bulky vacuum because he can vacuum everywhere including the back of the TV and also window sills :)

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My mom is in love with her Roomba. Like she wants to marry it and have its babies. She gave me her old Mint (like a swiffer robot) and that was pretty cool, but the battery won't charge. It was kind of magical walking into the kitchen and having it all swept up. I don't think a Roomba would work here, because I have a Labrador who fills my heavy duty vacuum. I think he would destroy a Roomba.


You sound really excited about the Roomba, and confident that your friend won't be offended, so I vote Roomba.

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FYI - I have all hardwood floors. I have been having lower back issues, so vacuuming has not been my favorite thing for awhile (plus my child and the pets all HATE the noise). I work full time, and the dirt all over the floors stresses me out every time I get home. It is amazing how much dirt/dust/hair accumulates as soon as I put the broom away! 


Thanks for the heads up on the replacement battery.

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My mom loves her Roomba for her hardwood floors.  She also has carpet in the house, but it works great on both.  She calls hers, Rosie (from the Jetsons), and I believe she couldn't do without it now.  


i'm not impressed with tablets.  I have my phone, plus we have some laptops.  I have an old iPad2, it's great for streaming my yoga videos, but that's all I use it for. 

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I do clearly want the Roomba, but am open to seeing the error or my ways :) My DD is only 6 and I'm still largely limiting screen time for her. I think if she were a few years older I might swing the other way, but it's hard to say right now. Maybe I should have asked about to-die-for apps only available on the IPad for the 6-10 age group.

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I couldn't do without an iPad.


Our roomba gets used daily, but it is VERY noisy, takes way longer to do an area versus a regular vacuum, and needs babysitting. You need to ensure everything is picked up first, set it up for zones, and potentially rearrange furniture (chairs around a table for instance). It is not as magical as just push a button and everything is vacuumed. Fortunately for me, my 2yo thinks it is a pet. It keeps him entertained while he follows it around, and his brother and I can get some school done in (very loud) peace.

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I love my iPad and am not giving it up, not even for an android tablet.


That being said, we are on our Second Roomba. Roomba #1 literally worked himself to death keeping the carpets clean. We have two dogs that go into Heavy Shedding mode twice a year. Roomba #2 (improved pet model) can keep up with all except the very worst shedding days.


If you don't want the iPad - trade it for something you do want. Having a Roomba doesn't mean you never Vacumn again, but it does a good job here.

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Which model Roomba? We love ours. German Shepherd sheds a ton, and it handles everything very well. Ours is a 980 and totally worth it. Yes eventually his battery will die. That's the nature of electronics. However, he completely embarrassed my Dyson to the point that I didn't even bring it with me from MS to TX. My husband has a shopvac for the stuff Buttons can't do. No regrets. I just bought the Braava floor mopping robot because I was so impressed with the Roomba.


I can answer specific questions if you have them.

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I voted iPad. DS and I both have android tablets and since getting the iPad, he's been able to do so much more on it because the apps are just better.

Also, the pet hair in my house has killed three vacuums already and I would not trust the roomba a to handle it all (as in one room will fill the tank 3/4 full of hair and whatnot).

Edited by WendyAndMilo
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The Roombas (at least the 880s and the 980) have a much simpler design and it's really hard to tangle pet hair in it. Longer hair like my daughter's will wrap around the extractors, but that's a 10 second fix and roomba will tell you quite quickly to do this if there's any impedence at all with the extractors. It's designed really, really shockingly well. Every bit of maintenance save one can be done without tools.


I've killed a mass of Hoovers, two Sharks, and a Dyson. Roomba laughs in the face of ALL of them. I bought it because I had shoulder surgery and couldn't sling a vacuum and realized no one in the house was going to either. I never expected it to become my main vacuum. If you were to get a Roomba, you would die of shock as to how much your big vacuum left behind (and change his bin constantly for a week or two). After that it becomes much more normal.


The Roomba's little brother Braava is also pretty awesome if you have laminate floors and hate to mop. Between Buttons and Vader, I have clean floors and much more time to knit. ;) As I type Vader is mopping the kitchen and Buttons is vacuuming my bedroom.

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We have had a Neato for about a year and I had no idea how much u relied on that thing! We have mostly wood laminate and it does great in there. I've also been extremely impressed with its mapping technology. Right now it's getting a warranty replacement because I didn't clean the hair out often enough and I'm hating sweeping again! iPads are nice but a robotic vacuum will make your life so much simpler!

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We have had a Neato for about a year and I had no idea how much u relied on that thing! 


I voted Roomba, but I meant robot vacuum in general. I too have a Neato and love it. I got it for the same reason you're considering the Roomba. With my back problems I just can't keep up with vacuuming. Dh and ds are helpful but they really don't have the kind of time I have to devote to such things. Dh works a crazy schedule, and ds is still adjusting to college amounts of homework in his dual enrollment classes.

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Well, *I* would do the iPad mini, but after reading your explanation, I vote Roomba. It's clearly what you want.

:iagree: A Roomba while nifty wouldn't work here at all (legos, petshops, dog/cat hair, little things that I don't want to lose are often found on the floor) but it sounds like you need a Roomba more than another tablet.  For us the best thing about the ipad are the interactive books for my H.S. student.

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Haha...still 50-50! Tough decisions! Thanks for everyone's comments! My daughter and I especially loved the video.


Funny thing is I'm leaning towards iPAD now. I can't imagine having that much disposible income to buy myself an iPAD (I'd rather go on a vacation), but I might save up for a Roomba as it's practical.  And I CAN sweep and vacuum, but I can't put iPAD apps on a non-existent Apple product. 


Self-talk is lovely...and frustrating!

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We have both. We've had the iPad for a few years, bought by my work. I like it and am happy to have it but use the other computers we have much more. 


We just got a Roomba and I think I'm in the same category as the person who wants to marry hers. I love it. We have a dog (part Lab) and the hair issue has been out of control. I felt like I needed to vacuum daily but just never did. It is noisy and takes longer than normal to do a room but we set it to go while we go on walks in the morning and night. So while we are walking the dog, the main part of the house is cleaned. Did I say how much I love the thing? :) 

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I work full time, so I do dream of not tripping over dust bunnies that have multiplied while I was gone during the day. My Golden Retriever has relatively short hair for the breed, but his shedding is astonishing.


Any other suggestions of awesome iPAD apps that I can't get on an Android device? I recall some Spanish apps and have seen some mentioned here over the years.


Another question:  Does having a Roomba/NEATO make you pick up all the junk on the floor more often, because you HAVE to? :) I mean, does it INSPIRE you? That would be nice...

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My mom is in love with her Roomba. Like she wants to marry it and have its babies. She gave me her old Mint (like a swiffer robot) and that was pretty cool, but the battery won't charge. It was kind of magical walking into the kitchen and having it all swept up. I don't think a Roomba would work here, because I have a Labrador who fills my heavy duty vacuum. I think he would destroy a Roomba.


You sound really excited about the Roomba, and confident that your friend won't be offended, so I vote Roomba.

That is why I want a roomba. My life is sweeping kitchen and living room floors.

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Oh, I love both my iPad and my robotic vacuum cleaner.


I've had a few Roombas (I seem to kill them) and as far as version I suggest switching brands altogether and getting one of the vacuums from Neato Robotics. My Neato is far, far superior to any of the Roombas I owned.


Or keep the iPad.

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Another question: Does having a Roomba/NEATO make you pick up all the junk on the floor more often, because you HAVE to? :) I mean, does it INSPIRE you? That would be nice...

Yes. The vacuum has trained me well. It's even trained my five year old child. When i come home and my floors aren't vacuumed and I have to track down the missing vacuum, I absolutely loathe whatever it choked on. Usually a spare bit of laundry on the floor. DD and I are pretty good about eyeballing the house before we head out the door.

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Yes. The vacuum has trained me well. It's even trained my five year old child. When i come home and my floors aren't vacuumed and I have to track down the missing vacuum, I absolutely loathe whatever it choked on. Usually a spare bit of laundry on the floor. DD and I are pretty good about eyeballing the house before we head out the door.

I agree. The kids are used to the "Buttons ready" (that's the Roomba's name) standard here now. I may have to pick a couple of things up, but it's nowhere near as bad. I mean, all I have to do is pick the stuff up, turn on the vacuum, and knit. My 6yo loves to empty the Roomba's bin.

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I have an iPad... I honestly would say if you don't use a touch-based vector drawing program or have work that needs an apple ID you don't need an Apple product. I like Apple computers. Apple i-accessories? Meh. So, I'm still for Roomba. Whatever you choose, enjoy it!

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