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Poll: do you buy reusable shopping bags?

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After hearing that plastic grocery bags are (will soon be?) illegal in China, I started thinking more about the idea of carrying reusable bags with me when I go grocery shopping.


What do you think? Choose one of the following:


1. I have bought reusable shopping bags and I do use them/plan to use them.


2. I intend to buy reusable shopping bags... I'm just waiting for a cute pattern/color!


3. They are too much trouble, or I would never remember to bring them shopping with me.

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cleaning out the kitty litter box, you know.


Also, I refuse to participate in anything that seems to support the concept of global warming. But that's just me...


How does a reusable bag support the concept of global warming?


I use them because I support the concept of no more plastic bags hanging from trees. I also support the concept of no more plastic bags in the waterways. I also support the concept of no more plastic bags being sucked into something or other on the bottom of my van causing a repair bill. I also support the concept of no more plastic bag handles tearing and dumping my groceries all over the driveway. Those are causes I believe in!:D

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I sometimes get plastic. They get re-used for kitty litter, lunch sacks, small trash cans, stuffing in gift packages to keep things from rattling around. toting extra stuff when we go places. When I have too many they go to the thrift stores to be reused, or into the recycle bin outside the grocery store.


I sometimes get paper. These get used to hold paper and cardboard for recycling, and for brown wrapping paper to mail packages.


My dh just bought us a grocery tote from our local grocery store. He plans to use it when he just goes for a couple of things. The tote was $1.99, we get a nickel off our purchases everytime we use it.

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I've used cloth shopping bags for years now. I just keep them in my trunk and grab them whenever we head into the store. I always have one in my purse just in case I ran in quickly and forgot one. I use them because it just make sense. Why waste all that plastic and paper?

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I have used canvas bags/reusable bags on and off for years.

My biggest problem is that I forget them in the trunk and don't think about it until it is time to pack the groceries.

We also have some of the Ikea bags and they are huge and would not fit in my purse.

I am looking into buying some of the ones that fold up small so I can put them in my purse and not forget them.

I feel guilty when I have to use paper bags because I forgot mine in the trunk and am too lazy to run out and get them. :o

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I have reusables from Trader Joe's, Wegman's , Whole Foods, Wild Oats, my local independently owned health food store, and a couple of other stores too. I still end up needing either paper or plastic when I go shopping. I try to always reuse the plastic ones for all kinds of things that others have already mentioned. Our dear friend Classical Michele uses the grocery store bags as trash bags, and just today I decided to give that a try too. We ran out of the normal sized bags and I thought we'd give it a whirl for a week. This will save us money and also give the bags another life. They are obviously too small for our normal kitchen garbage can so I brought in a 5 gallon pail that used to hold wheat berries, and lined it with the grocery store bag. It works!

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I have the same bags as Holly in FL and I LOVE THEM!


I bought 10 originally and we use them for groceries as well as for when we go on vacation for things like towels, sunscreen etc for the beach.


I also have reusable cotton bags for my produce.


We're military and what prompted me using these canvas bags was that the moving company the Navy hired to move us once packed a 20X20x16 in. box full of nothing but plastic bags we had saved for when we had yard sales. That was the end of plastic bags in this house. The commissary baggers love my bags as well because they can hold as much as a typical paper grocery bag but they are sturdier so they can handle lots of heavy things that would normally require double bagging.

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I just started putting some bigger mesh bags I got in Mexico years ago in the car to use. No point buying bags when I have lots of tote bags I've gotten free over the years, too; they seem to multiply! I just have to remember to take them in the store. Hard to start a new habit! lol


I use paper bags at the grocery store, but WM only has those darn plastic bags which I hate. And then they seem to only put two items in a bag. Grrr! They are the only place with a box to recycle the bags that I know of tho...

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I have used them in the past and then just stopped using them for no good reason.


For Christmas my sister bought me a bunch of Trader Joe shopping bags and I am getting back into the habit of using them.


Are they too much trouble? - Just trying to remember to get them back in the car!!


I find it funny - that the times I use them the baggers act like they don't know what to do with them! Even though all the stores are selling reusable shopping bags now!

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Our Grocery store takes $0.10 off for each bag you reuse...whether it be paper, plastic or "reusable".


Target has pretty nice bags the are huge and fold up and snap shut for prices between $1.00 and $1.50. It wouldn't take me very long to recoop the cost of them at the grocery store.



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I do forget once in a while to put them back in the van. But my kids are into it now too so they're helping remember the routine.


The reusable bags hold more and are easier to pack in the van. Even though they're from the grocery store and have that name on them I use them all over town. They're great.

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What do you think? Choose one of the following:


1. I have bought reusable shopping bags and I do use them/plan to use them.




a low price because they want to encourage people bringing their bags. They are not only sturdy but have a cooling substance inside so I can buy dairy stuff and it does not turn sour on the way home which is 45 minutes. I think, I have 5 now, they all live in the back of the Jeep and I take them into other stores as well.

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It's never occured to me to not reuse bags, but I've never purchased reusable bags solely to use while shopping. I bring tote bags with me when I shop ~ totes I use for many different things, such as trips to the library. Two are spacious, Organic Valley totes, made in the USA from certified organic cotton. Another is from a hometown company and was manufactured locally. It irritates me that so many reusable shopping bags are made overseas (specifically, in China).


So when I shop, I use these totes, as well as cardboard boxes that are available near the checkstands at my food co-op. (Boxes that were used to ship items to the co-op, that is.) I do also get a couple of paper bags each week because I put my paper recycling in those.

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If I forget my reusables, I often just request no bag. When I have less than 10 or so items and no reusable bag with me, I just ask them to not use a bag. I keep a cardboard box in my trunk and I just put the items in that when I get to the car. The extra trip or two to the car to bring in groceries isn't a big deal and I don't have to walk bags back to the car. The paper bags from TJs last a very, very long time. I forget every once in a while or I buy more groceries than I have bags for, so I get a new one or two. I keep them until they start to break down. Then they get recycled (usually full of shredded paper) or reused at the house before getting thrown out.

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. . . or that people have given me. The one I bought was nice and big; the others don't hold as much.


I keep the big one in the trunk so that if I'm out and need to grab something, or if I forget to grab bags on the way out the door, I'll at least have one good-sized one. That cuts down on the inconvenience factor.


I hadn't thought, Amy loves Bud, of making them--I might have to do that. (Once I finish the diapers I started a month ago. . . )

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When I lived in Mexico 18 years ago, most of the women used reusable bags when they went shopping so it's an old idea in other countries, I think. Where I lived, many also bought paper by the piece. They didn't have enough money to buy things like we do so they were very careful. On the other hand, I took the bus everywhere and they threw all trash out the window ie; used disposable diapers, lunch sacks and food remains, anything not wanted.

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How does a reusable bag support the concept of global warming?


I use them because I support the concept of no more plastic bags hanging from trees. I also support the concept of no more plastic bags in the waterways. I also support the concept of no more plastic bags being sucked into something or other on the bottom of my van causing a repair bill. I also support the concept of no more plastic bag handles tearing and dumping my groceries all over the driveway. Those are causes I believe in!:D


I'm with Kelli.

My choices to recycle, buy reusable products, collect rain water, etc., etc. have little to nothing to do with global warming.

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We have a recycling bin at our grocery store for plastic bags, but I also reuse them at home. I'm going to go look at those cool reusable bags.


I don't know what else I would use to dispose of the dog poop, other than plastic bags (and after a bag is used for that, it's not recycled). I suppose using one large bag instead of several small ones would be better, though, right? I don't know how that would work out - then I'd have to keep a large garbage can with a lid in the backyard, specifically for dumping it, and then I'd have to OPEN it. Any ideas on this?

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We have a recycling bin at our grocery store for plastic bags, but I also reuse them at home. I'm going to go look at those cool reusable bags.


I don't know what else I would use to dispose of the dog poop, other than plastic bags (and after a bag is used for that, it's not recycled). I suppose using one large bag instead of several small ones would be better, though, right? I don't know how that would work out - then I'd have to keep a large garbage can with a lid in the backyard, specifically for dumping it, and then I'd have to OPEN it. Any ideas on this?



You could always use your produce bags for poop-scooping!


I can't recommend the Kroger bags, if you shop Kroger. They are flimsy, I use them anyway, but I want something sturdier. I have tried just using tote bags I have around the house, but they don't hold much.


I am seriously thinking of using a brown paper bag as a template and designing a bag to my specifications!

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So are plastic produce bags okay while plastic grocery bags aren't? At least plastic grocery bags are recycled and recyclable.


Oh gosh, no, I didn't mean anything by that! I just meant that IF she wanted to use a tote of some sort for her groceries and then IF she needed to scoop some poop, the plastic produce bag MIGHT be an acceptable subsitite for her scooping needs. I was not trying to qualify one as better/worse than the other.


No more posting while cooking supper at the same time for me! Obviously I need to concentrate on either cooking or communication, one at a time!:D

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to pick up dog poop, you're preserving it for future generations. I believe it was in Good Housekeeping, and they recommended using the biodegradable ones that you can buy. I haven't yet convinced myself that I need to purchase bags to clean up after my dog, but it tickled me a bit when I read that sentence in the article. :D

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I don't know what else I would use to dispose of the dog poop, other than plastic bags (and after a bag is used for that, it's not recycled). I suppose using one large bag instead of several small ones would be better, though, right? I don't know how that would work out - then I'd have to keep a large garbage can with a lid in the backyard, specifically for dumping it, and then I'd have to OPEN it. Any ideas on this?


I used to do the same thing until I discovered that it is illegal (in my area, at least) to put animal waste into the trash. For the longest time, I could not figure out... well, what do people do with it then?


Then I found one of these at Costco:




But I can't give you a review on them because it occurred to me that it would be just as easy to dump it right into our own septic tank. For those without septic tanks or easy access though... these doggie dooleys look pretty neat.


(As far as bags go... I just keep my reuseable bags in the trunk of the van. I've been pretty good about remembering to bring them into the store. I just stick them onto the seat portion of the shopping cart until checkout, since my kids are now all to old to ride in the cart.)

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I LOVE THEM!!! At first I bought 5 at my grocery store because they give me 5 cents off my order for each bag used (pays for itself, we go through a lot of groceries!), but they are a perfect size for SO MANY things! So I bought 5 more to actually use for groceries. :)


I notice that several stores offer their own color/logo --- I'm hoping all the stores don't mind me using my grocery store bag.


On a side note... my town recently stopped picking up recycling. Can you believe that? The rest of the world is trying to save the planet and they are trying to save a few dollars.

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