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PSA: Sometimes the 14 items or fewer is the only lane open


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I was at the grocery store this morning, just before 9 am.   Long story short, I went to the check-out had 20 items and only the  "14 or fewer" lanes were open.   I stood there and debated what to do, which is ridiculous.   It's not my fault they don't have the proper lane open, but it's my default to feel guilty when I am "breaking a rule".  Then, I noticed that the guy in one of the lanes had about 100 things so instead of going to the other "14 and fewer" where I would have gotten out much quicker, I decided to not be a jerk and stood behind him for an eternity.  Of course once I got all my items on the belt, they opened another lane.  


So, an older lady came up behind me and started getting into an argument with me like I was an idiot and couldn't read.   I understood why she was mad at me, so I very calmly explained to her that there were no other lanes open when I came to check out, and yes I did have more than 14 items.  I already had all my stuff on the belt at this point, we went back and forth and I could NOT get her to understand that there were no other lanes open when I came to check out.  Finally I said very loudly,  "There were no other lanes open, and yes, I am a terrible lawbreaker!" which I think everyone around me heard because there was an awkward silence.   Then she gave me a dirty look and went over to the other line.   At this point, the guy with 100 items ahead of me was STILL being checked out, and would go on to, of course, write out a check. 


We've all seen the person with 100 cans of cat food claiming it's "1 item".   We've all seen the jerk with too many items get into the quick lane because he's being a jerk.  BUT, if you confronted someone and they explained to you, "I had not other choice" wouldn't you go, "OH...I see.  Sorry."


This is my PSA for the day.   Assume the best and don't pick fights with people.   Or if you do, LISTEN to what they are saying to you! 



*****edited to change "of" to "or" in topic title.

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It wouldn't even occur to me to say anything to someone with more items. It just wouldn't. I have many times offered to let people with a few items ahead of me, if I have many items. I do this as a courtesy, regardless of "line laws," lol.


But not for that old crone! So glad you barked back at her!

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It wouldn't even occur to me to say anything to someone with more items. It just wouldn't. I have many times offered to let people with a few items ahead of me, if I have many items. I do this as a courtesy, regardless of "line laws," lol.


But not for that old crone! So glad you barked back at her!


I always try to assume they counted wrong, didn't see the sign, whatever.   It's just really hard when you try to be a good person and follow the rules and get your butt slapped anyway.   Such is life, and apparently I didn't put my big girl panties on this morning..... :lol: ! 


A couple of years ago I was in this same grocery store with my 10 year old, who is obviously to old not to be "in school" and an older lady snapped at me out of the blue, "Aren't kids EVER in school anymore, it's ridiculous".  She BIT my head off, and I had said NOTHING to her, I wasn't in her way, my dd wasn't doing anything.  We were just in the store when this woman decided it was an inappropriate time for a child to be in a grocery store.  I  just stood there stunned, and she glared at me and then stormed off.   Now I am struggling to remember what she looked like, and really wondering if it's the same woman!

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Ha, sorry for the awkward experience!  My own experience has been that the cashier at the 20-or-less lane has the final say and will either accept you with a few more items (and will often do that if there's no one else in line) or tell you to move on to another lane.  In your case, it seems that the cashier should have stood up for you!  What's 6 more items.  But if I were her I would have told the man ahead of you to kindly move to another lane.  I think "20" is just a general number they are listing and is not meant to be exact.  But 100 items is obviously way over!



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Ha, sorry for the awkward experience!  My own experience has been that the cashier at the 20-or-less lane has the final say and will either accept you with a few more items (and will often do that if there's no one else in line) or tell you to move on to another lane.  In your case, it seems that the cashier should have stood up for you!  What's 6 more items.  But if I were her I would have told the man ahead of you to kindly move to another lane.  I think "20" is just a general number they are listing and is not meant to be exact.  But 100 items is obviously way over!


Yeah. But if no other lane was open when OP got into line, then the fellow with 100 items had NO choice either. No other lane open.

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A few years ago I went to a store that was in the midst of renovations, so there were only two or three registers that hadn't been gutted yet and only one that was open. A checker waved me over to her open 20-items lane. An older man scooted up behind me in his electric chair and started berating me for being in the wrong line because I obviously had more than 20 items. I wanted so badly to show him the total number of items on my receipt—19—but he was so belligerent I thought he might run into me with his scooter. I was kind of irritated with the checker for not even attempting to defend me, but apparently having respect for elders means we are all supposed to just listen politely to angry old men and let them say whatever they want. Or maybe it's a case of "the customer is always right," even when one customer is chewing out another customer for something you told that customer to do.

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Yeah. But if no other lane was open when OP got into line, then the fellow with 100 items had NO choice either. No other lane open.


But then you wait in line, don't you?  Or maybe that's done differently in different parts of the country.  Here, we just wait in line.  Sometimes there are 8-10 people waiting in one line.

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I've been waved into that line before when it was empty, even when I had more than 14 items. I needed verbal assurance before unloading exactly because of your situation, you never know who is going to walk up behind you!



Me too, and I appreciate when stores notice you waiting and encourage you to go there. But I still always feel like explaining when someone gets behind me, "They TOLD me to, I swear." (I don't explain, I just feel like it.)

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I grocery shop ridiculously early in the morning.  This means most people are running in for an item or two.  They only have one lane open when I am there.  It's a regular lane because it's the only one with cigarettes so it's the default open all the time lane.  When people come up behind me they always have them check out in the next lane even though it is technically "closed" so they don't have to wait a long time.  The bagger checks them out and then goes back to bagging my stuff.  That would make more sense than only having the express lanes open.

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Ha, sorry for the awkward experience!  My own experience has been that the cashier at the 20-or-less lane has the final say and will either accept you with a few more items (and will often do that if there's no one else in line) or tell you to move on to another lane.  In your case, it seems that the cashier should have stood up for you!  What's 6 more items.  But if I were her I would have told the man ahead of you to kindly move to another lane.  I think "20" is just a general number they are listing and is not meant to be exact.  But 100 items is obviously way over!


That's the point, there was NO other lane open.  2 lanes both for "14 or fewer" were open and that was it.   We had no other choice.   When I saw the guy with 100 items I felt less guilty.   Clearly, they should have had one regular and 1 "14 and fewer" lane open. 

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But then you wait in line, don't you? Or maybe that's done differently in different parts of the country. Here, we just wait in line. Sometimes there are 8-10 people waiting in one line.

It wasn't that another line wasn't available, but that no other line was even staffed/turned on. Only one cashier period.

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I grocery shop ridiculously early in the morning.  This means most people are running in for an item or two.  They only have one lane open when I am there.  It's a regular lane because it's the only one with cigarettes so it's the default open all the time lane.  When people come up behind me they always have them check out in the next lane even though it is technically "closed" so they don't have to wait a long time.  The bagger checks them out and then goes back to bagging my stuff.  That would make more sense than only having the express lanes open.


It's the opposite at my grocery store, the "default" lane is the quick one.  I have felt so guilty in the past that I make a point of going closer to 9 am now(even though I would like to go earlier), because I feel bad that only the quick lane is usually open.   Which I now realize is ridiculous.  From now on I am going to the grocery store WHENEVER I WANT, and buying WHATEVER I WANT in WHATEVER LANE IS OPEN!  :thumbup:

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But then you wait in line, don't you?  Or maybe that's done differently in different parts of the country.  Here, we just wait in line.  Sometimes there are 8-10 people waiting in one line.


?? I was replying to the person that said the customer with over 100 items was DEFINITELY too much for that lane and should have moved to another lane. Did you think I was defending the person rudely berating OP?


I am very lucky that no one has ever said anything to me about the number of items in my cart.  I'd be so shocked I would not know how to respond.

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When it comes to checkout I am in the "whatever" category. I have been waved over to express checkout when they are not busy, otherwise I just wait in line. However yesterday I had more than express but only other lane was coupon lady starting to unload a full cart. I asked express lane cashier if she would mind if I went through her lane. I had 15+? For 10 and under express lane a lady came up behind with 1 item, she did not seem to mind.

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I shop in the self-checkout lane whenever remotely possible, but I don't when I have a cart full of stuff.

So picture this:


I have a full cart with 3 young children. As I'm walking up to the very long check out lines, the self check out attendant invites me to use the self check out. None of them were being used at the time, so I asked if the attendant would help me. Said yes, but nope didn't help. He was suddenly busy with the computer station he was manning. Full cart, 3 kids, self check out. Alone.


Another time, same situation, I said "Only if you actually help, because this has happened to me before, the guy said he would help but didn't." So this time the attendant helps, but it's hard to do with two people, one cart, and keeping purchased and nonpurchased items divided. I ended up missing a bag that I had paid for.


Lesson learned: always say no and wait in line! ;)

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It's the opposite at my grocery store, the "default" lane is the quick one.  I have felt so guilty in the past that I make a point of going closer to 9 am now(even though I would like to go earlier), because I feel bad that only the quick lane is usually open.   Which I now realize is ridiculous.  From now on I am going to the grocery store WHENEVER I WANT, and buying WHATEVER I WANT in WHATEVER LANE IS OPEN!  :thumbup:


The default lane is the express lane at ours as well. I hate it because like you, I feel I'm facing a quandary every time!


I'm sorry that old lady was mean to you.

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?? I was replying to the person that said the customer with over 100 items was DEFINITELY too much for that lane and should have moved to another lane. Did you think I was defending the person rudely berating OP?


I am very lucky that no one has ever said anything to me about the number of items in my cart.  I'd be so shocked I would not know how to respond.


Of course not.  :)   I thought you were saying it was okay for the 100-item person to go to the express line simply because there were lines at all the other registers and he didn't want to wait.   It was my mistake.  I didn't understand that no other cash register was even staffed! 

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I cashiered for a very long year in high school. I would've said something to the crazy person, but I didn't need the job to support my family. As an employee, it's best to ignore the crazy as much as possible or call over a manager. As a fellow patron, I would've said at least what you did. What an unpleasant individual. Aren't you glad you're not her daughter?

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You had 20 items in a 14-or-fewer items lane? What did she do, actually count your items?? I would have ignored her. I've gone to those lanes with LOTS more items in my cart when that lane has no customers and the checker waves me over. Some people like to gritch, or maybe she was having a bad day.


I had 9 items in a 10 items or fewer lane once (not at a grocery store).  There were a couple bulky things so a glance could make one think there were more than 10.  A crotchety old lady did in fact count my items (loudly) and then grumble under her breath about how I just barely didn't have too many items.  Crotchety old ladies should be ignored.

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 I would have told her there were no other lanes open, then rolled my eyes. Some people are just hateful, sour b!tches no matter the situation. Whenever we go to Wegman's, there is an employee standing in the check-out area( if it's busy) telling people it's ok to go to these lanes.


WEGMAN'S!!!!!!!!  :001_tt1:  The closest one to me is 3 hours away. :crying:

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I grocery shop ridiculously early in the morning.  This means most people are running in for an item or two.  They only have one lane open when I am there.  It's a regular lane because it's the only one with cigarettes so it's the default open all the time lane.  When people come up behind me they always have them check out in the next lane even though it is technically "closed" so they don't have to wait a long time.  The bagger checks them out and then goes back to bagging my stuff.  That would make more sense than only having the express lanes open.



I used to do this. It was awesome to get home at 6 am, and put the groceries away and be done before 6:30! But my grocery store has now defaulted to only having the self service lanes open before 7 or 8 m! I am not going to check out (and bag) my entire cart. I think I went two more times after they did that. Both times the attendant at the 5 self service lines told me they could not open up a different lane to check me out. I was bummed and I am back to fighting the crowds on Sunday afternoon.

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Similar to the altercation I had in the supermarket parking lot. The gigantic escalade patked next to me is backing out of the spot as I finish loading my groceries. The woman driving sees me and says "excuse me, you really should be more considerate. You parked so close to me I had to climb in the other side and I have bad knees. I said "oh, I am sorry. The csr on the other side of me had parked close and it forced me to move closer to your side." She repeats about her bad knees as I walk around to hear her better. Then I looked down and said "I am sorry you had to climb over but I am parked within the lines." The supermarket has double lines between the spaces so it wasn't like I was right on top of her car. She again calls me inconsiderate and repeats her bad knees and proceeds to tell me I don't have bad knees. At which point I told her she doesn't know what health problems I do or don't have I am sorry and to have a nice day. She then repeats how she wouldn't do what I did and she was letting me know so I can be more considerate in the future. I repeated to have a nice day and walked away.

Life is too short to get sucked into someone else's crazy. Meanwhile, I considerately did not tell her that I was thinking if your knees are so bad get a freaking handicapped permit and park in the nice and wide handicapped spots. And maybe drive a smaller car that does not take up an entire parking spot and then some.

After she left a mom who was loading her toddler into her van and heard the whole thing looked at me and said that the whole thing was so silly. Life is too short.


So long story longer, I totally get where you are coming from with your story.

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Similar to the altercation I had in the supermarket parking lot. The gigantic escalade patked next to me is backing out of the spot as I finish loading my groceries. The woman driving sees me and says "excuse me, you really should be more considerate. You parked so close to me I had to climb in the other side and I have bad knees. I said "oh, I am sorry. The csr on the other side of me had parked close and it forced me to move closer to your side." She repeats about her bad knees as I walk around to hear her better. Then I looked down and said "I am sorry you had to climb over but I am parked within the lines." The supermarket has double lines between the spaces so it wasn't like I was right on top of her car. She again calls me inconsiderate and repeats her bad knees and proceeds to tell me I don't have bad knees. At which point I told her she doesn't know what health problems I do or don't have I am sorry and to have a nice day. She then repeats how she wouldn't do what I did and she was letting me know so I can be more considerate in the future. I repeated to have a nice day and walked away.

Life is too short to get sucked into someone else's crazy. Meanwhile, I considerately did not tell her that I was thinking if your knees are so bad get a freaking handicapped permit and park in the nice and wide handicapped spots. And maybe drive a smaller car that does not take up an entire parking spot and then some.

After she left a mom who was loading her toddler into her van and heard the whole thing looked at me and said that the whole thing was so silly. Life is too short.


So long story longer, I totally get where you are coming from with your story.


What I have learned today, is that I need to just ignore people.  I should have just turned around and ignored her instead of trying to explain the situation.   Frankly, if she has a problem she should be talking to an employee anyway. 

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What I have learned today, is that I need to just ignore people. I should have just turned around and ignored her instead of trying to explain the situation.

Nah. Next time, you should just confirm all her dark opinions about your motives, and grab as many candy bars and magazines as you can hold (mouth included). And then just stare back at her expectantly.

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Nah. Next time, you should just confirm all her dark opinions about your motives, and grab as many candy bars and magazines as you can hold (mouth included). And then just stare back at her expectantly.


I was thinking about mooning her, but your idea is better.

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I broke that rule recently - I was very pregnant and in lots of pain just by walking and didn't know that the register by my preferred exit had that limit and I had at least 5 too many times. The idea of walking back across the store to the other registers would have made me cry -- and I would have just abandoned everything, it was that kind of day. Considering I drove 23 miles to grocery shop, I just went forward with my too many items.


And I totally rationalized that the 6 cans of coconut milk was one item to get me close to compliant and to not feel too bad about it. I get in line and no one is anywhere near the registers until I start handing over my items and then suddenly multiple people are in line behind me. I was so grateful the cashier was only indifferent (if not visibly annoyed) and no one spoke up or I probably would have cried anyways.

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Sort of related: I was once behind someone in the "20 or less" line who had way more items than 20. To justify that, she had the checker ring them up in 3 or 4 individual orders. So instead of way too many items being paid for once, she had to stop and make payment 3 or 4 times. I really couldn't believe it. But I was patient, although I was rolling my eyes.

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Our Target just put in a single stream line for most of the lanes. It's 10 or less and then they have a concierge tell you where to go for the other lines. I like the lack of decision making with lines. That single stream really moves too. Sometimes it's snaked around the whole front and I still only wait like five minutes. Of course, it helps that it's such a heavy volume sales store.

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Who appointed her the Lane Police?


One time I parked in one of those parking spots for pregnant people and as I was getting out of the car, this woman was hanging around staring at me. She couldn't see my belly behind the car but she pointed at the sign and called out loudly, "Are you pregnant?" I was surprised and walking around the car and nodded and motioned to my obvious belly by the time I was in view and she said, "Oh ok, I wasn't sure." It was so weird. Some people take it on themselves to police the world. They are the ones tattle to the powers that be in every group when someone breaks a rule that doesn't hurt anyone else.

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