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I bet this didn't happen to you this weekend


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Took dog to vet this morning and paid with money I don't have.

Damn it.

But got that fixed.


Kids were fascinated by that appointment and crowded around to watch. Yay for sex ed.


It's not possible for there to be enough coffee in my day.

This sounds more like a "5 o'clock somewhere" sort of day.
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This sounds more like a "5 o'clock somewhere" sort of day.

You have no idea how much I agree.


Alas, life has not afforded me that option today. I have to go to the grocery store, take two kids to some classes, take all the kids to ice skating lessons, take three teens to a church thing and manage to feed everyone three square and get some home schooling in around that and theres yard work needing done...


Ugh. Right after another pot of coffee...

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You guys are killing me!  Salted caramel!  Yoga pants!  All I can think is thank heavens your dh did not bring home any of the "excite" varieties of KY.  I'm sure that extra heat would not have helped the situation!  (I can totally see dh bringing something like that home because he never reads labels ... "It said KY on it.") 

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