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My dog was hit by a truck

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yesterday and he's been at the vet since then. He's in critical condition and we don't know if he'll make it yet.


Yesterday we barely did any lessons as I was crying all day. Today, we did all our lessons and made up yesterday's as well. Doing lessons is great for me to keep my mind off my dog. The problem is that I want to keep doing lessons, but my kids are done. I can't make them do lessons from the time they get up until they go to bed! Housework is not cutting it. It doesn't keep my mind occupied.


I am resisting with all my might to calling my kids from their rooms and having them sit for more school work.


Dinner....I can go make dinner.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear about your loved one, and his unfortunate accident. It's hard to feel so powerless :( and I don't blame you one bit for wanting to keep busy and keep that feeling at bay. I hope you find enough tasks to keep your mind occupied as you await updates on his condition, and I pray he takes a turn for the better.

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I'm so sorry, any updates?


Good and bad updates. He was alert today and ate some food. That's the good.


The bad is that he is still not able to stand let alone walk. He still has a lot of swelling. Also the right side of his face (he was hit on the right side of his chest and head) is showing signs of paralysis.


They will call me tomorrow morning to discuss further tests to try and figure out the extent of injuries.


It's been a bad two days.


A nice fluff book sounds so nice.

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Good and bad updates. He was alert today and ate some food. That's the good.


The bad is that he is still not able to stand let alone walk. He still has a lot of swelling. Also the right side of his face (he was hit on the right side of his chest and head) is showing signs of paralysis.


They will call me tomorrow morning to discuss further tests to try and figure out the extent of injuries.


It's been a bad two days.


A nice fluff book sounds so nice.


I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. Neurologic injuries (the paralysis you mentioned) can respond in various ways. Many times the injured dog can continue to regain function slowly over a period of months. Usually they show something (positive or negative trend) within the first 48-72 hours if they've been treated aggressively with steroids and other things to decrease spinal cord swelling. I hope he does OK!

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Talked to the vet just now. The good news is he is eating and drinking and going to the bathroom on his own.


He has a lot of bruising that has shown up on his belly. Intially she thought that he was just hit on the upper part of his body including his head. Now, she believes he was fit full on his entire body. He can stand with a special harness (that's how they take him outside so he can go potty) and he tries to put his weight on his front legs.


So they are going to do bloodwork to check for damage to his kidneys and liver. Also they will be doing more x-rays to check his lungs (as he's still breathing heavy) and to check his hips. So hoping that he has no broken bones or other internal injuries. We're hoping that he is just really really sore and bruised and that's why he's not standing/walking.


As for his face, she said only time will tell. The major nerve that runs along the face obviously has suffered trauma. It could repair and his face may be normal or not. We don't know about his eye yet either. She hasn't done a complete eye exam yet as she's focusing on the other issues first.


He's on two types of pain meds so I hope he's not in a lot of pain and suffering. I hate to think of him suffering and in pain especially with me not being with him. That is hard too. Does he think I've abandoned him because I'm not with him? I'm wondering if I should ask if we can go visit him. I'm not sure if this would cause him more stress or not. I'm also not sure how the boys would take it. So far they haven't seen him since he was run over so they haven't seen the injuries.


It's sad to watch my other dog. He kind of mopes around and he sits looking out the window at the road where Clive was run over.


I'm really hoping for good news this afternoon after the tests.





I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. Neurologic injuries (the paralysis you mentioned) can respond in various ways. Many times the injured dog can continue to regain function slowly over a period of months. Usually they show something (positive or negative trend) within the first 48-72 hours if they've been treated aggressively with steroids and other things to decrease spinal cord swelling. I hope he does OK!


Thank you for this. That's what she said. It may heal over the next few months. They did start steriods immediately when I took him in because he had been obviously hit on the head.

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I would ask your vet about seeing him. That can really go two ways. It can make them excited and perhaps make them want to move when they shouldn't, ot it could be helpful. I would heed their advice on that one. Bless them, they don't know that being quiet is good to help them heal.


I'm sure he doesn't think you've abandoned him. He is probably getting oodles of attention from the staff.


Praying and wishing the best for your pup.

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Maybe you & your other dog could make a quick visit to the vet. When my pets have been at the vet, I've always asked if I could go to visit (and the answer has always been yes). I have cats, but I know they were just glad to get in a quiet room w/ me & snuggle up for the time I was there.


Ask the vet about bringing the kids, though. I think a lot of it depends on how your kids would do w/ seeing the dog shaved, or bandaged, or whatever....

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The test results are back and things are looking good.


His chest x-ray shows no air or blood in the chest cavity. Lungs look good.


His spine/hip x-ray shows no visible fractures or displacements. He may have small hairline fractures that can't be seen but the treatment for that would just be lots of rest anyway.


His bloodwork was:

Protein normal range


Liver enzymes are a bit high but she's not concerned about it.


Kidney numbers are also within normal range


Blood sugar is a bit high but again she's not concerned.


His CBC count is low which indicates that he lost quite a bit of blood. As I said though there is no sign of massive internal bleeding. She said the low count correlates to the amount of bruising he has everywhere.


She told me he is in a great deal of pain and they are giving him as much pain meds as they can, but that he is not pain free. He is proably not standing because of the amount of pain. She said she had to give him an extra dose of pain med just to take the x-rays he's that sore. :sad:


His appetite has decreased but she said that is proably because the pain is really kicking in now. He is still eating...just not as much or often.


She wants to repeat the blood test tomorrow to see if his CBC is coming up. If it is up then we can possibly bring him home tomorrow evening! :lol:


I'm so relieved that I cried. There's been a lot of crying these past few days. I guess it doesn't help that I'm 7 months pg. Although, I'm sure I'd have cried regardless.


So keep the vibes coming that his CBC levels are getting better and he can come home!

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The test results are back and things are looking good.


His chest x-ray shows no air or blood in the chest cavity. Lungs look good.


His spine/hip x-ray shows no visible fractures or displacements. He may have small hairline fractures that can't be seen but the treatment for that would just be lots of rest anyway.


His bloodwork was:

Protein normal range


Liver enzymes are a bit high but she's not concerned about it.


Kidney numbers are also within normal range


Blood sugar is a bit high but again she's not concerned.


His CBC count is low which indicates that he lost quite a bit of blood. As I said though there is no sign of massive internal bleeding. She said the low count correlates to the amount of bruising he has everywhere.


She told me he is in a great deal of pain and they are giving him as much pain meds as they can, but that he is not pain free. He is proably not standing because of the amount of pain. She said she had to give him an extra dose of pain med just to take the x-rays he's that sore. :sad:


His appetite has decreased but she said that is proably because the pain is really kicking in now. He is still eating...just not as much or often.


She wants to repeat the blood test tomorrow to see if his CBC is coming up. If it is up then we can possibly bring him home tomorrow evening! :lol:


I'm so relieved that I cried. There's been a lot of crying these past few days. I guess it doesn't help that I'm 7 months pg. Although, I'm sure I'd have cried regardless.


So keep the vibes coming that his CBC levels are getting better and he can come home!


I'm so glad things are looking up!

The liver enzymes are due to abdominal trauma and the blood sugar is from stress, those will level off with time. The main concern would be the not standing or walking. Plain films (x-rays) cannot show spinal cord swelling, only a myelogram can do that (where they inject dye into the spinal column to light up any compressed areas) so don't be surprised if your vet talks to you about referral if he is not standing soon. Most routine clinics do not have the capabilities to do that kind of test in-house. It is great that he is eating and if he does need to stay longer I would definitely go visit.

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The main concern would be the not standing or walking. Plain films (x-rays) cannot show spinal cord swelling, only a myelogram can do that (where they inject dye into the spinal column to light up any compressed areas) so don't be surprised if your vet talks to you about referral if he is not standing soon. Most routine clinics do not have the capabilities to do that kind of test in-house. It is great that he is eating and if he does need to stay longer I would definitely go visit.


What would spinal cord swelling mean? Would that just need time to heal or would it need treatment?

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