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prayers please... fire in apartment above my dd's - Update in #19


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The apartment directly above my daughter's apartment caught on fire today while no one was home.  It looks completely gutted.  




Officials will not let anyone into the building and I heard they were throwing insulation out of my daughter's apartment window.   But, we have no idea the extend of the damage.   My son-in-law called and let us know that Red Cross has put them up in a hotel for a few days, given them a toiletry bag and a gift card.  That plus whatever was in my grandkids diaper bag.  My dd cloth diapers.  My grandson cannot wear disposables..I don't know if they ever tried with my granddaughter.


 I'm probably going over tonight to help them get some clothes or to babysist while they go get clothes. 


Prayers would be appreciated.

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Did she have renter's insurance?  Call them NOW if you haven't already.  Do NOT agree to any early settlement.  Demand to get into the apartment asap, because once it's condemned, it will be MONTHS before you get back in to see what's damaged and what's survived.


Someone very close to me went through this recently, and it was a 6 month long nightmare, dragged on longer than necessary by the apartment complex management and the insurance company.

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Did she have renter's insurance?  Call them NOW if you haven't already.  Do NOT agree to any early settlement.  Demand to get into the apartment asap, because once it's condemned, it will be MONTHS before you get back in to see what's damaged and what's survived.


Someone very close to me went through this recently, and it was a 6 month long nightmare, dragged on longer than necessary by the apartment complex management and the insurance company.

What she said...


And hugs.

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Did she have renter's insurance?  Call them NOW if you haven't already.  Do NOT agree to any early settlement.  Demand to get into the apartment asap, because once it's condemned, it will be MONTHS before you get back in to see what's damaged and what's survived.


Someone very close to me went through this recently, and it was a 6 month long nightmare, dragged on longer than necessary by the apartment complex management and the insurance company.


They do have renter insurance.. I do not know if they've called.  I will send your message on to them.  That's scary.  Nobody needs that kind of nightmare.

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Princess Mommy, is this a different apartment than the one in Dundalk that also burned out yesterday?


Has she been able to get any cloth dipes? I know a good consignment shop that often has cloth diapering stuff for sale.

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How scary!  I'm so glad everyone is okay.  My husband and I were in a big apartment building fire once in DC.  It was horrifying, and took me years to get over it.  (We were trapped in our apartment on the 6th floor.)  I remember all of the black soot on absolutely everything.  It was a big job cleaning it all up.



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Princess Mommy, is this a different apartment than the one in Dundalk that also burned out yesterday?


Has she been able to get any cloth dipes? I know a good consignment shop that often has cloth diapering stuff for sale.


Sorry, I just saw this question.  No, it was the one in Laurel. 

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How scary!  I'm so glad everyone is okay.  My husband and I were in a big apartment building fire once in DC.  It was horrifying, and took me years to get over it.  (We were trapped in our apartment on the 6th floor.)  I remember all of the black soot on absolutely everything.  It was a big job cleaning it all up.


Oh my goodness... I cannot even imagine. 

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The whole building has been declared unlivable - at least for now.  There is extensive damage to their apartment... the ceiling is gone, the carpeting removed and the flooring totally damaged.   Everything is wet and smells smoky.  The fire did not reach their apartment but all the effects did.  We were able to get in and save all the diapers and most of the clothing.    I've been washing clothes non-stop since Friday. 


We've gotten things that are easily cleaned like plates and cups...but anything plastic, electronic, or with fabric (such as couch, chairs, mattresses) is either ruined or not safe to keep because of the toxic chemicals from the smoke permeating everything.


Salvaging work is tedious, hot, and exhausting.   The temps have been in the 80s-90s, so the apartment is like a stinky, hot, sweaty, sauna.  There's drywall pasty soot on everything.  


Renters Ins. has been less than helpful.  The adjuster has yet to come.  They did tell them last week they have a 20K cap and got them into a Residence Inn beginning today until Sat. when they can move into a different apartment.  But otherwise, they seemed to have disappeared.  I hope the money comes through.   A friend of theirs set up a YouFund me for them and they've been able to raise some money with that.   There's been an outpouring of help from their church and mine, as well as friends/family.  That's been a blessing.


Emotionally my dd is doing quite well.  Very practical, what do we need to do next, attitude. My son in law is struggling with it all. 



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Renters Ins. has been less than helpful.  The adjuster has yet to come.  They did tell them last week they have a 20K cap and got them into a Residence Inn beginning today until Sat. when they can move into a different apartment.  But otherwise, they seemed to have disappeared.  I hope the money comes through.   A friend of theirs set up a YouFund me for them and they've been able to raise some money with that.   There's been an outpouring of help from their church and mine, as well as friends/family.  That's been a blessing.


Emotionally my dd is doing quite well.  Very practical, what do we need to do next, attitude. My son in law is struggling with it all. 


Thanks for the update.  The info about their renters ins sounds very frustrating.  I'd appreciate the name of the company (or a clue as to what name they use if you don't want to use the actual name) so others can be warned.


I'm really glad they've had a bit of help from friends/family and church (which probably should fall under friends when I think about it!).


Glad your daughter is doing ok emotionally.  Will definitely keep your SIL (and everyone) in prayers.


:grouphug:  all around.  Glad you are able to help them!

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Emotionally my dd is doing quite well.  Very practical, what do we need to do next, attitude. My son in law is struggling with it all. 


SO glad they were able to get in before someone called for air testing, which will shut down any salvage efforts for months. 


I think you will be surprised at what came through (papers, photographs) and what didn't (due to smoke/water damage).


It can be horribly traumatizing.  Praying that they find a sense of peace and for a quick and fair resolution.



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  • 2 weeks later...

oh sorry.  I saw O6 query last night but was busy and forgot this morning.


DD was finally able to get in touch with the insurance early that next week.  They wired them some money so they would be able to get started on building their apartment.  She spent the majority of that week documenting everything they owned.  What a task!     She spent a day with me and her sisters at Ikea buying replacement furniture and paid to have it delivered to their new apartment.  They moved into the new apartment right next to the old building last Sat. and we had a big Ikea assembly day on Saturday. 


The only issue with the new apartment is that the washer/dryer has yet to work properly.  She was over here yesterday doing laundry.  Hopefully this will get fixed this week.  I don't know what is happening further with insurance.


I think the one thing my dd is hoping is that this can be a fresh start for them as far as clutter and stuff goes.  They have/had too much stuff.   My SIL has hoarding tendencies, so this whole episode was extremely stressful for him.  He was almost non-functioning at the old apartment going through his books and DVD collection.


My grandson(2) is actually having some issues that they suspect is related to all the upheaval.  I think time will help with that.


Thanks for asking!

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