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Another phrase for "circle time"?

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Angelina Stanford called it "Morning Colloquy". ( http://angelinainlouisiana.blogspot.com/2012/09/morning-colloquy-2012-2013.html )
Since my boys were babies I had what I called a "Morning Basket" (inspired by Jen at Wildflowers and Marbles blog) that contained Bible, seasonal read aloud book(s), and sometimes coloring supplies, etc.  I would say (or they would remind me), "It's time to do our Morning Basket".  Now that they are school age we tend to call it a "Morning Meeting" and I don't always use a basket anymore anyway.  I I have been meaning to come up with a more poetic name, but we haven't quite settled on one yet. :)

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We called it Morning Worship. Sometimes we also had Evening Worship, too, but only when their dad wasn't around. I was a Christian, and Bible and prayer and hymns singing were the central focus even though a lot of other stuff ended out being included.


What is the REASON that you gather? What part of YOU are you pouring into your little chicks that are gathered around you.

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My littles did Circle Time when they were preschool and kindergartners so we don't use that term either. 


We defaulted with Bible Time ~ because that's when we've always met as a family for Bible study, memory work and general family announcements/organization for the day. I'd probably use Morning Time if we weren't already wedded to our term. 

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The kids have recently wanted to do their workbooks/independent work first and then have our reading time. I was thinking today that they'd get a kick out of, if on Monday, I tell them to gather for "Elevenses" or "Second Breakfast". ;)

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We sometimes do ours in the morning and sometimes after lunch (but the point is that we ARE doing it!), so I've just been calling it Group Work Time. But I love Convocation too! Or, since we do Bible, Scripture memory, and extras that bring a little spark of richness to the day (poetry, hymn study, virtues, etc.), maybe I could call it the Finer Things Time. Well, that makes me think of Philippians 4:8, so maybe I should call it Noble Things Time to set the tone that these items, though they don't take much time, aren't unimportant.

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We sometimes do ours in the morning and sometimes after lunch (but the point is that we ARE doing it!), so I've just been calling it Group Work Time. But I love Convocation too! Or, since we do Bible, Scripture memory, and extras that bring a little spark of richness to the day (poetry, hymn study, virtues, etc.), maybe I could call it the Finer Things Time. Well, that makes me think of Philippians 4:8, so maybe I should call it Noble Things Time to set the tone that these items, though they don't take much time, aren't unimportant.

I recall Andrew Kern mentioning that you could build the entirety of a child's school career (curriculum) on Phil. 4:8.  I always liked that idea.  Maybe we could start calling it our "Whatsoever's" :laugh:  or "Whatsoever Things" :lol: (for those of us who memorized it in the KJV).   I am still having a hard time with  "Morning Meeting".  It makes me think of something you should do at an office.  

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We call it Morning Time, but I do like Convocation as well :)  Tried to have an afternoon tea last year, but that was a huge fail... just didn't have the same feel.  I'm so done by then.


I've always liked "lovely" from Phil 4:8...  "Hey, to the couch, minions... It's Time for Lovely Things." Or just P:4:8 time? OK that's probably silly. :)


I think Morning Time is just how it is for us now and I could never change it.

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We call if Breakfast with Books here. If we have to move it to another meal/snack we just sub out breakfast for whatever the new meal/snack is. If is during the afternoon snack it is called Tea Time though. Both are long time habits around here for - since my oldest (11) was a baby and I would read to him in his high chair over breakfast.

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We call it Morning Meeting though it rarely happens first thing and sometimes doesn't happen till after lunch when the little one is in bed since she considers reading aloud anything not written by Dr. Seuss an invitation to a yelling competition.

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