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What's everyone planning for Father's Day?


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Pretty much like the thread title says. I'm just curious what others are doing. I'm making the Pioneer Woman's French toast casserole with blueberries for breakfast and trying to let dh sleep in. The kids and I got him a tie (he wears one everyday and really could use a new one) and a new glass water bottle. DH wants to have a family day with a nice long nature walk.


I have a card that I did not yet get in the mail for my dad and I need to think of something for him, but I alrady used my good idea for his birthday two weeks ago. I will call my dad at some point tomorrow too.


How's everyone else spending the day?

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We already did Father's Day a week ago Friday.  We moved it so both "home from college" boys could be here.  (Otherwise, middle son is on a plane to San Fran as I type and youngest was on a trip to the beach this past week.)


We went to a local (owned/run by immigrants) Italian place for lunch for a scrumptious meal and followed it by the earliest showing of Jurassic World they had on that day.  Later we played family games (Boggle and Wide World - that last one is an OLD game).  I don't recall breakfast.  For supper we ordered Chinese, then there was a cake and ice cream.  Father picked the meals, of course, and had no chores to do that day.


The boys gave him a machete as his old one broke when he was using it in the field.  He doesn't know it yet, but they've hidden a bag of Almond m&m's for him to find tomorrow...


We really enjoyed it.

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We're doing themed gifts: not all superheroes wear capes. He's getting The Incredible movie (which relates to a family joke), a Super Dad shirt, and a tackle box to store his electronic gizmos.


The kids also helped me make a card that says My Dad Has Superpowers! Then we listed super-superlatives such as "My dad is faster than a jet!" and "My dad is better than a popsicle!"


I'll be making mushroom swiss hamburgers and, thanks to Aldi, blueberry pie.

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DH is doing his Father's Day stuff today.  He is out on a canoe trip with DD and her Venturing Crew.  Tomorrow he gets to tackle yard work.  I feel a bit guilty about him working tomorrow, but he said he is fine with it.  The kids will probably all make him a card.

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We are going to a movie theater that serves breakfast to see Inside Out in the morning. Then my dad and stepmother will come over after they go to church for lunch (burgers, etc.) and swimming. We may order pizza for supper.


In honor of Father's Day, I nominated DH to be in charge of all meal planning and executing this weekend. (Only fair since Mother's Day and oh EVERY OTHER DAY was/is like that.) I will make a cake tonight for tomorrow and do the burgers tomorrow because my dad shouldn't have to eat hockey pucks.

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Not much. I am still sick. I guess it is pay back for him being sick on mothers day. Although he will have to run dd1's birthday party. It is mostly family. And his sister will help get a cake , and giving the friends a ride home.


I hope you feel better soon, Rachel! :grouphug:

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We're going to see Jurassic World with my parents in the morning, then heading out to lunch. We'll swim in the afternoon and grill steaks for dinner. :)


I already gave my dh his gift. Holiday Inn Express pillows, both a soft and firm. We loved the pillows when we stayed there recently. He travels for work and hasn't found nicer pillows. I hope he likes them!

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We have a busy Father's Day planned tomorrow! I'm making orange cinnamon rolls, corned beef hash, and mixed berry smoothies (DD7's contribution ;) ). Then we will go to church.


Then, we are celebrating DS's 6th birthday by going bowling (his choice...isn't that hilarious), then to Toys R Us (also his choice), then out to dinner. All of the above with my parents and in-laws. We will probably give fathers their cards and so forth while out to dinner.


It should be a fun day. Portland, ME is the nearest city to us, so we'll be going down there for the afternoon. (We don't really have bowling around our house, lol, and certainly no Toys R Us stores)

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We celebrated today, Saturday, as it fit in our schedule better.  LOL!


Mainly the day included my dh and dd.  But, my Dh wanted to try this German restaurant.  We've lived here 25 years and have never been to this restaurant so dh told dd that he wanted "all" 3 of us to dine there.  We did and it was a great lunch.   Afterwards dh and dd went to the Nascar Hall of Fame (we live locally and dh has always wanted to go).  I drove to the restaurant in a separate car so when they left, I ran errands and came home.


I'll fix him a pot roast with veggies and biscuit after church on Sunday.  I'm not buying a balloon this year and have no card.   No cake this year either.  We've spent enough on Father's Day for this year.   :)


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My kids don't have a dad, so it's all about my dad.  I am working on a big deadline, but I hope to be able to drive out to see him for a few hours.  Maybe we could stop at a park or something along the way.


I bought the Father's Day cards, but need to get a gift card.  I ordered my dad a book he wants, but, horrible daughter that I am, I didn't request expedited shipping.  Usually books come so fast, I figured this one would too.  Nope, it hasn't even shipped.  Ugh.  So the book will be handed over at a later date.

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DH "just wanted to sleep in" which means he slept till 8 while the kids are just starting to roll out of bed. LOL.  So I made him breakfast.


My parents (who live an hour away) will be here around noon and all the boys will either go play a round of golf or go bowling. We will lounge around in the pool (it is so hot right now) and then will BBQ pork tenderloin for dinner later this evening and my parents are spending the night. 


My husband will call his Dad (1000 miles away) at some point and I think he sent him a fresh fruit arrangement this morning.  I still need to run to the store and get my father that ubiquitous Dad gift - a shirt....

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I made breakfast (eggs, toast, bacon, oranges, jam, set the table all cute, had his fav. music playing) and coffee while he slept. We enjoyed a nice breakfast together and DH opened a few small gifts. Kids cleaned up, and I got the toddler ready for church while DH relaxed (never happens Sun. morning). Phew! It was fun! He wants to nap and do a cook out at the lake after church.

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We are headed off to Boy Scout camp today. I say "we" because normally this is something just DH does, but his second adult injured himself yesterday. And the replacement can't be there until he gets off work late tonight. So I will be watching groups of teen boys setting up camp and trying to prevent anything too-stupid happening. DS will drive out to the camp tonight to pick me up after HE gets off work.


Spending an afternoon with DH is always fun, though, because he loves camping with the scouts!

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Ds made dh a card and spent the morning in the workshop with him building a marble run component together. Little ds sang him a song. I'm making lasagne (his favourite!) and rhubarb pie for dinner tonight. Dh is going to a wine tasting event with his dad and brother this afternoon. We will celebrate with my dad next week when the kids are no longer sick.

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Kids are at movies w/ visiting grandma (,dh's mom) , he's napping and I locked myself out of the TV. Went to start dinner, and the huge slab of ground beef I bought at Sam's club Friday has gone bad!!! 😱 so now I'm waiting for him to wake up so he can go with me to return it........

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