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What are your hobbies?

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I consider anything I do on a regular basis, but do not get paid for...a hobby. So, mine would be reading (I wish I could get paid for this one, I would be worth millions:lol:) gardening (both outdoor and indoor plants), being an amateur film critic (I keep notes and a log of all films watched) I love writing letters to friends and family, I also draw and sew a bit.

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I do a lot of reading, and I love flower gardening, and even got oldest ds interested in vegetable gardening with me this summer. :D I've done tomato plants forever, and herbs the last few years.


I used to do crosstitching, and want to get back into that, too. The last few years my interest in quilting has been growing. I have two table runners started, and I've been working on a fabric stash this year, too. lol If I can ever get caught up on dh's office work, I hope to get into that big time this year. I have given up some volunteer work, so there should be some time somewhere!

I intend to cut back on my pc time to enjoy handiwork, too.

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Reading, baking, reading, photography, reading, watching old movies, reading,. Did I mention reading?


Ha! That's how my answer would go!




Intellectual Pursuits (my Latin class starts next week!)



Music -- I take piano lessons, my daughter homeschools me in violin:001_smile:, and we love love love going to any and all live musical events we can manage/afford!




HapKiDo -- a very cool martial art




Well, I'm trying to make embroidery a hobby but . . . mmmm . . . it's just so-so



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Ha! That's how my answer would go!




Intellectual Pursuits (my Latin class starts next week!)



Music -- I take piano lessons, my daughter homeschools me in violin:001_smile:, and we love love love going to any and all live musical events we can manage/afford!




HapKiDo -- a very cool martial art




Well, I'm trying to make embroidery a hobby but . . . mmmm . . . it's just so-so




So, I'm just wondering... do you like to READ? ;) :lol:

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I read, I walk, I enjoy cooking and baking.


My volunteer work is a hobby, I suppose. I assist in numerous capacities with a bird rehabilitator by performing physical exams on injured birds, feeding, changing bandages, doing paperwork.


Earlier today I had my sewing machine out. I am stitching a canvas cover for our old butterfly chair frame, something that my son recently laid claim to while he was investigating things in the attic. Now that my son is at the CC twice weekly, I should be able to return to my old hobby of sewing.


One thing is clear: I spend too much time on the Internet!



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all kinds of embroidery (cross stitch, needlepoint, surface embroidery, etc.), knitting, sewing, calligraphy, bookbinding, card making, piano, reading


I belong to a couple embroidery guilds so I get together with the groups when I can. I belong to a calligraphy guild also.

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I'm always trying to come up with ideas for new things I'd like to try, so I like reading what you all do.





garden a lot

used to write poetry, thinking of starting again

crossword/logic puzzles



Some things I'd like to try:




indoor gardening/hydroponics


nature journaling


Michelle T

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Well, the only one I seem to do lately is SPEND TIME ON THIS BOARD! Did'ja notice? ;)


Reading, crocheting, cross stitch, cooking, used to be baking, which I love, but can't do anymore (diet), shopping (but without money, now, so sort of dream shopping ;)), and playing with my dd & dogs. Oh, and trying not to let my fam (sisters, mom, brother) drive me nuts--#1--although I guess that is more of a profession :)!

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Lately it's just been fighting the busy server here. :glare:


My hobbies would include homemaking, teaching, computering, and message boarding. I DO enjoy homemaking and teaching. If life didn't get in the way, it would be alot more fun.

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Horses: riding, training, farrier work, and some vet tech work.


Sheep: raising the sheep, shearing, processing, spinning, knitting the wool.


Gardening: Both vegetable gardening and drought resistant landscaping.


I used to sew, but don't like it enough to make it a hobby.


Music is a past hobby that I would like to revive. I play(ed) piano, violin, and the bass guitar.


Homeschooling sort of fits in here, but it's a little bit more than a hobby to me, kwim?

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I'm envious of those of you who can sing! Even my babies used to cry when I would hum.


I tend to be a restless person, so I do lots of stuff. Also, for almost all of our married life, dh worked nights, so I learned to do lots of things to keep busy.


I read - a lot. I tend to read when we're taking breaks from school. When we're "doing" school, most of my reading is related to what the kids are studying.


I quilt - not nearly as much as I used to - lack of space has slowed me down.

I try to paint - pictures, wall murals, furniture, rooms, anything that will sit still.

I recently tried my hand at mosaics and really liked it.

I make soap - I do sell soap, but I still consider it a hobby because I still think it's a fun thing to do.

Dh and I are planning our first serious attempt at a vegetable garden, so I guess that will be next.

I love to write and, for now, blogging helps satisfiy this urge for now.

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