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Delaying period for travel in young teen?


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Uuuuugggghhh. Both DD13 and I just discovered that we will most likely have our periods for a cruise we're due to take in a month or so. I'm comfortable getting BC pills from my doctor for a cycle or two (I just had to take them to correct a hormone issue and I was fine, so I should tolerate them well for a short time), but DD is very disappointed :( Neither she nor I is looking forward to this cruise much (long story), and this will only make it worse. She's not particularly open to the idea of tampons, but she might try them if I insist that she at least give them a chance. 


Are there any reliable or safe methods of delaying a period just for a week? Would you let a young teen use BC pills for just long enough to get there and back again? Any other suggestions?



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I would be okay with it, but the pill makes me have a light period all the time, so I'm always concerned that it won't work. (I have been on three pills, four months each--they PROMISED side effects would be gone after three months--nope.) So there's that.

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Are there any reliable or safe methods of delaying a period just for a week? Would you let a young teen use BC pills for just long enough to get there and back again?


I'm not sure what I'd actually do in that situation, since I think a 13yo's opinion is something to be taken into consideration, and if the kid really really wanted to try it I might give in, but I'd rather not. When I was on the pill it affected my mood a LOT, in quite a negative way. I'd also have quite a "suck-it-up, buttercup" attitude about tampons. If you don't want them to leak in the pool, change them right before going swimming.


Not sure you'd have to worry about delaying it a week though. How long has she had her period? My first 3 or so years I had my periods they were 3-4 months apart. I think that's maybe a little extreme (my cycles are *still* on average 42 days, and were about 7 weeks for quite a while as an older teen and early twenties), but it's my understanding that for a lot of teens who have just started their periods they're less regular and often further apart than 4 weeks.


ETA: the pill made me beyond irritable, for the almost an entire year I took it.

ETA2: I'd have stopped taking the pill sooner if I'd realized that it was the thing causing my mood problems.

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...but it's my understanding that for a lot of teens who have just started their periods they're less regular and often further apart than 4 weeks.


She's had it for about a year, and she's as regular as clockwork. Normally that's a good thing! At least we'll be able to be prepared *sigh*


Yeah, I'd forgotten about the irritation. Oh, and the nausea! Ugh, every stinking morning. OK, so that won't work. That would probably make her even more miserable than just having her period would. 

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She's had it for about a year, and she's as regular as clockwork. Normally that's a good thing!


No kidding. I forgot to write down when I last had my period, and now I can't remember... I know I've had one this year, but beyond that... not sure. My best guess would be early March, but I could be off by maybe a month in either direction I think. I'm beginning to be a little concerned... normally it fluctuates between 35 and 48 days these days, and I'm too young for menopause (30yo, and I know some people go into that super young, but I don't have a family history of that, and plenty of older female relatives so I'd know if I had a family history).

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No kidding. I forgot to write down when I last had my period, and now I can't remember... I know I've had one this year, but beyond that... not sure. My best guess would be early March, but I could be off by maybe a month in either direction I think. I'm beginning to be a little concerned... normally it fluctuates between 35 and 48 days these days, and I'm too young for menopause (30yo, and I know some people go into that super young, but I don't have a family history of that, and plenty of older female relatives so I'd know if I had a family history).


Yeah, we were surprised too. We both keep careful track and not only is she very regular, our cycles have adjusted to within three days of each other. I always sort of thought that was bunk, but I guess I was wrong!

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I confess I've skipped my "off week" to change my cycle schedule for a vacation...  But I was already on the pill at the time.  I don't know about *getting* on the pill.  When I first get on a pill or change pills I'm usually cranky and nauseous for the first month...

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I would be surprised if your doctor would prescribe the pill to delay one period, that is only one month away.  Most doctors want the patient to take a couple of packs without skipping a period for at least a month or two before they use them for purposeful cycle delay.  It takes a few months of taking the pill to get stable on it and to find one that works for the patient.  It is very, very common for the first brand of pills, to not be the right combination.  Some people do get lucky with the first one, but quite often it takes a few brands to find one that stablizes both the period and moods.  Quite often there is spotting for the first couple of months, so you may be trading a known issue,  for a random spotting issue. 


I used them to control my cycles as a teen (not very common back then) and my daughter does too.  But I don't think that I would do it for just one trip that is only a month away.  Too many things can go wrong....moodiness, spotting, headaches, etc.


I would have her try a tampon or just skip the swimming if she is uncomfortable with that idea. Have her watch some youtube videos on how to insert them.  Here is a young teen one that covers the basics, here is a more informative but less teen-themed. 

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I did that for myself for 7 months when I was training for and on a 36 mile hike in a very remote part of the country.  It can take several months to get it "right" because each type of pill affects flow in each individual differently.  It took me 2 different kinds of pills until we got it right. The first only reduced the flow, it didn't stop it.


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I wouldn't do this unless there are other reasons to go on the pill - like having debilitating cramps or extremely heavy cycles which essentially mean you spend a 3-5 days alternately barfing and curled up in fetal position on a bed. That was dd before she went on the pill.


Otherwise if her cycles are just normal, load up on medication, packl tampons if she wants to swim, and enjoy your life.  I think periods are not something that should be seen as something that is a joy kill. 

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She wouldn't necessarily have to go on the bc pill to delay her period. She could take provera, which is progesterone only, and it would delay her period for as long as she took it. If she tends to have very heavy and/or irregular periods or has severe cramping, then you could approach the subject from that angle, as a doctor might be more likely to prescribe medication to address a medical need.

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I wouldn't do this unless there are other reasons to go on the pill - like having debilitating cramps or extremely heavy cycles which essentially mean you spend a 3-5 days alternately barfing and curled up in fetal position on a bed. That was dd before she went on the pill.


Otherwise if her cycles are just normal, load up on medication, packl tampons if she wants to swim, and enjoy your life. I think periods are not something that should be seen as something that is a joy kill.

I agree with the last sentence. That's why I say, if her doctor is ok with it, go for it. Periods shouldn't be a joy kill so skip the damn thing if you want to. Modern medicines, FTW!!

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I'd never do it for a teen without medical reason. The side effects, for me, are worse than any tampon OR MENSTRUAL CUP.


ETA - I have no idea why the cap locks went on for that part? Too funny to edit out, however :D

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On the vacation front..... you might have your teen try the Radiant Infinity pads. We heard about them first on WTM and DD14 swears by them.  She just took off this morning for a week long hike - on her period - and is totally not concerned about leaks or soaking thru.  DD13 says they really do last a full day except when her cycle is heaviest.  They are ultra thin and definitely are no-show even in her quite-tight ski pants in winter.

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She wouldn't necessarily have to go on the bc pill to delay her period. She could take provera, which is progesterone only, and it would delay her period for as long as she took it.


IIRC, my BC pill was progesterone only (don't know anything about Provera - my pill was prescribed by my GP in NL, got a year supply, moved to the US, and when I ran out and the doc at the university was an ass about writing me another prescription I just discontinued the pill).

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I used to skip periods with my BC pills when I was out in the field with the Army and didn't want to deal with a period + no shower for weeks at a time. But, I agree with the others that it might be tough to do if you weren't already on the pill. Some BCPs caused me to have break-through bleeding, so it is hard to know which one will be best from the get-go. Everyone is so individual when it comes to how hormones affect them. I hope you both have a lovely vacation regardless.

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ETA: the pill made me beyond irritable, for the almost an entire year I took it.

ETA2: I'd have stopped taking the pill sooner if I'd realized that it was the thing causing my mood problems.

So much this! I was so incredibly mean and moody and not myself when I was on the pill. Glad to hear others had the sane experience.

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I wouldn't for myself or my daughter.  BC pills have horrible side effects for me, and I'd be afraid of what effects they might have on my teen.  I had very heavy break through bleeding on them, was crazy moody, and extremely prone to yeast infections while on them.  This was for every brand I ever tried AND the Depo-provera shot.  I'd be afraid of something happening while on a cruise ship.


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Are there any reliable or safe methods of delaying a period just for a week? Would you let a young teen use BC pills for just long enough to get there and back again? Any other suggestions?




You said the cruise was in about a month or so. I'm not sure that BC pills would even work that quickly anyway. 


I used tampons almost from the very beginning, and I never had any problems. 

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I would teach your daughter now how to use tampons.  It would never occur to me to adjust my schedule due to my cycle timing.  However, I get your concern and now I kind of wonder why I never thought about that before!   I've always been very comfortable with tampons though, and maybe I'd plan to just lie on the beach or deck with my shorts on during the day of heaviest flow (although even then I wouldn't be afraid to jump in for a quick swim).   Sometimes if I had an important activity during my heaviest flow day, I'd actually wear two tampons at once.



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I wouldn't because she is so young and it can take some time to get adjusted to the BCP.


I would tell her that for the next 30 years, she will have to deal with this. She can use tampons and that will make a trip like this much easier. But if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. Her choice, but no griping about the difficult results of that choice.


Does she have a lot of discomfort and pain? If so, I would definitely think ahead about how to manage that. I found that starting Advil a few days prior to my expected date and continuing until a few days into it really helped. It seemed to me I had to stay well ahead of the pain. But I know some people deal with much more severe pain, and I would hate her to suffer that on a vacation.

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I've cruised a bit and over half of them have been while on my period. A couple of things, you absolutely cannot flush a tampon down the toilet. They provide little feminine hygiene bags you must use to throw them in the trash can. This isn't an issue for me since I have a septic tank that is treated the same way at home, but I could see a child being embarrassed or disgusted over it.


My DD also doesn't like tampons, but the swimming birthday party for her boyfriend got her over that real quick. Now she will use them when she swims or has Taekwondo.


If your dd has another period between now and the cruise, that would be the time to give them a try. Dd uses a teen one by Kotex.

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I would tell her that for the next 30 years, she will have to deal with this. She can use tampons and that will make a trip like this much easier. But if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. Her choice, but no griping about the difficult results of that choice.



bold by me. 

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I would if my dd wanted to, but I'm not sure it can really be done in the time frame you're looking at.

For me, it wouldn't be JUST about "having a period", but about how awful mine were. (Are.)

I'm facing a non-swim travel period right now, and wishing I had thought ahead.

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