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Why Do Obnoxious Atheists Act Like That?


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I have a family member who is an Obnoxious Atheist (as opposed to the atheists here :) )  Nearly every day he is posting something derogatory about theism on fb -- usually in the form of bashing Christianity.  I don't care that he has his opinions.  I'm pretty much "live and let live" about that.  I do care that he *knows* I'm a Christian and lately has been increasing the number of hurtful posts to the point that I'm *this-close* to blocking him altogether.   Come to think of it, though I rarely post faith-specific things on fb, about a month ago I shared a video of a song (Christian artist) that I enjoy.  Ever since then he's ratcheted up the hate speech rhetoric big time.


I'm SO tempted to comment that for an atheist he sure talks about God a lot.  Seriously, he posts way, way more about God and faith than I do. 


Why are people so MEAN?  Why attack something as personal as a person's belief system?  Disscussion, debate are fantastic.  But to full-on attack, and ridicule... WHY???  Does he think someone will magically de-convert because he's being a jerk?  Or does he just not think at all?  In my favorite :thumbdown: post of his I learned that he truly pities children taught religious beliefs at home.  Lovely.  I guess I know how he feels about me.



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I hate that.


But then I remind myself that obnoxious Christians attack and are cruel and mean and close minded and hateful. So I try to extend grace when it's my belief system under attack.


Also, just unfriend or block the guy.

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I tend to think that the obnoxious atheist (or obnoxious whatever) would be an equally obnoxious Christian (or whatever).  Obnoxious people are obnoxious.  Not worth wasting your time, emotions, or energies on.

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Is he posting his atheist views on yours, or to his own FB? If he's engaging you, then block him. If it is on his own, then ignore or block. I find those types just as obnoxious as those nitwits who claim God Is Great on every other post.



Why would you even consider not blocking him?

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Why don't you just unfriend or block or whatever the FB term is that most effectively makes it so you don't have to see his commentary. If he asks why, tell him and move on. "I got tired of reading your stuff on my FB feed." :)


Because he's close enough family that I don't want to miss something significant.  I should just block him anyway.  But, I just wish I knew why he's behaving like such a CHILD. 

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Anything you say will only make him ratchet up the posts a lot more. Unfriend, or block, and don't worry about. Hateful, obnoxious people exist across all spheres, and all you can do is not listen to it unless you have to (and roll your eyes/not let it bother you if you DO have to).

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Because he's close enough family that I don't want to miss something significant. I should just block him anyway. But, I just wish I knew why he's behaving like such a CHILD.

If something significant happens, someone else will let you know.

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Thinking is good.


Ranting and raving and insulting others on Facebook is not good. It's just plain obnoxious.

True. Nonetheless, this may hint at the intensity of unsettling thought with which he is wrestling.


This is not at all to say that OP is obliged to remain on the receiving end. I would block him from access to me (both computer-based and IRL) until/unless he settles down and seriously improves in his people skills.

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Doesn't want to address the real problem, which would probably involve work, sacrifice and discomfort, so blames what he views as an intangible, impersonal force, Those Christians and Organized Religion.


If only [vague force over which I gave no control] were gone, life would be better.


All kinds of people do this.


God Is Great, I <3 Science... Whatever, people gotta share their identity. The negative stuff is draining, though. I think you should chalk it up to unhappiness and let it go.

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Oh my gosh, I'm DYING!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   About five minutes ago I shared a meme that says, "We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another."  And he LIKED it.  Oh.my.gosh.  Freaking hilarious.


Oh, dear obnoxious relative, I love you.  I really, really do. I want great things for your life.  We share family and history and I value you as a person.  But sometimes you confuse the heck out of me!!!

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For stuff like that I block freely. And about once a week or so, when I feel like I'm in a good mood and in a mental place to handle it with a shrug, I check such family's posts in a quick scan to see what else I might have missed. The exception is PMS week. Not gonna attempt it then lol.


I have a couple in-laws in which it would be extraordinarily more painful to unfriendly them, so I keep them, and my peace this way.

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Oh my gosh, I'm DYING! :lol: :lol: :lol: About five minutes ago I shared a meme that says, "We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another." And he LIKED it. Oh.my.gosh. Freaking hilarious.


Oh, dear obnoxious relative, I love you. I really, really do. I want great things for your life. We share family and history and I value you as a person. But sometimes you confuse the heck out of me!!!

I've noticed that people who need such messages rarely think it is for THEM. lol

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Because he's close enough family that I don't want to miss something significant. I should just block him anyway. But, I just wish I knew why he's behaving like such a CHILD.

You could remove him from your newsfeed but keep him as a friend. That way you don't have to see his rants in your feed every time you log on. But when you're feeling up to the task of checking in with him, you can go directly to his page, and wade through the rants to find any updates.


I have removed a whole lotta people from my newsfeed. It has made FB so much more pleasant.

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Is he a 'new' atheist? Sometimes when we feel uncertain or we lack confidence in what we believe we over compensate. Or we see every expression by everyone else as an attack on our own beliefs or an attempt to change us even when it is absolutely not.  I see that behaviour in atheists and people of faith. I especially see it when people are transitioning from one to the other.


And some people are just jerks, faith or no faith. That seems to be universal

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Because he's close enough family that I don't want to miss something significant.  I should just block him anyway.  But, I just wish I knew why he's behaving like such a CHILD. 


If he is close enough family... can't you engage with him individually, either in person or via fb or other private messaging, and ask him why he's being so obnoxious?


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Have you checked your settings for him? Go to his page. Right next to where it shows you are friends, it will have an option to "follow". If you're following his posts, unfollow them. You'll still be friends. You can still go to his page occasionally and scroll through to see if there's anything you need to know (you can do it quickly and scroll past what offends you). But his posts won't show up in your newsfeed.


I'd also wonder if he's a new atheist. A new Christian, someone who just quit smoking, someone who recently became a recovering alcoholic, new parents. new atheists, new grandparents, new anything will post repeatedly about their new favorite thing.


OTOH, he might just be that way. We have a local, mildly famous atheist from our old hs group. She wrote a few books that got some national attention. She challenged a public school prayer situation locally that garnered national attention. I like her. I agree with her. I admire her outspoken ways. But her facebook page is filled with nothing but her outspoken ways and only an occasional child photo or some other  real-life activity. I don't follow her, because even though I'm an atheist who borders on anti-theist I have better things to do with my day than dwell on it or shove it in others' faces constantly. I don't even want stuff I agree with shoved in my face.

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I don't think it's obnoxious to post things you believe in on your own fb page. You can unfollow him without unfriending if you like.

There are just as many proselytizing fb users who post constant 'god is great because.....' messages over & over again & how the country needs to find god etc etc etc.

People use fb for different things. I certainly follow a lot of  'cause oriented' fb peeps.


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You can set it so his posts do not appear on your news feed. Then you can go to his page once in a while and review to catch up on what you "miss". I had to do that to someone who kept posted stuff that I found politically offensive, but who I did not want to formally unfriend. 


Now, if he started posting stuff on your wall or making offensive comments to your posts, then I'd block. 

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Because obnoxious people are obnoxious no matter their religious/philosophical views or the topic of conversation.


Regardless of the content (even content I agree with) I unfriend obnoxious people.  No need to clutter up your feed with regularly obnoxious posters.


People managed to keep up with each other now and then to see if something significant was going on before FB came along.  Like your ancestors, you can email or call and ask how it's going now and then rather than fill your life with obnoxious posts.


You could waste years of your life and all sorts of emotional energy wondering why __________ did _____________.  Stop wondering. It won't make it any better even if you do know why.

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If you want to see some but not all of his posts, you can click the "I don't want to see this" button on the post you find obnoxious. If there's a consistent pattern to what you're telling FB you don't want to see, the News Feed algorithim will eventually catch on.

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I don't think it's obnoxious to post things you believe in on your own fb page.


Oh, I think it depends. :) To choose a more emotionally neutral topic, I have a friend who is really into Cross Fit. Probably 90% of her posts are about Cross Fit: upcoming events, videos of workouts, her own progress reports, etc. And even though I'm not the slightest bit interested in Cross Fit, that's great! Now if 90% of her posts were things like, "anyone not doing Cross Fit is an IDIOT", or "only @$$holes like Zumba" or whatever, then that would indeed be obnoxious. :lol:


Posting something on your own FB page still means that you are sending it out to all of your friends. So yes, it's obnoxious if you're sending them insults.


And I have noticed that both atheists and believers, both conservatives and liberals, both sides of any debate you can think of do this. It's always obnoxious. And it's one of the reasons I don't spend much time on FB - I don't want to be subjected to it when others do it, and I don't want to fall into the trap of doing it myself! I have strong opinions about all of these topics too, but do I really need to voice them?

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Because he's close enough family that I don't want to miss something significant.  I should just block him anyway.  But, I just wish I knew why he's behaving like such a CHILD. 


It's really not an atheist thing.  It could be a variety of reasons.  Anything from he just is an obnoxious person to he feels threatened by the religious people around him.  I almost see people like that as "religious" atheists.  Some people need the security of having something to believe in.  Even though it is a non belief it can become like a belief especially if in their life they are surrounded by a lot of religious people who talk about their religion and perhaps criticize the atheist for their non belief.   So in that context is stands out like a sore thumb and can make a person feel threatened.  The obnoxiousness is something to cling to maybe. 


Or he really could just be an arse.  Who knows.


I know many atheists because I'm an atheists and other atheists are generally willing to be my friend.  LOL  But yeah I have a few like that and ugh they wear on me sometimes.  Like dude...why don't you use all that energy for something productive. 


Has he always been an atheist?  Or is this fairly new?  Sometimes newer atheists need to go through an angry period it seems. 

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Feel free to block/unnewsfeed him.

That said, having an opinion against Christianity or any organized religion =/= childish. It's his page, and apparently he uses it as a platform.

It's possible you are taking it *personally* when it's not. For example, you said "he KNOWS I am a Christian."


I live in a suburb of Houston, TX, and there is a total "conservative" assumption here. Guns, conservative politics, spanking kids, and Jesus are prevalent on my local friend's FB. I don't take it personally that they are doing it "to me."




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And I have noticed that both atheists and believers, both conservatives and liberals, both sides of any debate you can think of do this. 


Obviously everyone's experience will be different and it all depends on your facebook friends. In my case it's conservatives, believers, and anti-science types (many of that last group in my life are liberal and/or atheist) who post the most about their beliefs. 


My atheist, liberal, pro-science friends are the quietest, probably because they'll get shouted down if the post about how they really feel. 


Again, YMMV.

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My brother does this to me on FB.  I just don't follow him.  We are able to maintain a civil relationship that way.  Some of the stuff he posts is so hurtful and it hurts my mom so much too that I don't know how he can live with himself.  

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I don't have any family in my facebook friend list in large part because it serves as a safe place for me to talk about stuff like atheism.  Not to bash, but to just not have to worry about offending.  Anyone on my list knows and obviously accepts it.  With family, well that can get trickier.  I think you should just block him. 

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Odd that I am just now remembering to remark on something. I have experienced a Christian repeatedly disparage, insult, trash, and assert astonishing lies about my Eastern Orthodox faith to the point that I cut her completely out of my life.


It does not happen solely with "atheist vs. Christian" or with "Christian vs. atheist". Some people simply are aggressively obnoxious and unbearable. Life is too short to put up with such.

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For people that I am not ready to put on "hide" altogether, I click on that little down arrow on the upper right corner of their post and hide that individual post.  As I keep doing that, fb figures out that I don't like that garbage and I see less of that.  If that doesn't work, I hide their posts.  My transgender kid at college has lots of "attacking" type posts.  I advised family members to put them on "hide" for a while if they don't like what they read and that I'd let them know when it is safe to read again.  Even though my kid's posts bother me, I keep reading because it helps me gauge how they are doing. 

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I like the suggestion to click "I don't want to see this" on specific posts.  I'd forgotten all about that feature.


I wonder if people forget that potentially everyone on their friends list will see what they post.  Grandma, neighbor-you-barely-know, your favorite cousin <ahem>, liberal, conservative, military, civilian, and yes religious or atheist.  If you wouldn't say it to their face (and no, I don't believe the person in question would directly ridicule my faith) then why would you say it on your fb?  


I have a short memory.  Pre-facebook (10+ years ago) I was an obnoxious unbeliever (agnostic).  Mostly I was just MAD AS HELL (justifiably so, tbh).  I had to work through the anger before I could have anything approaching a civil, productive conversation about God/religion.  

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Odd that I am just now remembering to remark on something. I have experienced a Christian repeatedly disparage, insult, trash, and assert astonishing lies about my Eastern Orthodox faith to the point that I cut her completely out of my life.


It does not happen solely with "atheist vs. Christian" or with "Christian vs. atheist". Some people simply are aggressively obnoxious and unbearable. Life is too short to put up with such.


I know.  The atheist thing is what I'm experiencing right now, which is why I framed the discussion that way.  I'm sorry for your hurtful experience :(

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I know. The atheist thing is what I'm experiencing right now, which is why I framed the discussion that way. I'm sorry for your hurtful experience :(

Thank you. You are kind. It was years ago, so water long, long under the bridge and disappeared into the ocean!

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Oh damn, I'm a double a$$hole: outspoken atheist / anti-religionist & love Zumba.


Also vegan, green smoothies, clicker training. My fb timeline must drive some people crazy.

Lmao! Seriously this actually had me laughing out loud. What is clicker training?

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I have a family member who is an Obnoxious Atheist (as opposed to the atheists here :) )  Nearly every day he is posting something derogatory about theism on fb -- usually in the form of bashing Christianity.  I don't care that he has his opinions.  I'm pretty much "live and let live" about that.  I do care that he *knows* I'm a Christian and lately has been increasing the number of hurtful posts to the point that I'm *this-close* to blocking him altogether.   Come to think of it, though I rarely post faith-specific things on fb, about a month ago I shared a video of a song (Christian artist) that I enjoy.  Ever since then he's ratcheted up the hate speech rhetoric big time.


I'm SO tempted to comment that for an atheist he sure talks about God a lot.  Seriously, he posts way, way more about God and faith than I do. 


Why are people so MEAN?  Why attack something as personal as a person's belief system?  Disscussion, debate are fantastic.  But to full-on attack, and ridicule... WHY???  Does he think someone will magically de-convert because he's being a jerk?  Or does he just not think at all?  In my favorite :thumbdown: post of his I learned that he truly pities children taught religious beliefs at home.  Lovely.  I guess I know how he feels about me.


Are you wondering why he doesn't respect your religion on his timeline? 

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Lmao! Seriously this actually had me laughing out loud. What is clicker training?


it's a way of training animals. If you've ever seen a captive marine animal show, you've probably heard it done with whistles.  You can clicker train fish too with a light pointer.


Usually with dogs though we use a clicker. Here's a 6 min video explaining it & showing some really fun dog tricks.


Clicker training is usually used by positive reinforcement people. No harsh punishments, no intimidation. Mark the bhvr you want & reinforce it.


you can also use it with people. It's called TAG teaching then. :)


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Obviously everyone's experience will be different and it all depends on your facebook friends. In my case it's conservatives, believers, and anti-science types (many of that last group in my life are liberal and/or atheist) who post the most about their beliefs.


My atheist, liberal, pro-science friends are the quietest, probably because they'll get shouted down if the post about how they really feel.


Again, YMMV.

I grew up in a deeply conservative state, and my friends from there can be extremely obnoxious about politics. I live in a more moderate state now and my conservative friends here are more nuanced and careful in their posts. ETA (My first post was poorly thought-out, and I was unintentionally obnoxious myself. I apologize.): I think for those that are accustomed to having everyone agree with them, it's easy to communicate in a way that's annoying to those who don't agree. But when you're accustomed to more diversity of thought, you choose your words more carefully, and come across as less abrasive. And I think this is true of *both* sides of the political spectrum. I moved to one of the most liberal states in the country after having grown up in one of the most conservative, and I saw the same thing there, reversed.

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and sometimes something that wouldn't be a big deal to others is a huge deal to us when we don't agree with it.


For example, I have a SIL who is on the conservative side. I don't have facebook, but on occasion I have had to read her facebook page via my dh's account to find out some information. Her page is full of her complaining about how she "understands that people are allowed to post what they like but she wishes people wouldn't go overboard on politics" and it is always, always in response to someone posting something that is not in line with what she believes. I have never seen her have that response to something that she finds acceptable. That doesn't make her radar go off.


I doubt she is  unusual in any way. When we agree or a neutral to something it slides right past our eyes. We don't even think about it. But, when it goes against our beliefs or challenges what we find important, then we tense up. We mentally start keeping count of how often that person 'annoys' us. And even though we say we don't care what people post, and it is really only THAT person who goes overboard...is it? or is it just that we don't like it?


It's just something to think about.

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and sometimes something that wouldn't be a big deal to others is a huge deal to us when we don't agree with it.


For example, I have a SIL who is on the conservative side. I don't have facebook, but on occasion I have had to read her facebook page via my dh's account to find out some information. Her page is full of her complaining about how she "understands that people are allowed to post what they like but she wishes people wouldn't go overboard on politics" and it is always, always in response to someone posting something that is not in line with what she believes. I have never seen her have that response to something that she finds acceptable. That doesn't make her radar go off.


I doubt she is unusual in any way. When we agree or a neutral to something it slides right past our eyes. We don't even think about it. But, when it goes against our beliefs or challenges what we find important, then we tense up. We mentally start keeping count of how often that person 'annoys' us. And even though we say we don't care what people post, and it is really only THAT person who goes overboard...is it? or is it just that we don't like it?


It's just something to think about.

It's a very good thing to think about! I was wondering as I typed my last post how much this has played into my perceptions. Are my liberal friends really less likely to insult those who disagree, or do I just notice it more when my conservative friends do it since I lean left?


ETA: And then that leads to the question, "have *I* been more obnoxious than I realize?" And that makes me want to never go on FB again. :lol:

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