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My most embarrASSing moment in a long time


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One of my most embarrASSing moments of my life happened a little bit ago. I pulled up to a building, parked, hopped out of the truck, and preceded to get run over by my own truck rolling forward, driver's door opening into my left butt cheek. Important fact btw. I try to hop back in but my ballet slipper slips on the truck step up. Trying again I realize I can't do the splits like I did back in the day even if forced to all while yelling at my teen son to help me as he set staring from passenger seat. Truck hits the curb/sidewalk and comes to a stop. Whew. Turn around to see a lady standing nearby laughing. Did I mention she happens to be the instructor of the driver's ed class that I happen to be meeting to sign up my teen son? Yep....I nearly ran into the driver's ed building in front of the instructor all because I somehow didn't put it all the way into park. First time for everything and it of course has to inflict the most embarrASSment and pain. 30min later when I returned home, I looked at said left butt cheek to see why it was so sore and it has a 2" red cut with deep gauge in the center along with lots of bruising. I had to ask dh if it needed stitches. It doesn't thank the Lord but....well.....Bless My Heart!!!!

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Wow! I'm so sorry you ended up getting hurt! It actually sounds like it could have resulted in a lot worse injury or damage to a car/truck so I think you might just try to take some comfort in knowing there wasn't an accident report or any long term paper trail to keep you from trying to forget it ever happened.  (Because trying to forget about it is what I do when I get embarrassed. Some people can look back and laugh at themselves- I just relive the experience in my memory and suffer the embarrassment over and over.)

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Glad you don't need stitches!


I have a friend who ran over herself the same way - only she ended up falling and going under a tire. Eek. She had a broken leg, and laughed about it a lot. At least she laughed. :)


ETA: the fact that this happened in front of a driving instructor... Classic!

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Believe me I am feeling the embarrassment in a very big area but really I am okay. It was a parking lot with this building at the very back. No cars or people other than the instructor. I realize it could have been much worse and am willing to see the humor. Must say I know how to pick the times to do something I have never done before. Usually I am only good at putting my foot in my mouth. Guess I am branching out. LOL. Seriously though I just thought with all the topics that can get intense, someone might need a laugh and I am offering myself up.

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Well I'm glad you were not hurt worse!


I once got a huge splinter in my butt cheek from scootching sideways when I was half-sitting on a wooden ledge. I had to ask my mom to pluck the splinter from my bare A$$. Pretty humiliating!

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I missed the stirrup when dismounting a horse once and fell on my rump, making a large cut. I had to lay on the couch "bottoms up" for everyone to see for a couple of days as my parents had no health insurance and wouldn't have dreamed of taking me to the doctor for such a thing, lol.

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I was visiting a small man-made stocked lake with upright pilings lining the edge where people sat to fish. I sat on a fish hook and it went into my behind, barb and all. I was maybe 7 or 8 years old and was there with my friend and her mom. We had to go to the restroom and she couldn't pull it out because of the barb. She ended up having to push it all the way through, creating a new injury when the hook exited, and putting a bunch of tp on it to keep it from bleeding until we got home. When we got home my mom bandaged me up.


It's funny, as a kid I didn't think it was that big a deal but I can see it now from her perspective and I would hate to have to deal with that for my kids' friends. I would feel so bad and wonder about tetanus and whether it was my fault. I do remember her taking it in stride, though, like a true 1970s mom.

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Oh so awful. I am glad you were only minorly hurt. When I was 10 a classmate's mother was killed when her car rolled. the door pined her to a tree and she died of internal injuries. It happened just literally around the corned from where I lived. it was awful

Yes, ds's aunt was killed when her car rolled over her in her driveway.  Cars are very very heavy.  

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SO scary, and how amazing that you weren't injured more seriously. 


The irony of having it happen in front of the driver's ed instructor while you were there to sign up your son . . .


Reading it sounds like it would be something you'd watch on a tv sitcom.


Your poor thing.  Take care of your self (and your bottom).



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A woman who was in my High School graduation died in an accident like that. She was using a drive thru ATM and I don't remember the details (I read the story about 7 years ago) but she ended up dead. That happened in the state of Oregon. Thank God that you are embarrassed and not dead. Be careful!

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I'm sorry, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.


On the positive side, once your buttcheek heals, you will have this to laugh about for the next 50 years.  And your son, for the next 75 years.  :)


Did anyone get a video?  ;)

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I'm sorry, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.


On the positive side, once your buttcheek heals, you will have this to laugh about for the next 50 years.  And your son, for the next 75 years.  :)


Did anyone get a video?  ;)


No I think my son was too shocked. My brother is begging for security footage somewhere around the building. LOL. My husband is happy that I finally topped his all time crazy story from 20 yrs ago. (And of course happy I wasn't seriously hurt. I know it could have been worse and I should have been more careful. It was an accident that now I might as well laugh about.)


Just because its not fair to mention dh's story and not tell all the interested readers....Don't want to be rude after all.....


We were really poor newly married college students when dh was driving to college one morning in the pouring rain. It is a long way from our home to school and he was almost on empty, both gas and money. There is one small town gas station/country store on the way which he stopped at. It had two pumps. He pulled up to one, put nozzle in and started the pump. The old pumps that you just flipped switch and locked handle. He ran through the rain inside to pay quickly because he was running late. He only had $10 cash, no credit cards,etc and was going to use it all on gas. He walked out, got in car, and drove off with nozzle in tank. This was before the days of pop off nozzles. It snatched the gas pump sideways, nozzle broke off and gas was spewing everywhere. He ran and shut off pump. It was $6 and some change. Think that is bad enough? He looked at his tank and didn't have enough to make it to school and back because most of that ran on the ground. He had to ask the lady working to allow him to pull up to the good pump to get the other $3 of gas. He gave his name and number in case we needed to pay for the damage. I guess the owner knew if we had to ask for the remaining $3 we couldn't afford to fix the pump because he never called. Oh and did I mention that this was a small town. Everyone knew. 15 yrs later the pump was still turned sideways when they finally demolished the business to build a parking lot. The kids liked to ask Scott to stop there and use "his pump" when we visited. HAHA.


Yep I do believe mine topped his as funny as both are.

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Believe me I am feeling the embarrassment in a very big area but really I am okay. It was a parking lot with this building at the very back. No cars or people other than the instructor. I realize it could have been much worse and am willing to see the humor. Must say I know how to pick the times to do something I have never done before. Usually I am only good at putting my foot in my mouth. Guess I am branching out. LOL. Seriously though I just thought with all the topics that can get intense, someone might need a laugh and I am offering myself up.

Thanks for the laugh. Maybe she will offer your family a group rate!


I did something very similar in high school.

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