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A trip down Memory Lane, WTM style...


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I remember so many fun things/people from the old boards here, Susan having a girl (!), PamSFSOM, Aidan and Myrtle, the dad-chiropractor whose handle I cannot recall, Faith's family's church remodel and--yes--she posted the original bikini wax story, Kay (and Doug) in Cal, Ree keeping us on the edge of our seats waiting for the next installment of Tractor Wheels, Kareni and the Ovid quote, Lori D on literature and life, Aubrey, and so, so many more. ...


Well, clearly I've been here long enough to become forgetful.  If only I could remember the Ovid quote!




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Well, clearly I've been here long enough to become forgetful.  If only I could remember the Ovid quote!






Here's the quote:  Ă¢â‚¬Å“Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)


Someone threatened to put the phrase Draconian Mom on a mug. :lol:

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Here's the quote:  Ă¢â‚¬Å“Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)


Someone threatened to put the phrase Draconian Mom on a mug. :lol:


Ah, bells are beginning to ring now!


Many thanks, Halftime Hope!




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I've only been around since 2008, but there's no way I'd be homeschooling without the book WTM and this board.  The book gave me confidence that I actually could teach my kids, and the board kept me going day to day.


I also joined in 2008 I believe.  Back then I had all these ideas of what homeschooling in my family would look like and my kids were still so cute and little.  Over the years this board saved my sanity on my than one occasion, (and drove me to the brink on other ones).  I am horrible for remembering names and stories, but I know I would not have gotten this far if not for the community here.  My kids have grown up with the hive being an extended family, a whack load of crazy aunties and uncles that they know they can turn to for advice (they often say "mom go ask the hive" "mom go tell the hive" "mom what does the hive think?" ).  I have been here through lots of ups and downs, a move, new jobs, getting into college myself, and now I am nearing the point where my teens will be headed off to college too... WHo'd have thunk it, I certainly never thought it would be possible when I joined these boards.  We went 3 years with no internet, and I could only access the hive 2 or so days a week from the local library.  My house was a lot cleaner back then lol but I remember missing having the access all the time and having to wait to ask a question, and missing that sense of community  (and missing out on troll hunts etc too of course).  

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It is funny that I was on the old boards starting in about 2000. about 2005 I took a long break and came back and the boards were all new and didn't use them much except to sell things and with specific questions, so I have a low post count and still feel "new" sometimes, lol. I really enjoy the boards because my youngest has started ps high school and I still miss home schooling. 

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I started on the boards around 2003/4. I had read WTM several months prior to knowing there was a board. Dd had missed the K cutoff by a couple of weeks and I remember dh, who couldn't understand why I couldn't just enroll her anyway since she was ready, saying "Well, you're home with her. Teach her something." Some kind of way I found WTM at our local library, after I had spent time "doing something" with her and realizing that this was that homeschooling thing I'd heard about years before. I was prepared to try to convince dh we should continue homeschooling when K time rolled around, and he's the one that mentioned all my arguments and suggested we keep her home.  :huh: The guy who had never heard of homeschooling, as it certainly wasn't anything he knew of from his country.


I've been Renai since the beginning; I'm not very original. I recognize most of the old folks mentioned already. I remember when Quiver was Quiverof7 and it kept going up one every year or so. :) Paula ('s Archives), others who got their start here. Dd is now 15, and was scrolling through Netflix when she came across Ree's show. I told her I "knew" her back when she was on WTM boards. I had no idea she had a show (I'm not huge on tv). She was surprised I knew a "celebrity," lol!


And, yes, that crazy troll who posted as 2 people! It's hilarious now, but she had some folks seriously praying for her fake situations. It made for some entertaining late night reading though. And yeah, I liked to try to be first when the board flipped.


I miss the old folks that are gone, was shocked to read some had passed away (when I'd left the boards then came back), but happy to make new friends too. I'm pretty much starting over with a 4yo, so feel a bit nostalgic and new at the same time.

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Also still fondly remembering how the board "flipped." Early on I used to confuse Ria and Ree - neither one is now here anymore. I used to be on the HS board for years before I ventured into what was then called the "General Board." I don't think we had post counts back then so some people thought I was brand new...


I (think I) remember Ria, wasn't she was the one that used to periodically kick everyone in the pants and tell the collective that they'd better do a better job, yes?


Bill (lurker on the old boards)

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Hello.  I am one of the WTM antiques (relics?)


Thanks to TWTM my son is living the dream.  He is a working archaeologist who read classics in high school and college.  Almost everyone else with whom he works has a Master's degree. The Boy, as he was known on these boards, has a Bachelor's. Apparently homeschooling did not completely destroy him--or perhaps it warped him sufficiently that he is successful at what he does (despite those naysayers who told us that he could not make a living as an archaeologist.)


Thank you, Susan!


From Jane who apparently cannot leave this community even though she is no longer homeschooling.



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I (think I) remember Ria, wasn't she was the one that used to periodically kick everyone in the pants and tell the collective that they'd better do a better job, yes?


Bill (lurker on the old boards)


Yep, I knew her IRL and she was pretty much like that for reals  :lol:

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I just realized a few days ago this is my fifth year on the forums!


I'm not a typical member by any stretch, considering I was underage when I joined and have no children, but I was always made to feel welcomed and included.


I couldn't have done what I did (self-educated myself the last two years of high school) without this board and all of the wonderful people on it.


OOOH, excitement!!  I know who you are.  I've wondered what happened to you -- darn name changes. (Not that I could remember the old one or two (LOL!) but you were self-high-schooling the last couple of years when I hung out on the high school and college boards due to my daughter!  Wheee, that was a ride! 


How are you?  Whatcha doin'? 


Hugs!  I'm sure I'll be just as impressed at what you've got going on now as I was then.  :-)



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Reading through some of my personal history here...well, it was a lot of fun, and I just wanted to say "Thank you." Thank you to SWB and her team for being such a wonderful (and important) part of my homeschool journey through the creation and maintenance of this site. Thank you to the boardies who have put themselves out there in times of need, or offered words of support and encouragement (It is impossible for me to mention everyone here), or just allowed me to vent.


This place, well, it's like a second family in many ways. We may not always agree with each other -- at times, it may even get a bit ugly -- but looking at the short 4 years I can still see here on the board, it's always been worthwhile.


Love you all.


(no, I'm not saying "good-bye," just having a sappy moment.

Hear, hear!

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Here's the quote: Ă¢â‚¬Å“Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)


Someone threatened to put the phrase Draconian Mom on a mug. :lol:

OMW - I used to write this on high school graduation cards! (With translation). I still have the Draconian book mark that I laminated all those years ago. :)

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Hahaha, I have the WHITE Kingfisher *and* the red one, and then I got the really big DK one as well. For awhile I thought that if I ran out of money for the year I could just sell the white one, the used prices were so ridiculous. Now it's just an old friend....I had to cover it with contact paper.


In three weeks I'm heading down to SoCal for my oldest's graduation from college. She was about 10 when I heard Gene Veith speak and he was touting Susan's new book - the first edition WTM. Still have that one, too.

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I should look up when Susan will be in my region and get her to sign my WTM book.  I haven't been able to bring myself to part with it or my SOTWs.  Even though they're the oldest versions imaginable.  ;-)  I haven't really thrown myself a party for graduating three kids, so that might be my little celebration.  



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Here's the quote:  Ă¢â‚¬Å“Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)


Someone threatened to put the phrase Draconian Mom on a mug. :lol:


We Draconian Moms must have been all talk. :D  Our little social group fluttered out.  But it was a good Atta Girl while it lasted!! 

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Hello.  I am one of the WTM antiques (relics?)


Thanks to TWTM my son is living the dream.  He is a working archaeologist who read classics in high school and college.  Almost everyone else with whom he works has a Master's degree. The Boy, as he was known on these boards, has a Bachelor's. Apparently homeschooling did not completely destroy him--or perhaps it warped him sufficiently that he is successful at what he does (despite those naysayers who told us that he could not make a living as an archaeologist.)


Thank you, Susan!


From Jane who apparently cannot leave this community even though she is no longer homeschooling.


Please don't go Jane!  The collective wisdom of those who've graduated kids is worth so much! Remember when we first dipped our toe in at the high school board and had a thousand questions of whether this whole experiment would work? Yes, it works. It works amazingly well and that is good to remember on those days when moms are pushing through in February.  .  . March . .  . April .  .  .  May and June are coming. 


SWB: It would be really neat to have folks write in and tell you some of what the Hive kids have gone on to do. 



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I should look up when Susan will be in my region and get her to sign my WTM book. I haven't been able to bring myself to part with it or my SOTWs. Even though they're the oldest versions imaginable. ;-) I haven't really thrown myself a party for graduating three kids, so that might be my little celebration.

I still have my SOTW's also! I keep hoping that I can share them with my grandkids.

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I (think I) remember Ria, wasn't she was the one that used to periodically kick everyone in the pants and tell the collective that they'd better do a better job, yes?


Bill (lurker on the old boards)

Yes, she was. She was one of the first (of a small group of posters) to tell people (on the boards as well as IRL, as I recall) that homeschooling in and of itself was not better than PS. You had to work at it.


IIRC, her (and others') exhortations were the genesis of the Draconian Homeschoolers.

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Here's the quote: Ă¢â‚¬Å“Perfer et obdura, dolor hic tibi proderit olim." (Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.)



Someone threatened to put the phrase Draconian Mom on a mug. :lol:

Ha! I am the chair of my work's strategic planning committee. That quote has graced every version of the system's strategic plan from the beginning. I even had the county judge ask me about it and he loved both the translation and how I applied it to the department for which I work.

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Some previous posts triggered a few things in my head...


I used to post as "Karen in TX"... or maybe it was "Karen in Texas"..... or maybe it was "Karen in San Antonio".... I forget, but I thought I was so clever when I changed it to Kinsa. (LOL) I changed it when we went from the threaded format to the new format.


I thought my kids were DOOMED to a life of mediocrity because I couldn't afford the $400+ price for a used copy of the WHITE Kingfisher history encyclopedia. (LOL)


I started coming here when my twins were doing 1st grade work. I had such lofty ideals then. They are now finishing their first year in college, and my lofty ideals went out the window. By the time they were in high school, we were in survival mode because I was homeschooling six kids at that point, one with special needs. Latin? Mythology? Logic? Greek? Ha! Let's just see if we can get math and reading done!

Weren't you the one who coined Linkobutfrus?


Laura in Korea but from the U.S.? I don't know why I thought that was so funny. Probably the word butt.

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On my gosh, hard to believe it has been 10 years and counting. I've been here since before day one of homeschooling James which was in 2005 starting with Kindergarten and here we are, just finishing 9th Grade.  The book inspired me, guided me, impressed my husband enough to let me pursue this crazy thing called home schooling.     I think I lurked the first year, absorbing and reading everything I could get my hands on.   I wanted to be like Susan and Mental Multivitamin and Ria and Ree and the list goes on.  Discovered a community of unique and intriguing and intelligent and awe inspiring women who welcomed me with open arms and are also down to earth and tell it like it is.  Taught me a lot along the way and never thought IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d still be here. 


At first it was a year to year thing.  WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll just do this one more year.  Hubby kept saying heĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s not a teacher, he canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t do this, it wonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t work. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re not doing this through high school.   I kept saying you are a parent and isnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t that what a parent does. Guides and teaches and mentors their kids.  One more year, dear. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s thriving, happy, learning.  No, it isnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t all about learning to sit in a classroom, shutting up and listening, learning by rote.  ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s exploring, valuing James strengths, supporting his weaknesses and letting him fly.  IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d say we all learned to fly.


Thank you Susan and thank you ladies, and gents too, for helping to lead the way.


Thank you Lisa for starting this thread.

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Yes, she was. She was one of the first (of a small group of posters) to tell people (on the boards as well as IRL, as I recall) that homeschooling in and of itself was not better than PS. You had to work at it.


IIRC, her (and others') exhortations were the genesis of the Draconian Homeschoolers.


I was one of the original Draconians which started more as a joke than anything else.  Bev in B'ville managed the Social Group.  If you check out this partial list of members you'll see the names of a number of old timers.


Back in the day, someone commented about how some of us were too draconian in the demands that we placed on our kids--Latin, Calculus, and AP whatever--which led to a few chuckles.  When this version of the board was created in '08, Social Groups became a reality so Bev naturally had to start the Draconian Homeschoolers group. Bev has not been around in a number of years though so the group is not active.  Our ghost remains in the ethers though.


At the same time I declared myself the official Dolciani proselytizer.  Unfortunately the old Dolciani texts from the '60s and '70s are harder than ever to find.  I cannot begin to count the number of them that I formerly picked up at library sales and sent around the country.

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I did not know it, but Susan had several versions (at intervals in time) of her "day in the life" blog posts; apparently the third or fourth one was the one with the chocolate chips, and I had thought it was the first.  


I think the Draconian Mom spirit was embodied in her occasional one-word response to a whiny child, "Tough."  ;)





(Just reminding anyone who might be humorless, this is tongue in cheek.  We all worked hard, and we love(d) them with equal passion.)

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I was one of the original Draconians which started more as a joke than anything else. Bev in B'ville managed the Social Group. If you check out this partial list of members you'll see the names of a number of old timers.


Back in the day, someone commented about how some of us were too draconian in the demands that we placed on our kids--Latin, Calculus, and AP whatever--which led to a few chuckles. When this version of the board was created in '08, Social Groups became a reality so Bev naturally had to start the Draconian Homeschoolers group. Bev has not been around in a number of years though so the group is not active. Our ghost remains in the ethers though.


At the same time I declared myself the official Dolciani proselytizer. Unfortunately the old Dolciani texts from the '60s and '70s are harder than ever to find. I cannot begin to count the number of them that I formerly picked up at library sales and sent around the country.

Ah, that's right. My kids are younger, obviously, so my "draconian" homeschooling back then (on the old, old boards) was on the order of phonics lessons and counting bears.


I do remember, however, the threads about whether or not homeschooling was intrinsically better than PS and if that meant HSs didn't need to worry as much about academics.

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Ah, that's right. My kids are younger, obviously, so my "draconian" homeschooling back then (on the old, old boards) was on the order of phonics lessons and counting bears.


I do remember, however, the threads about whether or not homeschooling was intrinsically better than PS and if that meant HSs didn't need to worry as much about academics.


There was a relatively small group of us who regularly participated in the high school threads on the old, old boards.  Newcomers were welcome but I must confess that I quickly grew tired of the parents of preschoolers who were doing twelve or fifteen years of lesson planning and hence consulted us--or better yet told us how we should be homeschooling. How many times have I read "But I am going to run out of math by 9th grade!" as though there is no math after Calc I.  Further, parents of three year olds were not always open to hearing that their wunderkind might not continue at an exponential pace--or that there was any need to stick to traditional materials for those who were accelerated.  I'm sure these same issues rise on the accelerated board now too.  I just don't read that board too often.


One lovely thing that happened via these boards for me is how a group of us bonded through the college app process.  The advice on counselor letters, transcripts, the mechanics of the process, the general hand holding, etc. helped ease the burden. I maintain a number of those relationships as well as new virtual friendships made with the Book a Weekers.  The generosity of boardies here is truly astounding.


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Some previous posts triggered a few things in my head...


I used to post as "Karen in TX"... or maybe it was "Karen in Texas"..... or maybe it was "Karen in San Antonio".... I forget, but I thought I was so clever when I changed it to Kinsa. (LOL) I changed it when we went from the threaded format to the new format.


I thought my kids were DOOMED to a life of mediocrity because I couldn't afford the $400+ price for a used copy of the WHITE Kingfisher history encyclopedia. (LOL)


I started coming here when my twins were doing 1st grade work. I had such lofty ideals then. They are now finishing their first year in college, and my lofty ideals went out the window. By the time they were in high school, we were in survival mode because I was homeschooling six kids at that point, one with special needs. Latin? Mythology? Logic? Greek? Ha! Let's just see if we can get math and reading done!


Oh, yeah, THAT'S who you are. Yep, you were one of those, I think "in TX." And, fwiw, I still think you are quite clever.

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There was a relatively small group of us who regularly participated in the high school threads on the old, old boards.  Newcomers were welcome but I must confess that I quickly grew tired of the parents of preschoolers who were doing twelve or fifteen years of lesson planning and hence consulted us--or better yet told us how we should be homeschooling. How many times have I read "But I am going to run out of math by 9th grade!" as though there is no math after Calc I.  Further, parents of three year olds were not always open to hearing that their wunderkind might not continue at an exponential pace--or that there was any need to stick to traditional materials for those who were accelerated.  I'm sure these same issues rise on the accelerated board now too.  I just don't read that board too often.


One lovely thing that happened via these boards for me is how a group of us bonded through the college app process.  The advice on counselor letters, transcripts, the mechanics of the process, the general hand holding, etc. helped ease the burden. I maintain a number of those relationships as well as new virtual friendships made with the Book a Weekers.  The generosity of boardies here is truly astounding.



LOL! I probably didn't even venture into the high school threads back then. I felt like it was all I could do to keep my head above water working full time and hs'ing my geniuses. :cool: :p  The funny (ha!) thing is I still feel like it's all I can do to keep my head above water working full time and helping with the homeschooling now that my eldest approacheth high school. (Dh is a SAHD and does the bulk of the work.)


From what I can gather reading some of the posts now is that parents of three year olds still don't like hearing that their wunderkinder might level out at some point.


I completely agree that the generosity of boardies is astounding. In fact, I'm counting on them to help keep me sane as I tread into the waters of high school and college apps. :D


ETA: I love the BAW threads. Unfortunately, my life simply doesn't allow me to often participate in the threads, let alone actually, you know, read books. <sigh>


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I'll also never forget how the high school boardies helped me plan a high school study skills class for our co-op--all these marvelous topics and skills to cover as we worked through 20th c history--and then as summer ended, I ended up bailing out of teaching that year because I didn't have peace about it.  Unbeknownst to me, what I'd come to learn through hard experience that next year is that getting a bright kid, one with lots of options, through the college apps and scholarships process can be (literally) a part-time job in its own right. 


The high school and college boardies that year (2009-2010) were a life-saver for my sanity, and the following year they held my hand and coached me through the most interesting year of my homeschooling career, the year of the Great American Literature Escapade  :w00t: with my youngest and a hardy band of fellow adventurers.  I truly don't know what I would have done without you all.

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Old-timer here, from when the boards would flip and most of our conversations were conducted in subject lines. You could also change your username with each post. That was fun.


I think my first username was Crunchy Mountain Mama.


Remembering Rosemary in Colorado, Abbeyej (sp?), PariSarah. . .

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Old-timer here, from when the boards would flip and most of our conversations were conducted in subject lines. You could also change your username with each post. That was fun.


I think my first username was Crunchy Mountain Mama.


Remembering Rosemary in Colorado, Abbeyej (sp?), PariSarah. . .


I miss Stephanie (circa blog 1/16, I forget her username?), Doc, and Ria.


And I do remember SWB's labor thread.

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Old-timer here, from when the boards would flip and most of our conversations were conducted in subject lines. You could also change your username with each post. That was fun.


I think my first username was Crunchy Mountain Mama.


Remembering Rosemary in Colorado, Abbeyej (sp?), PariSarah. . .


I did not know that was you CMM. 


And I remember Peek playing around with her board name with her posts . . . Peak to Peek to Pique. Any others? Ah... poor Peek couldn't keep from getting into hottest threads. 

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Old-timer here, from when the boards would flip and most of our conversations were conducted in subject lines. You could also change your username with each post. That was fun.


I think my first username was Crunchy Mountain Mama.


Remembering Rosemary in Colorado, Abbeyej (sp?), PariSarah. . .


CMM? Is that you?? My goodness.


This whole thread is making me feel old. Where did some of these people go?

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I remember visiting the boards when we were living in our camp while gutting our "new" house in the fall/winter of 1998. I'd sit up after the kids were in bed and peruse the site with my trusty dial-up internet. ;-p


My baby was 3 1/2 years old, and my oldest was 9. My baby is now almost 20, and I recently attended a home school convention with my 2 oldest girls because both are planning to home school their kids. I am so excited to follow their journeys as they teach my grandbabies!

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Oh, I wish my memory were better.  There was a fun/funny lady, from somewhere in FL (?) I think, who was very direct in her manner; I think she had one girl only.  She started the thread title juxtaposition threads that always had me in stitches.


And the lady with three kids who moved to Galveston, and then ended up moving back north.  Her boy was such a math and astronomy buff, really a prodigy.  And she adopted a boy from down the street, and ended up putting her youngers all in school, since that was the best thing for her family.  I so admired her pluck and courage, but I have not been able to think of her board name.  :-( 


I wonder what happened to them?

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Oh, I wish my memory were better. There was a fun/funny lady, from somewhere in FL (?) I think, who was very direct in her manner; I think she had one girl only. She started the thread title juxtaposition threads that always had me in stitches.


And the lady with three kids who moved to Galveston, and then ended up moving back north. Her boy was such a math and astronomy buff, really a prodigy. And she adopted a boy from down the street, and ended up putting her youngers all in school, since that was the best thing for her family. I so admired her pluck and courage, but I have not been able to think of her board name. :-(


I wonder what happened to them?

Didn't Doran start the thread juxtapositions?


I can almost recall the Galveston poster's name. She talked about how her son drank coffee (or espresso?) to help him focus.


I printed out a *bunch* of Abbeyej's math and Latin posts when my elders were much younger. They were so helpful!


I loved reading PariSarah's posts.

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Who was the lady who was so knowledgeable about logic? She lived in CO, I think. Tina? I wish I could remember because now that my eldest ds is of age those posts would come in handy, I think.


Not sure why the boards just seem to regularly glitch for me...


It's Tina in Ouray.  I have some of her posts printed out from way back.  She now teaches at Logic at Harveycenter.org.  I won't even try to link. :-)

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I found out about WTM back in 1999.  Lurked for 1.5 years.  Board handle changed with the various moves our family made but have had the current one since the new boards began in 2008, I think.

I'm not a prolific poster as you can tell from my post count but I wouldn't have made it this far in homeschooling without WTM and the boards.

I do miss some of the old-timers who've moved on.  :-(


P.S. I have not been able to post on these boards for sometime...decided to try Chrome and it worked.  Ugh I think the problem is IE.

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Hahaha, I have the WHITE Kingfisher *and* the red one, and then I got the really big DK one as well. 


I own both the WHITE and RED Kingfisher. :-)  I have to figure what I'm going to save and what I'll pass along once ds graduates in 2016.  Ongoing health issues have kept me from clearing out stuff but that will be the first order of business once ds goes off to college.  

Of course, there are several things that ds has made clear that I need to save.  

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It's fun to hear some of the old names I remember from so long ago. :)

Yes, I'm so bad at names anyway...


I've always been Susan in TN, though on the old, old board I accidentally switched to my initials for a while (my ID on a different board, and I'd just had a baby, and eventually went back to the regular).

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I can't remember when I started to come here regularly. I think I joined in 2004, but some of the over-acheiver moms frightened me. My IRL friend said, "oh, yeah, TWTM boards. I only go there when I need to feel inadequate." :D I was primarily posting at another parenting site at that time. I think I started coming more often in 2006 or so.


Count me among the tremendously grateful. My parenting journey and my growth as a person would not have been the same (or as great) if not for all I've learned and thought through due to these boards.

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Oh, I wish my memory were better.  There was a fun/funny lady, from somewhere in FL (?) I think, who was very direct in her manner; I think she had one girl only.  She started the thread title juxtaposition threads that always had me in stitches.


And the lady with three kids who moved to Galveston, and then ended up moving back north.  Her boy was such a math and astronomy buff, really a prodigy.  And she adopted a boy from down the street, and ended up putting her youngers all in school, since that was the best thing for her family.  I so admired her pluck and courage, but I have not been able to think of her board name.  :-( 


I wonder what happened to them?


Doran?  I don't remember the Texas lady.

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