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You know what I hate? I hate having to keep track of which turtle is supposed to clean the sink from month to month, which one is supposed to sweep, which on gets the favorite chair, which one gets to scatter chicken shavings instead of scooping, which one is supposed to clean the litter box and so on and so forth.

I also hate mediating the disputes that arise over the above issues. I also hate that their little turtle memories are pretty good and they know mine is frequently distracted with bigger issues. 


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We call it red onion.


So do we. Rode ui. We also call red cabbage rode kool, but I think the Germans call it Blaukraut (blue cabbage - but I'm not 100% sure), but we call red grapes blauwe druiven (blue grapes). Red cabbage is of course purple, unless you're doing science experiments with it with acids and bases (or, if you just cook it with a bunch of vinegar or w/e).


So did we. It is purple though, right (asks the colorblind girl)?



Varies by onion. Some are more red, some more purple, most in between. Well, I guess I was thinking of the outside color. Once you cut them open they're purple or sometimes magenta-ish. Hope that helps. 

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Yeah, my stuff pales compared to your stuff. It's just that I knew what to do, had a routine, got things done, until we got evicted (technically - it's not like we were behind on payments or anything, the landlord just wanted to sell the place) and moved to a different school district. Since then, it's been a struggle, including some BS with the previous school district asking for stuff that wasn't legally required, but that's been sorted out now. Everything has been harder since the move. 


:(   :grouphug:

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Grr.  The Instructor guide for the A & P lab manual that I have is a different edition than  dd's lab manual.  I knew that when I bought it but since there were zero other choices on the internet, went with this anyway.  Most of the time it's ok.  But today's worksheet was added after my instructor guide and so there is no answer key.  Grump.  I guess I have to actually learn some science today so that I can grade this.  (It's all factual questions so it's not that hard but still . . . )



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I sent the four big kids outside for mandatory play time.  Really, you might ask?  I have to make it mandatory?  Apparently so, after several rainy days of vegging inside.  The chorus of whines was ridonkulous.  But now that they are out there they are happy, of course. 


Ds3 is still inside.  I put him in charge of sorting Ds10's big bin of mixed up legos.  He's really into it, so I should be off-duty for a while. Unless I just jinxed it by mentioning it. 




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Me too. I'm dealing with beaucratic nonsense. Again. This time with student loans. They don't like my proof of income, so tell me what to write in a letter. I write the letter, now they don't like the letter and want me to add more. Sheesh.


I'd rather take a nap.


Unfortunately, Gymnast has her second wind and is sitting here eating coconut milk yogurt.

Will they accept your 1099?

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No ear infection for Baby Corn/The Kernel.


He did get a second flu shot.

Yay for no ear infection. DS2 had so many ear infections during his second year of life I was practically on a first name basis with his pediatrician. I remember sitting in the doctors office on Mother’s Day of all day with my baby getting him injection antibiotics. That was the last straw, though, and he got ear tubes put in and hasn’t had to take an antibiotic since - and that was 11 years ago.
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I'm off to experiment with gf crepes.  I've never made crepes before.  Tons of pancakes, but not crepes.  This is part of my strategy of pushing my horizons in middle age.  Plus, I'm tired of the same old same old.  (Slache, I picked up a red onion and thought of you. . . )


I think you need to find a recipe that doesn't call for purple onion.

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Weirdness of the day. I was on a message board with another group of moms around a fairly specific interest splintering off from a much larger group. It got kind of ugly between three members in particular, IIRC around dog training methods and vegetarianism and pets and so on. If you are a liberal and have a dog and are a vegetarianism you know how this goes.


Anyway, dropped off, but now my kid is in the class with the kid of another mom from that group! I really liked her. She was nice. However, when I reached out and said they should come over, play, etc. she didn't reply. :[ I reached out twice. I know she had social anxiety so I don't want to bug her. However, online she was an insightful, funny person. And we are like... really close neighbors. And our kids are in the same class and the same girl scout troop. And I volunteer in the class and at the school so... I feel awkward but I want to make it not awkward for her. Just like "hey man, on that message board in which we split off because we were such a minority, crazy days eh, now that the kids are older the cloth diaper dilemma seems a million miles away doesn't it? Your daughter is so beautiful and smart in class!"


But the mom like NEVER talks.


Again, social anxiety. I get it. Well not really, but I mean I want to get it or at least, I try to be mindful.



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I am full. We went to this yummy steakhouse. I had a burger with all the toppings - bacon, cheese, blue cheese, onion strings, sautéed mushrooms. It was divine. And I brought 2/3 of it home.


Wow. That sounds like something I'd love but would put me close to my deathbed. I'd probably eat that 1/3 anyway, too. Eat the next 1/3 for lunch. And the last 1/3 for a snack. :D

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Lego Lass is writing a Victorian murder mystery. She’s curled up on the couch doing historical research. :). Snugglebunny had a good day in counselling and agreed to keep going. She and TwilightSparkle are playing Sleeping Beauty in old ballet costumes. Ds is sleeping angelically.


It’s so nice when everyone’s happy at the same time.

I read this and thought you misspelled Legolas. 

That reminds me - I haven't watched LOTR in a long time. 

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Also, good morning!! 
It's exactly 1 week until we leave for Colorado. I'm nervous. Not sure why...I mean, we'll either get a 'yes' or a 'no'. It's like I'm afraid of the 'yes', but also afraid of the 'no'. 
There's no happy medium right now. I think it'll be a fun trip, though. 
We're going to go to the Denver Aquarium on Sunday; they have a mermaid show and we're going to make sure Riv gets to see it. I'm pretty sure that's going to be her life calling.
And, then DH has planned to take us to Maggiano's, an Italian restaurant he really likes. (I was apparently rich in a former life because the meal I REALLY REALLY REALLY want is $50!!)

EDIT: It's an expensive, nervous mermaid booyah in Colorado!

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Weirdness of the day. I was on a message board with another group of moms around a fairly specific interest splintering off from a much larger group. It got kind of ugly between three members in particular, IIRC around dog training methods and vegetarianism and pets and so on. If you are a liberal and have a dog and are a vegetarianism you know how this goes.


Anyway, dropped off, but now my kid is in the class with the kid of another mom from that group! I really liked her. She was nice. However, when I reached out and said they should come over, play, etc. she didn't reply. :[ I reached out twice. I know she had social anxiety so I don't want to bug her. However, online she was an insightful, funny person. And we are like... really close neighbors. And our kids are in the same class and the same girl scout troop. And I volunteer in the class and at the school so... I feel awkward but I want to make it not awkward for her. Just like "hey man, on that message board in which we split off because we were such a minority, crazy days eh, now that the kids are older the cloth diaper dilemma seems a million miles away doesn't it? Your daughter is so beautiful and smart in class!"


But the mom like NEVER talks.


Again, social anxiety. I get it. Well not really, but I mean I want to get it or at least, I try to be mindful.



I have pretty severe social anxiety. The best friends I have ever had are ones that just kept coming to me, talking to me, regardless of how awkward I was. I try to be friendly and polite, but I never know what to say. Then I open my mouth and make things weird. Eventually, I open up and can hold a semi-normal conversation, but it takes a steady stream of continued interaction to get to that point.


So just keep talking to her, even if it's awkward. Be prepared to carry the conversation until she's ready.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Good Morning!!!






Slept in late!!!ðŸ‘🛌🛌🛌💕 It’s 8:30 PST everyone else is still asleep, though. Well, except for DH who went to a Men’s Ministries breakfast at church and took DS2 with him.


Nothing planned for the day. Well, housework, grocery shopping. I do hope to get outside and cut back some shrubbery.

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