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17 hours ago, Slache said:

Did one more thing.


Okay. Here's what you do. You need to soften those lines. Rewet just the paint strips and make sure they are pretty damp.

Next, take a clean brush and clean water. Very carefully, touch the edge of your wet paint with that wet brush--just the edge, and draw it along below your original lines. That will soften them and create the shadow under the wave.

Let that dry.

Then take a wet brush and paint water only along the top of the wave. Let it get the paint wet. Take a paper towel and blot. That should give you a lighter crest at the top of the wave.

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In other news, I bit the bullet and bought a Kindle. I have no more shelves or room for shelves. I've got to cull more books. I hope the Kindle will enable me to have a larger library and save the shelf space only for the books I will reread multiple times or just found so amazing that they need to be obtained in hard copy.

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There is no white on baby. That's just the color of the paper showing through the light glazing of colors. While I do sometimes use white paint for highlights, I try not to. Just leave light places behind in your painting where you want them, and soften the edges around them as you work, and reserve your screaming whites with masking or other resist media.

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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

Baby got shadows in his mother-of-pearl blankie today. Working on keeping everything ultra-soft and cuddly looking.


That's incredible!

1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

Okay. Here's what you do. You need to soften those lines. Rewet just the paint strips and make sure they are pretty damp.

Next, take a clean brush and clean water. Very carefully, touch the edge of your wet paint with that wet brush--just the edge, and draw it along below your original lines. That will soften them and create the shadow under the wave.

Let that dry.

Then take a wet brush and paint water only along the top of the wave. Let it get the paint wet. Take a paper towel and blot. That should give you a lighter crest at the top of the wave.

I wanted the painting to be about the lines though. The color was just supposed to be a highlight but it turned out much darker than I expected it to be.

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27 minutes ago, Slache said:

That's incredible!

I wanted the painting to be about the lines though. The color was just supposed to be a highlight but it turned out much darker than I expected it to be.

Ah. That would be a tougher fix. I'd probably turn the paper over and do it again. Start with a very light wash of the color, and when you have it the way you want it, then apply your lines.

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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

Ah. That would be a tougher fix. I'd probably turn the paper over and do it again. Start with a very light wash of the color, and when you have it the way you want it, then apply your lines.

Yes, that's my plan. I realized what I was asking was for someone to tell me to move the water line down so there was more room for the sky and less room for the waves. I think that will be better.

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8 hours ago, ikslo said:

I did some gardening.  I now need to wash the goat.  But feeling like maybe I’d rather just sit on the lanai. The goat can wait.

The most gardening we do in 20 degree weather is figure out what we will plant and dream. 😅

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Today I had PT.  Eight months now and they still haven't kicked me out!  Each time I go expecting it to be my last and they say "see you in two weeks!"  My left shoulder feels like it has shards of glass sticking in it - delayed reaction to my exercises.  It's really hard to give them feedback when I don't get a reaction until about four hours later. . .

I pruned another hydrangea bush today.  Did you know that the sneaky bushes are already starting to set some leaf buds?

I also cleaned the bunny cage.  I did an extra careful job because I had done just a slapdash job last week.  And I cleaned the cat's bathroom.  It's my Thursday chore.


Tonight I talked to a friend on the phone.  She just turned 70 and was complaining that her doctor has put her on a maintenance medicine.  I have been on that med since I was in my 40's (though I'm not near 70).  She was also talking about how she wasn't going to be one of those people who makes their life about their health and just getting through their day.  I think that she had forgotten who she was talking to?  I have to make my life about my health.  I can't do a single chore or activity without considering if it will put me in pain or if I have the stamina to do it from start to finish.  I didn't say anything but just listened but it was a bit depressing. 

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6 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Should auld booyas be forgot(ten)

And never brought to mind?

Should auld booyahs be forgot(ten)

And auld lang booya!


For auld lang booya, my dear

For auld lang booyah.

We'll take a cup of coffee-with-peppermint-mocha-creamer yet,

And auld lang booya!

Sniff, sniff.  I'm all choked up.  😢

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

Happy New Year!

I have decided to postpone the start of school until there are fewer people in the house.

My bedroom is still kind of torn up and it is the main homeschooling room.  Also, dh will need to telework from the bedroom for the next week or so because ds20 is using his own room while he is home.  (Dh has been teleworking from ds20's bedroom.)

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Good Morning!  It's 2021!

The kids and I made it up to midnight, dh went to bed his normal time (9-ish) then woke up about 11:30 so came out to watch the ball drop.  

Today is work at the science center, work on classes.   

Tomorrow I start getting up early again.  I've been sleeping in for the past week but no more.  Up at 6:30 if I'm meeting dd, 7:00 if I'm not (I won't know until tonight).   I need to cut down on the candy/sugar since I think that's what is making me achy and not sleep as well.    Need to be ready when classes start again on Monday. 

ETA:  I got the booya!  Two in a row (even if I missed the first one until yesterday).   A Back to Work/It's A New Year! Booya

Edited by Wheres Toto
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I woke up with a sore jaw and ear this morning. 😞  I'm wondering if it's TMJ.  I was probably clenching my jaw last night -- I was a bit tense/stressed when I went to bed last night.

I'm probably going to be on a liquid diet today.  I've tried eating and it's just too painful.

I'm hoping it releases soon.  If not, a liquid diet is going to help me on my weight loss goal for the year. 😉

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I want pictures, Krissi!

Morning, all. The pie crust is in the oven, and as soon as it's out, I think I'll make the cranberry sauce. Again. I made it ahead. It all got eaten. Turkey goes in the oven later.

Writing and art planned for the afternoon, and possibly a walk, as it has finally stopped raining. 

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

We are going to Zion today.

  "We're marching to Zion

      Beautiful, beautiful Zion

  We're marching upward to Zion

      The beautiful city of God!"

I started singing this in my head as soon as I read your post. 

Happy New Year All!

Edited by Servant4Christ
IN my head, not ON my head 🤣
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We are back from Zion. Not as spectacular as Bryce. I will post some pictures, Critter, as soon as I can get it from my phone (Android) to my iPad. Zion was lovely, though. We went on several easy hikes. This one freaky guy came up to us as we were walking behind him (keeping a regular hiking distance away) and told us in no uncertain terms that we needed to give them some space. Seriously. DH and I were speechless. We’re like, dude, you don’t do that to people on hiking trails. If they want to go faster than you, you pull over and let them pass. Anyhow, other than that weirdo, we had a nice day. We all have a chill and are having hot chocolate at the cabin.

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28 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

I cooked a delicious dinner: turkey, gravy, fried potatoes, cranberry sauce, yams, peach cream pie, broccoli, baked brie. So I'm stuffed.

That was a 20lb turkey. Needless to say, there are a lot of turkey leftovers to eat this week.

Road trip to Critter's!!

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Happy New Year to all the lovely ITTers.

I'm declaring this the Year of the Caffeinated Beverages in honor of the Coffee and Tea drinkers of ITT.

Also, there is no sickness or injury allowed for any ITTer or family member. 

We will say no to all extraneous projects which is deemed unworthy of our time.

We will take time to ITT, write, bullet journal, garden, read, and any other pleasurable activity without guilt.

Pantz are optional. 

 (Openhearted, New Years Day 2017)

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I think I am feeling the lack of sugar today.  Svengo.

I have gotten the hang of the FoodSaver and am now trying to come up with a freezer-meal-making schedule.  Definitely feeling the Willy-Nilly.  I need to get a few things at the store tomorrow, and at some point will need to roast the extra turkey I bought at Thanksgiving.  Imma use it for turkey divan and Krissi's Famous Turkey Tetrazzini.  

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We had an absolutely amazing delicious seafood bisque for dinner.  Mom came and felt the need to bring brownies.  Because we haven't had enough sugar and junk food.  🙄  Yes, I know I don't have to actually eat them but they are hard to resist when they are just sitting there calling to me.

Don't know if I'm meeting dd in the morning or not.  I forgot to send a message earlier and haven't heard back from her yet.  I hope she doesn't not respond because she thinks I'm sleeping.  

I did get almost all my classes completely done until the end of January.  I have the last week of January off from some classes, those that we didn't have to miss class for some reason (we had snow and covid).  

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So some people have a "word or phrase of the year".  I chose "Xena strong" as my phrase for 2021.  (I have been using it for a couple of days already).  Xena Warrior Princess is my alter ego who helps me to tackle chronic pain/illness/life in general.  

It was raining hard all day so I didn't get out to prune more of the hydrangeas.  But I did get my step goal.  And I got some more household chores done including crawling under the dining room table/desk that are jammed together because of our remodeling to change out the puppy pee pads that I for the bunnies' potty area.  

So the thing about a pandemic for someone with chronic illness is that finally everyone else has the kind of life that I have normally.  It's actually done wonders for my social life because people are now available and happy to talk to me on the telephone.


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Good morning!

Whatcha doin' with your Saturday?

The family here has worked really hard to tidy up the house and kitchen so I would not feel insane while working on freezer meals.  This morning I will visit Gordon's Food Service to see if they have the bulk foods I'm looking for (we've let our Sam's Club membership lapse) and maybe Publix to see if they have a fancy fish sauce for one recipe.  If I'm desperate I'll stop by the new Aldi near GFS - but only if I have to.  That store is not arranged like my usual Aldi and despite the fact that it is so small, I get lost and irritated in it.

This afternoon I might take Chester on a long walk.  The dog training program has not contacted me yet about the class I signed up for.  I emailed them but still no response.  I think I'll have to give up and find another training class.


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Didn't meet dd today since she wasn't able to meet.  So I slept in again until about 8:30am.  Tomorrow I really have to get up earlier or Monday morning is going to be painful.  

I have two classes that I need to finalize details after I grab stuff from the science center, then I have to enter receipts into Quickbooks for taxes.    We want to send all the information to the accountant as soon as possible.  

I'm also going to do some yoga/tai chi and walking video when I get to the science center.  I need to workout even when I don't meet up with dd.  

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Morning, Sunshine.

Still in recovery from foot surgery (removed a bone spur on my heel). Mr. Ellie has been taking good care of me, and friends from church have brought food for several nights. I'm now in the boredom stage: I feel great, I'm ready to get up and so stuff, but my foot swells to an amazing size if I'm up too much, so binge-watching "House" and "Bones" and "Grim" it is.

That is all.

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