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Well, another update. It's nice to be around people who care. I appreciate you all. I really do. Dad's come out of the "episode", so he is alert, and can eat (thank goodness, feeding tube wasn't an option and earlier Mom was talking about having to "make decisions"), but he can't walk or feed himself and he's very confused. but all tests were clear and normal. So, they really have no idea what it was or what caused it. The doctors are baffled. Anyhow, Mom is trying to get him into a nursing home, which is not that easy. Ugh

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Well, another update. It's nice to be around people who care. I appreciate you all. I really do. Dad's come out of the "episode", so he is alert, and can eat (thank goodness, feeding tube wasn't an option and earlier Mom was talking about having to "make decisions"), but he can't walk or feed himself and he's very confused. but all tests were clear and normal. So, they really have no idea what it was or what caused it. The doctors are baffled. Anyhow, Mom is trying to get him into a nursing home, which is not that easy. Ugh

Thanks for the update. :)

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Well, another update. It's nice to be around people who care. I appreciate you all. I really do. Dad's come out of the "episode", so he is alert, and can eat (thank goodness, feeding tube wasn't an option and earlier Mom was talking about having to "make decisions"), but he can't walk or feed himself and he's very confused. but all tests were clear and normal. So, they really have no idea what it was or what caused it. The doctors are baffled. Anyhow, Mom is trying to get him into a nursing home, which is not that easy. Ugh




I remember when my grandfather had an episode similar to what you're describing.  It turned out to be a UTI.  Have the urinalysis results come back yet?  Probably so, but that's the only experience I have with something like this.


Prayers for all of you.

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I have heard the same about UTI's. Hugs Krissi, praying for your dad and family.


We had a score today with ds13's AoPS algebra class. He worked through something hard a number of times and didn't give up. I was proud of him. But then he got an email from his instructor telling him she was proud of him and that often students give up on that, but he didn't just coast with an ok result and all kinds of nice things. Made him so happy and it made me glow in the heart area:-)


I really need to get the house cleaned up tonight. It blew up this week and I *refuse* to spend tomorrow cleaning. Especially since I will be spending it taking down and storing Christmas decos :toetap05:

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I remember when my grandfather had an episode similar to what you're describing.  It turned out to be a UTI.  Have the urinalysis results come back yet?  Probably so, but that's the only experience I have with something like this.


Prayers for all of you.

Ditto with my grandfather. We thought he was having some weird dementia episode, but he spiked a high fever, too. Ended up a UTI. 

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My daughter brought home a little Ariel doll and I thought nothing of it because she has one, plus she's always taking things to school. Came home and we have two of these dolls now, so she pretty much just took some other little girl's toy. On accident, obviously. It looks like hers, so obviously it's hers, right? lol 

Anyway, I told her that one is not hers, so we have to take it back to school on Monday. 
She is trying to convince me that "da house had magic and it maded my doll into TWO! Dat's so cool! I just needed two and da magic did it!" 


How do you argue with 3 year olds and magic? 

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My daughter brought home a little Ariel doll and I thought nothing of it because she has one, plus she's always taking things to school. Came home and we have two of these dolls now, so she pretty much just took some other little girl's toy. On accident, obviously. It looks like hers, so obviously it's hers, right? lol 


Anyway, I told her that one is not hers, so we have to take it back to school on Monday. 

She is trying to convince me that "da house had magic and it maded my doll into TWO! Dat's so cool! I just needed two and da magic did it!" 




How do you argue with 3 year olds and magic? 

  :001_wub: this.  So funny!

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My daughter brought home a little Ariel doll and I thought nothing of it because she has one, plus she's always taking things to school. Came home and we have two of these dolls now, so she pretty much just took some other little girl's toy. On accident, obviously. It looks like hers, so obviously it's hers, right? lol


Anyway, I told her that one is not hers, so we have to take it back to school on Monday.

She is trying to convince me that "da house had magic and it maded my doll into TWO! Dat's so cool! I just needed two and da magic did it!"




How do you argue with 3 year olds and magic?

How would you feel if da magic took away your doll so another little girl could have two? Wouldn't you want da magic to give you your doll back?





Oh, sorry, was that rhetorical? ;)

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Well, another update. It's nice to be around people who care. I appreciate you all. I really do. Dad's come out of the "episode", so he is alert, and can eat (thank goodness, feeding tube wasn't an option and earlier Mom was talking about having to "make decisions"), but he can't walk or feed himself and he's very confused. but all tests were clear and normal. So, they really have no idea what it was or what caused it. The doctors are baffled. Anyhow, Mom is trying to get him into a nursing home, which is not that easy. Ugh


I'm so glad to read this update and hope you have an even better one next time!  :grouphug:


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Well, another update. It's nice to be around people who care. I appreciate you all. I really do. Dad's come out of the "episode", so he is alert, and can eat (thank goodness, feeding tube wasn't an option and earlier Mom was talking about having to "make decisions"), but he can't walk or feed himself and he's very confused. but all tests were clear and normal. So, they really have no idea what it was or what caused it. The doctors are baffled. Anyhow, Mom is trying to get him into a nursing home, which is not that easy. Ugh

So happy he is alert now. That is really good news. I agree with the others about the UTI. Those infections can be nasty and cause all kinds of problems. My mom had a UTI once which lead to some more serious problems, and she ended up on a ventilator for a day or so. She came out of it though.


When you first posted, I wondered if he could have fallen. A head injury could cause those symptoms without any specific signs. About the only way to tell would be a head CT, I think.


Thanks for the update, I will continue to remember y'all in prayers. And :grouphug:

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Having grown up in MN, it amazes me to see those wintery roads as far Southwest as you are!


It's not rare, actually. What's rare was when the areas south of us got more snow than we did. We have a very short growing season, and snow can fall anywhere between end of September to middle of May. A couple of times that i remember it has snowed close to Mother's Day!

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Tell me more about blood sugar affecting weight. :)


If your sugars are high, your body will release insulin to take care of it.  Insulin is a fat storing hormone.  Thus weight gain in people with bloodsugar problems plus problems losing the weight.  People who are not insulin resistant do not have this same problem. 

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I remember when my grandfather had an episode similar to what you're describing. It turned out to be a UTI. Have the urinalysis results come back yet? Probably so, but that's the only experience I have with something like this.


Prayers for all of you.

That was one theory of the nurse. And.... the urinalysis came back clear. They also did blood work and his WBC were all in normal ranges. And the spinal tap was clear. Edited by KrissiK
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That was one theory of the nurse. And.... the urinalysis came back clear. They also did blood work and his WBC were all in normal ranges. And the spinal tap was clear.


I was hoping for that because it's a fairly easy fix.




I bet your mom is exhausted.   :grouphug: for her, too.

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But, I have been laying on the bed all afternoon surfing the Net, reading a biography of King Alfred of England and two of my daughters have been hanging out with me and are quite entertaining. I knew it was a good thing to have daughters! :)

Edited by KrissiK
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And the headache persists.


I've been going back and forth between stabbing pain and dull ache with intermittent la-la land.


Lots of sleeping at the wrong time of day.  Dh has been helpful and took care of dinner a few nights this week.  Ds15 took on lunch duty. 


I've been trying to keep up with the dc's homeschooling, but we weren't able to get everything done.


I feel like I have to keep going because I feel like this is never going to end and it's a new normal I have to get used to.





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((Junie))  I'm sorry.  This is my normal too and it sucks.  (Can I say that in polite company?  Is the ITT polite company?)


I already had to adjust to a "new normal" 9 years ago when I was diagnosed with RA.  This feels like the same thing all over again.


I've been getting headaches for 2-3 days at the same time each month for about 8 months, so it's probably hormone related.  This headache, though, is lasting for weeks instead of days.   :(

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Just starting 1B. We spent most of the fall supplementing chapter 8 of 1A with tons of education unboxed type of activities. His number sense was atrocious, but is slowly improving (he's also my reading-challenged guy).

Was wondering if he would be ready yet for Beast. I couldn't remember. He's not there yet, though.

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My friend is picking me up and another friend and taking us to dinner and to a Sheila Walsh concert. I am so tired, but I agreed and will go. Everyone here is too talky anyway and they all want 100 things that are opposing.


Ds13 cleaned up the house, as he does sometimes. I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve this child, and then I remember the other three ingrates. :laugh: :leaving:

OMW - Sheila Walsh? I remember her!

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I just talked for over a hour to a baby homeschooler who found me on another forum and is overwhelmed with the bad advice she's been given so far, which has cost her over $1000 since, oh, Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas. She lives in California; I wanted to take a road trip out there to help. :crying:

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I just talked for over a hour to a baby homeschooler who found me on another forum and is overwhelmed with the bad advice she's been given so far, which has cost her over $1000 since, oh, Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas. She lives in California; I wanted to take a road trip out there to help. :crying:

What were they telling the poor thing??!??

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I just talked for over a hour to a baby homeschooler who found me on another forum and is overwhelmed with the bad advice she's been given so far, which has cost her over $1000 since, oh, Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas. She lives in California; I wanted to take a road trip out there to help. :crying:

Thank you for being so wonderful.  :001_wub:

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Yeah, she's pretty wiped out!


Still praying here, Krissi.


ETA:  Can we have a prayerful Booya?


A booya dedicated to praying for Krissi's dad, for Krissi's mom (a uniquely awful place to be), Krissi, and the rest of Krissi's family.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Edited by JoJosMom
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What were they telling the poor thing??!??


Well, first she went to a homeschool book store in Sacramento, where someone sold her a boatload of books (she doesn't even know what they all were, because she's just a baby homeschooler). Then the homeschoolers she knows inspected the books and said there was no possible way she could do that because it involved her too much (she has a 1yo and a 2- or 3yo, plus the 10yo she's homeschooling), so she took back the books but can only get store credit, not a refund. So then she enrolled her ds in a one-day-a-week "co-op," which is costing her $1000 for the next three months, plus she is paying for Time 4 Learning. Everyone she has met personally is either an all-ABeka fan or has children enrolled in a charter school. She hasn't found a support group yet (I told her to see if the countywide group, Scope, has a chat group near her).


I also told her to let her math-bright son do whatever level of Saxon he tested into. She was all weirded out because she didn't want him in college at 13. :-) I think I helped her understand that being able to advance in math does not mean that he will be ahead in everything, and that even if he were, that wouldn't mean that he'd be in college when he was 13. :-)


It was a good conversation; I'm just so annoyed on her behalf because of the bad advice. :-(

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