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Wanna explain What color is this dress? To me?


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Ok, that one looks white and gold to me. But the one she showed me was cropped and didn't show much background at all, and the pic was darker. I swear that one was blue and gray. g


And I have officially reached the end of the internet if I am spending even a second on this. 

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So who here among you lovely, intelligent people knows WHY people see this so differently? Becsuse white and gold is not even remotely close to blue and black. I really think this is going to keep my husband up all night. He's sitting next to me crying "why is this happening to me?!"


Save his sanity, please. Lol

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So no-one can see both ??!! Once you know ? 'Cos once you know, it's pretty easy to switch between blue/grey and white/gold...


I can maybe see a bit of a blue tint but I see no black at all.


ETA: I can see a blue tint but dh said he sees a very blue dress with black lace. I don't get it. I see a white dress with gold lace. It's driving us all nuts!!!

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When the image is at the bottom of my screen, it looks white and gold.  As I scroll down on the page, it looks more like blue and gold.  I think it depends on what settings people have on their screens (contrast, tint, etc.).

But people staring at the same screen are seeing different colors.  I've looked on three different screens and I cannot see white and gold. I must know and one of YOU have the responsibility of telling me WHY this is happening.

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So the 7:53 at the top is the same color as the lace to you?


To me it's not.  It's more like a brown color.  I hope it's not actually brown and blue because ... well ick.  I do agree the lighting is poor.


I'm finding this fascinating.  Answers!

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OK, we just spent 20 minutes arguing about this. Both DH and DD see black and blue, and I see white and gold! However, the funny thing is that when I looked at it on the Gawker site, it looked white and gold, but then I scrolled all the way down, and when I scrolled back up, at the bottom of the dress, I could see the blue and black. But then when I got to the top, I saw the white and gold, and then the whole thing looked white and gold again!


The pic in the OP and on the Buzzfeed site look clearly white and gold to me, in a picture taken in poor lighting.


It's one of those crazy optical illusions where your perception is affected by the colors and shadowing around what you're looking at. We just recently watched an episode of a TV show called Brain Games, and they covered exactly this sort of thing. 

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My kids see the white to me portion as light blue. They see the antique gold to me portion as moss green.


When I put my gold plated locket next to the photo, they could see why I say the green portion looks gold in color.


When my kid's shadow was over the phone, they saw the green/gold lacy portion as brown.

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So I see a lot of people who see white and gold say it also looks like it's "in a shadow." Which is interesting to me, because I see a blue and black dress with very bright light behind it.


I see the bright light behind it, but the front of the dress is in shadow, almost silhouetted. 


Now the fabric on the left behind it is white and black, and I see a very distinct difference in the black spots on that fabric where they touch the edge of the dull gold lace, particularly by the hip (lower down, the black splotched fabric behind is more washed out by the light).


My daughter sees the dress as a blue a bit lighter than royal. The only way I can get anything close that effect is to tilt my LED screen on the laptop back so far that the image messes up (like when faces and things become black blanks almost looking like a film negative because of the angle of viewing).

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kewb, on 26 Feb 2015 - 5:38 PM, said:

I don't know what that is about. I see periwinkle blue and gold but a lot of people seem to see white and gold and others see blue and black.

Maybe it is some kind of color blind test.

I see the periwinkle with mocha/bronze lace.


it can also vary with the color settings on a monitor.

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DH and I both see white and gold. He finally figured out that if he held his phone so that he was looking at it an extreme angle, it would be blue and black. It worked for me too. But I don't see how two people looking at it at the same angle could see two different colors.

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