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How would you feel about an April Fools day birthday?


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I would think I would give birth before then, but I do not really know of course. But..because of that whole menopause thing, we are not positive when I am due.  :huh:


I think maybe I am due March 28-30. I likely have to have a repeat c-sect. ONLY reason doctor is kind of saying maybe she would be okay with me giving birth, is because I had an accidental vbac (and vbacs before that too) and then I had a c-sect. That c-sect was a mistake because I ended up with a paralytic Ileus and am not eager for another. I thought maybe I should go ahead and get on the schedule for a c-sect April 2. I think it is highly likely I would go on my own before then. But I am a little worried if I give birth on my own on April 1, it might be something the baby is unhappy about as baby grows up.


What do you think? Silly thought? Or real concern?


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My daughter has an April 1st birthday.  She is still young, but no issues and I don't anticipate any as she grows up.  She was the best April Fool's gift ever (only girl out of 8 children).

That would be great if this baby comes out a girl! As it stands...this is the 7th boy. LOL

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One of my kids was born on April 1st.  Afaik, it's never been a problem for him.  (Or us.)  It was kind of funny when I called family that morning to tell them I was in labor--none of them believed me!


Another one of mine was due on Nov. 1st. Since I already had my April 1st child at that time, I figured it would be funny if this one was born on Halloween.  But it didn't happen.   :001_smile:

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For our fourth child (and fourth c-section) a new set of doctors forced me to schedule the birth. (This was the least of their idiotic ideas. ) Unwilling to put up with jokes about The Ides of March and equally unwilling to put up with jokes about St. Patrick's Day (even though St. Alexis also is commemorated on that day), I chose March 16th.

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I was born 4/4.   I'd casually mentioned to a friend that "my mother hadn't wanted a March birthday because so many relative were born in March.  And that she'd breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't come on April 1st."   The friend responded, "Why?, I was born on April 1st"    I back-pedaled and said something like, "Ummm, because it wasn't so close to March".   But, the friend had no idea that April Fool's Day would be a bad day to have a birthday, so I guess it had never caused him problems.  

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I am coming up on my 52nd April 1st birthday.  I have only been tricked one time in my life (a fake cake, followed by a real one).  Most people I tell think it's totally cool that I was born on April Fools Day.  The biggest bonus is that it's easy for people to remember!  I would consider it a gift to give your dc an April 1st birthday.

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A friend's daughter's birthday is on Christmas. For a kid, I think that would be a terrible day. Everyone gets gifts that day so I'm sure it was hard to make it special for her. Yeah, she could celebrate on a different day, but it's annoying to never be able to have birthday party ON your birthday. 

So I think April 1 is no big deal.  But we've never been pranksters so it's just another day around here. 


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My daughter has an April 1st birthday.  She is still young, but no issues and I don't anticipate any as she grows up.  She was the best April Fool's gift ever (only girl out of 8 children).


That's awesome!  :)

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