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Crafters -- Jan 2015


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So what is everyone working on? Share your plans and progress here.


I'm *still* knitting socks for dh. These are a new pair, though. I was able to give him 3 pairs of ankle socks, which he uses for running, for Christmas. I'm ready to knit something for myself but I haven't decided what yet.



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I used to do counted cross stitch. I have not done any projects for years. I want to begin again. My dream was (and still is) to make small cross stitch projects that I would hang on a Christmas tree. I am hoping to have a few small things for Christmas 2015!

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I'm hoping to get back into crafting this year. Step one is to find the instruction book I'm after to make some Australian flower fairy Christmas tree decorations. I've got the felt right here on my dresser, but I don't know what I've done with the book since moving house!


I bought dd a sewing machine, so she's going to expand her repertoire from running stitch into grander things in her "Nanna School" lessons. :)

Next step for her will be to learn to sew on a button, and to start learning to use her machine. I need to find some woollen blankets to cut up into a cloak for the winter as a wrap for getting from Nanna's, into the car and back home to bed for the winter. She's going to decorate it with buttons for the extra practice. I was inspired by the Native American button blankets (I think from the North East somewhere?) Once she's covered her cloak we're going to look up more info about their button blankets and find out what they are all about.

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I'm a quilter but occasionally take breaks to sew other things. Currently sewing a zippered bag with a zillion pockets to use for a gym bag. 3 zippered pockets, closed with a separating zipper...making it out of costly batiks. I'm on day four of this project.  I could have a quilt pieced by now!


Also have a bed size quilt that needs finished and then I can send it to my sister, who is a longarm quilter.    I have a twin size Spiderman quilt pieced for my grandson and I can machine quilt that this month. 


Then up is a paper pieced mariner's compass round tabletopper.  I estimate that will take me all spring to finish!

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I want to make a trial run at a crocheted bag (think D&D dice) for dd1, then if I can get the shape right do it again with silvery metallic thread.  Pattern is shaped like a dragon's egg with scales. 


Knit a soap saver bag, washcloth and make some fresh soap to enter in the County Fair in March.


Learn to use the fancy electronic programmable embroidery sewing machine I picked up on Craigslist. 


Make a set of panties and maybe a bra. 


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Short list is princess dresses for granddaughter's birthday in two weeks.


After that I am going to make as quilted wall hanging out of fabric I bought in Hawaii years ago. I never had a plan but it is red and green so I hope to have it on the wall next Christmas.


I am contemplating sewing a yellow and gray rag quilt for one of our guest rooms.

We ll see how far I get!

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First up for 2015 is to clean out all of my crafting supplies.  Pinterest emboldened me into thinking I could create everything I looked at!  My goal is for dd and I to learn how to knit or crochet.  I will continue on with my zendoodles because it is a big stress reliever for me.  

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First up for 2015 is to clean out all of my crafting supplies.  Pinterest emboldened me into thinking I could create everything I looked at!  My goal is for dd and I to learn how to knit or crochet.  I will continue on with my zendoodles because it is a big stress reliever for me.  



I just looked up 'zendoodles', my mom used to do this kind of pattern work on scrap paper will she watched TV, I did not know it had a name.  Now I want to try some. 


Thanks for the idea. 

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I'm creating new torture devices for my dogs.  Well that's what they think at least.  I'm actually trying to get a couple made to put see if a vet's office would be interested in carrying them.  My next attempt is the scary one.  I don't have a dog small enough to try it on.



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Quilting: I just finished up a couple of table runners as Christmas gifts:


03c8c0fb-27f9-4822-89e3-a532ed9c6347.jpg   1af061b7-b62f-49c7-83f6-7f2b16416ddc.jpg


I have a small sewing project to do next (stuffed letters to spell my niece's name), and then I'll be working on my Settlers of Catan quilt.



Quilling: A former student is getting married in a couple of weeks.  I'll be doing some quilling around the invitation and framing it as my wedding gift.  (I gave something practical at his fiancee's bridal shower. ;) )  Generally, I try to do quilled flowers that match the type and colors used in the wedding, but in this case I feel like flowers aren't the right choice for some reason.  So I'm planning to go kind of free-form and hope I end up with something pretty. :p


Then up is a paper pieced mariner's compass round tabletopper.  I estimate that will take me all spring to finish!


I was thinking the other day that I'd like to learn how to do a mariner's compass.  Is there a book/website that you'd recommend for someone new to the techniques required for that?  

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Purpleowl, I'm using a paper pieced pattern that uses Jinny Beyer batiks.     My sister did a mariner's compass quilt using paper piecing also.  Not sure I have the skill to make it any other way.  I've done a fair amount of paper piecing but this is still going to be quite the challenge!

This is the kit I'm doing- I'm doing the color on the right. 



No way would I attempt this without paper.  It's quite a challenge! 



And now that I look at it, it's not really a mariner's compass. But close enough for me.  I'm committed now!

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I am currently trudging through this fabulous cabled afghan from Creativebug.com. All I have left are the last four cabled squares.



These fingerless gloves, I'm about 1/4 into them.



And I just started this cabled shawl.



And I'm half way in this as a baby blanket.



And I'm taking a craftsy class to make my very first zippered bag. I've got everything cut and ready, but my whole house has been puking one or two at a time the last 3 days, so I not a chance of pulling out the sewing machines. Plenty of time for knitting and adding EU VAT patterns gone free to my ravelry library though.

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More farming than crafting, but this year I am working with a group of angora rabbit breeders to increase the micron count of our herds. We have to send in samples to a lab 4 times a years and see how big a difference we can make in a year.


Beyond that I am doing a lot of spinning and dyeing of my own 100% angora.


I taught myself tunisian crochet a few days ago and love it! I have tried to knit so many times and just can't do it well. Tunisian crochet gives me the look, but in a way in can handle. :)

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More farming than crafting, but this year I am working with a group of angora rabbit breeders to increase the micron count of our herds. We have to send in samples to a lab 4 times a years and see how big a difference we can make in a year. Beyond that I am doing a lot of spinning and dyeing of my own 100% angora. I taught myself tunisian crochet a few days ago and love it! I have tried to knit so many times and just can't do it well. Tunisian crochet gives me the look, but in a way in can handle. :)


That sounds really cool!

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Rosie, I have a good friend who makes a lot of button blankets. She has a source for shiny buttons that is much cheaper than anything in the US. I think she orders them directly from Thailand. If you do makes some, I can ask her for her source.


Mostly I will quilt, but I would love to get back to watercolor painting. I had a great teacher in Oregon and I was making good progress, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

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Thank you to Cinder for starting this inspirational thread!


Purpleowl, I'm using a paper pieced pattern that uses Jinny Beyer batiks.     My sister did a mariner's compass quilt using paper piecing also.  Not sure I have the skill to make it any other way.  I've done a fair amount of paper piecing but this is still going to be quite the challenge!

This is the kit I'm doing- I'm doing the color on the right. 



No way would I attempt this without paper.  It's quite a challenge! 



And now that I look at it, it's not really a mariner's compass. But close enough for me.  I'm committed now!


Wow, is that lovely!


I am currently trudging through this fabulous cabled afghan from Creativebug.com. All I have left are the last four cabled squares.

These fingerless gloves, I'm about 1/4 into them.

And I just started this cabled shawl.

And I'm half way in this as a baby blanket.

And I'm taking a craftsy class to make my very first zippered bag. I've got everything cut and ready, but my whole house has been puking one or two at a time the last 3 days, so I not a chance of pulling out the sewing machines. Plenty of time for knitting and adding EU VAT patterns gone free to my ravelry library though.



I love those gloves! What's this about "EU VAT patterns gone free"?


I should be finished with a Gallatin Scarf, a belated Christmas gift that my son will be delivering to his girlfriend when he visits her later in the month.  This is a very simple and quick knit that beginners might enjoy. 


The project that I need to start is this one, a charming felt pincushion that Sew Mama Sew linked in its annual Handmade Holiday November.  I need to make a mock up for the 4-H sewing group since this is a nice project for those developing hand sewing skills.


Oh yes, there is also a pair of socks going.  There is always a pair of socks going...


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I bought a couple of classes on Craftsy when they were on sale before Christmas - so my goal for January is to finish the A-Line skirt class. I have all the materials - minus the material. LOL!! Today I will finish the class on measurements and actually take mine. So far the class is great.


I also need to finish 4 Christmas gifts. I am a former HUGE scrapbooker, so I plan to use my Circa and some scrap supplies, and some Circa supplies from Levenger and make 5 (4 gifts, 1 for me!) prayer journals. I am super excited about it. Now I need time...

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I'm starting a ceramics class next week.  No idea what to make-it's pretty free form.  I was thinking some sheep yarn holders. 


I have two cowls and some chicken sweaters (yup) to make for a friend. 


Some AG sweaters are on my needles.  As is a slouchy hat I'll finish someday.


I have some peg people that need finished, a belly cast that needs painted, and a quilt that needs bound and which reminded me how much I suck at sewing. 

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More farming than crafting, but this year I am working with a group of angora rabbit breeders to increase the micron count of our herds. We have to send in samples to a lab 4 times a years and see how big a difference we can make in a year. Beyond that I am doing a lot of spinning and dyeing of my own 100% angora. I taught myself tunisian crochet a few days ago and love it! I have tried to knit so many times and just can't do it well. Tunisian crochet gives me the look, but in a way in can handle. :)



okay this is my favorite post in this thread so far.  Now you are giving me IDEAS, :(  



I have already raised chickens and plan to try quail this year.  How much harder are rabbits?

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I am trying to finish up a couple reusable shopping bags made from cut up plastic bags. I am limited by the number of plastic bags I can get because each one takes over 100 bags so it has been slow going. I finished my first one last week entirely out of Target bags.


I also need to make a friend of mine a sock monkey. She just had a baby and wants a multicolored sock monkey for her.

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I'm starting a ceramics class next week.  No idea what to make-it's pretty free form.  I was thinking some sheep yarn holders. 


I have two cowls and some chicken sweaters (yup) to make for a friend. 


Some AG sweaters are on my needles.  As is a slouchy hat I'll finish someday.


I have some peg people that need finished, a belly cast that needs painted, and a quilt that needs bound and which reminded me how much I suck at sewing. 






People sweaters with chicken designs or sweaters for chickens?  I remember a few years back some folks were knitting sweaters for baby penguins after an oil spill, clean up had removed their protective natural oils. 

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I'm going to learn to knit. I remember how frustrated I was learning how to crochet so I'm a little nervous about learning to knit. Shoot, now there will be two things I have to move correctly instead of just one.  :huh:


Some people think knitting is simpler because you know to use the next stitch on the needle, unlike crochet where you have to stick the crochet hook somewhere or other but sometimes aren't sure exactly where.  Fewer choices make it better for some people.


 And some people keep the left (or non-dominant hand) needle totally still and just work around it, so there's still just one thing moving correctly.

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I finally got around to casting on the Sherlock cowl I linked to in  the pre-Christmas thread. Moving glacially slow on this.  I keep thinking of other things I'd rather do.  Dd and I whipped up 3 ball band dishcloths on the way to a family Christmas -- so much fun!  I want to make more, but I don't like to actually use those types of dishcloths.  So then I discovered that you can use tulle to knit dish scrubbies, and am wondering if I really did throw out all of the extraneous tulle in the stash closet.


My family got me a subscription for Threads for Christmas and the first issue just came.  And then my SIL gave me a gift card for JoAnn.  So I'm pondering what to sew for myself.  Except what I should really be sewing is a hoop skirt and dress for younger dd to be Blanche in the musical version of Jane Eyre.


Mostly I'm just flouncing around wanting to do other things than what I'm supposed to be doing.  

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Rosie, I have a good friend who makes a lot of button blankets. She has a source for shiny buttons that is much cheaper than anything in the US. I think she orders them directly from Thailand. If you do makes some, I can ask her for her source.


Another button shop I've heard about is Lyanwood on Etsy. I'm not sure how the prices would work out for you but she ships (nearly) worldwide from Hong Kong.

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I love those gloves! What's this about "EU VAT patterns gone free"?


Forgot to add this part of your post. I've been hearing about EU VAT all over Ravelry. I don't really know details but it has to do with changes in how taxes are collected in the EU. Whatever the details it seems to be burdensome to small businesses like knitwear designers so many of those have decided to make their patterns free in lieu of dealing with the details of the new tax laws.


Here's a thread from Casey with links if you want the real scoop.

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Forgot to add this part of your post. I've been hearing about EU VAT all over Ravelry. I don't really know details but it has to do with changes in how taxes are collected in the EU. Whatever the details it seems to be burdensome to small businesses like knitwear designers so many of those have decided to make their patterns free in lieu of dealing with the details of the new tax laws.


Here's a thread from Casey with links if you want the real scoop.

Well I feel bad for them, but I have been going crazy downloading what used to costly patterns to my library for FREE. Some are just crazy stunning. I'm so excited. Some of the designers have decided that the cost of selling due to the EUVAT is too burdensome so they are doing one or more of the following:

Refusing to sell to EU customers to avoid the issue

Making their patterns free and closing shop

Selling via other retailers who will collect the tax and such for them and charge them for doing that

Letting people know to buy before the end of the year (obviously too late now) bc they just closing up this year (patterns won't be available at all)


I've been putting my favs on FB for my close yarny friends but didn't think to share here. :( Sorry.

Some are still free though!

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My two favorite if the many finds were the Anna-Sophia Mare collection. Stunning. I can't believe they are free. Until EU, they were justly priced at $5+




And I'm gaga over these gloves from Julia Mueller. I wanna make them all. *drool*. These used to cost too.




It sucks they are going to stop, but holy moly am I glad to have these amazing patterns!

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I finally got around to casting on the Sherlock cowl I linked to in  the pre-Christmas thread. Moving glacially slow on this.  I keep thinking of other things I'd rather do.  Dd and I whipped up 3 ball band dishcloths on the way to a family Christmas -- so much fun!  I want to make more, but I don't like to actually use those types of dishcloths.  So then I discovered that you can use tulle to knit dish scrubbies, and am wondering if I really did throw out all of the extraneous tulle in the stash closet.


My family got me a subscription for Threads for Christmas and the first issue just came.  And then my SIL gave me a gift card for JoAnn.  So I'm pondering what to sew for myself.  Except what I should really be sewing is a hoop skirt and dress for younger dd to be Blanche in the musical version of Jane Eyre.


Mostly I'm just flouncing around wanting to do other things than what I'm supposed to be doing.  



Can you link the pattern again for the Sherlock cowl? The search function isn't working all that great.

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Ravelry link:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-only-one-in-the-world


The pattern writer, Professor Fonz, has several Sherlock-themed pieces.  If you like that sort of thing you might take a look at her designer page on Ravelry.  I think she also has a tumblr, so you can find them that way if you don't use Ravelry (although knitting and NOT using Ravelry is pretty rare, it seems).


Also, I just walked into our kitchen in my stocking feet and suddenly realized I need to make myself a new pair of Fuzzy Feet.  Sheesh, that floor is cold today, and the temps are supposed to fall this week.  So toss out everything I said a few hours ago, and now I'm working on Fuzzy Feet ... as soon as I remember what I did with the yarn I bought with that pattern in mind ....

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Ravelry link:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-only-one-in-the-world


The pattern writer, Professor Fonz, has several Sherlock-themed pieces.  If you like that sort of thing you might take a look at her designer page on Ravelry.  I think she also has a tumblr, so you can find them that way if you don't use Ravelry (although knitting and NOT using Ravelry is pretty rare, it seems).


Also, I just walked into our kitchen in my stocking feet and suddenly realized I need to make myself a new pair of Fuzzy Feet.  Sheesh, that floor is cold today, and the temps are supposed to fall this week.  So toss out everything I said a few hours ago, and now I'm working on Fuzzy Feet ... as soon as I remember what I did with the yarn I bought with that pattern in mind ....


Thank you very much. :)

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Also, I just walked into our kitchen in my stocking feet and suddenly realized I need to make myself a new pair of Fuzzy Feet.  Sheesh, that floor is cold today, and the temps are supposed to fall this week.  So toss out everything I said a few hours ago, and now I'm working on Fuzzy Feet ... as soon as I remember what I did with the yarn I bought with that pattern in mind ....


I need a new pair of Fuzzy Feet too. I set the yarn aside when we had that first cold snap . . . a couple months ago? But then it warmed up and stayed warm-ish so I made no progress. But I hear it's supposed to be below freezing here in the next couple days. I don't think I"ll get done in time so I'll have to just wear my old Fuzzy Feet which has a hole in it but is still mostly wearable. By the time I get around to a new pair it will be summer. lol.


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My two favorite if the many finds were the Anna-Sophia Mare collection. Stunning. I can't believe they are free. Until EU, they were justly priced at $5+




And I'm gaga over these gloves from Julia Mueller. I wanna make them all. *drool*. These used to cost too.




It sucks they are going to stop, but holy moly am I glad to have these amazing patterns!


Thank you for the links the "Three Oaks" gloves from Julia Mueller are gorgeous.  Way out of my knitting league but gorgeous

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Quilting: I just finished up a couple of table runners as Christmas gifts:




I have a small sewing project to do next (stuffed letters to spell my niece's name), and then I'll be working on my Settlers of Catan quilt.



Quilling: A former student is getting married in a couple of weeks. I'll be doing some quilling around the invitation and framing it as my wedding gift. (I gave something practical at his fiancee's bridal shower. ;) ) Generally, I try to do quilled flowers that match the type and colors used in the wedding, but in this case I feel like flowers aren't the right choice for some reason. So I'm planning to go kind of free-form and hope I end up with something pretty. :p



I was thinking the other day that I'd like to learn how to do a mariner's compass. Is there a book/website that you'd recommend for someone new to the techniques required for that?

I don't belong in this thread, but I absolutely LOVE the table runners! Beautiful!

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Is there an embroidery equivalent to Ravelry?

Not that I'm aware, but if I'm wrong, I sure hope someone enlightens me as to where to find it!


I wish there was one for sewing too.


I'm not sure why that is. Someone else blogged about this lacking in the cyber communities not too long ago and mentioned a few sad 'contenders', but really the biggest problem is those places have just very little sharing and feedback, much less the scale of ravelry. Idk why that is, but it's a crying shame. I know the market and interest is there bc folks on my ravelry groups are always talking about these things too.

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Is digital scrapbooking a craft? If so, I am working on "Little Mermaid" book since my DD played Sebastian at the local community theater. A local photographer takes about 650 photos which I go through and place characters in my own painted scenes. I write in the story, and then have a great book to give to my future grandchildren one day.

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