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That woman REALLY chaps my hide. (Annual annoying relative vent and JAWM) Let's not be too philosophical, please.


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I'd bring awesome take out pizza because a) congress says it's a vegetable & b) I'd be the COOLEST aunt ever & all the kids would love me & c) odds are everyone would want a slice & that would bug the proper hosts.


And a big tub of ice cream for dessert.

This! But tell her the veg dish is "tomato, peppers, onion medley" or whatever vegetables will be on the pizza.


And bring sprinkles for the ice cream. Festive!

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I used to be much more like your SIL before I had kids. I apologize on her behalf.   :D


For me it was mostly driven by a lack of acknowledgement about how much work it takes to pull things together. I have some slacker family members and they would chide me for stressing out and say, "See, it all came together. You were worried for nothing." In the meantime, it had come together due to a lot of detail management in the background. I'm not saying that's what happened in your family, but it was a problem in mine. A little bit of acknowledgement would have gone a long way around here.


Now I have kids and am too busy to care how it turns out because I have more important things to worry about.  :001_cool:


I've added a photo of our Thanksgiving veggie platter this year. We used a lot of colorful vegetables and I made this dip. The trick was to line it with purple cabbage leaves and kale to make it look more full. We also hid some caper berries and other small things that don't show up well in the photo. It could easily travel if double-wrapped in plastic wrap. The angle makes it look smaller than it was; the platter was about 10x17, but that includes the built-in handles. (Ignore the tablecloth, of course we had a spill on the Thanksgiving one right as the party began.)  :glare: HTH.






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I must be mellowing in my old age. I don't see it as a big deal. Decide what are bringing and send her an email back to let her know. I'm guessing there is some back history that makes this seem worse to you. She's organizing it the way she wants to. When it's your holiday, you can organize how you want to.


Try to relax and enjoy the holiday.

One, this is a JAWM post.


Two, it's not the SILs holiday. It's the whole family's holiday.


Three, if the person who is having people over wants to arrange every detail then that person needs to actually host the event and not assign cooking tasks. If people are bringing things, they get to decide what those things are.


Four, I think blowing off steam is a holiday tradition. It doesn't sound to me like Quill isn't enjoying Christmas over this.


I am hosting Christmas, and for me that means cooking basically everything. When people ask if they can bring something, I say it's not necessary but sure, bring what they like. If they ask me what I will only ask for something that requires cooking if I know it is their speciality and they want to do it. Otherwise "why don't you bring some drinks or juice for the kids?"

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Or ketchup! Or spicy ketchup, hitting both veggie and hot sauce categories.


ETA: Sorry, Stacia! Was posting slowly on my phone. :)




No worries. If we were invited to Quill's party, you & I could supply not just the party but the entire neighborhood with Christmas ketchup! Mmmm. Mmmm. Good!


And, now I'm wondering... since ketchup contains a good bit of sugar, would it also cover the dessert category too?


Just sayin'. ;)

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No worries. If we were invited to Quill's party, you & I could supply not just the party but the entire neighborhood with Christmas ketchup! Mmmm. Mmmm. Good!


And, now I'm wondering... since ketchup contains a good bit of sugar, would it also cover the dessert category too?


Just sayin'. ;)

Didn't they used to sell green ketchup? That would totally up the festive factor when paired with the normal red!


Christmas ketchup for everyone!!

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Didn't they used to sell green ketchup? That would totally up the festive factor when paired with the normal red!


Christmas ketchup for everyone!!


I think the green ketchup kind is what zoobie's bringing to the party...? :lol:


I'm never going to think of ketchup the same way again. It has suddenly become a very festive food in my book!


You could do a whole fancy ketchup tasting thing w/ pretty little dishes w/ a variety of ketchups & then make little pigs-in-blankets for dipping into the 'fancy' ketchups. It sounds like a 1970s throwback meal. You could totally run with this idea, Quill. The idea is totally free of charge for you. Just think of it as your little Christmas gift of happiness from zoobie, happi duck, & me.


Zoobie & happi duck, I think we need to start our own retro/theme catering business. You in?

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I think the green ketchup kind is what zoobie's bringing to the party...? :lol:


I'm never going to think of ketchup the same way again. It has suddenly become a very festive food in my book!


You could do a whole fancy ketchup tasting thing w/ pretty little dishes w/ a variety of ketchups & then make little pigs-in-blankets for dipping into the 'fancy' ketchups. It sounds like a 1970s throwback meal. You could totally run with this idea, Quill. The idea is totally free of charge for you. Just think of it as your little Christmas gift of happiness from zoobie, happi duck, & me.


Zoobie & happi duck, I think we need to start our own retro/theme catering business. You in?

I'm in! Let's make this too for Quill's dinner: http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/molded-vegetable-salad

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I think you should email her back and tell her that you have been thinking it over and you now realize that anything you could possibly bring would pale in comparison to the delicious foods she will be preparing, so you have decided not to even bother trying. Then verify the time for dinner and promise not to be late.


Also ask if it's OK if you bring along some professional wrestling DVDs for the boys to watch in the family room after dinner.

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I didn't get the impression Quill saw it as a "big deal," but humorous in the absurdity of the situation. If I thought this was meant to be a serious cry for help, I couldn't get past noodles for Thanksgiving Day dinner. I mean, lolwut?



If you are from the Mid-West...there is a very good chance that you have noodles (chicken and noodles, beef and noodles) at most large gatherings...especially a holiday.  Noodles and mashed potatoes are two things my husband and kids see as non negotiable for Thanksgiving.    

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I was trying to keep it to myself, but the noddles and the seafood for a skeet shoot threw me too.


Maybe this is how our guests react to Mexican Food for a Christmas gathering with my family?

Oh, you all do not know about the noodles, but the noodles are a crucial tradition and man, the are so darn good! And the oysters? That's a Chesapeake Bay thing. You get them in months that end in "er." It's necessary.

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If you are from the Mid-West...there is a very good chance that you have noodles (chicken and noodles, beef and noodles) at most large gatherings...especially a holiday. Noodles and mashed potatoes are two things my husband and kids see as non negotiable for Thanksgiving.

Yup. MIL is from Missur-a. :D No noodles is not even a holiday.

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I'm just shaking my head that a bunch of grown men can't be trusted to bring saltines and hot sauce to their own annual oyster feast.


Did they forget the beer, too?

Oh, no. THAT they would not possibly forget.

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I must be mellowing in my old age. I don't see it as a big deal. Decide what are bringing and send her an email back to let her know. I'm guessing there is some back history that makes this seem worse to you. She's organizing it the way she wants to. When it's your holiday, you can organize how you want to.


Try to relax and enjoy the holiday.

Yeah, there's backstory. She's a giant PITA. That's the backstory. There has actually been three additional e-mails from her today that I didn't see; we were at a funeral. Marney cannot let it rest until she knows exactly what I'm bringing.


P.s. i'm seriously considering the shirt.

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I see a little of both sides.  I am the organized type person, and want to make sure we have all bases covered.  Also, if it's at my house, I sort of want to figure out what needs to be cooked when.   However, I am go with the flow too.  As in, if you change your mind about what you want to bring or also bring something else that's fine.  If something gets forgotten, oh well.  


I do assign specific dishes because the ensuing emails would sound like this:


"Well what do you want to bring?"


"I thought maybe this but so and so doesn't like it so maybe I shouldn't bring it.  What are you going to bring?"


"I don't know.  I think I"ll decide after I know what everyone else is going to bring."


"Hey Mom, will you make a chocolate cake?"


"You know you shouldn't ask mom to bake a cake.  It's too much work with how she has been feeling lately."


Mom - "I will bring a chocolate cake."


"No mom, we have the cake covered.  Just show up."


"Who wants to make a chocolate cake."


Crickets chirping.......  and then the whole thing starts over again.  Ahh, it's enough to drive me batty.  It's easier to assign, and let them swap if they want too.


Hugs.  Family dynamics are always fun.

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I see a little of both sides. I am the organized type person, and want to make sure we have all bases covered. Also, if it's at my house, I sort of want to figure out what needs to be cooked when. However, I am go with the flow too. As in, if you change your mind about what you want to bring or also bring something else that's fine. If something gets forgotten, oh well.


I do assign specific dishes because the ensuing emails would sound like this:


"Well what do you want to bring?"


"I thought maybe this but so and so doesn't like it so maybe I shouldn't bring it. What are you going to bring?"


"I don't know. I think I"ll decide after I know what everyone else is going to bring."


"Hey Mom, will you make a chocolate cake?"


"You know you shouldn't ask mom to bake a cake. It's too much work with how she has been feeling lately."


Mom - "I will bring a chocolate cake."


"No mom, we have the cake covered. Just show up."


"Who wants to make a chocolate cake."


Crickets chirping....... and then the whole thing starts over again. Ahh, it's enough to drive me batty. It's easier to assign, and let them swap if they want too.


Hugs. Family dynamics are always fun.

Ha! It's like you know us! Yeah, there have been e-mails like this on other topics.

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I got a new idea driving around town today.


Just email back and ask them if they like original or extra crispy.


Please (said in pleading whiny voice)...I kinda want to see what happens.

I can't. I've expended my daily quota of Passive-Agressive replies.

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If you are from the Mid-West...there is a very good chance that you have noodles (chicken and noodles, beef and noodles) at most large gatherings...especially a holiday.  Noodles and mashed potatoes are two things my husband and kids see as non negotiable for Thanksgiving.    

Ummm...I've lived in the Midwest most of my life (except the year I studied abroad), and I've never encountered noodles at Thanksgiving. Or heard of it until this thread. This is not a Midwest thing.


To the OP: annoying relatives are the worst. 

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Is there a Boston Market anywhere near you?  The largest Creamed Spinach they've got, then think not another thought about these people, nor their derned vegetables!  And if there's no Boston Market, then whatever grocery store carries such a thing, frozen or fresh.


Make it work for you, whether that's bringing saltines and hot sauce with a wicked grin, or some no brainer veggie, or whatever.  


Nuts is nuts!  Merry Christmas!



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Is there a Boston Market anywhere near you?  The largest Creamed Spinach they've got, then think not another thought about these people, nor their derned vegetables!  And if there's no Boston Market, then whatever grocery store carries such a thing, frozen or fresh.


Make it work for you, whether that's bringing saltines and hot sauce with a wicked grin, or some no brainer veggie, or whatever.  


Nuts is nuts!  Merry Christmas!




Costco had big containers of them. Just pop in the microwave.  I used to make a copy cat Boston Market creamed spin, but the squeezing out the spinach is actually a lot of work, and juice makes my knuckles really itchie. So from now on we are buying it!

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I'm in the Midwest. We have chicken and noodles (preferably over mashed potatoes), but we've never had them on a holiday. They're more of a Sunday dinner thing here.


Chicken AND Noodles ALL over mashed potatoes!?  Wow - live and learn.  I am in the upper midwest and I've never had that.  I have had green bean casserole and I'm in the gross camp on that.  Anything made with a can of highly processed cream soup is not for me!  :ack2:


I think this thread is hilarious!  So I am having my only sibling and his family over tomorrow for a small Christmas celebration, gift exchange and dinner.  We only see them a few times a year.  Honestly, they aren't super enjoyable to get together with if I'm going to be honest and there's so much history of them blowing us off, not showing up or being extremely late for events, drawing the entire family into their drama, etc.  So they just irritate me WAY too easily already.


He asked what he should bring.  So in contrast to Quill's MIL and Marney (ROFL!) I'm trying to be nice and I told him what I'm making, hinting at some areas where there are holes in the menu, and said let me know what you want to bring.  He said he is bringing a bottle of wine for his wife because she's picky about wine.  Umm ok dude.  I'll make you a $90 standing rib roast and you just bring your wife some wine, won't you.  FTR - I brought like 3 sides/appetizers to his house last Christmas.  And beer.  And wine. He asked what time - I said about 2.  He said, oh we need to come earlier because of the football game.   Guess who does not give a flying leap about the football game?  Oh - and my adorable teenager just reported he has a mandatory thing for this youth council he is on tomorrow night when we're supposed to be eating dinner he forgot to tell us about months ago.  AWESOME!


I'm going to keep singing ... oh may the joy and the wonder of the holiday season fill your hearts and lives!  Cheers!   :cheers2:

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