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Do you boil your lasagna noodles??


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I lay my regular lasagna noodles in layers on a cookie sheet (or other rimmed pan) and pour boiling water over them.  Let them sit for about 10 minutes. Then I carefully take them out and place them in a single layer on some waxed paper or plastic wrap as I assemble the sauce/ricotta, etc.   This softens them enough so that they will cook evenly, even without boiling.  You will need to add a small amount of extra sauce/liquid to your recipe.  I tired multiple time to do the "don't boil, just add extra liquid" thing, and ended up with less than great results.  No one likes crunchy noodles or watery sauce. 

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I use the gluten free kind, but I've found that generally it turns out better if you don't boil the noodles first.  Just add a little extra water to the sauce & make sure they are completely covered in sauce so all of them are completely covered. Once I forgot to add extra water and just poured some around the edge and it still turned out great.

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Lately, I make my own. I'm a super annoying overachiever with too much time to spare like that. No need to boil fresh pasta.


It's actually super easy. Like ridiculously so. But for dry noodles, I don't usually boil them either. But I cook it a really long time. Boiling speeds things up a little.

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I don't find boiling the noodles that big of a deal. Always a non issue for me. Very eye opening that so many people do not boil first.


I don't find it too bothersome to boil the noodles, it's just a step I'd rather avoid. But my lasagna tends to be a little watery- the layers aren't really cemented together and it's like the noodles don't absorb the flavor of the sauce. I bet it's because I always boil the noodles...and probably overcook them. I'm pretty excited to try one without boiling the noodles in advance!

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I'm intrigued! Then what? Cover them with sauce I presume? How long/high do you cook them?

Yes, I cover them with sauce and leave them on low in the crockpot for a few hours. Sometimes I make a homemade bolognese, sometimes I use jarred vodka sauce. I top with cheese toward the end of cooking time. Just make sure the pasta is completely covered with sauce or it will be crunchy.

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I never have. I have been reading a little about resistant starch lately though and it may be healthier. Apparently pasta that has been boiled and cooled changes in form and then when you reheat it it keeps those changes. The result is something called resistant starch which is good for bowel health and also possibly better for blood sugar levels for diabetics etc.

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