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Ranch dressing on pizza?


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When did this become a thing? I'd never heard of putting it on pizza until I started doing foster care and most of the kids we've had have demanded ranch salad dressing on pretty much everything including pizza. Is it a generational thing? Regional? Socioeconomic? Am I missing out on something delicious?

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The local pizza chain gives you little cups of dip (for the crusts, I guess), one of the choices being ranch. It's pretty good. Not being particularly in the take-out pizza loop, I noticed this first maybe 10 years ago? Not sure how long it's been a thing.

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I started putting ranch dressing on pizza (or rather dipping my pizza in ranch dressing) nearly 30 years ago because a friend of mine was doing it.  But he was not originally from my area so I don't know if it was a regional thing from where he originally came from or not (and i don't recall where that was).  Now my kids love ranch dressing on their pizza, but I don't remember teaching them to do it since I don't usually do it anymore.  Maybe they got it from friends at school or their cousins?  I honestly don't know.


All this to say that I think it has been around in certain areas for a while but perhaps it is just now becoming more common in your area?

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I had the BEST pizza the other day.  It was called "Chicken in a Pickle" and it had a garlic sauce instead of the tomato sauce.  Then it was topped with chicken, cheese, ranch dressing and chopped dill pickles.  It sounds really weird but it was really really good.

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On the pizza itself?


When I was in grad school at Texas A&M during the late 80s, dipping pizza crust in ranch dressing was A Thing.


It was a big thing with bread sticks and pizza crust when I was in college in Texas in 87/88.  It's pretty tasty but I don't think it would be good on the actual sauce/cheese part of the pizza.


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I abhor ranch dressing anywhere, anytime, on anything.


But yes, this does seem to be a thing. My niece and nephew love it.


One more layer of fat. As if pizza isn't already full of fat. I don't get it but admittedly I am seriously biased against ranch dressing in the first place.

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I've had chicken ranch pizza before. I hate it - dh loves it. If a pizza has to take on an alter ego I would prefer alfredo sauce.


I got some pizza from a buffet once thinking it was alfredo. Nope-ranch. I do not like ranch anything. It was hard to be a grown-up and not spit it out.

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