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Kicking diet coke!


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Hey ladies!

I'm at about 2 1/2 weeks with no diet coke. I've tried a handful of times over the last 20 years to kick it with no success. I really want to stop this time. It even sounds so crazy to have to work so hard to stop drinking a carbonated beverage. I didn't realize I was so addicted.

So......first question - when will the cravings end???? And any words of encouragement from those that have succeeded?


Sugar is hopefully next!

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Ooh, no words of wisdom on the cravings really, but after 20 years I would imagine it is much more than a physical addiction. It is going to take a long time I would guess.


I just wanted to say congratulations for finally conquering it and making the decision to do something positive for your self! Woo hoo!

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Plain seltzer water here. Turns out I was addicted to bubbles, not diet coke.

Me too! I really love British Cider. Cold, crisp, and bubbly.

Hubby bought me a soda machine with seltzer and a tart apple juice? Perfect. It wasn't the drink (even though occasionally the alcohol in it was a bonus!) but the cold refreshing bubbles:)

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Oh dear. It is so hard. I have such cravings still five years after I broke the habit. I allow myself to have one now and then. My sister always has them at her house and as soon as I walk through the door, I need one. Once I knew there were some in the fridge in the garage (we had guests staying with us otherwise it is banned from here) and I was recovering from ankle surgery and on crutches. All I could do was think about it. I had to have it, but how would I manage the stairs to the garage and then how would I carry it. I put on a backpack to carry it in and hopped on the steps...I knew it was a addiction. I have given up coffee and alcohol for extended times but never had that kind of craving. Be strong!

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It took about 2 months for me. Once that was over, I did not crave them any longer. I was extremely addicted and drank lots of Diet Coke every day. Perhaps it is individual since others have different experiences. I did not quit cold turkey, but drank one can a day for 2-3 weeks, then tapered off from there. Hope that helps. 

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I kicked it the Diet Coke habit a few years ago.  I actually kicked it twice, but each time, after a few months, I was just bored to tears with water. I tried water with lemon, lime, oranges, a spritz of cranberry juice.  None of those really did it for me. I finally switched to unsweet tea with stevia.  I now drink unsweet tea and I'm getting used to using less and less stevia. 



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I feel your pain. I kicked the daily habit a couple years ago. I told my dh to not buy Diet Coke for me even if I asked. That worked for me since he does the grocery shopping. I do now allow myself an occasional diet drink when we go out to eat or when we're on vacation. Somehow it just helps me if I know I can have one once in awhile. I figure one or two a month on average isn't too bad, especially compared to the one or two a day I was drinking before I quit. I also do drink LaCroix carbonated water at home, and that helps. Good luck!

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I'm 30 or so years the other side of drinking a lot of pop (Diet Coke).  You get there and then you really, really don't miss it anymore. About 20-25 years ago I tried some sips again, and didn't even like it anymore.  That's been my experience anyway.  I don't crave it, ever, at all.  Now I drink lemon water (1/4 lemon squeezed into a glass of water; rinse mouth out after with plain water) or just water. 


Hang on! 

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Thanks ladies! This is all encouraging! So far I have lived on water and sometimes tea. But yes - the addiction isn't just physical. I actually feel sad drinking water with a burger and fries :)

I will get through it!!! At least the headaches haven't been as bad as I thought they would be!

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I kicked my diet coke habit by drinking seltzer mixed with juice. Now I can occasionally drink one (and I really mean rarely, like once every few months) and I'm fine.


I do understand the addiction. I used to drink DC all day every day. I feel better since stopping though.

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I quit my coke Zero habit about 2 months ago.


It was causing my hair to fall out.


It actually wasn't that bad, surprisingly. I'd tried in the past, but now when I had a really good reason to stop, I was able to completely stop.


I kept a water bottle handy alll day and would sip when I craved. Especially in the car.

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When I started doing Whole30 eating, the diet coke is what I missed most. Unsweetened tea was allowed, so I drank that to ease the caffeine withdrawals.


It's been nearly 8 weeks, and I no longer get the cravings at home, only out places (like taking the kids to McDonalds or going to a picnic). Saturday we were at a friend's cabin, there was all kinds of food there I couldn't eat, and nearly everyone was drinking soda. I cracked and took a couple of drinks out of dh's diet coke. That was enough, and I left it alone.


Interesting what fairfarmhand said about hair falling out. I just noticed yesterday that I'm losing less hair in the shower. Maybe there's a connection!

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I never had a huge habit, so my advice may not be overly helpful.  I did get up to 2-3 a day for a while though when I was working full time.


I ended up simply cutting back slowly.  I got down to just one 12 ounce can per day and thought I was doing well.  Then I decided to cut to 1/2 a can per day.  Pretty soon I cut back to a two cans per week, and then only when I went out to eat.


Now I can almost take it or leave it, even in a restaurant.  I still occasionally have a can, about one or two per month at most and only if I really am craving it.  It happens every now and then.



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Tried several times to kick this habit. I crave Diet Coke. I love it. It is a physical and mental addiction.


The most successful thing I did was to divide the habit into parts: the addiction to nutrasweet (aspertame), the addiction to bubbles, the addiction to sipping all day, and the addiction to caffeine.  Then, I removed ONE of those.  I started with the artificial sweetener. WOW, do a lot of drinks have artificial sweeteners!!!  I switched to regular pop and to tea with sugar.  Next, I removed the bubbles.  That was actually harder. Tea is nice, but the bubbles are wonderful.  And that's where I failed each time.  Someone fixed me a St. Croix seltzer and fruit juice mix at a party. It was wonderful. I think I could drink that instead of Diet Coke.


You've inspired me to try again!!



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I drink Organo Gold coffee and tea. Diet Coke has been shown to cause tumor growth. I'm prone to that anyway (3 surgeries later), so that's a deterrent for me personally. I do let myself have one a couple of times a year, but I also notice that when I do, my carb cravings kick in. The carbs really make me sick, so that's another deterrent. 

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I haven't completely kicked it but I have success with unsweetened tea most of the time. But my go to drink when I'm craving it is San pallegrino with just a splash of real cranberry juice and half a lime. In reality it tastes so much better than diet coke but I totally understand the craving. Mine comes with other foods - like potato chips- so I have to give those up too. It's hardest for me in the morning because I don't like coffee and in the summer I don't want hot tea. But I've found most times if I drink a big glass of water the craving is mostly gone.

Good luck! I know it's awful for me but I also understand how hard it is to quit.

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I have REALLY cut back on the amount I used to drink....I used to drink several containers a day (either cans or those little bottles).....now I try and limit myself to 1 per day and drink either tea or water....I allow myself to get a soda if I am out of the house-like running errands but other than that I try and stick to water/tea....and I've noticed that it doesn't taste as good as I used to think LOL....

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I kicked a 10 can a day/20 year Diet Coke habit cold turkey nearly 3 years ago.  The first two weeks were awful with the headaches, but honestly, it was the fuzzy-headed-ness that really got to me for a good month.  Once those symptoms cleared, I found fighting the cravings were not that bad.  I missed drinking DC with pizza most of all.  


I found that substituting a mineral water (Pelligrino with lime) really helped when I was craving carbonation.


Hang in there - you can do this!  The worst is over.  Promise! :hurray:

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I know someone that kicked that habit by drinking Izze Soda a couple times a day and then cutting that back to once very so often.  You still get the fizz with those but it's a more natural soda.  


Have you tried the diet drinks in the natural food section?  Not sure that it's much better for you but at least a start.


I used to have a very bad addiction to drinking regular coke and kicked that habit 23 years ago.  You can do this!!! :grouphug:

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