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Lived in Texas my whole life... DH has a job interview in Portland tomorrow.


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I would love the opportunity to get out of Texas, though I have been here for 5 years, I just do not feel right here. I would love to see what Portland is like, though the biggest bite there I've heard is the property taxes and income taxes. I've known people who lived in the NW and a few say the SAD for them was pretty bad. I will be waiting to hear your news, yes or no.

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Oregon is the promised land. The mexican food won't be as good up here, but that is the only drawback from my perspective! I would be devastated if the situation were reversed, however, and I needed to consider leaving Oregon. Peace be with you!

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The Northwest is far more liberal politically if that matters to you. It's also very "unchurched" and/or unreligious compared to much of the rest of the nation, and probably especially the South. I know someone who moved away from the NW because of these things.  Just making some observations -- not sharing my opinion about that one way or another.  ;)


That doesn't mean, of course, that there are no conservatives and no churches. I'm conservative and churched :D -- and I love the Pacific Northwest. I don't foresee leaving.  I live east of the Cascades, in Washington, so I don't know much about Portland and don't deal with the wet west side anymore (although I did growing up and I didn't mind it at all), but overall I think the Pacific Northwest is just a fabulous place to live. 

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We moved from Virginia to the PNW about 10 yrs ago.  We spent a year in OR but now live in the SW WA area. It took some getting used to, but I really like it here now.  SAD was a struggle the first several years, but I've come over the past two years to really embrace the gray, rainy weather. I genuinely love it!  In fact, I've been know to grump on sunny days "Why must it be so darn sunny?" :)  And all the rain makes everything so green and lush. It really is beautiful here.  




Dh and I used to look for opportunities to move back east/south (TX has been a consideration in the past) but I don't know that I want to leave the PNW now.

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I had the same thing happen two years or so ago. Dh had a job interview in OH, and I was freaked out. I've lived within 15 minutes of my hometown all my life. He got the job, but the pay was less than he'd anticipated, so he didn't take it. Thing is, I really wish we had gone. At the time I was relieved not to have to make the choice, but now I regret not seeing more of the world. I'd jump at something like Portland, just because small town life is feeling too tight just now. (Then again, I live in one of the snowiest towns in America, and we have a similar number of grey/rainy days to Portland.) Maybe adventure is calling?

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We adored that part of Oregon when we lived there. Our house was in Newburg, and dh commuted in to his job on the south side of the city. We took day trips all over the countryside, Mt. Hood, Astoria, Tillamook, Newport, weekends in Seatle, or exploring Mt. Rainier in Washington, south to glacier lake,...all of it gorgeous. It was fun to just drive the few miles aound Newburg when the rose farms were in bloom!

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I'm a life-long Texan who could never imagine living anywhere else. Yet about 3 years ago, DH's job moved us to New Orleans.  We expect a move back to Houston in the next year, and I will miss this city so much!! It's been a wonderful adventure, and one I wouldn't have traded for anything.  But I was TERRIFIED.  I know where you are right now, and I hope that if you're faced with a reality of a move to the PNW, that you're able to embrace the adventure! 

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I spent most of my life in California before moving to Portland.  We lived there 9 years before moving about 7 years ago.  I miss it so, so much.  Though I was not born there and lived there a shortish time out of my life, I am and will always be an Oregonian. 


It does rain and it is gray there, and I don't mean to trivialize the effects of that on people.  But really the weather much of the year is glorious!  Anything will grow there, and unless you adore Texas's hot hot summers, you may find you love it.    And there is so much natural beauty that is going to be very different from that in Texas. 

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I'm freaking out. I think the job might be good for him, but I just can't imagine moving. I'm really hoping he just doesn't get the job so we don't have to make this decision...


Just think of it as a great adventure. :-)


You will have actual requirements to homeschool there--not much, but still way more compared to what you have in Texas. :-) But think of the adventures you'll get to have: I'm sure there are fun things to do in Oregon, and you'll be short drives from Washington and California--the whole West Coast at your fingertips!


My SIL grew up in a small town near Seattle (in fact, her family started the town, it's named after her family, her family still owns about 90% of the land, she was mayor for awhile). My brother joined the Army Reserves and went on active duty. His first duty station was in El Paso. o_0


It will be fun. And even if it isn't, you will enjoy it much more if you anticipate its being an adventure. :-)

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Just think of it as a great adventure. :-)


You will have actual requirements to homeschool there--not much, but still way more compared to what you have in Texas. :-) But think of the adventures you'll get to have: I'm sure there are fun things to do in Oregon, and you'll be short drives from Washington and California--the whole West Coast at your fingertips!


My SIL grew up in a small town near Seattle (in fact, her family started the town, it's named after her family, her family still owns about 90% of the land, she was mayor for awhile). My brother joined the Army Reserves and went on active duty. His first duty station was in El Paso. o_0


It will be fun. And even if it isn't, you will enjoy it much more if you anticipate its being an adventure. :-)


True.  But let me tell you, it is nothing compared to the requirements here in the Cradle of Liberty!   LOL.


Maybe it's changed since I moved but if I recall correctly it's a one-time notification, then testing in 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th grades.  Someone will correct me if I'm wrong and of course if you do move you will read the law yourself to be sure.  But overall it is very homeschool friendly and my friends with high schoolers are all still happily homeschooling there.   Lots of groups in Portland.  Lots of stuff to do.  OMSI!  My kids still miss OMSI!

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I haven't lived in Portland, but did live south of there for four years and I've visited Portland several times. I LOVE it. But I just love the entire PNW. I have even thrown out the idea to my husband of moving to Corvallis (approx. an hour south of Portland) when we retire. (We live in a different state currently.) The city of Portland is wonderful, mountains are nearby and so is the spectacular Oregon Coast, one of the most beautiful places in the world, imo. I do love rain, though, and the cooler temps.


Best wishes as you navigate this decision!

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the northwest is a beautiful area, with many outdoor sporting activities.  from skiing to paddle boarding to rock climbing and wind surfing the Columbia river. and of course, hiking.    Mt. hood is an easy drive from Portland.


the weather will be a huge change - it rarely gets unbearably hot.  Portland does get ice storms in the winter.


probably the hardest thing would be the difference in cost of living - especially housing.   you can buy more house in texas for the money than up here.


I hope the job interview results in what is the best for your family in the long term.

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Stacey, who knows what will happen, but I have a close friend who'd lived in Louisiana all of her life. She loved it, was a southern girl, through and through.  Her husband's job moved them to Seattle about three years ago. She's fallen in love with it, hikes as much as she can, posts pictures several times a week, from her hikes to landmarks to restaurants, shopping and sports, all of the fun stuff she is enjoying about her new home.


She never expected to do anything more than make the best of it, and instead she's been totally blown away by the PNW and adores it more than she ever could have imagined.



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I dig Portland (was just there yesterday, in fact). If you like food trucks or bookstores the size of small towns, that would be something to look forward to.


But I certainly understand your trepidation. There are places I'd be nervous about if I had to move. So just let us know what kind of vibes you want us to send out regarding the interview. I truly hope it all works out for the best for you and your husband.

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