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  • 4 weeks later...

If anyone else got a new fitbit for Christmas and want to join the group, send me a PM with your email address today. My workweek starts tomorrow, and after today, I probably won't get to adding anyone else until Sunday.


Does anyone have a Fitbit Charge yet? Does the watch function display seconds? I've seen some pictures where it does, and others where it doesn't.

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I'm still at 6000. I blow that out of the water regularly at work (8000-11000), and generally don't come anywhere near on non-work days, but it is obtainable if I try.


We just got a gym membership, which kind of helps, assuming I focus on activities that do something to my step count. I would have hit 6000 yesterday if the baby had let me get up and finish.

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Woot, having the flu didn't knock me tooo far down in the standings!!! Although my sister is beating me in my personal friend list. :( HAH! 


Can we start a 2015 Fitbiters thread? 


Gym membership certain adds a couple thousand to my day. :) 


Who's up to logging 10,000 tomorrow? 

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Thanks, I got the email invitation. I got a Flex for Christmas and am working on figuring everything out. So far the most I have gotten is seven thousand something and that included using a treadmill at the gym.


I need to figure out how to change my goal to something more obtainable to me at this time.

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:seeya: everyone.


I got a flex for Xmas and I just set it up and strapped it on today. My wrists are tiny and it's a little bit clunky, definitely not unobtrusive. I guess I'll get used to it. Do you all sleep with yours on? I'll try it for a few nights but I'm already having a hard time with the fact that a wireless device is on my body for such a long period of time. Does that bother any of you? Sources contradict each other as to the effect this might have. We'll see how long I can tolerate it :lol:


I'd love a 2015 Fitbitters thread. And ocelotmom I need to send you a pm so I can join the WTM group on the fitbit site if you're still doing that.


I think I'll keep my goal at the original 10,000 and see how I go before changing it.

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If anyone else got a new fitbit for Christmas and want to join the group, send me a PM with your email address today. My workweek starts tomorrow, and after today, I probably won't get to adding anyone else until Sunday.


Does anyone have a Fitbit Charge yet? Does the watch function display seconds? I've seen some pictures where it does, and others where it doesn't.

I just got a Charge for Christmas. The clock display has four options, and two of them display seconds.


Thanks for adding me to the Fitbit group - I'm Heather M. over there :)

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I just got a Charge for Christmas. The clock display has four options, and two of them display seconds.


Thanks for adding me to the Fitbit group - I'm Heather M. over there :)


Thank you! I hadn't been able to find a real answer about this, and it's the deciding factor for me, as there are other options I'd probably choose if I had to keep wearing a separate watch along with it.

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I just looked- I have been #17 for a while now and wanted to see how much I dropped at the end of the month. I am surprised to see December's numbers gone and January up. And only one person has steps. So the race is on!


That's me  :lol: . I'm 3000 steps above number 2  :smilielol5: . I'm soooooo making a screenshot!

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I just sent a PM to join the group - no hurry to send me the link, I'm not doing too much until Monday.  :001_smile:    I received a Zip for Christmas. 


Dd has been sick and doing the cuddle thing the past few days and we're stuck in the house.  Dh bought the whole family a Y membership for Christmas but I can't bring dd while she's coughing, sneezing with the occasional puking. :sad:


I'm hoping she's better by next week.  I have to go back to work Monday and the kids have their first day of swim lessons for the new session (they've been members for a while).  Our normal routine involves me having to pick them up from the Y three days a week after work so I'm hoping that will make it really easy to let them play in the Kids Arcade a little longer while I go work out.   I'll get some (around 3,000)  steps at work if I put in a bit of effort and get the rest at the Y.  I'm also hoping to take a lunchtime Tai Chi class.  It's on Tuesdays when my boss is usually at our NYC office and the Y is only 5 minutes from work.  I figure Tai Chi shouldn't be too sweaty.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are we still able to join? I have a fitbit and I need competition to get my butt doing anything. :)


Yep. Just send me a PM with your email address.


If I ever decide I'm closing it off, I'll either make a post to that effect, or stop posting on the boards at all if something extreme happens that prevents me from making such a post. Until then, just PM :) I work several days a week and probably won't get to it on those days, but I should normally get to it within 72 hours max.


(I already got your PM, just posting for the sake of others who may be reading it)


In other news...


I've been contemplating the Fitbit Charge HR for a while. My regular watch irreparably broke the other day, so I decided to go for it. 


The heart rate monitor is totally nifty, but seems like it's reading a little low, especially when active. When resting, it's a few beats lower than my pulse oximeter says. When exercising, it's about 10 bpm below what the exercise machine is seeing (our gym has machines that measure HR through skin resistance or something. Of course, the machine could also be inaccurate). 


The clock is frustrating. I didn't realize it only stays on for 5 seconds at a time. I can understand not displaying constantly to extend battery life, but I really need for it to stay on for at least 30 seconds to a minute at a time (I'm a nurse, and one of my primary uses for a watch is to use when checking people's heart and respiratory rates). As far as I can tell, there is no way to set this. I can work around this, but may have to go back to wearing a plain old watch along with it.


It detects sleep automatically! This is an awesome thing that I wasn't expecting. I originally got a fitbit partially for the sleep tracking, but almost always forgot to turn it on when I was using the Flex. Now it just does it. Yay!


My active minutes increased dramatically, and this applied retroactively to the readings from my Flex. It looks like they now differentiate between "moderately active" and "very active". I like this, because I'd rarely have more than a handful of very active minutes, regardless of what I did. 


It integrates stairs climbed, which the Flex didn't. This is fairly useless to me - I honestly cannot remember the last time I climbed more than a handful of steps at a time. Tall buildings, even two story, aren't common around here for some reason. And, because it registers actual elevation change and not the action of going up stairs, it isn't useful on a Stairmaster, which I do have access to. But if you do have the option of taking the stairs regularly, it's a little bit of added motivation.


It has a regular watchband clasp, which I like, but it has a little thing on the band to hold part of it in place which makes it hard to remove. As it isn't as water-tolerant as the Flex (you aren't supposed to wear it when showering), this is a bit of a pain. I've found that if you pinch the edges together when taking it off, it comes off easily.


Note that it is not recommended for people with light-sensitive seizure disorders, as the HR monitor has a rapidly flashing green light.


Overall, I'm happy with it.  It feels like it provides more in the way of useful info. And even if the watch isn't perfect... after 5 months of using the Flex, I was *still* instinctively looking at it to try to check the time. Now I can. 

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I am so totally a slug . I lowered my goal to 6000 steps and I only seen to reach that when I go to the gym. This time of year, I just want to hibernate.

Yep, in the winter, I ride my exercise bike in the warm house. Fitbit only gives partial credit for that.

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Yep. Just send me a PM with your email address.


If I ever decide I'm closing it off, I'll either make a post to that effect, or stop posting on the boards at all if something extreme happens that prevents me from making such a post. Until then, just PM :) I work several days a week and probably won't get to it on those days, but I should normally get to it within 72 hours max.


(I already got your PM, just posting for the sake of others who may be reading it)


In other news...


I've been contemplating the Fitbit Charge HR for a while. My regular watch irreparably broke the other day, so I decided to go for it. 


The heart rate monitor is totally nifty, but seems like it's reading a little low, especially when active. When resting, it's a few beats lower than my pulse oximeter says. When exercising, it's about 10 bpm below what the exercise machine is seeing (our gym has machines that measure HR through skin resistance or something. Of course, the machine could also be inaccurate). 


The clock is frustrating. I didn't realize it only stays on for 5 seconds at a time. I can understand not displaying constantly to extend battery life, but I really need for it to stay on for at least 30 seconds to a minute at a time (I'm a nurse, and one of my primary uses for a watch is to use when checking people's heart and respiratory rates). As far as I can tell, there is no way to set this. I can work around this, but may have to go back to wearing a plain old watch along with it.


It detects sleep automatically! This is an awesome thing that I wasn't expecting. I originally got a fitbit partially for the sleep tracking, but almost always forgot to turn it on when I was using the Flex. Now it just does it. Yay!


My active minutes increased dramatically, and this applied retroactively to the readings from my Flex. It looks like they now differentiate between "moderately active" and "very active". I like this, because I'd rarely have more than a handful of very active minutes, regardless of what I did. 


It integrates stairs climbed, which the Flex didn't. This is fairly useless to me - I honestly cannot remember the last time I climbed more than a handful of steps at a time. Tall buildings, even two story, aren't common around here for some reason. And, because it registers actual elevation change and not the action of going up stairs, it isn't useful on a Stairmaster, which I do have access to. But if you do have the option of taking the stairs regularly, it's a little bit of added motivation.


It has a regular watchband clasp, which I like, but it has a little thing on the band to hold part of it in place which makes it hard to remove. As it isn't as water-tolerant as the Flex (you aren't supposed to wear it when showering), this is a bit of a pain. I've found that if you pinch the edges together when taking it off, it comes off easily.


Overall, I'm happy with it.  It feels like it provides more in the way of useful info. And even if the watch isn't perfect... after 5 months of using the Flex, I was *still* instinctively looking at it to try to check the time. Now I can. 

Good information. I wouldn't mind having the watch part as well as the heart monitor. Perhaps I'll upgrade when my Flex dies.


My husband's Fitbit (in his pocket) records all the stairs he does. When they are prepping an airplane for something he can be up and down those air steps a dozen times. Very fun to see his 'scores'.


I do wish the Flex did the stairs.


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Welcome, Laura!


Thanks, Jean.  After my yoga class this evening, my Fitbit thinks I climbed an extra twelve flights of stairs.  Oh well, it was exercise, however the beast wanted to categorise it..  


I reached my 5,000 step goal, so maybe I should up it a bit.  I'm hoping for a good walk in the morning, as Husband is cooking breakfast and taking Hobbes to school.

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I'm on vacation at Disney World, wearing my new Charge HR...and I left the charger at home on the desk :eek:


I stopped wearing it at night, in hopes of preserving the battery life. It is almost dead (according to the app when I synced after lunch) after charging it last Wednesday.


Have been averaging 7.5 miles walked (much at a leisurely pace), with an average of 75 active minutes (those long stretches of quick walking).

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For those of you who are getting 20,000+ steps a day ~


I am envious.  How are you getting in so many steps?

Please tell me you all have treadmills at home and are using those.  I have to go outside and with temps below zero today and 8 inches of snow yesterday, there is no way I can walk the 10 miles to hit over 20,000.

I was happy to have enough energy and desire (after looking at how many steps you all were posting) to get in my 10,000 yesterday.


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For those of you who are getting 20,000+ steps a day ~


I am envious.  How are you getting in so many steps?


Please tell me you all have treadmills at home and are using those.  I have to go outside and with temps below zero today and 8 inches of snow yesterday, there is no way I can walk the 10 miles to hit over 20,000.


I was happy to have enough energy and desire (after looking at how many steps you all were posting) to get in my 10,000 yesterday.




Well, currently I'm at the top and it's because of an error. :) My battery ran out yesterday and when I replaced it somehow everything cleared but the steps. I had a lot of steps the day before (about 16,000K) and so it started me off in the middle of the day with 16K steps, even though really it should have been much less. I think at the end of the day it recorded 22K. I tried to figure out how to change the number for the day but I couldn't. Today it's back to normal (cleared at midnight). That's why it looks like I have a ton of steps but only like 2 miles. 


The times I have walked that much it's mostly outside. I live in Virginia and although it's been cold for us, it's still possible to be outside and we haven't had enough snow to make a difference. Plus, I have a dog that needs a lot of exercise. So even on the few single digit days or days of sleet and snow someone has to take her out and it's usually me. 

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I've never gotten 20k but I have gotten 15k a few times. This past week it happened twice; once when I ran 4 miles and another time when I ran 2 miles & also managed to go for a walk the same day. Prior to last week, I hadn't hit 15k since the end of October.


I can't get over 10k unless I do some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes, it's a lot more difficult for me to do that in the winter.

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For those of you who are getting 20,000+ steps a day ~


I am envious. How are you getting in so many steps?


Please tell me you all have treadmills at home and are using those. I have to go outside and with temps below zero today and 8 inches of snow yesterday, there is no way I can walk the 10 miles to hit over 20,000.


I was happy to have enough energy and desire (after looking at how many steps you all were posting) to get in my 10,000 yesterday.



I've gotten 20k + a few times, though I average maybe 13-14k a day. I don't have a treadmill though, I usually take walk in the morning and again in the evening. I also live in Hawaii, so the weather isn't really an issue. We hike a good bit too. :)

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For those of you who are getting 20,000+ steps a day ~


I am envious.  How are you getting in so many steps?


Please tell me you all have treadmills at home and are using those.  I have to go outside and with temps below zero today and 8 inches of snow yesterday, there is no way I can walk the 10 miles to hit over 20,000.


I was happy to have enough energy and desire (after looking at how many steps you all were posting) to get in my 10,000 yesterday.




I don't usually get that many (I range 7,500-10,000), but I did on Saturday.  I was reading a book that was more textbooky than fun to read and I was determined to finish it (I had over 200 pages to go) but sitting and reading was driving me crazy so I started walking around and around my house while reading.  It is about 65 steps per complete circuit of my main floor, by the way.  And my house got really clean because every circle I made I'd pick something up and put it where it belonged as I walked.

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Have you all seen this: https://fitforfood.fitbit.com/, and this? When Fitbitters who sign up burn 1 billion calories, Fitbit will donate 1.5 million meals to Feeding America.  I'm not sure if those of you outside the US can participate or if they have similar programs in your country.


ETA It looks like it only counts active calories, but it's still neat.

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So I think when I changed from my One to my Charge HR it reset my account and kicked me out. I'm going to rerequest to join if  that's okay.


I also don't know how some of you get so many steps in! I have a hard time meeting my adjusted goal of  5,000 if I'm not doing 30 min on the elliptical. I can't imagine getting 15,000+ in 1 day. That being said I am going  to work on reliably hitting my 10,000 goal daily within the next month.


Also, for any of you considering the Charge HR I thought I would give you my thoughts. I'm a short, small framed woman  (5'3") and I ordered the small. It fits but barely, there isn't much extra room on the band, but I'm okay with that because it means  there isn't any flapping around. It's a little uncomfortable  and took some getting used to. The hard part actually extends over my wrist, but for the most part I've gotten used to it. When I exercise I move  it up my arm like they  suggest and that seems to help, but I have very little extra room on the band so I can't move  it a full 3 fingers  up. The  first couple of times I worked out with it I also wore my Polar FT4 with it. I found the heart rates to be very similar, the Charge would have my heart rate go back to normal quicker than the FT4 but it wasn't a huge  difference. I now only wear the Charge and I am okay with their estimates.


IMO the sleep function is useless. It  tells me I'm "sleeping" when I'm in bed watching TV or reading before bed so I found it  really overestimates how much sleep I'm getting. I also wasn't comfortable sleeping with it so I take it off most nights. The downside is I love the silent alarm, so if  I need to be  up at a certain time I will use it for that. One function I thought I wouldn't care about was the caller ID but man I love that! Especially when we're working on school and I have my phone on silent it's so nice to have a quick vibration and look at my  wrist and know if I need to answer  the phone or not.

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Thanks for the review, NavyMommy.


Dd11's fitbit won't charge anymore and dh suggested giving mine to her and buying a Charge for me.

I'm still undecided.


I'm enjoying my charge HR.  I have the small size and keep it on the smallest-but-one hole.  I haven't had to move it up my arm.  I don't find it uncomfortable, but I often used to wear my watch at night before anyway.


It does over-count my sleep at the beginning of the night (before I actually fall asleep), but I do like that it validates my feelings when I wake up unrested - I can always see the restlessness in the night's record when I do.


I particularly like the heart beat monitor, as it helps me to make sure to get the intensity of exercise that I want.  I also love the silent alarm.



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I'm enjoying my charge HR. I have the small size and keep it on the smallest-but-one hole. I haven't had to move it up my arm. I don't find it uncomfortable, but I often used to wear my watch at night before anyway.


It does over-count my sleep at the beginning of the night (before I actually fall asleep), but I do like that it validates my feelings when I wake up unrested - I can always see the restlessness in the night's record when I do.


I particularly like the heart beat monitor, as it helps me to make sure to get the intensity of exercise that I want. I also love the silent alarm.



Thanks, Laura.


I also love the silent alarm of my flex! I'm not sure I need the heart rate function of the Charge, but I do like that it counts stairs.

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Also, for any of you considering the Charge HR I thought I would give you my thoughts. I'm a short, small framed woman  (5'3") and I ordered the small. It fits but barely, there isn't much extra room on the band, but I'm okay with that because it means  there isn't any flapping around. It's a little uncomfortable  and took some getting used to. The hard part actually extends over my wrist, but for the most part I've gotten used to it. When I exercise I move  it up my arm like they  suggest and that seems to help, but I have very little extra room on the band so I can't move  it a full 3 fingers  up. The  first couple of times I worked out with it I also wore my Polar FT4 with it. I found the heart rates to be very similar, the Charge would have my heart rate go back to normal quicker than the FT4 but it wasn't a huge  difference. I now only wear the Charge and I am okay with their estimates.


IMO the sleep function is useless. It  tells me I'm "sleeping" when I'm in bed watching TV or reading before bed so I found it  really overestimates how much sleep I'm getting. I also wasn't comfortable sleeping with it so I take it off most nights. The downside is I love the silent alarm, so if  I need to be  up at a certain time I will use it for that. One function I thought I wouldn't care about was the caller ID but man I love that! Especially when we're working on school and I have my phone on silent it's so nice to have a quick vibration and look at my  wrist and know if I need to answer  the phone or not.


Totally agree about the sizing.  I got the small originally.  I'm a big woman (very big) overall, but my wrists and fingers are very thin.  It's something people often comment about, they are that thin.  It was sort of comfortable on the third or fourth notch, but it just never was totally comfortable.  I got a large and gave the small to my almost 15 year old daughter.  It fits her perfectly.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was complaining about the sizing of her Charge HR.  She is very small overall and she needs to have it on the 2nd notch and so it annoys her a bit that she can't use the little slider thing to hold the end of the band down.  She is considering getting a large.  Even with the large, I am most comfortable on the 6th or 7th slot.  I could tighten it significantly.  Using the measuring thingy on the side of the box, I should definitely be wearing a small.


Mine seems to be very good about telling when I am sleeping.  The time I go to actual sleep is always totally accurate even though I read a while every night before going to sleep.  I think I move around a lot when I am awake, though.  It's totally explained why I am still tired in the mornings.  I am a very restless sleeper apparently (my parents always said I slept like an egg beater!) and so I don't get a whole lot of deep sleep.  Not sure how to fix that, though.  My daughter says the sleep tracker is not totally accurate for her.  She'll know she woke up during the night, but it doesn't show her as waking.  I think that's because years of insomnia have led to her just laying completely still even when she wakes up during the night.  She regularly goes to sleep and wakes up in the exact same position.


Caller ID doesn't work with my Fire Phone.  My daughter loves that option with her iPhone.  She keeps her ringer off and doesn't get many calls anyway so if she does get a call it's usually important so the buzzing on her wrist is great for her.


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I am all happy and patting myself on the back when I get my modified goal of 6000. :). I will work my way up to 10000 when the weather is better.


My goal is 6000, too. I can usually make that if I go to the gym and shopping in addition to daily household activities. I can get 10,000 if I go for a long (multi-hour) walk or on workdays, where I walk up and down long hallways for much of the day. The most I've gotten in a single day since I started using this thing in August is about 12,500 (work + gym). So yeah, the people who consistently make 15-20,000 kind of baffle me. I have a hard time seeing doing that unless I was walking most of the day (or going for long runs).


I suspect it has something to do with stride length. I'm 5'11, and it's sometimes been noted that I'm taking 1/3 to 1/2 less steps than shorter people walking with me. But if that were a major factor, you'd think my position on the leaderboard for steps and distance would be disproportionately different, and they really aren't. Maybe I need to actually measure my stride length.

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