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Terrier went down a hole.... UPDATE!


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We have an animal hole under huge cement steps. Huge.


She's gone. It's been a few hours. We can see nothing. We can hear nothing. She is not responding. DH has been digging for almost an hour... nothing. Soon the steps will cave if we keep digging and there willl be no way for her to get out and I won't even discuss what kind of danger we're creating in our backyard.



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We live on an acreage so if it leads out into the field or something we'd never know it. It looks like it goes right under the house. We have a full basement.


DH is pulling down the arbor, the sorts, and we're going to pull the steps. There are trees on each side and we fear she's caught her collar on a root or something. But it's so weird that we can't hear her bark or whine???


We visited it was a raccoon but maybe it was a badger? I'd that is still in there that would explain why we hear nothing. :(

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We live on an acreage so if it leads out into the field or something we'd never know it. It looks like it goes right under the house. We have a full basement.


DH is pulling down the arbor, the sorts, and we're going to pull the steps. There are trees on each side and we fear she's caught her collar on a root or something. But it's so weird that we can't hear her bark or whine???


We visited it was a raccoon but maybe it was a badger? I'd that is still in there that would explain why we hear nothing. :(


Hoping it's not a badger and you find her soon. :(

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We gave up for the night. Assuming we can't hear anything she is either too far or too deep for us to be any help. So nowwe wait? We're hopefully she'll come out on another end and come home. She's chipped if she's lost. DH wondered if they can track a chip.

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We gave up for the night. Assuming we can't hear anything she is either too far or too deep for us to be any help. So nowwe wait? We're hopefully she'll come out on another end and come home. She's chipped if she's lost. DH wondered if they can track a chip.

So sorry. Hope you wake up in The morning with her home.

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We gave up for the night. Assuming we can't hear anything she is either too far or too deep for us to be any help. So nowwe wait? We're hopefully she'll come out on another end and come home. She's chipped if she's lost. DH wondered if they can track a chip.


Looks like it's not possible to track the microchip. :/

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I'm so glad she's back and that she's OK!


Sounds like she was really scared ,though. :(

We woke her boy. They are asleep together now. Life is good again.


If you had asked me yesterday if I was at all attached to get I would have told you no, lol.... Turns out I might actually like her.


It didn't induce labor though, lol. ;)

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She's back! We heard barking outside and there she was. She was crawling on her tummy and shaking so she was definitely upset. I'd love to know the story, but I'm just glad she's back and safe.



SO glad!


They actually used to have dogs wear bells on them, to help them track dogs underground. Also, that's why terriers are usually very barky/yappy dogs. Because it made it easier to track them underground. If she isn't too traumatized you could look at doing earthdog trials with her, she seems to be a natural!  https://www.apps.akc.org/classic/events/earthdog/index.cfm

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SO glad!


They actually used to have dogts wear bells on them, to help them track dogs underground. Also, that's why terriers are usually very barky/yappy dogs. Because it made it easier to track them underground. If she isn't too traumatized you could look at doing earthdog trials with her, she seems to be a natural! https://www.apps.akc.org/classic/events/earthdog/index.cfm

I loved this link! How fun would that be? I wonder if it's just for AKC registered dogs? Lace is a rat terrier bought for $15 out at the Amish one day. :) Actually her instincts got her banished to Grandpa's house for a long while when she found her way into our colony and destroyed baby buns.


The boys went out to fill in the hole this morning. The nine year old, clearly not thinking, to her with him and down she went again. She came back in about ten minutes though and right back up the hole she went down. Sigh. She's really something.

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This really is one of those moments that you wish your dog could talk. So glad she is home!!!


Did she have any bites or other injuries? I'd be tempted to take her to the vet just in case.

Nope, not a scratch or a mark, just really dirty paws.

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I loved this link! How fun would that be? I wonder if it's just for AKC registered dogs? Lace is a rat terrier bought for $15 out at the Amish one day. :) Actually her instincts got her banished to Grandpa's house for a long while when she found her way into our colony and destroyed baby buns.


The boys went out to fill in the hole this morning. The nine year old, clearly not thinking, to her with him and down she went again. She came back in about ten minutes though and right back up the hole she went down. Sigh. She's really something.


Looks like this group doesn't require paperwork. http://awta.org/index.html


And you can get a dog provisionally registered with the AKC, i think, without proof.

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