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Why are you voting for McCain / Obama?

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We're voting for McCain. My dh is in the military and though it's not our only reason for voting for him a lot has to do with who would we trust with his life. We just feel when it comes to a Commander in Chief, McCain has the experience that Obama just doesn't. We actually feel that Obama doesn't have enough experience to even be running for president. I guess it's mostly a matter of who we're more comfortable with when it comes to my Dh's boss, because ultimately that's who the president is for us.

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I'm voting for McCain, I want smaller government, protection of civil liberties, to maintain the choice to choose what is best for my family (education, medical, etc.) and a strong leader who can lead the military with experience.


I always look for a presidential candidate that will uphold the Constitution as the founding fathers intended it, one that will seek the best path for our country no matter if it makes the actual President look bad.


If another candidate is elected, I won't like it but I will support that person as our President. I think the endless throwing of tomatoes at our elected officials is hurting our country in major ways and preventing any progressive movement forward b/c people are too busy ducking and spinning the truth to make themselves look good. I will continue to make my voice heard on the local and state political scene to protest bills as I see fit.


I would vote for the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party but some of their views are too 'out there' for me and I want my vote to work towards actually putting someone in office.


I don't wish to argue about this at all and I'm avoiding all political threads that get heated b/c in the end, I'll be the only one standing in the voting booth making my selection.

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I had made up my mind for McCain, but according to ABC (the only choice we have here in the land of bunny ear television) he may be picking a pro-choice VP.


If he does, I just lost my one reason to choose him over Obama and I am back to the drawing board.


So, if McCain gets my vote it will be over issue of life. If he messes that up, then I am still undecided.

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Obama. I have a hard time answering this question in the same way I have a hard time answering the "why do you homeschool?" question. I really have too many reasons to list without taking most of the day. Suffice to say it was not a difficult decision for me.

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I don't want to vote for either but I'm going to admit something... I don't like McCain at all. He may still get my vote because I can't say I disagree with him on *everything*. In the end, the main reason he could get my vote...


He's not Obama. Yes, I may just cave in on that one despite my earlier declaration to never color a little circle by McCain's name. But I'm still looking at Barr and who else may be out there. So, in that sense I'm still undecided.


Or perhaps I'll write in my daughters' guinea pigs for president/vice president. They're harmless and don't do anything. That's what we all need.


Wasn't there a cat we were all going to vote for around here?

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I'm with Elaine. I'll hold my nose, but probably vote for McCain. If not, I may write in Dy of Classic Adventures or perhaps Elaine - Elaine what's your last name? :tongue_smilie: Or perhaps Peek a Boo! :D


Nah, we need Peek at the State Dept. She can be a special forces commando diplomat sent in for the tough guys like Putin. She can argue them under the table and have them cowering in no time. Then she can call the President and say, "No problem, sir. Here - Putin gave me the keys to his Nuke launcher thingamajiggy."


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It's been reported that military troops have donated more money to Obama than to McCain--troops serving abroad have donated almost six times as much to Obama.


...as to why a) "The Military" is referred to as a single group in polls like this, lol, and b)...how the amount of money given correlates to voting results.


I might be dense, but...doesn't that just point to evidence that folks who have more money to give are giving to a certain candidate?

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My net worth will go down significantly if Obama wins :(


higher taxes on "rich"

increase in capital gains tax

red tape/ higher taxes for small business owners


McCain is pro small business, pro-life, increased natl security, strong military.


We don't agree completely on the global warming issue or immigration, but I can live w/ the differences.


Obama's socialistic leanings (wealth distribution, taxes on rich) give me cause for grave concern.

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For me, it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. McCain is (GAG... ahem) less than ideal, but he is pro-life and I believe he will do a better job of maintaining national security, so he'll get my vote. I won't be doing a jig after leaving the polls, though.

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I'll be voting against Obama, more than voting for McCain.


While Barack Obama is undoubtedly an inspiring speaker and John McCain's speeches could put an entire audience to sleep, Obama's words are empty - imo. I disagree with almost every policy stance of Obama's, and I find his rhetoric stirring yet idealistic and unrealistic.


Above all else, I cannot in any way whatsoever vote for Obama because of his stand on abortion, his lack of direct answers to certain questions, his lack of judgment in certain situations, and his potential choice of Supreme Court Justices.

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I'll be voting against Obama, more than voting for McCain.


While Barack Obama is undoubtedly an inspiring speaker and John McCain's speeches could put an entire audience to sleep, Obama's words are empty - imo. I disagree with almost every policy stance of Obama's, and I find his rhetoric stirring yet idealistic and unrealistic.


Above all else, I cannot in any way whatsoever vote for Obama because of his stand on abortion, his lack of direct answers to certain questions, his lack of judgment in certain situations, and his potential choice of Supreme Court Justices.


:iagree: Yep, that about sums up my position as well.

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I want to mix the two together and come up with a new candidate. What I don't like in McCain, I like in Obama and vice versa. In the end, I'll probably vote for McCain while holding my nose, too. If I do, it will probably be solely due to the pro-life issue, and I'm not a single issue voter. But Obama is just too pro-choice.


Or maybe I'll go with my first plan and get deathly ill election day so I can't go to the polls, and then I won't have to feel guilty. Maybe?



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I'll be voting against Obama, more than voting for McCain.


While Barack Obama is undoubtedly an inspiring speaker and John McCain's speeches could put an entire audience to sleep, Obama's words are empty - imo. I disagree with almost every policy stance of Obama's, and I find his rhetoric stirring yet idealistic and unrealistic.


Above all else, I cannot in any way whatsoever vote for Obama because of his stand on abortion, his lack of direct answers to certain questions, his lack of judgment in certain situations, and his potential choice of Supreme Court Justices.




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I'm voting for McCain, I want smaller government, protection of civil liberties, to maintain the choice to choose what is best for my family (education, medical, etc.) and a strong leader who can lead the military with experience.


I always look for a presidential candidate that will uphold the Constitution as the founding fathers intended it, one that will seek the best path for our country no matter if it makes the actual President look bad.


If another candidate is elected, I won't like it but I will support that person as our President. I think the endless throwing of tomatoes at our elected officials is hurting our country in major ways and preventing any progressive movement forward b/c people are too busy ducking and spinning the truth to make themselves look good. I will continue to make my voice heard on the local and state political scene to protest bills as I see fit.


I would vote for the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party but some of their views are too 'out there' for me and I want my vote to work towards actually putting someone in office.


I don't wish to argue about this at all and I'm avoiding all political threads that get heated b/c in the end, I'll be the only one standing in the voting booth making my selection.


:iagree: What Jessica said!

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McBama reminds me too much of McDonald's which reminds me of a Big Mac: too much fat and calories and no nutrition. So I guess it'll be O'Cain.




...sounds more like a beer, I think. (I think I'm reminded of O'Doul's...the nonalcoholic beer.)


Does that make it more palatable? :D

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...sounds more like a beer, I think. (I think I'm reminded of O'Doul's...the nonalcoholic beer.)


Does that make it more palatable? :D


Not really, cause with either one of them I think I'm going to need some alcohol in my beer.



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And I haven't decided which one yet.


I'm against Obama because I see a lot of intelligence and style but not a whole lot of substance. I'm not sure what he stands for, and I'm not at all sure that he can do the job. I like him personally, though.


I'm against McCain; although I have respected him up until this year for being his own man even when I disagreed with him, I see him bending to political realities this year in a way that has lost some of my respect. I think he is more likely to get us out of the war in the Middle East, but paradoxically this is because I think he is just crazy enough to attack two more countries or something, so I think that other countries will tiptoe around him more than anyone else on the political scene today. I don't like most of his stances on women's issues, and I think that he will set us back environmentally and with energy policy. OTOH, at least I know where he more or less stands on those things, which is far more clear than with his opponent. And I actually do think that he is too old to start the job now, sad but true.


I continue to be aghast that these are our choices. I think that the real power grab is elsewhere entirely, or we would have better candidates. And on that speculative but hopefully not inflammatory note, I will close.

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The US Congress is likely to be highly weighted to the Democratic Party.


I'll be voting for McCain to keep this in check, and to help keep more judges that do not legislate from the bench.


Obama could have introduced most of his Change as a US Senator. Why make him President? He could have built consensus in his current position and didn't.


I don't like some of McCain's positions, but he seems to be an honorable man. He has tried build consensus, and is not another President Bush. I have watched McCain in previous presidential elections, the spin doctors are just trying to fog the issues.


Obama seems to be a typical lawyer, college professor, and politician not professions I see a lot of honor and trust.


The United States is the greatest country in the world! The checks and balances of the Constitution will stop either candidate from ruining this country. You can see this by the SCOTUS limiting President Bush's powers at GTMO.



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My heart is with the progressives who fought for women's right to vote and own property, workers' collective bargaining rights, child labor laws, safe working conditions, reform of mental institutions, basic stipend for elderly and orphaned, abolition movement, equal rights for minorities. And the progressives are leading the long tiring fight for fair treatment for nonheterosexual peoples and for universal access to healthcare. In short, the progressives historically have sought to reduce human suffering.

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