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I need a hug (and ideas would be welcome)


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I have a list of things that are weighing on me. I need to share before I explode.


1.) Dragon (10 yo ds) has an appointment tomorrow for some kind of mass on his knee. Doc took xray and it's not the bone but I'm still nervous.


2.) We may very well run out of our non-meat protein, a.k.a. dairy, and there are next to no resources to buy more between now and the ninth of May.


3.) Both Dragon and Mr. Picky have to get their triglycerides down and we can't afford to go out and buy different flours to cook with.


I worry for my boy as there is a history of cancer on both sides of my family. I was up crying last night from worry and haven't slept well in almost a week.


Thanks in advance for listening.

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I'm sorry you are stressed. I know how out of control you can feel when dealing with a medical situation for your child. :-(


Regarding the protein, I think we talked about this recently. What about canned tuna or salmon made into patties?


Would cutting out some saturate fats (like milk) help with the lowering of triglycerides?

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I second the food bank idea. I would also talk to the doctor about not being able to afford food.  She might know about some resources you don't. 


To reduce triglycerides, but not buy new foods at this time, can you concentrate on increasing activity and reducing sugar in their diets? (Sorry, I don't remember if you've posted about this before). Those actions would be free, at least. Just buy different flour the next time you run out. 


It's probably NOT cancer.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: .  I'm glad your appointment is tomorrow, so you'll soon have answers and reassurance. 


Best wishes. You have a LOT on your plate.


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I hope everything goes well at the Dr. You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. 


For the food issue - what do you have in your kitchen? We eat mostly vegetarian and with very little dairy, so I might be able to help with some ideas. Beans are very inexpensive and you can make a ton of different stuff: pasta and bean soup, beans and greens, rice and beans, veggie burgers of all sorts, tacos/burritos. Tofu is also pretty inexpensive and versatile. 

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To reduce triglycerides, but not buy new foods at this time, can you concentrate on increasing activity and reducing sugar in their diets? (Sorry, I don't remember if you've posted about this before). Those actions would be free, at least. Just buy different flour the next time you run out. 


This is mainly what dh did to reduce his trigs--cut out sugar, and reduced starches and increased exercise. He went from over 1000 down to less than 100. He did not cut out fats, either. It took awhile though.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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As far as the food bank ideas go, try to find a small one with an understanding supervisor. Our old church used to have one and she passed along all real needs to our congregation who then made sure no one was doing without something they needed. If a good food bank knows what you need, someone will provide it.

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Are the lumps on the back of the knee?  Lymphatic glands back there that can swell for scads of reasons, the vast majority of which are nothing to worry about.


And your 2 year old has high triglycerides?  I've never heard of even checking cholesterol in a kid that young.

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Prayed for knee.

You have a 2 year old with high triglycerides? I didn't even know this was possible.

If you are looking for protein and meat or dairy is too expensive could you try eggs? However, don't know how this would play out with the trigs.

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I can't help you with the food issues, but I will tell you that my dd found a large lump on her wrist a little over a year ago. On the xray it appeared as a very large mass. It's about the size of a chicken egg, which is large considering how small she is.  We had it checked out and it was a benign cyst of a type that typically develops near a growth plate -- such as a wrist, or a knee.  It's not likely to ever cause her any problems.  Obviously I don't know if this is what your child has, but I was worried before the diagnosis and it turns out that I really didn't need to worry at all. 


Prayed for you....

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