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What do you do when you have a few hours alone? (If you do)

Sherri in MI

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I have the whole evening to myself tonight, but for the life of me I can't figure out what to do.  Dh & ds are gone overnight.  My lifestyle is so centered around them, when they are not around, I feel clueless as to what to do or who to do it with when I have some unexpected time alone.  For fun of course.  I can think of many things on my "to do" list to do, but I want to do something fun. 


Any ideas?

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Before everybody leaves, I write a long, detailed list of all the things I'm going to clean, cook, and accomplish in those free hours. And I absolutely do NOT then make a big cup of tea and spend all evening on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress. Definitely not. Because that would be wrong.

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Before everybody leaves, I write a long, detailed list of all the things I'm going to clean, cook, and accomplish in those free hours. And I absolutely do NOT then make a big cup of tea and spend all evening on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress. Definitely not. Because that would be wrong.


Change "watching Say Yes to the Dress" with "surfing the internet" or "reading the latest trashy novel" and that would be me, right down to the long list.


Dh usually takes the kids down to his moms at least once a month for the entire weekend.  I make big plans to do major cleaning and I'll get about half of it done before I give in to the temptation.

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I put on my music on Pandora - and turn it way up.  I put on a pot of tea just for myself.  I putter - some of it actually does tackle something on my list (it makes me feel better) and some of it is of the surfing the internet/ reading escapist twaddle variety.  I talk to the dogs and the cat.  Sometimes I call a friend and chat.  Sometimes I take a bath.  

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I rarely get time alone, but I have a bit right now.  So far I have not painted the bathroom like I should.  I have spent my time playing games online.  I sometimes curl up on the couch and watch a movie or show and work on my embroidery.  Sometimes I run a hot bath, light some candles, and relax.  I try not to do too much housework because I really need my downtime.  Yesterday the boys helped me clean the house, so I don't have to feel guilty today not doing anything.


But alas, my time is almost over.  I just got the text that FIL is bringing the kids back.  I only had about an hour and a half, but it was very nice and quiet.

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I break into my secret-hidden junk food stash, because the boys have found my hidden stash and they know of the secret stash, but not my Just For Me Ultra Special Secret-Hidden Junk Food Stash that includes not just junk food but expensive junk food! I will watch Foreign Films that are too racy or risque for kids to happen to see, I go for a jog if I have the time and afterward I like to take long hot showers I use every drop of hot water the pipes have!


I often eat fast food sandwiches for dinner.

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It doesn't happen often but today it did!

I went to lunch by myself :)

Then I stopped in the Goodwill store and then went grocery shopping.  It's not very exciting but being able to grocery shop alone is a luxury for me these days.

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I do something artistic that requires concentration. I then reward my creative efforts with a good book and yummy food that no one but me likes. I am ashamed to admit it but sometimes I eat Top Ramin. I know. I know. I seriously want to hang out with some of you ladies who really know how to enjoy your time!

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I eat junk food, drink pepsi, and watch shows that I often don't have a chance to watch. If I have a pretty big chunk of time, I'll sometimes get a couple chores done that are easier to do without kids hanging around slowing me down. I keep some Norwegian chocolate tucked away for those rare occasions when kidlets are gone during the day.

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I break into my secret-hidden junk food stash, because the boys have found my hidden stash and they know of the secret stash, but not my Just For Me Ultra Special Secret-Hidden Junk Food Stash that includes not just junk food but expensive junk food! I will watch Foreign Films that are too racy or risque for kids to happen to see, I go for a jog if I have the time and afterward I like to take long hot showers I use every drop of hot water the pipes have!


I often eat fast food sandwiches for dinner.


Ok, what is expensive junk food? I might want some.


If I am alone I usually grumble because I have to exercise. I just do. But, if I spend precious alone time exercising then I don't have to do anything else productive. If it is evening,  I watch a documentary that no one but me would like and knit


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My kids are going to bed soon and my DH is out with guys from work. I have a list in my head - fold laundry, clean my room, plan school for next week, clean out closets, do a 15 minute ab workout....in reality I will probably watch something on Netflix while also surfing the internet, reading home school forums, and feeding my candy crush addiction. ....basically the same thing I did a few weeks ago when my MIL took the kids for the afternoon. :-D

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Chinese take out.  Movie or tv or book.  Absolute silence.  


Maybe photoshop my pictures if I have any (I'm a hobbyist photographer).  Write a blog post.  


But mostly, movie or tv or book.  Absolute silence.


You were looking for "fun" things, but sometimes it's "fun" for me to declutter a drawer or closet or something.  And sometimes I love the chance to get chores done without an interruption.  I normally hate chores, but I'm realizing that I often hate chores because I'm interrupted non-stop while doing them and I never get a sense of satisfaction over a job completed.

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