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tooth fairy


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For those of you who do the whole tooth fairy thing, what do you do/give to the child who's lost a tooth?  My DD started losing her baby teeth recently and I just assumed I'd put some money under her pillow and be done with it.  That's what I got growing up and I was always thrilled with it.  Some people have told me I need to make it more special like leaving a note from the tooth fairy on paper sprayed with sparkles and another person said I need to leave half dollars if I'm going to do money and I've been given all sorts of suggestions.  So I'm curious as to what everyone here does.  :)

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We do a $1 coin under the pillow. No notes or fairy-dust here - I'm lucky I can even remember to put the coin under the pillow! 


DD has told me that $1 is not the going rate for many of her peers. There was even a kid getting $20/tooth, which is ridiculous IMO. This is supposed to be fun, not a money grab!



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We don't really do the tooth fairy (we also don't do the Easter bunny or Santa). No huge convictions, just not a tradition here. I usually just hand them some money and joke it's from the tooth fairy, or I think a few times I hid it under their pillow and told them to go look. We do maybe $1 at them most. 

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We do $5 for the first tooth, and a dollar per tooth after that.  The tooth fairy prefers that the tooth be left on the nightstand because she worries that she won't be able to find the tooth if it's under the pillow.  The money is also left on the nightstand.  If there is no tooth to pick up, you must write a note explaining what happened to the tooth.  (DD6 swallowed one at Chick-Fil-A on Saturday and was worried the tooth fairy wouldn't come since she couldn't leave the tooth.)



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For those of you who do the whole tooth fairy thing, what do you do/give to the child who's lost a tooth?  My DD started losing her baby teeth recently and I just assumed I'd put some money under her pillow and be done with it.  That's what I got growing up and I was always thrilled with it.  Some people have told me I need to make it more special like leaving a note from the tooth fairy on paper sprayed with sparkles and another person said I need to leave half dollars if I'm going to do money and I've been given all sorts of suggestions.  So I'm curious as to what everyone here does.   :)


I came back to add that I think it's great for families to have special traditions that are fun for them. Tooth fairy isn't one of ours  but we have others. I think though that the idea that you NEED to do any particular tradition is just silly (on the part of people who have suggested you need to make it more special, not silly on your part). If you think sparkles and tooth fairy magic sound fun, take the ideas you like and go with. If you think it sounds like too much fuss, don't do it. Your kids will have a childhood filled with magic and fun, it will just be your own family's particular brand of magic and fun. 

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$5 per tooth here. A little more if the dentist has to pull it. No fairy dust, no glitter. There were no notes until.....DD9 began to write notes to the tooth fairy filled with all sorts of questions each time she lost a tooth. Now I have to write replies! Ugh lol!

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Our tooth fairy uses gold dollar coins. She stocked up on enough to have through the youngest's last tooth because the Mint stopped producing them. $5 first tooth, $2 additional teeth. So far no tooth losses have been traumatic, but a friend's DD had to have the first 4 pulled. The tooth fairy brought something special for those!

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$1 under the pillow.  Dd leaves a note for the tooth fairy asking her to leave the tooth so she can keep it.  :-)  


I also don't do Elf on a Shelf.  And the only reason the kids have some stuff left out for them this morning "from the leprechaun" is because grandma gave it to me to put out.  

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I used to give a quarter or maybe a dollar, if I didn't forget.  After a while my kids stopped caring and the teeth got tossed.


I'm with those who say not to listen  to people who  say "you have to..."  There is nothing you have to do.  If you think about it, losing baby teeth is just a natural process and unremarkable.  So have fun  with it if you want, but don't feel you have to.  I knew people who gave as many gifts for lost teeth as I gave for birthdays.  Whatever.


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I used to give a quarter or maybe a dollar, if I didn't forget.  After a while my kids stopped caring and the teeth got tosed.


I'm with those who say not to listen  to people who  say "you have to..."  There is nothing you have to do.  If you think about it, losing baby teeth is just a natural process and unremarkable.  So have fun  with it if you want, but don't feel you have to.  I knew people who gave as many gifts for lost teeth as I gave for birthdays.  Whatever.


We don't do the tooth fairy but we have a "daddy's Tooth Collection"  If they give their tooth to dad they get $1 or $2 in return. ($5 for the first tooth).

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Usually $1, or a bit more and a note if "she" is inexcusably late.


All families choose different things to be the "very special stuff" for their family. Please don't let that put pressure on you. If you like others' traditions, steal them, but if you don't want to, just don't. You can't "keep up with the Jones' " in parenting. It doesn't work.

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Here the tooth fairy has done a dollar coin for most teeth, $2 bills for the front two. Just something fun she did not see in normal circulation. She lost her last one the day after she noticed it was barely loose but was on the way out to a Girl Scout sleep over, so she stuck it in a tea cup on her dresser. She forgot to put it under her pillow last night so the TF made the exchange there and we will wait to see how long til she notices.

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Our tooth fairy leaves golden dollars. She keeps a big stash of them in a drawer. It makes things easy.


Sometimes the child didn't find a coin under their pillow, and I had to help the child find the tooth that the tooth fairy hid in the room. She likes to play games sometimes, you know how fairies and pixies can be!

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In our house the first tooth got a Golden Dollar.  After that-a dollar in quarters.  I have been informed that our tooth fairy was cheap.  Some of their friends got $5 and up per tooth.  Sometimes, our tooth fairy fell asleep on the job.  I was really embarrassed for her.

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We don't pretend the TF is real, but we do give a special coin under the pillow. We've done a Sacajawea dollar, a Kennedy half dollar, a state quarter from our state, and I forget which other one. Definitely no glitter here!

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The tooth fairy brings gold dollar coins from the bank.  If a child loses a tooth, s/he has to write a note.  If there's a cavity, she doesn't pay but leaves a toothbrush, floss, or mini-toothpaste (depending on what the kid needs).


Although one time she went all out and left a Spiderman costume when DS1 had to have two teeth pulled when he was 6.


When she forgets, she hides the coin and Mom can usually find it.

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We never did the tooth fairy (because the dc weren't interested in it -- I think it creeped them out to think some creature, however harmless, would be messing around their pillows while they slept). However, I do highly recommend seeing if your library has the picture book Throw Your Tooth On The Roof. It talks about different 'lost tooth' traditions from around the world.


Ds thought the 'throwing your tooth on the roof part' was a neat idea after we read that book, so that's what he's always done. No $ for doing so, though. :lol:


So, around here, all the teeth get tossed & no $ is exchanged. Works for us.

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