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Court Tomorrow Part 2 UPDATE


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Well, it's another court tomorrow- arraignment.
Still no psych eval- still no meds.

I visited him this week. First time we've talked in over a year. It was on a crappy TV, with a cootie phone. I cried when I saw him, he started to as well, and he put his head down and begged me to stop crying because he can't cry in there, and he didn't want to have to fight yet again.

Things are strained on the home front.

Can I get some prayers please for him and tomorrow?


UPDATE: First, thank you all for your prayers!!!! You all rock-and I'm so grateful for them.:)


After going to THREE seperate courts  blocks apart (because nothing has an address

on it and I got horrible directions from three baliffs; it wasn't until a nice lady one walked me to the right place-

also because at this point i was so frazzeled and she had to search me anyways ;) ) I was late.


Luckily they do inmates later. Didn't get to see him, but the Judge did on his groovy monitor,

and I got to hear his voice. Got the name of his lawyer.


Set for middle of May.

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I cannot imagine the pain you (and he) are experiencing.

It would be normal that things are strained at home. Everyone deals with major crises differently and there is no right or wrong way to process, just your way and my way. Some get angry at others (who have no part in the matter), others shut down. Will you ever be able to see your son in person instead of electronically?


Keep us updated on how he is doing.

You, your son and your family have my prayers.

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I know I'm missing critical details and don't really understand any of the nuances. However, it sounds like this is distressing and painful to you and the other individual involved so I pray that God is walking with both of you sending comfort, guidance, and peace.

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hopefully, they will use the time to do a psych evaluation, etc.... and at least you know more.

even in moments like these, or especially in these moments, small kindnesses like the lady showed you mean so much.


we'll keep praying,


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


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