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I had my hair chemically straightened today...Updated before and after photos

Mom in High Heels

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And I LOVE it.  I have been wanting to do this for years, as my hair is crazy, unruly, frizzy and a general PITA to deal with.  I had 18 inches cut off 2 years ago because I was just sick of dealing with it.  I finally decided to give myself an early b-day present (my b-day is next month, so really early) and get it done.  It took about 3 hours, but I got my hair washed 4 times, and I love to have my hair washed, so I was happy.  When she was done, I could NOT believe the difference in my hair texture.  It's so soft and smooth to touch.  It's not flat to my head and limp, but straight (she turned the ends under just a bit), smooth and bouncy.  I cannot believe I waited this long to have it done.  I had the "temporary" keratin straightening done, which lasts about 12 weeks, then I'll have to go do it again.  The Brazilian blow out lasts about 6 months, but hair color doesn't stay in as well, and since I'm all kinds of gray, I need to have my hair colored!  The keratin treatment was half the price, so I'll pay about the same thing in the 6 month period.  It's late and I'm tired, but I'll try to post a photo of it tomorrow if anyone wants to see.

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I agree wholeheartedly as a fellow curly haired woman. To be able to run my fingers thru my hair was one the best feelings ever. I've done it about 3 times now & it is especially great in the summer when we have high humidity...my hair doesn't shrink 6 inches...yeah! Friends & family do not like when I have it done because I don't look like myself, but I don't care. And if you can believe it, the feeling of straighter hair only gets better :)

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I'm glad you got to try this! I've been doing keratin for about 2 years or so now and I can't imagine going back.  I've found that with each treatment it takes a little better as well, so my hair is actually much straighter for longer now than the first time I did it. The thing I like most is being able to get up and go out in public without a shower if I have to - before my hair would have been squashed, tangled, and matted (there was no way to comb it once dry). So much more freedom now...

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Wow, your hair looks stunning!  What a dream, to have it looking like that when you get out of bed!  


Depending on cost, I would totally love to have this done.  (Probably a bit less drastic than chopping it all to about 1/2", which crosses my mind very often!)  My kids would totally freak out, though!  They started crying when I came home after having it straightened (blow-dried straight, that's all!) and put up in a nice roll for my SIL's wedding.   :laugh:

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Can we see a before?  I'd love to do this!  I'm sure it depends on the area but how pricey are these treatments?


This is the only photo I can find from the back (I cropped just my head).  It's a bit shorter and darker.  BTW, I had used a flat iron on it that morning.  You can see how dull and coarse it was.




It was pricey, $185, including a full sized shampoo and conditioner I have to use.


As for the color, it was darker when I went in (like the photo above), but the treatment strips color, so more of my red came out.  I'm supposed to go back this coming Sat to have it colored and highlighted (you can do it after the keratin treatment), but James Bond likes the color so much, I may just have them put a few highlights in.

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Congrats and enjoy!  My wife used to have that done, but due to greatly reduced income, she gave it up. She has very short hair now. If our income increases, I believe she will let her hair grow longer and have that done again. You need a thing called a "plancha" in Spanish. I guess that would translate to "iron" in English, for your hair.  You will look like a model now with straight hair!

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Your hair looks gorgeous! We have very similar hair (and we both have birthdays in March :)). 

I had the Brazilian done a few times and loved it. I also had Keratin done several times. Loved that also, but not as much as the Brazilian. Then (not wanting to worry anyone and it really is a personal choice), I read and was often told about the risks, I decided to no longer do either. I now have my hair relaxed (very mild relaxer) just about once a year. My hair is no different than with the Keratin. The Brazilian was much better, of course - but carries greater health risks and has been banned in some countries. The salon I go to now refuses to do keratin treatments because of the health risks. 











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You got a great cut too! Is it just layered, or did she use a razor too? Very curious! Enjoy your new do!


That is actually the cut I had BEFORE the straightening!  Can you believe that?


Your hair looks beautiful!  I want to run my fingers through it (not in a creepy way).  Seriously.  


Teehee!  I'd let you, and not in a creepy way.  I knew you couldn't stay away from me and my crazy karma.  I'm too awesome. :D

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Guest AnnaFurst

Congrats. It looks nice on you. My hair was really dry after doing a brazilian blowdry. I started using a deep repair kit from Unnique which is formaldehyde free. Most of the products contain formaldehyde and it is really hard to choose a right product.

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It's gorgeous.  I talked about this with my family and they were universally "Nooooooo".  Anyone think you didn't "Look like you"?


Nope.  Everyone thinks it looks fab, and James Bond says I'm much happier now that I don't have to fight my hair every day.  It's not as perfect as it was right after it was done, which they told me would happen, but it's still great.  A few of my crazy, crazy hairs still need to be hit with a flat iron, but it only takes a few seconds to get them under control.  I'm so happy I finally did this!

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