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My trip to Target today.....

Susan C.

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Hi all,


Need to gripe. Badly. First, I usually feel the Target love..... but not today.


A week ago, I bought 4 shampoos on a buy 3 (repeat 3) get a $5 gift card. I usually bring my receipt for returns. But since I was in a rush AND they advertise if you used a Red Card that you don't need receipts, I thought I would try that out. MAJOR FAIL. The lady tried, but the register supposedly wouldn't let her refund one and trade another (for same brand, same size, same price, just for different hair type). So I lost $1-$2 on each, then had to pay full price on the replacement I needed. She said since I didn't have my receipt, I couldn't trade. And my gift card I got in the first place has basically almost been used up.


While I was waiting, some Canadians vacationing here (in US) needed to return items they had bought there. Major production. Supposedly they had to have a US ID card. So that was going on while the lady in front of me tried to make a return on an item bought with her credit card, that she had cut up because she was a victim of fraud. They said they couldn't do it, they HAD to have the card. So she had to take less money and a gift card, not cash.


Then, after shopping, stupid me, I paid for the things I bought with my credit card, instead of my red card. I was mad at myself because I didn't want them to have the number. Plus I could have gotten $6-$7 off using the 5% discount. The checker said just to go to customer service and they would give me the 5%........... Well, after waiting again for 10 minutes, I was told that I would have to return all of the items, then rebuy them. Yeah right, a whole basket of stuff.


So after a small (kind) speech on how I was not going to do that, and the checker should not have told me I could, and again, if you advertise that you don't need a receipt for things bought with a red card but get penalized for returning without a receipt, I left.


Too many wrongs for one trip, don't you think?



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Yes, at least Target told us. We are now finding out about Micheal's. I'm waiting for the 6 unnamed companies in the secret service report to come forward. Even if Neiman Marcus and Micheal's are part of the six there are still four more.


You really should have gotten a manager. My dh returns stuff all the time without a reciept. They look up the transaction on their computer and find it. Everything we buy there is on the redcard so it's only dealing with Target's system not another bank's Visa or Mastercard. 


You should also have gotten a manager for your purchase to get your 5% today. Even it had to be officially returned the whole transaction could have taken place at the customer service desk without anyone needing to go through your cart. It sounds like you were dealing with someone who was poorly trained which is why you needed the manager. 

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I'll think about taking my receipts back. It had already taken so long... and we were starving. I'm going to see just how much money I lost, if its more than a few $$ I will go and catch a manager during the week. It seems like the lady wanted to do what I needed, but the register wouldn't do it. I guess its possible she didn't know how.... But a trainer tried to get the 5% back and even he couldn't do it. So willing employees, but not a willing register?



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I've had several bad experiences with Target in the past year or so.  False advertising, poorly trained, rude, unfriendly employees, and ridiculous return experiences.  They have recently rearranged the store too, making returns even more of a hassle.  An acquaintance left her job at Apple to work for Target in HR and was so disgusted with their practices that she quit.  I try not to shop there very often.

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I am considering going back to shopping at Wal-Mart. Those are words I thought I would never utter.


I prefer Target, but don't like the way they scan my driver's license when I buy wine.


I also don't like their return policies (thankfully, I don't return much there).


I hate having to bring my ad and make sure EACH ITEM rings up correctly. I have had too many instances in the last several months where I was sure the item rang up incorrectly. What used to be a 'once in a while' occurrence has become commonplace.


Be sure to check that the cashier scans those free gift cards before you stick them in your wallet. They may not really be activated.


What is wrong with the company that I almost never see the same cashier more than twice? Only the trainer is familiar to me, and I almost never see her there. The turnover in cashiers is horrid.


I would much rather shop at Target (better location, nicer employees, better clientele), but I am really getting frustrated.


ETA: Don't give Target credit for telling the public of the breach---- they only did so to beat a story that was about to break. I don't fault them, though, for wanting it kept quiet. Look at the backlash (fair or not) that hit them while the other companies have remained unnamed. We likely shop at those other businesses, too, yet they haven't been 'outed'. I also shop at Michael's....... :glare:

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I am considering going back to shopping at Wal-Mart. Those are words I thought I would never utter.


I prefer Target, but don't like the way they scan my driver's license when I buy wine.



You can buy WINE at TARGET!?


I am so jealous. You can prob buy it at supermarkets as well, I bet.


Stupid NY state, sometimes you are so stupid. I swear if I could change ONE thing about my state it would be that. How is that for shallow and pathetic.


And all the places here scan a drivers license to buy liquor/beer/wine, but I live in a city with two large universities so lots of young people.

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My target has had the same core group of cashiers for a few years. And I've never had customer service problems. The fact the another is so different suggests an inconsistency I manager behavior. I've never gotten good service at any Walmart, so I wouldn't be going there.


And there's no way I believe Walmart has never had a data breach--I do believe we just don't know about it. That would be true at most major retailers. Every time you swipe there is a risk. You need to calculate the risk for yourself and never believe the retailer, any retailer is risk free.

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Then, after shopping, stupid me, I paid for the things I bought with my credit card, instead of my red card. I was mad at myself because I didn't want them to have the number. Plus I could have gotten $6-$7 off using the 5% discount. The checker said just to go to customer service and they would give me the 5%........... Well, after waiting again for 10 minutes, I was told that I would have to return all of the items, then rebuy them. Yeah right, a whole basket of stuff.



I'm so annoyed on your behalf! I kept reading, hoping it'd have a happier ending. LOL


I have three Target stores within a 10 minute drive, and a fourth that's roughly 15 minutes away. All four are in different cities, and I definitely have them ranked according to service.

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I have always felt that Target has lacked in it's customer service/returns policy areas. It always feels like "Target" has the opinion that they are doing ME a favor by letting me shop with them. Completely backwards in my opinion. I know better than to purchase an item that I may have to return at Target, because they are so difficult about it. And don't even get me started on trying to coupon at Target....that's just a lost cause.

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You can buy WINE at TARGET!?


I am so jealous. You can prob buy it at supermarkets as well, I bet.


Stupid NY state, sometimes you are so stupid. I swear if I could change ONE thing about my state it would be that. How is that for shallow and pathetic.


And all the places here scan a drivers license to buy liquor/beer/wine, but I live in a city with two large universities so lots of young people.



All the possibilities and you're going for buying wine at Target. :D  

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My target has had the same core group of cashiers for a few years. And I've never had customer service problems. The fact the another is so different suggests an inconsistency I manager behavior. I've never gotten good service at any Walmart, so I wouldn't be going there.


And there's no way I believe Walmart has never had a data breach--I do believe we just don't know about it. That would be true at most major retailers. Every time you swipe there is a risk. You need to calculate the risk for yourself and never believe the retailer, any retailer is risk free.



Our Target as well.  We have the same cashiers and employees. I even know some by name. Others know me.  I would shop at Target any day over Wal Mart. Ours is *terrible*.


I am also agreeing with the last paragraph.   :)

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Don't give Target credit for telling the public of the breach---- they only did so to beat a story that was about to break. I don't fault them, though, for wanting it kept quiet. Look at the backlash (fair or not) that hit them while the other companies have remained unnamed. We likely shop at those other businesses, too, yet they haven't been 'outed'. I also shop at Michael's....... :glare:

This. Krebs on Security broke the story and Target was forced to own up to it so that they could try to control the narrative and run damage control. You can bet if Krebs hadn't been on it, Target would have waited until after the holidays to tell anyone. I don't hate shopping at Target (OP - your experience sounds terrible) and ours has decent customer service, but don't give Target credit they don't deserve.

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I love Target stores and always have.  But, its customer service seems to vary -- a lot.  My daughter was working at a Target in the fall, and couldn't believe how inconsistent the management was.  They seem to have an organized structure in place but don't have a good handle on training management, which of course trickles down to all of the employees.

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You can buy WINE at TARGET!?


I am so jealous. You can prob buy it at supermarkets as well, I bet.


Stupid NY state, sometimes you are so stupid. I swear if I could change ONE thing about my state it would be that. How is that for shallow and pathetic.


And all the places here scan a drivers license to buy liquor/beer/wine, but I live in a city with two large universities so lots of young people.


Interesting. I never realized that wine wasn't available in grocery stores in some places. I used to live in a state where you could buy *some* liquor at the grocery, so moving here was a shock to my parents (and we couldn't buy any alcohol on Sundays). At least we can buy on Sundays now.... that's when Dh and I shop!


My target has had the same core group of cashiers for a few years. And I've never had customer service problems. The fact the another is so different suggests an inconsistency I manager behavior. I've never gotten good service at any Walmart, so I wouldn't be going there.


And there's no way I believe Walmart has never had a data breach--I do believe we just don't know about it. That would be true at most major retailers. Every time you swipe there is a risk. You need to calculate the risk for yourself and never believe the retailer, any retailer is risk free.


The Target I shop at used to be this way with cashiers, but the last several years I have noticed the incredible turnover. That's also when I noticed the pricing problems and issues with returns.


My comment about shopping at Wal-Mart had nothing to do with data breach (there is no 'safe' currency---cards are stolen, computers are hacked, cash is stolen, etc), but the ease of consistent pricing and returns. If I'm going to get the same "customer service", then I'll go to Wal-Mart where most things are less expensive. Target is closer, though, so it may be a while before I switch. :coolgleamA:


Target service has declined to the point here, that I just go to Walmart...nuff said.


This is my point. We have a brand-spanking new Wal-Mart, and the service is outstanding. And the shelves are stocked. It's just farther away and through lots of traffic, whereas the Target is five minutes on nearly-empty back roads. That is hard to beat!


I love Target stores and always have.  But, its customer service seems to vary -- a lot.  My daughter was working at a Target in the fall, and couldn't believe how inconsistent the management was.  They seem to have an organized structure in place but don't have a good handle on training management, which of course trickles down to all of the employees.


Our Target is about 10 years old now, and it used to be GREAT. People flocked there to shop because it was such a great place. The last several years is when I noticed the decline..... I wonder if a management change has anything to do with it. The store is "busy" now if you are the third person in line (with three lines usually being open, even at Christmas!)  I also noticed the cashiers they are hiring aren't like before.... indicative of the applicants, I guess. Maybe that's the problem ~ our Target's employees have gone the way of McDonald's employees. Hmm...

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I was at a Target once and I was waiting for a friend to check out.  There were several Chinese students trying to buy something with a check from a local bank.  Now you have to understand that I live in a University community with a very large population of international students. It is common for them to open checking accounts at a local bank and use that for purchases.  The students did not have driver's licenses because many of them do not or cannot drive while they are in the US.  The cashier insisted that they needed a driver's license. They pulled out every form of ID that had, from student IDs to a PASSPORT for goodness sakes, but it was not a driver's license and they weren't able to complete their purchase.  I was annoyed for them.

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Interesting. I never realized that wine wasn't available in grocery stores in some places. I used to live in a state where you could buy *some* liquor at the grocery, so moving here was a shock to my parents (and we couldn't buy any alcohol on Sundays). At least we can buy on Sundays now.... that's when Dh and I shop!




In OK you can't purchase wine (or anything over 3.5 beer) outside of a liquor store.  They close at 9pm sharp.  No exceptions.  They are also most definitely closed on Sundays.  They just passed a law within the last few years so that you could purchase alcohol on election days.  Previously you could not. 

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We can't buy wine in our  Targets.  The first local grocery store to sell wine and beer from inside the store just started doing so a few months ago.  It's kind of annoying because the cashiers have to ring the alcohol up separately, scan your drivers license, and if they are under 21, call a manager.  My understanding is this is a state law and would apply to any non-liquor stores selling alcohol here.


I've found that Targets can vary greatly.  My oldest works at Target near her school.  They are much better run than the one near our local mall.  I worked briefly last year at the one near the mall and they were very unprepared, scheduling was a nightmare, and most of the employees were newish and poorly trained.  In contrast, dd was given a lot more training than I was, they have more long-term employees, hours are handled better.


I had returns after Christmas. They were a little tricky because we used dd's employee discount and her RedCard so I had to do the returns with her.  We had no problems at all, even with two items we didn't have a receipt for, and we actually did the returns at the mall Target, not the one she works at.


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I was at a Target once and I was waiting for a friend to check out.  There were several Chinese students trying to buy something with a check from a local bank.  Now you have to understand that I live in a University community with a very large population of international students. It is common for them to open checking accounts at a local bank and use that for purchases.  The students did not have driver's licenses because many of them do not or cannot drive while they are in the US.  The cashier insisted that they needed a driver's license. They pulled out every form of ID that had, from student IDs to a PASSPORT for goodness sakes, but it was not a driver's license and they weren't able to complete their purchase.  I was annoyed for them.


That happened to friends of mine years ago who were visiting from Finland.  We wanted to go into a bar, but the bouncer wouldn't let them in because the only ID they had were passports and not US driver licenses.  It was very frustrating that the bouncer couldn't think out of the box and recognize that a passport also proved age.

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I sent an email to customer headquarters last week because target makes it difficult to use gift cards. If you scan a credit card first, forget it. They can't undo it. You have to go wait in line again at customer service. So stupid. So I wrote to complain (this has happened to me multiple times where the checkout has had an excuse about why I cannot use a gift card.). Corporate basically writes back and says, yep, you need to go to customer service. Ummm ... How about acknowledging your payment system is idiotic and poorly designed? I used to design software, so stuff like this drives me nuts!


Then today my dd needs a prescription. I took both kids to the doc for a long lasting cough. Girl needs abx and inhaler, boy is ok. I get to Target and the prescptions aren't even downloaded yet. But better yet they're in my son's name. I'm literally sitting at aTarget Starbucks right now trying not to scream. I am 99% sure it's an error on Target's end. My ped is super on the ball.


So I can totally relate. I think our local walmart is consistently worse and I don't like their business model. I'm going to order more from amazon I think in bulk.

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So I can totally relate. I think our local walmart is consistently worse and I don't like their business model. I'm going to order more from amazon I think in bulk.


I was whispering "subscribe and save" to dh....... but it just seems wrong to have things shipped to you that you can easily get locally.

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