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Surprised by what people ask for on FreeCycle


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It rather surprises me the things people ask for on Freecycle. 


Kitchen Aid mixers

Andriod phones

flat screen tvs

Queen sized mattresses


I mean, these seem like luxury items (except perhaps the mattress), but still.  Freecycle?? 


I guess they're mentality is that it can't hurt to ask, but it seems rather presumptuous and gutsy to even ask for such things on a free recycling board.


Does anyone else see these kind of requests on their Freecycle?


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It rather surprises me the things people ask for on Freecycle. 


Kitchen Aid mixers

Andriod phones

flat screen tvs

Queen sized mattresses


I mean, these seem like luxury items (except perhaps the mattress), but still.  Freecycle?? 


I guess they're mentality is that it can't hurt to ask, but it seems rather presumptuous and gutsy to even ask for such things on a free recycling board.


Does anyone else see these kind of requests on their Freecycle?

I don't look at free cycle, but I could use a maid.  I suppose that would be human trafficking?

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I haven't seen those particular items.  I did give away a wood barbie house and had many respondents - including one who repeatedly e-mailed me demanding I give it to her because she was "entitiled" to it.  (you can bet your bottom dollar she didn't get squat from me!)

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Really? Wow, ours is moderated and in the "guidelines" when you sign up is that you can not ask for high $ items(they specifically mention ipads, tablets, cars).

I see lots of requests for "phone that works on ______________ carrier", but they do not allow you to be specific on which phone.

I once put a request for older computer system for a tutor (just to run CDs no internet needed) and they made me edit it because I was too specific about the specs on the computer (needed to have working audio, etc). I was suprised because I thought that would be helpful. They said to take it to private emails about details if anyone responded with a computer.

Now offering might be different, but they are really strict about moderation here.Also you can only ask for 3 things at a time and the same thing can only be requested after I think 60 days if not fulfilled. 

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Given what I've seen people throw in the trash, there are some people who are probably asking reasonably when they ask for these things, lol! We learned to start speaking up about stuff after watching the neighbor trade in a truck to cash for clunkers at the same time we were considering buying a nice used truck. He would have gotten the same or better price from us (I'm sure blue book was higher than CFC), and the truck would not have been junked/ruined except by actual wear and tear. We had no idea he was planning on it. Now, if we think they are "growing out of something" because we see something new enter the house (or hit the curb) that we really have been looking for, we let them know we are in the market for it (with plans to pay!) so that it doesn't get junked. Some people feel a need for the latest and greatest and can't fathom that someone else might want their cast-offs because they aren't the best on the market. OTOH, we had another neighbor that was a walking Craig's list, always trying to sell us something. Once we realized he wasn't offended if we didn't bite, it didn't bother me.


I do think they should put limits on how people ask--it's certainly easy for people to be tactless or act entitled, but others have a legitimate need.


When I participated, our board encouraged people to make a case for why they should have something--this could get interesting. I preferred to give things on a first come basis.

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I have a family member who is a garbage man. The things he brings home are sometimes surprising.  


- a high quality bow and arrow. The fancy kind that the superhero on Arrow uses. 

- a still in the box never used once power generater.

- a drum set. 


He loves his job, and will often come home with great stuff.

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Given what I've seen people throw in the trash, t


I drove to a friend's house, and passed their neighbors with the remains of an OLD laceleaf japanese maple all over their front yard.  :ohmy: they didn't want it - so they cut it down. :svengo:

there is a big tree nursery here who would have paid them HUNDREDS of dollars for that tree (which they would have turned around and sold for thousands of dollars.)

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I quit in part because of the asking for items.  


One said her friends husband left her so she needed a hedge trimmer, but it had to be electric, and a coffee maker, but it had to have a timer on it.  I thought that was nuts - i used a manual trimmer and I turn my coffee maker on in the morning.


There was one guy who repeatedly asked for a laptop for school and then said you'd be blessed if you gave it to him.



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I haven't seen those particular items.  I did give away a wood barbie house and had many respondents - including one who repeatedly e-mailed me demanding I give it to her because she was "entitiled" to it.  (you can bet your bottom dollar she didn't get squat from me!)


Holy crow. Did she give you reasons as to why she was entitled to your doll house? I'm dying to know just why she thought this.

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Funny Freecycle story:


A few years ago, I gave away something to someone on Freecycle.  This past September, I got a really nasty and super-long email from this person accusing me of "bad-mouthing her" and so on.  For context, I don't know this person at all and never had any interaction with her outside of exchanging emails and then setting a box of stuff outside my garage for her to pick up (I wasn't even home when she picked it up).  As I was reading the email, I became more and more horrified about all the terrible things this person thought I had said about her.  Until I got to the last paragraph, which finally cleared things up.  Turns out she had accidentally sent the email to me instead of another person named Julie in her email address book - and the other Julie was the ex-wife of this woman's new husband.  Thankfully, the last paragraph of her email made reference to the new husband, etc. so I was able to piece things together.


I responded to her email and let her know she had sent it to the wrong Julie.  The tone of her reply was considerably nicer than the tone of the original email.   ;)

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Our freecyclers' wanteds are pretty tame here, too. I don't recall seeing brand specific requests.


I once posted a wanted for bottle tops. Yep. Essentially trash. :)


FWIW, I freecycled a lovely red Kitchen Aid stand mixer a few years ago. It worked, we had just upgraded to the next size. The lady who picked it up was so excited, it was a delight to give it to her. She teared up. I love passing things along via freecycle, as I'm way too unorganized to sell stuff. And I always forget to take donations and drop them off. So I think our local freecycle group loves us. I freecycle our old curriculum, too!

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That's one of the reasons I finally quit using Freecycle.  It seemed like four out of every five posts was something along the lines of, "My husband just left me, so I need a complete furniture set (living room and dining room) three tvs, preferably HD and at least forty inches, a car, a computer..."


Judging by Freecycle, the divorce rate in my town must be at least ninety percent.  :001_rolleyes:

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I don't know, it never hurts to ask, right? In a few months, if someone asks for a working Android phone, I'll probably have one to give them. 


The only restriction our Freecycle has on asking is that the request has to be simply a request, no sob stories attached. Now, if you want to get me started on the restrictions for listing and managing an offer, I can give you an earful  :glare:  It's gotten so that I don't even want to list items there anymore. The only thing it has going for it is that our Craigslist responders seem to be mostly crazy people, so I'm even more reluctant to list free stuff there!

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Didn't we have something like this on the forum? I seem to remember a while back people gave away stuff for shipping costs?? But to answer the original question yes I am always shocked at what I see people ask for. I also really don't like the stories added because you never know if they are true or not. I remember years ago I had a ton of homeschool stuff that someone had gifted me I mean A TON! It was like a truck full from where her job teaching had switched to all new curriculum and they were gonna just throw away the old stuff she brought all of it to me. K-6 every subject a mountain of stuff!!! Anyway it took almost the whole summer to really go through everything and take what I knew I would use. It was awesome by the way :) Anyway I put the rest on freecycle and got this long drawn out story blah blah so I gave it to her. She picked it up and that's when I realized who she was. The whole message was basically a big lie. She didn't even homeschool. I was so mad.

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Daily Freecycle mocking is a sport in our house. There's definitely been many times where I've almost posted a "wanted - new house, preferably over 2,500 sq ft, new construction, mountain views and seasonal ski pass would be a bonus".


And I've replied to some wanted postings only to find out my offerings aren't good enough or never hear back. Someone was looking for an AT&T phone and my old one was in good shape. Nope - not a smart phone. Most recently someone on our Front Porch Forum asked to borrow ski gear for a few days because they had guests in town and the airline lost their luggage. I had a warm coat and boots that would have fit one of the people in need. E-mailed back within 20 min of the posting and never heard back. Not even a "thanks, but we're all set now". Ugh, Internet people.... 

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Holy crow. Did she give you reasons as to why she was entitled to your doll house? I'm dying to know just why she thought this.


becuaes she was "the first to respond", and she had a granddaugther who "needed" it.  she wasn't the very first to respond - and I always waited to see what kind of responses come in before deciding who I give it to.  especially as I was "giving" it to someone.  she was pretty obnoxious.  right up there with the mother I saw about 35 years ago, with her (poor) teen daughter in the nordstrom's shoe dept that had the entire salesforce cowering.   then she turned to me (I was sitting down, waiting paitiently for my shoes to be stretched even though my salesgirl was one dragged into helping her) and demanded to know what i was doing there?  later I thought I should have told her I was buying a hat.  seriously - some customers should be shown the door.


  I also wait to respond when I've listed things on craigslist that generate alot of responses.

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The only restriction our Freecycle has on asking is that the request has to be simply a request, no sob stories attached. Now, if you want to get me started on the restrictions for listing and managing an offer, I can give you an earful  :glare:  It's gotten so that I don't even want to list items there anymore. The only thing it has going for it is that our Craigslist responders seem to be mostly crazy people, so I'm even more reluctant to list free stuff there!


Ours has the same restriction.  No sob stories  And our moderator is strict.  So there's no story behind the "wanted" posts.  No divorce stories, houses lost to fire, etc.  Just a wanted.  And there are some restrictions on how many "wanteds" one can post.  I think that keeps it less obnoxious.

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It could also be that particular Freecycle. I've been a member of 3 different freecycle groups and the "tone" and rules are different with each. One group had people often asking for outrageous things. I remember a person who wanted an entire house outfitted. It was idiotic. I also remember once I offered a high-end breast pump and one of the respondents said, "I want that and you should give it to me." Something along those lines. I never give items to crass people who can't even type up a reasonable reply. 


The group I'm in now does specifically require you to ask less often than you offer. It also wants you to be specific, not just say, "I want any kind of artificial Christmas tree," so it would want you to ask for a 7' pre-lit Christmas tree with working lights or whatever. 


My personal philosophy when offering is to offer something better than someone would expect to get. If I'm just getting rid of something that has exceeded it's life-span, I'd rather take it to Goodwill. The only exception would be if I'm offering something to save it going in a landfill and can conceive of someone needing or wanting it for some purpose (such as an old sheet set). 

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Don't get me started on freecyle or the online yard sale sites.  I recently listed some stuff and had someone come over to pick up a few items.  She showed up with her kids who ran all over the house and picked up everything that wasn't tied down (never once told them to settle down as I'm trying to grab things away from them and telling them to go sit over there or play with this item for a few mintues), went through and picked out about 20 things that I was selling for about $10 each and then offered me $10 for all of it because that is all she brought with her.  As she left, i noticed that her youngest had drawn all over my new dining room table on the side 18" from where she was sitting.  (I told my husband the kids were some of the worst behaved kids I'd ever met and they were probably a distraction tactic so she could pocket as much stuff as possible.) I mean seriously.  I told my husband this is why i don't do yard sales of any kind and we'd be taking everything else to sell through a second party who could charge me any amount of commission they wished.  So, instead of selling anything I now have to sand my table down to get the marker off! Grrr!!!

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So, instead of selling anything I now have to sand my table down to get the marker off! Grrr!!!

No!!!! Don't sand it until you've tried peanut butter and elbow grease. My dc got Sharpie all over a wood table once when it leaked through the paper they were using. I spent about an hour rubbing it with cheap peanut butter and paper towels, and it all came off. Maybe it will work for you, too!

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It won't take me very long to sand it. It's actually this table that I built. --> http://jenamiles.com/our-new-craftdiningschool-table/  It's still unfinished so I an just take my hand sander to it.  Just still irks me.  With everything else going on - a short notice move into our RV, sorting and storing a household of furniture in 7 weeks, a hubby gone 4 of those 7 and me gone 1 of those 7 - I just am ticked I have to take the time to do that so it doesn't sink further into the wood and not come out at all.

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I rarely try to receive free cycle stuff but I have frequently offered/given via it. The largest things we have unloaded on freecyclers were a large telescope in need of a small replacement part, a ridiculously large BBQ grill we didn't need and a stair master (gym quality) that we just didn't have the room for. We've also given away a fair bit of aged technology. I love freecycle. I filter out the crazies (if your request or email response includes a sob story or anything odd, I don't give it to you) and find it way easier to set stuff out than donate it to a reseller. Over the years I have received a few things from Craigslist including new running shoes that just didn't work for the giver who happened to be my size and, my only ever "WANTED" post which was an old small BBQ grill. I cleaned that up and gave it to my husband for Father's Day a couple of years ago.


I am on a very busy list and I rarely see any over the top expensive requests.

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We have been given lots of good/useful stuff via FC, and also given away lots of things. I think the problem is that some people only follow the stated rules (eg nothing illegal or adults only in nature) while others follow additional, unwritten rules (eg I only request things very occasionally, I try to give away more than we get, and I would never accept money for something I got free). Generally it works pretty well - I don't often see outrageous requests and any that are posted are mostly ignored. You just have to be a bit zen about the fact that, once in a while, the recipient who claims to be collecting furniture for his friend who "lost everything in the fire" or whatever will actually be collecting things to sell on Ebay. 

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You just have to be a bit zen about the fact that, once in a while, the recipient who claims to be collecting furniture for his friend who "lost everything in the fire" or whatever will actually be collecting things to sell on Ebay. 


This bothered me at first about Freecycle. I can't tell if someone really needs/wants or if someone is just looking to make money. But I finally came to peace with it because my alternative was to give it to Good Will, which meant packing it up in my car and driving it over. At least with FC, someone will come and get things. And I never let people into my home. All transactions were handled in front of my garage.

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Ours even has people asking for CARS!


It is nuts.


I just laugh and move on.


Once I responded to an offer for a coffee maker.  I drove over there and picked it up.  I shouldn't have taken it.  The entire house reeked of cat.  I was about having an asthma attack by the time I left.


I couldn't tell in her house, but that coffee maker smelled like cat pee!  It was so gross I just tossed it.



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