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A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!

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no but I could see it if the federal agent lived in the neighborhood and just felt like doing something upon hearing that the child nearly died, especially if there had been some sort of recall they learned about.  some neighbors bring over casseroles when there is a crisis, this one replaces toys- who knows.  I can't see this happening in some sort of official capacity kwim.

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It's possible that there is an agency that investigates toy-related injuries, and therefore would need the toy?


They must somehow find out whatever data from these events, or how would recalls come to be. So, no, it doesnt sound fishy to me.


if it's the case, It seems quite nice if their practice is, "When we have to take a toy from a child, we bring another one to help it be less upsetting."

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A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!

Where did you hear this story?

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It's possible that there is an agency that investigates toy-related injuries, and therefore would need the toy?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission investigates product-related injuries and issues recalls. The agency does not, however, come knocking on consumers' doors to confiscate their toys.

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I seriously doubt it. The CPSC and the DoJ seize goods from ports, etc all of the time. But, they don't go knocking on doors and take toys. 


I doubt it too, but since my google-sleuthing turned up a hit on "federal agents seize Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", I thought I'd pass it along.   ;)  


The case summary at the link does mention homes being raided by federal agents in order to seize toys, but those were (I presume) the homes of people being indicted.  Just posted it on the slim chance that the OP might recognize the names of the individuals/businesses involved.  



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How do the get the toys that need investigating?

CPSC investigates injury reports and works with manufacturers to respond to reports, address concerns in the manufacturing process, and issue recalls when necessary. Why would the consumer need to be involved in the process beyond making the initial report unless the company or the agency had follow-up questions about what happened?

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I don't believe it. I mean, I believe you were told this, but I do not believe this story is true.


What federal agency? What ID was given. On what grounds did they enter the home. And were they given a receipt for what was taken? Why was it taken? Was it only one agent, because when people work in the field they generally travel in pairs.


How did said federal agency know to come to their house?


and Teenage mutant Ninja Turtle was around a while ago, like... in the 1990s? I know there was a recent movie, but the toys etc were everywhere quit a while ago. Is it possible this happened to these people when the adult who told you this was a child? Is it possible that this person was told this by their parent as a reason for why their dangerous toys were gone, when it fact the toys just got tossed out?


Sounds like a 'the dog went to live on a nice farm' story to me.


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A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!


If something sounds crazy then you certainly have reason to doubt their story.

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Sounds like Warehouse 13. They were actually warehouse agents removing artifacts.


Oops, is my inner nerd showing?


I have not heard of something like this IRL. You know this family personally? Maybe there's more to the story. ...just glad the boy is ok!


Oh Good! I wasn't the only one who thought "warehouse 13" episode!!! :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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I don't believe it. I mean, I believe you were told this, but I do not believe this story is true.


What federal agency? What ID was given. On what grounds did they enter the home. And were they given a receipt for what was taken? Why was it taken? Was it only one agent, because when people work in the field they generally travel in pairs.


How did said federal agency know to come to their house?


and Teenage mutant Ninja Turtle was around a while ago, like... in the 1990s? I know there was a recent movie, but the toys etc were everywhere quit a while ago. Is it possible this happened to these people when the adult who told you this was a child? Is it possible that this person was told this by their parent as a reason for why their dangerous toys were gone, when it fact the toys just got tossed out?


Sounds like a 'the dog went to live on a nice farm' story to me.

TMNT toys are alive and well.....trust me, we got a slew of them for Christmas! I have no idea why the recent resurgence, but they are popular. (My ds watches them on Netflix)


Not that I believe the story.

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seized toys and gave new ones?


Sounds like the parents decided to get rid of the TMNT toys (whether or not they posed a danger). They took all the TMNTs and bought new toys and told their dc that a federal agent came by to investigate/confiscate bad toys. 


Perhaps there was a CPSC recall on the toys, so the mom came up with a story to get rid of the toys reduce her children being upset about it. 


Perhaps there is no recall and no danger, but mom and dad decided TMNT are a "bad influence" and came up with a story to get rid of the toys. 

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I would doubt that story, too!

As for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nickelodeon has recently (in the last year or two) launched another reboot of the series which has gotten quite popular, hence the new wave of interest. It seems like every few years or so, there's a new reboot of the series. 

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A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!

Just wanted to point out that a wild, unbelievable story I'd a perfect reason to doubt. ;)
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Guest submarines

A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!


Were you told this in front of the children? Did you miss a wink? I'm a terrible winker. When I told my friend that a Sweets Fairy came to our house, picked up all the Halloween sweets and left organic chocolate, I really truly attempted to wink. Substitute Sweets Fairy for federal agents, and my friend might be posting about it on some forum, asking about the veracity of the story.

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A little boy was playing w a teenage mutant ninja turtle toy that had some kind of cord. He nearly died when the cord wrapped around his neck. His dad saved him. A federal agent came to their door weeks later and took all of their teenage mutant ninja turtle toys and gave them other toys. I have no reason to doubt the family but it sounds crazy!


I call BS. Toys no longer have cords. Heck it is hard to get a hood with a cord. 

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and Teenage mutant Ninja Turtle was around a while ago, like... in the 1990s? I know there was a recent movie, but the toys etc were everywhere quit a while ago. Is it possible this happened to these people when the adult who told you this was a child? Is it possible that this person was told this by their parent as a reason for why their dangerous toys were gone, when it fact the toys just got tossed out?


I agree that the story sounds fishy at best. However, I have to comment on this part, because TMNT are actually enjoying a pretty enormous renaissance of popularity at the moment. My daughter works in the entertainment department of a Nickelodeon-affiliated resort. They have TMNT events every day. Toys are everywhere, and there is a new TV series airing these days.


My daughter got a stocking full of TMNT merchandise for Christmas, most of which was purchased from Target. She also got a set of TMNT sheets, also from Target.


Seriously, the Turtles are everywhere right now.

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It's a friend of my mom's.  I am going to ask her again about it, but she was very clear on the details.  It's just so....bizarre. My mom thought so too.



Is your mom's friend the grandma?  I could imagine the boy's father telling the grandma something like this if he believes she  is overstepping her boundaries regarding the awful accident with the corded toy.


I could see my husband telling my mil this story, and she would think that all was well since "federal agents" were involved. :laugh:

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Is your mom's friend the grandma? I could imagine the boy's father telling the grandma something like this if he believes she is overstepping her boundaries regarding the awful accident with the corded toy.


I could see my husband telling my mil this story, and she would think that all was well since "federal agents" were involved. :laugh:

My MIL used to be an attorney with CPSC it is beyond me to think I could make up any story to throw her off.

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Is anyone else picturing Scully (and maybe Mulder too) on this scenario?

I was thinking of the Men in Black, but Scully and Mulder work, too. :)


Maybe there's a different Secret Government Agency we haven't heard about yet.


"Good afternoon, madam. I'm Special Agent Jenkins with the Toy Police and I think we need to have a little talk..."

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It could be that some consumer protection agency (so called Feds?) is investigating the cause of the injury so that they can take action against the manufacturer. They probably wanted to talk to the affected family to figure out what led to that accident and take away the offending toy. Also, they probably were nice and gave the kids a replacement toy of some other kind so that the kids were not disappointed to lose their TMNT toy. 

I worked for an anti-virus company for a while and Feds were always showing up in our campus for gathering evidence for many information security breaks and hacking incidents. Pretty much any kind of federal agency used to be called the "Feds" - even the PR guys who worked for the federal agencies were called the Feds.

The story is possible - but I am suspecting that they were some consumer protection agency.

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The zipline that comes with that toy looks to be 3" long at best.

I agree http://www.amazon.com/Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-Stealth/dp/B00CUB6TVQ


I dunno, there is a video on youtube of the toy, and the line in the video looks long enough to wrap around the neck. I still don't buy a "federal agent" showing up at the house and seizing toys.

This video? 

The string is a different color and looking at the Amazon picture it looks easy to change out with a different, longer one without issue.

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how would unknown people know to come to the house? Did the family report it to their lawyer?


And if the toy were collected for evidence (assuming that there were some 'agency') then a receipt would be given and a statement taken. There would have to be a chain of custody.  Government people don't just show up and take stuff because they heard through their spidy sense that a kid was hurt.



Here is a link to the agency in charge of recalling toys. Here is a turtle toy with a strap that was recalled. It tells people to cut the strap




It is from 1995


So there is another shadowy federal agency in charge of some other way of recalling dangerous toys?


Still convince they are lying or are naive and have been lied to.

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I dunno, there is a video on youtube of the toy, and the line in the video looks long enough to wrap around the neck. I still don't buy a "federal agent" showing up at the house and seizing toys.


I stand corrected on the string length. :) I was only looking at the toy on the Toys R Us page.


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Plus, it's tacky. I'm all in favour of the Tacky Toys Take-Down Team (TTTT).


Imagine it, teams swooping in to replace all the Made in China junk with the lovely stuff - beeswax crayons, wooden toys, science kits...


Oh god, you know I live in a place where people would sign up to do such a thing. All those earnest Waldorf and Montessori parents just itching to get rid of all those BPAs and character toys. 


But they would never do it secretly, no, no. They would sit the children down and tell them how those toys were stifling their imagination and poisoning the environment and part of enslaving children in China.


These are my people and while they make me crazy I am fond of them, with their earnestness and volvos and hand knit, felted diaper covers.


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