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Not ready for Monday

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Despite planning on cleaning the school room over Christmas, I have not set foot one in the room. I just can't make myself do it. I'm really hoping for snow so I can call Monday a snow day.




I don't want to teach!! No, no, no!! No one fights when it's 24/7 video games. Why are there no educational X-box games?? Sonic the Hedgehog teaches something, right??



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Sneak up on that room and don't tell your brain that you're going to clean it. Go in there with a cup of tea, drink your tea, and then AMBUSH the room. Attack it until your brain catches up to you and distracts you with BOREDOM (most jobs have a boring stage in the first few minutes). Without having done a marathon cleaning, leave the room aware of it and unafraid.

(That is my strategy for our New Year garage clean out.)

May you conquer that clutter dragon.

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I took Christmas stuff down today so I have no excuse for putting off getting back to school.  Actually, I'm quite ready to be back to our regular schedule since my kids think of daily chores as part of our school schedule. No school, no chores, right?  :glare:


I've done my pre-Chirstmas purge and cleaning so things are tidy, clean and organized which always puts me in the mood to be productive with academics. I've also done my post-Chirstmas schedule tweak and purchase of a couple of new things. The kids have had long enough off that they are getting restless, and I've had off long enough to lift the brain fog I was under. Plus, I have a brand new, clean desk calendar with lots and lots of empty days on it!  I always purposefully keep January free from appointments, commitments, social activities, and deadlines so that we can focus on getting back into a really good groove with school.  I even pushed off my co-op's start date until Feb. 3rd AND changed our schedule from every Monday to every other Monday so that it doesn't consume my time again this semster.  The perks of being the director. :thumbup1:


The sooner you get back to it the sooner you'll get to the next break too!

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Not ready here either.  I am purposely avoiding any reading on the high school and logic stage boards.  This board is as close to actually thinking about school work as I am willing to get.  Tomorrow after I take down all things Christmas, I'll be ready to face it.....I think...

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I'm in this club too!  The last two weeks have been so lovely.  Time to sit and relax and drink a whole cup of coffee while it's hot!  Time to read books that haven't been touched in years.  Time to clean some stuff that needed attending to.  Thinking about Monday, about trying to cram everything I need to do, into one day, has me trying to dig my heals in, but getting dragged anyways.

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I'm in this club too!  The last two weeks have been so lovely.  Time to sit and relax and drink a whole cup of coffee while it's hot!  Time to read books that haven't been touched in years.  Time to clean some stuff that needed attending to.  Thinking about Monday, about trying to cram everything I need to do, into one day, has me trying to dig my heals in, but getting dragged anyways.

A whole bunch of stuff happened when I was supposed to be enjoying a break, so I didn't get that time.  That's why I'm resisting.  We weren't doing a bunch of school work, but I was doing a bunch of stuff for a bunch of people. 

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I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one! Big weight off my shoulders. And we've been off for 1 month (probably more if I'm totally honest with myself). I just can't mentally prepare. I've tried to start looking ahead to get excited, but I just can't force myself to do it. I think I'm mostly dragging my feet because I don't want to deal with the whining, complaining, etc.

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I'm ready but not. I'm ready to get back into a routine, but I didn't get anything done in our school room, grading caught up or filing done. Eek! I'm gonna try to get grading done tomorrow, and get our week schedule together. Then I'm going to have to work on the filing and classroom during the week as I have time. Next weekend will be lesson planning. I try to schedule in 6 week chunks, but I didn't do any during break so I'm winging it. Bad mom!


We started light this week. Just some spelling then added math then added reading. I don't expect Monday to be pretty... At all.

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ugg, seriously.  We did get some house stuff done, which was awesome, but i havent done ANY lesson plans over break (i have enough done for the first week anyways), we didnt even manage to watch all of Dr Who Season 7 (which i got for our family xmas gift), and I JUST DONT WANNA!  But the boys have been glued to screens non stop and dh is really sick of it lol - he just went back to work thursday after having over 2 full weeks off, so he was home for our last week of school.  

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I completely sympathize.  I really thought I would get a lot more accomplished while we were on break, but business stuff got in the way, and my husband took some time off to be with us, which he rarely can do, so we didn't want to squander those moments, etc.  I started trying to play catch-up today and spent 7 hours prepping our language arts stuff and filing old papers.  My back is killing me.


Told the kids we would do a half day, just some videos on subjects they are interested in, plus some board games and other educational games and some read alouds on Monday morning, but that we wouldn't start until 9am.  I told them that Tuesday through Friday we would pick up half the subjects, doing some review on Tuesday, then new stuff on Wednesday.  The following week I plan to start us on a full work load.  I just couldn't face starting everything on Monday and my husband leaves town for quite a while starting tomorrow.  I am still prepping lessons, really need at least 10-12 hours to clean out the education room, and I am trying to find a better way to make sure we all eat better and get more exercise.  


I will be glad when we are back in a normal routine, but getting us all there with a good attitude may be challenging (even though DS is chomping at the bit, he just wants to start History, so I'm not sure how enthusiastic he will be for anything else).


Best wishes to all!!!!!



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I cleaned the school room last week, and it looks great. We only took a week off, and last week we did a modified schedule (my 6th grader did about half his regular work each day). So you would think that it would be a fairly easy transition to 2nd semester. The kids will probably transition just fine, but I'm worried about how I will do. I have been reading like mad and I don't want to give that up! I'm no good at reading a bit here & there. I like to dive in and not come up for air until the book is done. I've also enjoyed staying in my PJs and only leaving the house for groceries every few days. Now it will be back to appointments, lessons, clubs, and therapies.


We are starting a couple of new things next week (Logic of English, SWI-A) and I need to read over everything and get prepared. I know both are pretty self-explanatory, but I still need to know what we'll be doing and how much time it will take. I'm also thinking of switching grammar. Hm. Maybe we will delay science and formal lit for a week as we get off the ground with the new stuff.



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I'm not in the mood to start back either. Just told my college kids goodbye. I am so glad I anticipated that I would feel this way, and went ahead and filled out our plan books for next week before we took a break. So tomorrow will be just open up and go. Even if I don't want to.

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Well, our CC group has a snow day for tomorrow, so we'll start that a week late.  Although I was looking forward to getting back into a routine, I love the idea of a week to ease back in slowly.  This week we'll do 30 minutes of memory work review daily, 60 minutes of math and otherwise, we'll finish reading-aloud Johnny Tremain and then watch the movie.  Any time left-over will be spent watching the remaining Liberty Kids videos we haven't seen.  A pretty easy week back…for all of us!

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I'm not ready either.  We're supposed to start K tomorrow, first time doing "real" consistent school.  I had been planning on waiting until after my dd's birthday next month, but I am already feeling so wiped out by this pregnancy that I thought I'd better start sooner, since I know that fatigue and complications will likely be interfering in our schooling in a few months.  I wanted to have the house all organized and everything prepped and made open-and-go for the first nine weeks, but the house is not done, and I just finally started getting in gear this week on the prep work.  I've finished some subjects, but not others.  I know it will work out fine, but I really wanted to have it ready and not have to balance caring for all the littles, the housework, teaching school daily, and prepping ahead at the same time.


On a side note, how does one do history and science well without supplemental reading?  I was searching for books on our library website and found that, of the first sixty suggested titles, we only have three in the county system.

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Singing the same blues here, LOL. I did manage to clean up and file some school stuff earlier in the break. The school area looks neat and clean... Can't I just leave it that way?!? ;)


We are simplifying a bit this semester. Not using a hundred different resources, not buying a bunch of extra books, etc. So I'm hoping that will help somewhat.


I need to gear up and do the lesson plans this afternoon. Objectively, it really shouldn't be that hard, but it just *sounds* like so much work!

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I think I might be dreading the extracurriculars even more than starting up with schoolwork.  I'm going to see if I can scale back on outside activities for a while.  If all I had to do was face the school work that wouldn't be so bad.  


And what on earth made me think I wanted to teach a high school writing class for the ENTIRE year.  (Sorry about the caps, but that's how I feel right now.)  Somehow I bought into the 'it's only every other week.  It won't be that bad.' idea.  What was I thinking?  And, why, o, why, did I think grading the papers myself was such a good idea?  Where is the smacking yourself in the head smiley?





Found it!



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All of you dreading Monday please see my threads on the Chat board.  No guarantee they will help.  Actually, they might derail you even more, but still...





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On a side note, how does one do history and science well without supplemental reading?  I was searching for books on our library website and found that, of the first sixty suggested titles, we only have three in the county system.


That sounds like our local library. We ended up getting a paid library subscription to the Big City library (1+ hrs away) and making the trek every month or so. I also bought quite a few this year for eldest for $4 or less per book. 


The first year I did it without the Big City library, I had to branch out from the suggested list & search by the topic or key words. They weren't ideal, but it worked. Good luck!

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I still have to clean the house from the weekend. My kids always learn better in an organized, clean house. :/

My dh took the kids to the park and I "should" be using this time wisely to clean, organize, etc for the new year. Instead, I am chilling online. :p hmmm, where's my motivation? Maybe in my fourth cup of coffee?

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Despite planning on cleaning the school room over Christmas, I have not set foot one in the room. I just can't make myself do it. I'm really hoping for snow so I can call Monday a snow day.




I don't want to teach!! No, no, no!! No one fights when it's 24/7 video games. Why are there no educational X-box games?? Sonic the Hedgehog teaches something, right??



Lucky!!! My kids fight MORE when they have too much free time.

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Well, I am prepared, but I am not really ready. Tomorrow is my first actual day of REAL HOMESCHOOLING. I am kind of terrified! What if I, myself, am bored and just want to read and drink tea? What if I can't get my son to pay attention? What if I get really frustrated? What if, what if..... I think I am really scared! Maybe I only think I can teach him and have no idea what I'm doing?

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Well, I am prepared, but I am not really ready. Tomorrow is my first actual day of REAL HOMESCHOOLING. I am kind of terrified! What if I, myself, am bored and just want to read and drink tea? What if I can't get my son to pay attention? What if I get really frustrated? What if, what if..... I think I am really scared! Maybe I only think I can teach him and have no idea what I'm doing?


Welcome! And don't worry, it'll be great.  If not tomorrow . . . someday!  ;)  :lol:

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We start back tomorrow, too...having taken all of December off for the most part. And the holidays were just lousy. My BIL died suddenly, a dear family friend passed, I found I need bilateral knee replacements, we found our dog dead two days after Christmas, and on Friday a young man we know killed himself. Sigh. I was scambling to plan tonight and my heart is not quite in it yet.

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We start back tomorrow, too...having taken all of December off for the most part. And the holidays were just lousy. My BIL died suddenly, a dear family friend passed, I found I need bilateral knee replacements, we found our dog dead two days after Christmas, and on Friday a young man we know killed himself. Sigh. I was scambling to plan tonight and my heart is not quite in it yet.




I was sort of ready to start tomorrow but now both kids are sick. I would rather school then have sick kids, yuck! And I would like a do-over of our three weeks vacation that didn't turn out to be much of a break for any of us. :confused1:

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We start back tomorrow, too...having taken all of December off for the most part. And the holidays were just lousy. My BIL died suddenly, a dear family friend passed, I found I need bilateral knee replacements, we found our dog dead two days after Christmas, and on Friday a young man we know killed himself. Sigh. I was scambling to plan tonight and my heart is not quite in it yet.


Wow!  You definitely need one of these  :grouphug:

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We start back tomorrow, too...having taken all of December off for the most part. And the holidays were just lousy. My BIL died suddenly, a dear family friend passed, I found I need bilateral knee replacements, we found our dog dead two days after Christmas, and on Friday a young man we know killed himself. Sigh. I was scambling to plan tonight and my heart is not quite in it yet.

I'm so sorry!

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We start back tomorrow, too...having taken all of December off for the most part. And the holidays were just lousy. My BIL died suddenly, a dear family friend passed, I found I need bilateral knee replacements, we found our dog dead two days after Christmas, and on Friday a young man we know killed himself. Sigh. I was scambling to plan tonight and my heart is not quite in it yet.

I am so sorry for your losses.  Truly sorry.  I admire that you were even attempting to pull things together for lessons today.  Best wishes.

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I'm not even close to ready.  The school room is a mess, assignment sheets aren't ready, I'm not done filing work from 1st semester, plans aren't made for the curriculum I'm changing since I now have a part time job, and the list goes on.  But we're starting back with some things today.  Blergh

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