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What are you avoiding?


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I'm hoping by posting my own list I'll get off my duff (and away from WTM boards) and get something done.


Here's my list...


1.The high school board - so I don't read anything that will make me feel like I'd better get moving with school work and so I don't read anything that might make me think I'm not doing enough.

2. Logic Stage board (same as above and also so I don't consider using different curriculum)

3. The girls and dating thread.  Almost delved in last night.  I would just like to stay away from the whole idea a little while longer, but I know I'll pop in on that thread sometime today.

4. Cleaning up Christmas stuff and organizing the house.

5. Assembling books and planning for the week.

6. Putting up a new calendar and penciling in appointments, classes, etc.  I want to pretend the month is completely free of all obligations.  

7. Grading papers for the writing class I am teaching.


There's more, but I think that's enough for now!


So, what are you avoiding?



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I'm avoiding reality.  I'm ignoring the fact that I have no work scheduled (and thus no income in the near future).  For that matter, I am ignoring the fact that I NEED income.  I really suck as the sole breadwinner, but as a single mom, I have no choice, which is another thing I'm ignoring.

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I'm avoiding reality.  I'm ignoring the fact that I have no work scheduled (and thus no income in the near future).  For that matter, I am ignoring the fact that I NEED income.  I really suck as the sole breadwinner, but as a single mom, I have no choice, which is another thing I'm ignoring.

Well, that is just awful.  Dh has been unemployed for about 5 months and just started a new (but not necessarily permanent) job.  I hope you will find something soon.  I don't blame you for wanting to avoid reality.  :grouphug: 

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Well, that is just awful.  Dh has been unemployed for about 5 months and just started a new (but not necessarily permanent) job.  I hope you will find something soon.  I don't blame you for wanting to avoid reality.  :grouphug: 


Thank you.  I'm not really unemployed.  I do some work from home, and I'm lucky to have it.  It's just that I don't want to work.  I never wanted work or a career.  I always just wanted to be a mom.  This working for a living to support two kids is NOT what I signed up for.  But really, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.  Lots of people are far worse off than I am.


Sorry for whining.  I hope this wasn't supposed to be a lighthearted thread!

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I am avoiding lesson planning today. Tomorrow is our first day back after three weeks off and if I don't have it all laid out, nothing much will get done.


I don't want to read Macbeth!

I don't want to find the missing syllabus for DS18's Criminology class!

I don't want to open DD's science materials and figure out what supplies we need for this week!

I don't want to work the math problems so I stay ahead of DD!


I just don't WANNA!

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It is snowing out and I want to go to town. But my boys are playing a computer game with my hubby.


But when they are done we are going to get out the sleds and toboggan down the road, stash the sled at the piano teachers house (who lives at the bottome of the hill) and go to town.


We will buy crazy glue to glue an eye back on a teddy, and to try to fix the couch. We might also go the library, but the extra ten minute walk to and from would be a hard sell since I made the boys walk to the library yesterday.


So I'm just waiting till they are done. I suppose I could be doing something useful, but here I sit on my iPad. :)


(now I have this poem stuck in my head


Here I sit broken heartened

Paid a dime and only farted.... )

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I'm avoiding reality.  I'm ignoring the fact that I have no work scheduled (and thus no income in the near future).  For that matter, I am ignoring the fact that I NEED income.  I really suck as the sole breadwinner, but as a single mom, I have no choice, which is another thing I'm ignoring.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Pondering some of the same as well. 



I am avoiding:


  • The fact I have to read 100 pages in my history text in the first week - I've read 1/2 already and school doesn't start for another week. 
  • The fact there is snow outside to be shoveled. I have a cold, ds is still sleeping and having problems with breaking out in hives when he works out. We'll work in shifts later today. 
  • finalizing the school schedule, we start tomorrow - it's almost done
  • the reality that I have a cold 
  • sweeping the floors - I'm trying to make dog hair dust bunnies fashionable
  • editing my Nanowrimo story. My goal is to have it done by February, so I can get a free "winners" copy from Lulu. At this point that isn't going to happen. 
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I'm avoiding my sister in law. We're visiting dh's parents and I spent all morning making both meat and cheese stuffed shells, salad, and garlic bread. When it was time to eat sil went to her car and got a granola bar and refused to try a bite of what I made. She has no allergies, no food restrictions, isn't a vegetarian or anything. After I cleaned the kitchen I fled to another room so I don't say anything that I will regret. I love dh too much to make a scene over something silly. But I can't help that it bugs me.

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 you.  I'm not really unemployed.  I do some work from home, and I'm lucky to have it.  It's just that I don't want to work.  I never wanted work or a career.  I always just wanted to be a mom.  This working for a living to support two kids is NOT what I signed up for.  But really, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.  Lots of people are far worse off than I am.


Sorry for whining.  I hope this wasn't supposed to be a lighthearted thread!



I know exactly how you feel, because I feel the same way! I did NOT sign up for this. I like my job, but all I ever wanted to be was a homemaker.  :glare:


I'm ignoring the fact I have to go to work tomorrow. 

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Thank you.  I'm not really unemployed.  I do some work from home, and I'm lucky to have it.  It's just that I don't want to work.  I never wanted work or a career.  I always just wanted to be a mom.  This working for a living to support two kids is NOT what I signed up for.  But really, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.  Lots of people are far worse off than I am.


Sorry for whining.  I hope this wasn't supposed to be a lighthearted thread!

In a sick way it was sort of meant to be light hearted--though I need to get something done other than increasing my post count and drinking tea (see my other thought provoking thread)!


I still hope things pick up for you.  I'm doing plenty of avoiding on the job/financial front, but I have no interest in facing any of it.  We are doing the best we can and I have to leave it at that.  As you mentioned there are lots of people worse off than we are.


Carry on with avoidance...or not, whichever fits the poster and the situation.  (But I think I might need an intervention soon b/c I'm really afraid I'll find myself sitting here drinking tea with all the Christmas lights on posting on WTM boards come tomorrow morning!)

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Oh mercy, I so want to chime in, but I'm not avoiding--I'm RESTING!  :D


No seriously, the house got caught up except for one area, and I've decided to pace myself on that.  The planning I started yesterday, and of course we may have the next couple days off for Darcy Days.  (You did notice the thread notifying us that with temperatures below xxx, you're required to turn the tv to anything with Colin Firth and drink hot chocolate all day, right?)  Sorry, that was terrible!   :lol: 


Anyways, why are you filling in calendars, woman?  Seriously.  Paper calendars are for kids.  Get a calendar on your phone/computer and let it autofill.  My goal is to automate more and clean less.  Yes, I need to do some more planning, but we'll get it done.  The grading I can't help you with.  Are they paying you enough that it's worth it?  Maybe you should grade in class and teach them how to edit.  Anything way beyond the norm you bring home for a co-op class should be compensated.  Your time is worth a LOT and your health is worth a lot.  Anything you spend slaving over a pile takes away from your time to rest, recover, and take care of your health.  So automate, streamline, etc.


You know, I think my SIL takes a week after New Years to get the house back in order.  Maybe that would help you get things under control?  



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1. Taking down Christmas decor. One tree is down but the bigger tree still needs to be done.

2. Lesson plans and prep. In fact, dh is taking the kids on a field trip tomorrow so I can have a planning day. Bad mom. Delaying the inevitable.

3. Making plans to organize the running of our home: menus, chore schedules, etc.

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Oh mercy, I so want to chime in, but I'm not avoiding--I'm RESTING!   :D


No seriously, the house got caught up except for one area, and I've decided to pace myself on that.  The planning I started yesterday, and of course we may have the next couple days off for Darcy Days.  (You did notice the thread notifying us that with temperatures below xxx, you're required to turn the tv to anything with Colin Firth and drink hot chocolate all day, right?)  Sorry, that was terrible!   :lol: 

Oh, I avoided that thread b/c I really don't need excuses to goof off!  And, I know this will upset some people, but I don't think I can watch P&P yet again.  Heresy, I know.  <hanging my head in shame>


Anyways, why are you filling in calendars, woman?  Seriously.  Paper calendars are for kids.  Get a calendar on your phone/computer and let it autofill.  My goal is to automate more and clean less.  Yes, I need to do some more planning, but we'll get it done.  The grading I can't help you with.  Are they paying you enough that it's worth it?  Maybe you should grade in class and teach them how to edit.  Anything way beyond the norm you bring home for a co-op class should be compensated.  Your time is worth a LOT and your health is worth a lot.  Anything you spend slaving over a pile takes away from your time to rest, recover, and take care of your health.  So automate, streamline, etc.


I knew someone would call me on the paper calendar thing.  I just need it there on the fridge in front of me.  I don't want to find it on my phone, and i definitely don't want my phone reminding me!  Sometimes I am happy to forget things.  Bad attitude, I know.  Also the paper calendar on the fridge is there for all to see and they can't tell me their phone, iPod, etc wasn't working b/c the paper calendar was working just fine!   


​I almost forgot.  Telling everyone i use a paper calendar makes it possible for me to convincingly say I can't do x,y or z, b/c I have to go home first and check my calendar.  :D 


You know, I think my SIL takes a week after New Years to get the house back in order.  Maybe that would help you get things under control?  

Now that is just evil!  First you want to take my paper calendar away, now you are encouraging me in my bad habits of avoidance.  Hmmm....another week off you say?  

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I am avoiding lesson planning today. Tomorrow is our first day back after three weeks off and if I don't have it all laid out, nothing much will get done.


I don't want to read Macbeth!

I don't want to find the missing syllabus for DS18's Criminology class!

I don't want to open DD's science materials and figure out what supplies we need for this week!

I don't want to work the math problems so I stay ahead of DD!


I just don't WANNA!


THE HORROR!!!!! How can you not what to read Macbeth?? I mean I can avoid the whole world just to read Macbeth!!!!!

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I'm hoping by posting my own list I'll get off my duff (and away from WTM boards) and get something done.


Here's my list...


1.The high school board - so I don't read anything that will make me feel like I'd better get moving with school work and so I don't read anything that might make me think I'm not doing enough.

2. Logic Stage board (same as above and also so I don't consider using different curriculum)

3. The girls and dating thread.  Almost delved in last night.  I would just like to stay away from the whole idea a little while longer, but I know I'll pop in on that thread sometime today.

4. Cleaning up Christmas stuff and organizing the house.

5. Assembling books and planning for the week.

6. Putting up a new calendar and penciling in appointments, classes, etc.  I want to pretend the month is completely free of all obligations.  

7. Grading papers for the writing class I am teaching.


There's more, but I think that's enough for now!


So, what are you avoiding?


Definitely avoid the high school board and the logic stage board unless you have some kind of flash-thingy-bobby to make you forget it afterwards.  The only point in going to either of those boards is if you have steeled your nerve and you're prepared to offer a voice of reason.  Afterwards of course, you should not go back and read how everyone disagreed with you.  :lol:


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I'm avoiding my sister in law. We're visiting dh's parents and I spent all morning making both meat and cheese stuffed shells, salad, and garlic bread. When it was time to eat sil went to her car and got a granola bar and refused to try a bite of what I made. She has no allergies, no food restrictions, isn't a vegetarian or anything. After I cleaned the kitchen I fled to another room so I don't say anything that I will regret. I love dh too much to make a scene over something silly. But I can't help that it bugs me.


She's a nut. I would love if someone made stuffed shells, garlic bread and salad. I'd be thanking them weeks later!!



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1. Taking down tree.

2. Putting away any decorations at all.

3. Cleaning.

4. Planning what the heck we are going to work on for school tomorrow.

5. Finishing Christmas cards.

6. Starting thank you notes.

7. Interfering in my DC's squabbles over their board game.


However, I did remember that I teach at co-op Tuesday and put together a magnets lesson plan (which included finding our  many magnets). I also sent out reminders about various scout things. So I guess the bottom line is - people outside our home might think I'm doing something, but the people inside know different.

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It is officially too late in the day for me to take down Christmas lights. :hurray:  Dd wants the ones on the piano up so she can practice out there with them lit one last time.  Not hard for me to give in on that one.  Besides, I have some strange rule that lights can only be taken down during daylight hours and it is dark here now.  


Guess I will dig up the papers I need to grade and get started on them.  Also do a little organizing.  Then I'm going to call it good.  Anyway, Another Lynn gave me permission to stay off the high school and logic stage boards, so that's good.

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I'm avoiding the 'getting back into a school routine' after the holiday chaos.  Public school restarts tomorrow and we generally follow that schedule.


It doesn't help that college classes don't resume until next week so I have two extra students milling about distracting the younger two from getting their school work done. How can 'Hey, do you want to come watch a movie?" or "How 'bout going to Jitters (coffee shop)?" compare to 'Better get going with that Algebra or you're never going to have time to get to Biology."?



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If you are nine months pregnant, you deserve to avoid everything. :grouphug:

I'm avoiding the "storm effect" (the one that states that because there is a snow storm I will go into labor tonight). I have an appointment at 9 am and leaving at 7 to give my self lots of time (well an extra 45 or so minutes). Dd1's school has already cancelled along with every school district in the direction I have to go but I will be on all main roads so those should be cleared when I go.

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I've done the 'birth in the car during an ice storm' thing. So, let me know if you want any pointers! :blush:


Oh good lord I hope not. Dh has a 4 wheel drive truck but we would have dd1 with us until the inlaws show up, I really don't want to traumatize dd1. Then again dh would probably call his boss/ cousin because he was a medic for the military (don't want to go there either)
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today is the day for bodily fluids.


We had a scouring calf in the garage overnight. He died but not before leaving me a present of about a gallon of calf diahrea in the floor. Soaked through the bedding and just left a huge puddle. Got most of it cleaned, but I need to go back over it with another bleach mop.


The kids' bathroom has reeked of urine for 2 days ( thanks to my 6 yo boy). Took it all apart and scrubbed it all, but it still has that public restroom stink to it.  Gotta bleach mop that too.

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It's just that I don't want to work. I never wanted work or a career. I always just wanted to be a mom.

And here I am wishing I could just send my kids to school and get back to the career I had for 25 years before I became a full-time mom, at the same time realizing how fortunate I am to be able to stay home and be with my children all day, and to give them the education I want them to have instead of what they'd get at the public school they would attend (which was a "good" school until the last round of rearranging school assignments :( ). But I sorely miss my work -- my old work -- for a number of reasons. I am not one who gets any joy from a freshly cleaned house or a new dinner recipe, but when I solve a thorny problem at the office, I'm on top of the world. I do enjoy spending time with my kids, but I hate being the one to make them do schoolwork they don't want to do, on top of chores etc., day in and day out. I get extremely frustrated when I can't figure out how to teach something one of them is struggling with in a different way and get it across to them. The usual mommy complaints (not being able to use the bathroom or make a phone call etc.) just pile on top.


Which leads me to what I'm avoiding, which is sitting down with my husband and making an honest assessment of whether it makes sense to send them to a private school -- if I can add enough to our business to make it work, which of the schools we really like best, transportation, and all of the other details. It feels like admitting defeat. I'm afraid of the answer not being the one I want -- and maybe more afraid of it being the one I want.


Gah, sorry to be another downer, but I've been amazingly productive with the trivial things like cleaning up from Christmas while avoiding this issue!

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Thanks for this topic.  I just did 3 things that I've been putting off - 


I made an appointment for my car to get worked on - the check engine light has been on for a week or two and I've been avoiding that.


I called our doctor to get something worked out for my dd.


And I called the hospital to get a blood test arranged for me!


All little things that are not emergencies, but all have been on my to-do list for more than a week!




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And here I am wishing I could just send my kids to school and get back to the career I had for 25 years before I became a full-time mom, at the same time realizing how fortunate I am to be able to stay home and be with my children all day... But I sorely miss my work -- my old work -- for a number of reasons. I am not one who gets any joy from a freshly cleaned house or a new dinner recipe, but when I solve a thorny problem at the office, I'm on top of the world.

This is me exactly.

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1. School. We should have started today, but instead I made ds write thank you notes for Christmas presents and read Percy Jackson.

2. Planning for CC which starts tomorrow. I need to get my stuff together because we have small group tonight. I think I might be getting sick, and a tiny part of me is relieved. It is supposed to be 23 with a windchill of -7 here tomorrow, which is likely to the coldest temp in five years. I don't want to leave my house to go to CC, I just want to stay cuddled in bed playing Legos and reading with my kids.

3. Figuring out what I'm making for dinner. I do not want to go to the store, or even downstairs because my kitchen floor is cold, I really think I might have a fever :(.

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today is the day for bodily fluids.


We had a scouring calf in the garage overnight. He died but not before leaving me a present of about a gallon of calf diahrea in the floor. Soaked through the bedding and just left a huge puddle. Got most of it cleaned, but I need to go back over it with another bleach mop.


The kids' bathroom has reeked of urine for 2 days ( thanks to my 6 yo boy). Took it all apart and scrubbed it all, but it still has that public restroom stink to it.  Gotta bleach mop that too.

Oh, my!  I think I'd be avoiding staying home after all that!

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​Well, I managed to 'avoid' almost everything on my list from yesterday.  If by 'avoid' you mean I did a whole bunch of other stuff that wasn't on my radar and suddenly became important.


  • Had to send a bunch of 4h emails.  
  • Ended up insisting that my mother bring over all my CHRISTMAS cards that she told me she would mail ---and yet she never did.  I had to mail them myself TODAY!  Dd had made several thank you notes and drawings that were sent to people in their cards, so I was ticked b/c I thought they had been mailed long ago!
  • Mailed the cards.
  • Colored my mother's hair for her since that was the ploy I used to get her over here with the cards.
  • Took the kids to the library so they could get source books for their essay assignments.
  • Drove out to feed my great uncle's pony twice today.  Am suspicious he isn't being fed enough.
  • ​Checked Dh's wardrobe and realized he has been neglecting it dreadfully and has very little to wear to his new job.  Where have I been that I didn't realize it.  Oh--also he is a slob at hanging up his shirts and makes more work for himself ironing.  Even his no iron wrinkle free shirts have weird creases from the way they were hanging.  Guess I am a terrible wife for not EVER looking at his side of the closet.
  • Ds worked on schoolwork all day, but I haven't checked his progress yet and suspect I won't until after dinner.
  • I supervised Dd with her note-taking, assigned her writing, piano practice, and math (which I still have to check).
  • Now I need to get dinner.


And then, I would like to avoid EVERYTHING but the couch and my heating pad!  So, why do I feel like I got nothing done?  I want to scream b/c all these things keep popping up and I have no time to actually sit down and see where we are going with schoolwork!


I did manage to hang up the new calendar, but I did not write on it b/c I still need to pretend it is blank for the month!




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