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If you have allowed a 1st trimester miscarriage to progress naturally


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How long did it take to complete? I googled, and it looks like it can take up to weeks or months sometimes? Has that been your experience?


I had kind of planned to just sort of lay low until it was complete, but goodness, if I'm of the "month" variety (which would not surprise me...I have long labors), I can't just put my life on hold, KWIM?


Would I be OK to just sort of plan on living my life normally, expecting to have to cool it now and then if the cramping/bleeding gets too bad? Specifically, I'm supposed to be flying to Branson a week from tomorrow for a weekend retreat. I had originally thought that oh, I should be done by then and be good to go, but goodness...if I'm just sort of petering around like I am now...I might as well go, KWIM?


I had thought at the beginning I'd just do a D&C and get it over with, but the risks and recovery are freaking me out a bit, and come to find out I probably still won't feel well enough afterward to go on my trip, so what's the point?


Sigh. This sucks.

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I've done it several ways (unfortunately, I have enough experience with this to have made multiple different decisions). Most just happened fairly quickly, but it was hard waiting and going to work not know when it might start. Once I opted to have a D&C because it was taking a long time and I just needed it over. While that was ok, the next time I miscarried and two u/s showed the pregnancy was not progressing anymore, I was under the care of a midwife who gave me the choice to induce the mc at home with medication. Of all the ways I did it, that was the one that felt the best to me. I didn't have to wait it out, never knowing when it would start but I also could stay home and let the process happen in private and not have to go to the hospital or have anesthesia. It was really as good as the process could be for me. Obviously, there's no such thing as a good miscarriage but it felt the best to me and my husband. Less invasive than a hospital setting and more certain on the timing than just waiting it out.

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the next time I miscarried and two u/s showed the pregnancy was over, I was under the care of a midwife who gave me the choice to induce the mc at home with medication. Of all the ways I did it, that was the one that felt the best to me. I didn't have to wait it out, never knowing when it would start but I also could stay home and let the process happen in private and not have to go to the hospital or have anesthesia.

I did it this way also. I was able to wait for the weekend when DH would be home to help with DS. So sorry for your loss.

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I'm so sorry. :-(

I chose to wait it out and it took a good 4 weeks. I ended up having to go in anyways for a partial d&c due to minor but potentially serious complications. I honestly can't say if I'd go that route again or not. On one hand it seemed to prolong the grieving process, but on the other it was helpful (for me, at least) to have that extra time to grieve before it became even more "final".

Many hugs to you-


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It can depend a lot on how far along you were. An early miscarriage at 6 weeks can be like a really heavy period with a fairly short recovery. I had several at 13 weeks that took a few days to technically complete, but I was physically wiped out for weeks afterward.


I'm done having children, but if I ever found out I was having another miscarriage, I would have a D&C just to get it over with more quickly and to hopefully reduce the stress on my body.


I am so sorry.

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I naturally miscarried at home the first time, the process was fairly quick (only a few hours), but the most intense pain I've experienced in my entire life. I delivered a tiny fetus, with recognizable features. That was emotionally traumatizing to me as I was only expecting blood and some tissue. Recovery was similar to giving birth.


My second miscarriage I bled heavily for about 4 days and then had a D&C and bled for another week or so. The recovery was much quicker and it didn't feel like it took as long for my body to heal. I felt that the pregnancy hormones disappeared more quickly the 2nd time as well.


I had completely different grieving processes, I'm not sure is that was because of the d&c or because of being in a different stage of life. The first miscarriage occurred at 10 weeks, the second between 10 and 12 weeks, I was glad I had the d&c the second time. I think much like giving birth, every experience is different.


I am sorry you are going through this.

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I was 9.5 weeks when I started spotting (a week ago yesterday). The baby only measured 8 weeks when we did the u/s on Monday that showed us he/she had died.


My midwife offered me the option of Cytotec but I nixed that immediately. I had that after my last baby to help with bleeding, and it was soooooooooo painful. I don't want to have to go through that again.


I'm OK with a D&C if I develop any complications, but I have to admit I'm scared of it. Plus, I'd still like to go on my trip if I can, and it sounds like I'll still feel too crappy to go, even if I keep my appointment tomorrow.


UGH. I don't know what to do.....

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You know it's interesting, everyone I've talked to that has had both a natural miscarriage and a D&C says they'd choose the D&C. I guess I'm just scared of it. One of the main reasons I've had 8 babies naturally is because I'm scared of the epidural itself. So that might tell you where I'm coming from there....


Not that I'm h*ll-bent on going on my trip, but if I can I'd still like to. All the reading I've done says that I can expect to still be in pain, not just bleeding, a week after the D&C. Has that been the case with y'all?

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I had my D&C on Monday and by the weekend I was fine and done bleeding. I expect I would have felt better sooner, but I got a stomach virus from my son on Wednesday night, so had 24 hours of that going on. I felt mostly better by Friday, and fine on Saturday.

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I started spotting one week, but the color was light.  When it darkened to bright red about a week later, I went to the midwife.  She did an ultrasound and said it was a blighted ovum and I would miscarry soon. I think it was another several days before I started having light contractions and after a couple of hours, I passed what would have been the baby. I can't remember if I bled for long after that, but it wasn't a big deal (more like a period) and I never felt bad at all. If I'd ever felt bad (cramping, pain, fever) after that, I would have gone in. I was 11 weeks when that all happened. 

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mysticmomma, was it traumatic because of the D&C or because of why you chose the D&C - was it an emergency situation?


We've pretty much decided to go ahead with the D&C tomorrow, just so we can know it's all over rather than it dragging on for months. I can't put my life on hold for maybe/maybe not cramping and bleeding. :(

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For what it's worth I didn't think the recovery from the d&c was bad at all, I felt tired from the anesthesia for the rest of the day, but I wasn't sore. I did take it easy for a couple of days, mostly because my husband made me. I also didn't do any real exercise for several days, I don't remember if that was a restriction though.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

I had a natural m/c at 9 weeks (tho' babe had died a couple weeks before).  It took a few days.  After the "worst" part was over (including nasty cramping and lots of very heavy bleeding), it kind of dragged on a few days, longer than I expected.  The doc did an u/s and told me it was not complete.  He gave me a script for meds that would help induce a complete m/c, but gave me the option of waiting over the weekend to see if it would progress on its own.  It did, thank God, but it was good to know that the meds were available as an option before going the D&C route became necessary.

Hope all goes as well as it can for you. :grouphug:

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I had a d&c after my first m/c because I was not passing the baby on my own. I developed Ashermans syndrome and because of scar tissue in my uterus, it took six weeks for my m/c to complete. It was kind of like a period for six weeks, really bad cramping at first when I passed most of the tissue, then I would cramp again every few days when I would pass a big clot. Finally after six weeks I passed a part of the placenta I had retained and stopped bleeding soon after. Sorry for your loss :(.


ETA it took six weeks for my second m/c to complete, sorry that wasn't clearly worded.

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At 7 weeks we watched the heartbeat.  At 13 weeks I started spotting. I went to the emergency room. The sonogram showed the baby 8 weeks developed. The doctor sent us home with a prescription for heavy pain pills to take in case the labor became really painful (dilating a hard cervix can be painful.) I went into labor a couple of days later and my husband followed up through out the process by phone with doctor on call.  As soon as the baby was born at home the doctor wanted to know if the bleeding was getting better or worse.  It got worse because I hemorrhaged.  He told us to go to the emergency room.  We did.  It stopped by the time we got to the hospital (15 minutes later) and they gave me fluids to get my blood pressure back up to normal, but we avoided a transfusion.  We didn't need further follow up.


I was specifically warned by the OB to avoid a D&C if at all possible because it was an unnecessary risk to me (uterine punctures happen sometimes, so can infection) and it appeared to increase the risk of future miscarriages compared to women who don't have a D&C with a miscarriage.

The next 2 I miscarried within the first 6 weeks and didn't have much pain either time.  There was no hemorrhaging so there was no need to follow up with the doctor.


My mom had a friend whose baby was born a couple of months after the baby died in the first trimester.

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If I could go back and not do the D&C, I would. The procedure itself was practically painless, but the condition I developed (Asherman's Syndrome) affected not only the next pregnancy/miscarriage, but my pregnancy with my four year old. I developed placenta accreta and had to have an emergency D&C after his birth because I was bleeding out. They did extensive scraping of the adhesions and I was able to avoid a hysterectomy, but my OB recommended that I not have any more kids because of the extensive scarring. I was a nervous wreck with Piper, because they were pretty sure it would happen again, but thankfully her placenta attached in area with no scar tissue. Anyway, I could have avoided all this if I had just miscarried on my own. There is a small chance that it will happen, but just know that it is a risk.

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My dd lost her first baby at the end of the first trimester.  She didn't want a D and C and had to fight with her midwife over it.  Midwife was insistent, so was dd.  It did take almost 3 weeks before she miscarried naturally, but she had no complications and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl almost exactly a year later.  The first baby was a boy.  

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It depends how important the trip is to you. You're taking a BIG risk. A natural miscarriage can be simple and safe... or it can be a bloody, painful nightmare that goes on for weeks on end. I've had both happen, and there's no way to know ahead of time what to expect. You can go for your trip and have everything be fine. YOu could deliver the baby at home ahead of time and have everything be done & over. There's a very good possibility, though, that you could deliver the baby ahead of time and the stress of the trip could cause you to hemorrhage rather than heal. Or that you end up delivering there, which even if all goes smoothly is a nightmare at a conference. And of course it very often does NOT go smoothly and then you could be facing  a hospital visit in a strange city with the situation being very exposed.


Personally, I wouldn't risk it. If I really wanted to go, I'd get a D&C ahead of time... or I'd stay home. Too much can go wrong, risking having a miscarriage in a different city away from your doctors/midwives and family.


Edited to add: After my natural miscarriages, I was still bleeding heavily a week later. With two of them, I was still experiencing very painful cramping & passing large clots a week later. With my D&Cs, I was pretty much back to normal almost right afterwards. Maybe a little tender down there and a bit of pink spotting, but nothing inhibiting.

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Not that I'm h*ll-bent on going on my trip, but if I can I'd still like to. All the reading I've done says that I can expect to still be in pain, not just bleeding, a week after the D&C. Has that been the case with y'all?

I was not in (physical) pain a week after my D&C for a missed miscarriage or any of my other miscarriages. I also was not still bleeding a week after it was complete either. Maybe a little spotting (it's been awhile, details fade).

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I have had 12 to 14 miscarriages. (I lost count.). I really do not know how long it took since I never went to a doctor anyway to start the clock. I would bleed and that was that. The bleeding usually lasted a few more days to a week more than regular menses. I never put my life on hold. I was able to do normal daily activities throughout. And I knew my blood type did not require intervention. After about 2 or 3 weeks from the time the bleeding stopped, I would do an at home pregnancy test to make sure the miscarriage was complete. One time it remained positive after 4 weeks so I did go get checked, and it turned out to be a molar pregnancy. That is the only time I required a D&C.


HTH without being too much information.

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My first 2 miscarriages were spontaneous and just like a heavy period. My 3rd I ended up with a D&C. I found out at 9 weeks that the baby had no heartbeat. At 12 weeks I had a D&C. I was starting to feel really bad/sick and just couldn't wait any longer. The D&C was easier than I thought it was going to be. Bleeding afterwards was like a light period.

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How long did it take to complete? I googled, and it looks like it can take up to weeks or months sometimes? Has that been your experience?


I had kind of planned to just sort of lay low until it was complete, but goodness, if I'm of the "month" variety (which would not surprise me...I have long labors), I can't just put my life on hold, KWIM?


Would I be OK to just sort of plan on living my life normally, expecting to have to cool it now and then if the cramping/bleeding gets too bad? Specifically, I'm supposed to be flying to Branson a week from tomorrow for a weekend retreat. I had originally thought that oh, I should be done by then and be good to go, but goodness...if I'm just sort of petering around like I am now...I might as well go, KWIM?


I had thought at the beginning I'd just do a D&C and get it over with, but the risks and recovery are freaking me out a bit, and come to find out I probably still won't feel well enough afterward to go on my trip, so what's the point?


Sigh. This sucks.

I don't know either but big hugs.

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Guest inoubliable

I tried to PM you but every time I hit send, I get a website down error message. 
I miscarried on Christmas eve. It was a delayed miscarriage - I likely lost the pregnancy back in September. Tissues passed early on Christmas day. I went to the ER that evening and they found that nothing needed intervention, there was nothing else to pass. I was told to see my OB/GYN on the first if bleeding was still heavy and discuss with them a D&C. Just like my other miscarriages, though, that's been unnecessary. I was fine by New Year's Eve.
If you have other questions, feel free to PM me. HTH.

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Thanks everyone. I had a D&C scheduled for Thursday afternoon but canceled it - I felt like I was just rushing things and taking an unnecessary risk. I'm not opposed to a D&C if I have to have one, but at that point it was totally a choice. I am very noninterventive when it comes to medical stuff and only intervene when necessary. (Like when I had back surgery to repair a herniated disc - with my type of herniation, physical therapy would not correct it, so surgery was necessary so I would no longer walk with a limp.)


So I canceled it and proceeded to just wait. Friday I cleaned a lot - even steam cleaned the carpets, hoping to move things along. I started having some contractions Friday afternoon and passed several clots and tissue. Then shortly after my husband got home I passed the placenta. I bled a little bit last night but not much, and so far today I've barely bled at all. So I guess that's that.


I'm supposed to go for a blood draw in 2 weeks to make sure my hcg is below 5.


My midwife says I should be fine to go on my retreat this weekend, and boy oh boy do I ever need it!!!

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I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks.  I bled for three months and finally had it so I went to the Dr. and she gave me some hormones to stop the bleeding.  I should have gone in sooner but I was REALLY afraid of a D&C and kept thinking "I'll just give it one more week.  Surely it has to stop soon!"

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I prefer to just let it happen naturally. When I have done something other than that the pain gets worse I think the pain is brought on my vaginal u/s and just plain stress. I prefer just to let it happen and take it easy as needed. HOWEVER, there were times that the pain meds that they gave me were very helpful.

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Thanks everyone. I had a D&C scheduled for Thursday afternoon but canceled it - I felt like I was just rushing things and taking an unnecessary risk. I'm not opposed to a D&C if I have to have one, but at that point it was totally a choice. I am very noninterventive when it comes to medical stuff and only intervene when necessary. (Like when I had back surgery to repair a herniated disc - with my type of herniation, physical therapy would not correct it, so surgery was necessary so I would no longer walk with a limp.)


So I canceled it and proceeded to just wait. Friday I cleaned a lot - even steam cleaned the carpets, hoping to move things along. I started having some contractions Friday afternoon and passed several clots and tissue. Then shortly after my husband got home I passed the placenta. I bled a little bit last night but not much, and so far today I've barely bled at all. So I guess that's that.


I'm supposed to go for a blood draw in 2 weeks to make sure my hcg is below 5.


My midwife says I should be fine to go on my retreat this weekend, and boy oh boy do I ever need it!!!


I'm sorrry. (((HUGS))) but I'm glad to hear that things went well.

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I knew that I was likely to miscarry when I went in at 5 weeks and had a 5-week placenta, but a 2-week fetus and no heartbeat. The doctor had me come back two weeks later, but I had already started spotting that morning, so I knew what we would see on the ultrasound and it was a 5-week placenta and 2-week fetus still.  That was a Monday and we scheduled a D&C for Friday.


I actually had the miscarriage that very night. It was very intense and quite painful, but was down to the level of a regular menstrual cycle by the next day.  The awful pain lasted about 8 hours.


I went to the hospital for bloodwork on Wednesday and went in for the D&C on Friday morning. My HCG count was low enough on Wednesday, that they did an ultrasound and canceled my D&C because they said I had already had a complete miscarriage.

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I'm so sorry.

At 6-7 weeks, I had bleeding for about 2 weeks.

The second time was much different, with spotting for over a week. My hcg levels were monitored both times, but did not go down the second. In the second or third week after spotting, we discovered an ectopic. For that reason, I'm all about repetative blood draws!

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I had four miscarriages and three D&Cs...and to be correct, the procedure is really a D&E...it's a little vacuum. I would have the procedures over a natural miscarriage every single time, given the choice. All three of mine were quick and painless, and there was no recovery time. Two of them I had done in my OB's office. Because my last one was twins, I had that done in the hospital. I did not have anesthesia with any of the procedures. The bleeding was minimal, and I was back to my normal routine that day, in all three cases. No complications whatsoever. After the last one, I went on to have a normal, healthy, pregnancy. Don't be afraid of the procedure.

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Thanks everyone. I had a D&C scheduled for Thursday afternoon but canceled it - I felt like I was just rushing things and taking an unnecessary risk. I'm not opposed to a D&C if I have to have one, but at that point it was totally a choice. I am very noninterventive when it comes to medical stuff and only intervene when necessary. (Like when I had back surgery to repair a herniated disc - with my type of herniation, physical therapy would not correct it, so surgery was necessary so I would no longer walk with a limp.)


So I canceled it and proceeded to just wait. Friday I cleaned a lot - even steam cleaned the carpets, hoping to move things along. I started having some contractions Friday afternoon and passed several clots and tissue. Then shortly after my husband got home I passed the placenta. I bled a little bit last night but not much, and so far today I've barely bled at all. So I guess that's that.


I'm supposed to go for a blood draw in 2 weeks to make sure my hcg is below 5.


My midwife says I should be fine to go on my retreat this weekend, and boy oh boy do I ever need it!!!

It sounds like it went as well as it could, I'm glad you get to go on your retreat and I'm sorry for your loss.


For your sake I'm glad you didn't have a lot of pain.

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