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Poll: How much makeup do you wear as an everyday, homeschooling mom?


How Much Makeup Do You Wear for a Regular Day?  

  1. 1. How Much Makeup Do You Wear for a Regular Day?

    • Bare is Better: Moisturizer and lip gloss and I'm on my way!
    • Just Enough to Brighten My Face: Blush, Mascara and a little Lipstick
    • Foundation is a Must Have - Foundation or Powder, maybe adding something else here or there
    • The Whole Enchilada - if this is you, you know what it means
    • Other

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This is my 1st poll - hopefully it works! LOL!


I have been reading a ton of marriage books lately - half of them encourage you to go the extra mile - put on makeup and take extra time to look nice for DH (I don't think these authors homeschool or have little infants/toddlers running around! Agh!!!) The other half focus on the "beauty within" principle. I am so confused. Yes, I want to look nice, but I do not have the time anymore! I have spent many years putting on the "whole face", but that takes me 45 min.-ish to do! (And that's not counting the unruly curly hair I have to deal with!) So, I'm trying to find a balance. Part of my issue is that people "know" me with my makeup on, so if I go without eyeliner, the first thing people say to me is - "Gosh, you look so tired! Are you feeling well???" That's enough to make me run into the bathroom right then and there!!!!

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This is my 1st poll - hopefully it works! LOL!


I have been reading a ton of marriage books lately - half of them encourage you to go the extra mile - put on makeup and take extra time to look nice for DH (I don't think these authors homeschool or have little infants/toddlers running around! Agh!!!) The other half focus on the "beauty within" principle. I am so confused. Yes, I want to look nice, but I do not have the time anymore! I have spent many years putting on the "whole face", but that takes me 45 min.-ish to do! (And that's not counting the unruly curly hair I have to deal with!) So, I'm trying to find a balance. Part of my issue is that people "know" me with my makeup on, so if I go without eyeliner, the first thing people say to me is - "Gosh, you look so tired! Are you feeling well???" That's enough to make me run into the bathroom right then and there!!!!


Honestly, I can do my mineral makeup routine in about 10 minutes or less. It is fabulous, feels natural and looks natural. I'd do it whether I was homeschooling or not, single or not. I had 5 children in 9 years, and still put on makeup daily.

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This is my 1st poll - hopefully it works! LOL!


I have been reading a ton of marriage books lately - half of them encourage you to go the extra mile - put on makeup and take extra time to look nice for DH (I don't think these authors homeschool or have little infants/toddlers running around! Agh!!!) The other half focus on the "beauty within" principle. I am so confused. Yes, I want to look nice, but I do not have the time anymore! I have spent many years putting on the "whole face", but that takes me 45 min.-ish to do! (And that's not counting the unruly curly hair I have to deal with!) So, I'm trying to find a balance. Part of my issue is that people "know" me with my makeup on, so if I go without eyeliner, the first thing people say to me is - "Gosh, you look so tired! Are you feeling well???" That's enough to make me run into the bathroom right then and there!!!!


My first recommendation is for you to talk with your dh and find out what he likes. My second recommendation is for you to figure out a simpler routine that you feel comfortable with and knock some time off getting ready.


I wear full makeup almost everyday (foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara), but it only takes me 5 minutes. However, dh strongly prefers I fix my hair. Once again, a total of 5 minutes to put gel in and pull it back the way he likes it.


If I've got 10 minutes, I do both. If I have 5 minutes, I do the hair. Since I talked with him about it, I always make time to do the hair now.


If it is important to your dh, then I think it's important to try and do what you can to accomplish it or find a compromise that he likes as much. Yes, the "beauty within" part counts for a lot in a marriage, but if you have a dh that likes the "beauty without" I think it is loving him to do your best to do what he likes. If he honestly doesn't care (I know some guys don't--I was surprised to find out my dh doesn't really care as strongly about the makeup thing), then just do what makes you feel good.

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I wear full makeup almost everyday (foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara), but it only takes me 5 minutes.



How in the world?!? I need to take some pointers from you! Thankfully, dh is one of those that doesn't really care, but I hate to get the "tired" remarks from people...

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I'd probably look less tired as well, if I wore mascara. 3 problems with make-up for me:


1. I don't like the whole process of putting it on and taking it off everyday!


2. DH says he likes how I look best without makeup


3. I have minor allergies, which show up in me with itchy, dry eyes and eyelids. I'd look a total mess if I DID try to wear it! :)


I put other, because I do wear a moisturizer (since my skin is sooo dry and I finally found one that I can use without it being too oily!), but I don't wear lip gloss.

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During the summer I don't wear much. I tend to sweat it off if I'm outside or it comes off while swimming.


Pretty much from the first day of school until the last I wear moisturizer, foundation, powder, blush, lipstick and mascara. It takes less than 5 minutes to do it. I've been at it for 25 years so I've got it down to a science.


I can't imagine it taking 45 minutes to put on make-up. LOL Krazzymommy, you'll have to tell what you do that takes so long. That is if you don't mind.

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I put other because I don't even go in for moisturizer and lip gloss. Lip balm often in winter, and a bit of sunscreen if I'm going to be outdoors long in summer. That's not makeup, though, that's preventative medicine.


I can't see doing anything differently to please DH, because I've never worn makeup and stuff, including before we were married, so why start now?

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I voted The Whole Enchilada, but I never wear mascara. I wear moisturizer, foundation, blush, eye shadow and liner (and curl my eyelashes), lip liner and lipstick. It really doesn't take very long and I use natural colors, but I feel 100% more put-together if I get it on first thing. Bare essentials: curl eyelashes and lipstick.

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This is my 1st poll - hopefully it works! LOL!


I have been reading a ton of marriage books lately - half of them encourage you to go the extra mile - put on makeup and take extra time to look nice for DH (I don't think these authors homeschool or have little infants/toddlers running around! Agh!!!) The other half focus on the "beauty within" principle. I am so confused. Yes, I want to look nice, but I do not have the time anymore! I have spent many years putting on the "whole face", but that takes me 45 min.-ish to do! (And that's not counting the unruly curly hair I have to deal with!) So, I'm trying to find a balance. Part of my issue is that people "know" me with my makeup on, so if I go without eyeliner, the first thing people say to me is - "Gosh, you look so tired! Are you feeling well???" That's enough to make me run into the bathroom right then and there!!!!


My dh has said for years that I'm beautiful with or without make up. I don't particularly agree. I usually just wear moisturizer and chap stick. I only wear make up if it's date night, church or other out of the house occasions excluding shopping. Then I do the whole she-bang, ususally.


Dh doesn't get home until after midnight from work so I'm in bed sleeping. He comes in to kiss me goodnight and I guess he thinks I look all right because he always snuggles and tells me he loves me. When he used to come home at a normal hour I would brush my hair and put some jeans on. Basically, a quick clean up, but if I didn't get it he never complained. I have the best dh! He's always told me that he loves me no mater what I wear and the less the better!:tongue_smilie:


Talk to your dh and find out what he likes. Maybe you could shorten your make up routine if that's something you want to do. Maybe, just use eyeliner and mascara.



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I am probably the worst. I don't wear it ever and hardly ever get dressed up for my dh. Well when we go out I do. But like when he comes home my hair is pulled back and I am in shorts and tees. Maybe I should get all made up for him.
But what is your dh into? Mine doesn't like make-up, and wants me to be comfy. He'd rather see me working on organizing the livingroom area or our bedroom or something, than meet him at the door all dressed up! Really!


So the advice people give to treat your dh special by dressing up and putting on make-up doesn't cut it for us. I do what most pleases him, which (THANKFULLY!!!) doesn't include make-up or dressing to the hilt!)


Someone else mentioned to talk with dh and see what he likes, so I am agreeing with that poster! Then you're sure you're really pleasing him!

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I put other because I don't even go in for moisturizer and lip gloss. Lip balm often in winter, and a bit of sunscreen if I'm going to be outdoors long in summer. That's not makeup, though, that's preventative medicine.




I hate make up. No matter what it is it makes me itch, so unless it's a big fancy Navy function, I just don't wear anything. I don't do moisturizer either because it just makes my face feel oily. I will wear sunscreen if going outside in the summer and use plenty of lip balm in the winter.

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I don't generally put on my face in the morning. But if I'm doing a show in the evening, that's when the pancake comes out. :D


As for my wife, I think she does powder & lip gloss, but I'm not sure. I don't notice these things unless she points them out.

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I wear a powder foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and eye liner daily. I put on a colored lip gloss as I leave the house. It really only takes me about 5 minutes to do it. I have a hairstyle that is really easy too - I wash and blow dry and go!


I do it because I feel better wearing it - more put together. I think that makes me a more confident woman and therefore more attractive to my dh. But, really I do it more for me!!

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I can't imagine it taking 45 minutes to put on make-up. LOL Krazzymommy, you'll have to tell what you do that takes so long. That is if you don't mind.


Sigh. Okay, there must be something wrong with me! :lol: You guys want a laugh? Here you go:


First of all, it takes 5 min. alone just to get the foundation and powder on.

Then, it probably takes...gulp...15 min. just to do the eyeshadows (yes, plural - 4-5 colors). Then, another 5 minutes to do the eyeliner - it has to be just right - the "smoky" eye look, everything blended just perfectly. :D Probably another 5 min. to get the mascara on, eyelashes curled...another 5 to get any loose makeup off, blush on and then lipstick on. So, we're at 35 minutes, and that doesn't count the time to haul all of the makeup out or clean it up, clean brushes, or my hands - which have as much makeup on them as my face. lol.


(Head down) That is my confession of the day. There was a post the other day about what we're embarrassed to admit - well, this is probably it. I was never the "pretty" girl in school and was never allowed to wear makeup, so I think when I went out on my own, I went to town on the whole makeup thing. I do get the nicest compliments - people think I'm a makeup artist! - but I'm ready to put those days behind me, I think.

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I wear makeup because I like how it makes me look. It takes about 5 minutes to put on foundation, eyeliner, blush, mascara and lipstick, so it's not like I invest something major in it. I can't imagine what you are doing that takes 45 minutes. I voted "whole enchilada" but maybe there is a lot to that enchilada I don't know about!


Look, marriage-wise, we are all going to be 76 someday. We will all have turkey necks and aching feet and an altered waistline, and I think my husband (and yours) will still love his wife. But I also think he will know, already knows, that there are many more beautiful women in the world than I am. Hopefully after 15 years, he isn't here for the "hotness" element anymore. But that said, I do want to look nice, not just for him, but for how it makes me feel.


So I will spent 5 minutes. But 45? No way. I can even fix my hair in about 10.

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Mineral makeup, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick every single day


That describes my routine.


I have ghastly dark circles all the way around my eyes and I hate to pass the bathroom mirror and catch a glimpse of my face without makeup. I look like I have some horrible illness.

So I wear makeup every day.

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I put other because I don't even go in for moisturizer and lip gloss. Lip balm often in winter, and a bit of sunscreen if I'm going to be outdoors long in summer. That's not makeup, though, that's preventative medicine.




Good point. I should've mentioned that I wear sunscreen (on my face) year round, every single day. Yes, I've got THAT kind of skin. I put it on right out of the shower and consider it my moisturizer.

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I picked "other" because on a regular day around here I don't do anything. The last few months, though, I've been wearing light makeup when we go to town. Now that I've lost a bit of weight, it doesn't seem like a waste of time -- or money -- anymore.

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I am the whole enchilada and always have been. I have blotchy, blemish-prone skin and make up helps a lot.


Also, over the past 15 years I have been in various stages of pg, nursing, gaining weight, losing weight, etc. and haven't always had the resources to have a nice wardrobe. Doing my face everyday has always been one thing I've been able to do, even when my wardrobe, for whatever the reason, is crummy.


I feel naked if I I'm not wearing at least foundation, blush and mascara.

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if I'm going out I put on a little foundation, blush, mascara, eyeshadow and gloss.


This is recent though. I used to wear little to none, but last year I noticed that people kept asking me if I was tired or sick. :glare: So I thought it was time that I invested in a little make-up.


I'm starting to like it. I was never a make-up person, and I knew nothing about it. But now I'm enjoying it.

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Honestly, I can do my mineral makeup routine in about 10 minutes or less. It is fabulous, feels natural and looks natural. I'd do it whether I was homeschooling or not, single or not. I had 5 children in 9 years, and still put on makeup daily.


Me too! I like to be prepared for anything--ready to go out the door at a moment's notice.


That and I live in the kind of neighborhood where at any given moment a neighbor might knock on the door.:tongue_smilie:

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I haven't worn makeup for years and years (and did I say years?). But, lately, I'm feeling like I look a little more put together with a touch up or three. Moisturizer. A little cover-up under my eyes, and a soft bit of liner just under the lower lashes. That's about it. If I'm going somewhere special, I might add blush and mascara, but not everyday. And, I don't "touch up" everyday. Just some days, when I get around to it, kwim? :D

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