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Do you stay home from events when you have a cold?



108 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you stay home, if possible, when you have a cold?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other?

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If you or your children have a relatively mild illness, say congestion and a sore throat, do you still go somewhere (like church)? 


I tend to stay home because I don't want to pass along what I have and I don't want to risk another illness on top of the first one, but I'm wondering if that's extreme. 


Obviously there are some sicknesses where there's no doubt you should stay home, like stomach bug or high fever/achy kind of sicknesses.


So, what do you do when you have a cold? What kind of illnesses keep you home? Do you give much thought to avoiding spreading an illness to others?





Edited to Add: I often wonder about this issue in general, but am particularly trying to figure out whether or not to go to church this morning. I have a pretty sore throat and mild congestion. One of my children had a 101 fever, congestion, and sore throat last night ... but is feeling totally fine now, with just a tiny bit of congestion. What to do, what to do.... :)

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If we feel really cruddy, then yes.  If not, then colds can last for weeks.  I read that the typical cold lasts about three weeks from start to finish.  If we quarantined for that whole time, we'd never go anywhere in the winter.  So I voted no.


Obviously, as you said, this doesn't apply when there's fever or vomiting.  I also used to keep my kids home more when they were younger if they were really gunky because young kids can't really effectively cover when they cough.


ETA: I just saw your note about fever...  Kids run fevers with colds more than adults.  I do tend to make my boys sit out for 24 hrs. when they've had a fever.  Even though they're sometimes up and running around and wild by the end of that time.

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I would stay home. There was a thread on this topic not too long ago.  There are a lot of people at church who can suffer greatly because someone with a minor cold shows goes to church.  I do think about spreading illness to others because I know a lot of elderly people, people with asthma and low immune systems, etc. are at my church every Sunday.   So I'd rather stay home, read and listen to a sermon online, and not be the one who passes my sickness on.

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Cold, away we go as long as the kids feel up to it.  Fever, we stay home until fever free for 24 hours.  Barfing, we stay home 48 hours until the last person stops throwing up.  When one of my kids gets a cold, all three will, so if we stayed home the duration of a cold we would be in the whole winter.  When we got the flu last year we barely left our house for two months.  It was like a domino effect, one person got sick, a week later the next one, etc.  It took five weeks for everyone to get infected then an extra 3 weeks for everyone to feel up to leaving the house.  Longest. two. months. of. my. life.

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Edited to Add: I often wonder about this issue in general, but am particularly trying to figure out whether or not to go to church this morning. I have a pretty sore throat and mild congestion. One of my children had a 101 fever, congestion, and sore throat last night ... but is feeling totally fine now, with just a tiny bit of congestion. What to do, what to do.... :)


Stay home!!!!


Besides the fact that you don't want to infect anyone else, here's a practical reason for staying home: Your body burns calories to make the white blood cells which fight infection. You can either go about your business burning calories and take longer to get well, or you can rest and let your body burn those calories by fighting infection, in which case you'll get well sooner. :-)

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From church, music lessons, sports practices -- Yes, stay home.  Especially for the first 2 or 3 days of a cold.  None of those things are essential.  The world won't end if someone misses them, and there's little to no "making up" to do.  For kids in public/private school, it becomes a much trickier decision, especially for older kids who will usually have a lot of catching up to do if they miss even one day.

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I voted other, because when my kids were little, we stayed home more. Now, unless there is a fever, or serious stomach troubles. Then, they stay home and the rest of us go. I figure this is like most adults in the world. And in general the pressures of being at practice, or a job take precedence over a mild cold.


But we did stay home a lot more when they were all under ten.

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I stay home. I have a permanently compromised immune system, if there is something in the air, I will catch it. I got sick a lot more when ds was in private school or we were in church on a regular basis. What may give you a cold and tickle in the throat, will put me in bed for a week. 


I try to avoid the grocery store when I'm feeling down or when something heavy is going around. It's hard to fault people for needing to grocery shop, but I keep my ultra ears on to avoid aisles where I hear someone coughing or hacking. 


I don't look immune compromised, I'm not elderly and I'm not currently getting cancer tx. Mine is from cancer, its treatment, and long term side effects. 

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I am an it depends...Fever 24 hours no matter what.  But a plain cold I tend to be willing to go out UNLESS I know I am going somewhere with a immune compromised person i.e. if I know a person at church is getting chemo no go.  If I don't feel good and don't want to leave the house then I don't go out and share my yuckys until I know I am better.  There was a nasty cold that knocked me out for 5 days....I didn't leave my house for another week even though I only had congestion at that point because I really didn't want to share that nasty cold with anyone.

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I tend to stay home if anyone has a fever or vomiting. With sniffles or allergy-like symptoms it depends on how long the person has had it, where we are going, and who will be there. 


For many of the little ones I work with what was a cold for one person can mean hospitalization or worse. For my youngest, a cold generally turns into wheezing and pneumonia. So I admit I am a little on the conservative side when it comes to illness. 


We had a major family blow up over this very thing a little over a year ago when my sister did not let us know one of hers had a fever at a family picnic. We only overheard about it later in the day when someone asked why the feverish child was laying all over my son rather than up and playing. My family was headed overseas and ended up two days later in a foreign country with my youngest having a fever and needing a nebulizer we did not have with us. It was a little scary but everything turned out fine in the end. As someone who always gives other people the option of whether or not they want to be around my kids when ill, I thought the behavior was inconsiderate and am still suffering the consequences of speaking my mind. 

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Typical cold symptoms like coughing, sore throat and runny nose, nope I do not stay home. If we did we would never go anywhere for 6 months of the year because someone always seems to have a cold. If the person is able to function normally despite the symptoms we go out. However, if symptoms change such as fever, sore throat that is not eased by lozenge, green/yellow mucus, vomitting, coughing so hard it is causing gagging then we stay home and avoid going out because those things signal an infection that is more than a simple cold and I would not want to pass that on to someone. As well if the person is just plain miserable, lethargic etc we stay home.

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Thanks for your perspective, everyone! :) I checked out the thread from last month, too. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who wants to stay home when my children are sick. It seems like so many people I know come to church when they are very sick. The second Sunday I brought my youngest to church (she was under 2 months), there was a child sitting 2 feet away from me, coughing like crazy. I took my baby out of the service and she didn't end up getting sick, but it was concerning to say the least. 


We decided to stay home this morning, especially since my daughter had a fever last night. Better safe than sorry! :)

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At least in the beginning stages (when I've heard we're most contagious), we stay home because I think it's rude to get others sick: especially since we primarily are in "kid" venues.


The thing I don't get is when one child in the family is sick, but the mom says, "but nobody else is." Um, have you heard that it can take a day or two to show up in other family members? Maybe a unit on how germs transfer would help.


I've had too many friends let their kids come over sick and then -- thanks -- we're sick too. We weren't even given the chance to know. . . and make our own decision about whether we wanted to take the risk or not. The kids told my kids they were sick half way through the play date.


One time this type of situation massacred one of our trips -- I woke up vomiting the night after a play date-- and we couldn't go on our trip. Now the week before a trip we stay fairly isolated.



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At least in the beginning stages (when I've heard we're most contagious), we stay home because I think it's rude to get others sick: especially since we primarily are in "kid" venues.


The thing I don't get is when one child in the family is sick, but the mom says, "but nobody else is." Um, have you heard that it can take a day or two to show up in other family members? Maybe a unit on how germs transfer would help.


I've had too many friends let their kids come over sick and then -- thanks -- we're sick too. We weren't even given the chance to know. . . and make our own decision about whether we wanted to take the risk or not. The kids told my kids they were sick half way through the play date.


One time this type of situation massacred one of our trips -- I woke up vomiting the night after a play date-- and we couldn't go on our trip. Now the week before a trip we stay fairly isolated.



This drives me crazy!

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Yes. We stay home. A lot of people don't and it infects others who can't fight off a simple cold. We are going through this right now, actually. We went to something and picked up a virus from people this has happened with before and while three of my kids are fine my second child now has pneumonia. I'm not mad but some people truly don't seem to get it.

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If the majority of the 3 have symptoms, then yes. We stayed home from church today, they all have upper resp. infections with viral pinkeye. If one had simple cold symptoms, they might go unless they felt miserable. 


In your situation, with a fever, yes please stay home. We follow their school district guidelines even outside of school, fever free for 24 hrs (without meds). 

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Fever? Stay home (24 hour rule).

Miserable? Stay home.

Pesky sniffles and a little cough? Go.

:iagree:  For play dates I call and let them know we're not exactly healthy... but not exactly sick. Usually the play date goes on as planned. Sometimes, however, they're about to take a trip or have another event coming up and would rather not be ill, so the play date gets canceled. Either way, the healthy mom gets the choice.

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I voted no - as long as there is no fever and the discharge is clear, then it's a normal cold. The dr. said a cold is "5 days coming, 5 days there and 5 days going." That's 15 days! 


I wash my hands frequently. I also take cold medicine, so I am not coughing or sneezing all over the place. If the cold medicine didn't control that, then I'd stay home 'cause that would mean I'm really miserable! 


I stay home/keep home those w/ fevers for 24 hours past the end of the fever, achy bones, yellow snot, vomit, diarrhea and probably some other stuff. 

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We stay home, but most in our congregation don't.  There's always a lot of coughing and sneezing going on.


A family member has an out-of-state surgery coming up, and they'll stay home from now until they recover because there are just too many germs at church. Rescheduling would mean pushing it into 2014.




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Since I work in an ER, I see regularly the effects of someone running into WalMart real quick with a snotty nosed kiddo. It turns into intubation and life support for someone else.


I do understand that colds can last for weeks. But the lingering cough is usually not contagious after about a week give or take a little.


If it is something that I cannot miss, like work or a plane, then I wear a mask and gloves at all times.

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You mention a fever last night in your child; I would definitely have stayed home at least 24 hours fever free. 


I hope you all feel better soon.



And in general, I do appreciate anyone staying home and not spreading an illness to any unnecessary events.  I realize sometimes there isn't an option, but when there is a day or so of resting is best for everyone.

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It really just depends. If I'm feeling poorly, then yes I stay home. If I have mild cold symptoms but don't necessarily feel bad with a little medicine, I will go. In fact last weekend I did have a cold. I took Dayquil for a few days & went to a party, fall festival & taught Sunday school. I'm an adult & know how to sneeze properly, wash my hands, not touch people, etc.


With my kids, they are both fairly healthy kids, so if they ever do feel bad, they usually don't want to go anywhere to begin with - so it's hard to envision it being an issue.


Fever, swollen glands & a really sore throat, uncontrollable coughing, etc. are beyond mild cold symptoms to me. Those would definitely keep any of us home.

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We have similar symptoms here and 3 of 5 of us stayed home from church this morning. No fever but one has a sore throat and congestion while another and I have what feels like the start of a head cold--headache, congestion, funny throat (not sore but not normal). Just feeling generally lousy, so we stayed home.

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I answered other.  A majority of the time, yes, I stay home even with just a cold.  There have been certain events that sometimes you just need to go to even if you are sick, unless you are dying.  That's why I picked other.


DD once had a part in a play (no substitutes) that had one production.  She was SICK the day of, even running a slight fever.  She still went and did her part.  We also had a major science competition last year, that if the whole team wasn't there they lost points.  The coach made it clear, unless you're dying, just show up.


But an average church session?  Nope. 

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