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Anybody Finish "Allegiant" Yet and Want to Chat? (*Spoiler Alert*)

Crimson Wife

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Oh, it's out?!! Last I checked I was about 156th on 66 copies in the library's hold queue. I better bounce over there and look at that status!


Things are getting fun - Allegiant, Hunger Games 2, second Hobbit movie, Downton & Sherlock returning soon - before you know it the next Flavia de Luce will be here!


ETA woo-hoo! Now I am #76 on 93 copies! I won't come back to this thread til I've read it. Hopefully it will only be a couple of weeks.


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Ugh. You're not alone. I thought it was a letdown too. And I thought the reconciliation between Four and his mom was completely unbelievable. And I was annoyed that I had to look back at the chapter titles constantly to figure out who was narrating because they sounded exactly the same.


I'm most annoyed that we never find out why Tris and Four are immune to the serums. In the end, that seems more important than being Divergent (or whatever). I really wanted there to be a reason, and for them to figure it out and end up with a society that couldn't be manipulated anymore.


None of my real-life friends have finished reading it yet. It feels good to rant, haha. ;)

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Ack!  Not reading thread!  Can't wait to read!  I really liked the first book, the second one so-so, and even if I end up not liking the rest of the series I will always have that first book.  :wub:


The whole time I was reading that first one I was thinking how it would translate well into a movie.  I had just read Hunger Games and watched that movie, and I don't think it translated well into a movie at all.  So much of it was internal and just hard to portray on a screen.  But Divergent would be great...I hope they do a good job with the movie.

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I was angry at the ending.  I felt cheated and manipulated like I did when I read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.  I really didn't see that coming.  I knew she would do something heroic, but I was sure that there was an out. Hey, others faked their death, why couldn't they have faked hers.  I did like the denoument a little better, but I am still up when I should be in bed because I am so keyed up and upset by it. 

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I was looking forward to the movie, but now after reading "Allegiant" the ending of that book kind of makes me not want to see it. It's like, "why should I even care given how things are going to turn out in the end?"

Well, it might not finish the same way. My Sister's Keeper didn't. :)

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I read it the day it came out.  I was very disappointed.  I'm seriously considering returning it.

I tend to read & reread books/series I love. I loved Divergent... but I don't know if I can go back and reread it now, knowing how it all ends.


I also didn't like the dual-POV writing style.  It felt flat.  Four/Tobias came off as a confused pansycake ;) throughout the whole story ... and all of a sudden Tris is this super-tough, self-assured, always-right hero.  Whatever.  I'm all for a tough female-lead, but I loved how assured and solid Four was in Divergent.  Maybe this made him more human, IDK.  


I also felt like so much was left unexplained.  The author focused on the kind of trivial (though action-based) things, instead of exploring the history of the story, the reason behind the Divergence or Tris's super-abilities (serum resistance), etc.


But yeah, I wept off and on for hours, LOL.  My kids thought I was nuts.  I was looking forward to the movie, too.  Don't know now.

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I read it the day it came out. I was very disappointed. I'm seriously considering returning it.

I tend to read & reread books/series I love. I loved Divergent... but I don't know if I can go back and reread it now, knowing how it all ends.


I also didn't like the dual-POV writing style. It felt flat. Four/Tobias came off as a confused pansycake ;) throughout the whole story ... and all of a sudden Tris is this super-tough, self-assured, always-right hero. Whatever. I'm all for a tough female-lead, but I loved how assured and solid Four was in Divergent. Maybe this made him more human, IDK.


I also felt like so much was left unexplained. The author focused on the kind of trivial (though action-based) things, instead of exploring the history of the story, the reason behind the Divergence or Tris's super-abilities (serum resistance), etc.


But yeah, I wept off and on for hours, LOL. My kids thought I was nuts. I was looking forward to the movie, too. Don't know now.

Yes!! I can't believe she ended it without divulging why Tris and Four were immune to the serums. I mean, isn't that important?? Why wasn't anyone in the story curious about that? Argh.


And yes, I agree that Four seemed weak in this book. I liked it when he was the strong, silent type. :P


Also, Tris was the smart, confident, always-right character in this book, until it didn't work for the plot. Then she conveniently put her gun down and forgot all about it. *eye-roll*

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I haven't read any of these, but my oldest dd has. She had pre-ordered this one and was so excited. She finished it in a day and then said she now hated the whole series and doesn't want to watch the movie. I had thought I might read them but seeing her reaction, which was odd for her, has made me decide to pass.

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Also, Tris was the smart, confident, always-right character in this book, until it didn't work for the plot. Then she conveniently put her gun down and forgot all about it. *eye-roll*


I know, right!?

I mean, she just walked through the DEATH SERUM, LOL, and lived to tell the tale.  David (was that his name) isn't curious about this? or need to know where she got the supposed vaccine for it?  Instead, he's just going to fill her with bullets.  The end.


Yep.  Not exactly the sort of plot development I was looking for.

And then we get to read however-many-pages of Four's grief.  Honestly, I was all like "yep, just take the memory serum and move on," LOL.   


I haven't cried like this over a book in ages.  Or maybe since Lady Sybill died on that episode of Downton, haha.

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I kind of liked the end, but largely because I increasingly found Tris to be an insufferable prig. I was more upset about Uriah.


Agreed that Tobias's reconciliation with Evelyn was a stretch. I can buy them making peace, but having her move in with him? Those would be some awkward pizza nights.


And why did we keep hearing about Matthew's mysterious supervisor? Was that relevant and I just missed it?





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So glad you brought this up. I finished this the other night and had to stay up and write reviews on it. I mean, I know it's dystopia, and there's not always a happy ending... But come ON! I felt ripped off... After all they went through, after all the plot holes, I was really rooting for them. Ugh. I really enjoyed the first two books, but not a fan of Allegiant at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I totally threw the book and stomped around for a few minutes. Why is it that third books are always so awful? First ones are great, the second one is a little looser in plot development, and the third one is not worth the paper it was printed on. She could've gone deeper. She could've gone broader in world development. She could've made us keep caring about the characters. Ugh.

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She couldve turned it into a six book series if she really wanted to explore the genetically pure/genetically enhanced thing. She could've explored life in the camp. She could've explored other cities. She could've done more with the post-uprising tension in the city. She could've done more with the post-apocalyptic government, or genetics, or population managment.


It's like she created a great world with tension and ideas and then decided she was bored with it and wanted to end things asap.


I would love to dump orson scott card as a writer in after book one to see what he couldve done.

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I finally finished it after slogging through it for almost 3 weeks. 


Funny you said this.  I hated the book, but I still finished it overnight.  I keep going into our local library and asking the librarian if she's finished it and each time it's like "no.... read a few more pages."  I want to chat about all the ending stuff... but every time I go in, she's still not finished, LOL.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an old thread but I put off reading it until I finished the book. Finally got it from the library and finally finished slogging through it. Yeah, it was a slog. And yeah, I'm a bit annoyed. Like a pp mentioned, the two voices--Tris and Tobias--sounded the same and for the first half of the book I kept having to check the front of the chapter to see who was talking. *That* was tremendously annoying.


The way the story moved I really thought the trilogy was going to become 4 books. Then it ended. Bleah. I'm glad it's over. Just had to get that out. :tongue_smilie:


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Add me to the didn't bother to finish it list. If you knew me irl, you would find this shocking, I can't not finish a book. I've persevered through some bad ones. Allegiant didn't make it past the 60% mark. It was due back at the library so I just took it back, which is also surprising, since I'm usually willing to pay late charges in order to finish a novel. But not this one. Slog indeed.


I've got to wonder how this will affect fan energy levels for the Divergent movie. I know I am no longer interested.

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I finished it, it took me a while though.

I kept waiting for it to get better, for something to happen. The concept of the whole thing being an experiment was incredibly interesting and so much could have been done with that, but everything that happened seemed random and pointless.

I am really irritated that she died. It ruined the entire series and I don't think I will watch the movies.

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Oh, I missed this thread apparently when it was first around.


Yeah, count me among the disappointed.  The whole series started strong and then slowly went downhill.  The first book was very well constructed.  The second book I spent half the time reminding myself what was going on and who everyone was.  The third book brought out some interesting issues - nature or nurture through the lens of our understanding of DNA - great topic for a YA book.  But then never explored them in a way that led to anything or got anywhere in my opinion.  I actually like when an author makes a brave decision with an ending, but it just felt like she had written herself in a corner and didn't have another resolution in this case.  It just felt empty.

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I just didn't feel the ending was in character for Tris at all. Go in there to kill the bad guy herself, sure. But to drop your gun and not know where it is? To not have a plan? That wasn't the girl I'd been reading about. I always liked how Four was self-assured and capable despite his bad past, so I was excited to hear his inner voice. Turns out he's just a big pansy  :huh:

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 I always liked how Four was self-assured and capable despite his bad past, so I was excited to hear his inner voice. Turns out he's just a big pansy  :huh:


:lol:  I totally thought that too.  The Four of the final book was not the Four of the first book at all.

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I just didn't feel the ending was in character for Tris at all. Go in there to kill the bad guy herself, sure. But to drop your gun and not know where it is? To not have a plan? That wasn't the girl I'd been reading about. I always liked how Four was self-assured and capable despite his bad past, so I was excited to hear his inner voice. Turns out he's just a big pansy  :huh:


:lol: :lol: :lol:



I agree though, it didn't fit at all with the first two books.

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