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Here's a new one for ya...getting married at recess on the playground...


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Kid comes home today from school, and tells me she's invited to *another* wedding at lunch tomorrow.

"What, Wedding?"


"Ya Ma, kids get married on the playground, bridesmaids and everything.."


Huh?  Has anyone else ever heard of this "5th grade marriage" ceremony before?

I'm so flustered, we never got invitations, I don't know if we're to send a gift, card..what..... 


Does anyone know the etiquette of these things?

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I guess the deal is, is "if you get married on the playground" then you *have to* go to the dance together at the end of the year.


I asked her, "So, like...do you guys have playground lawyers if they want to get divorced or what?"

I have never ever heard of this before...boy the things we are learning this year.


Cupcakes and assimilation.

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LOL, I did that in 3rd grade! It was even a "double wedding" — I married a cute little boy with freckles named Johnny, and my BFF Cindy married a tall quiet boy named Peter. It was totally innocent, we never kissed or anything, but we did "like" each other and he even gave me a plastic ring from a bubblegum machine.  I forgot all about that!

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LOL! I'm surprised the boys that age would go along with it! When I was 8 I performed a backyard wedding ceremony for my sister and the neighbor boy who were both 6. She had a lovely bouquet of wildflowers and a clover ring. The older neighbor boy was 8 and too embarrassed to play the part of minister so he was the best man.

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When she was six, one of our daughters married her four-year-old cousin in Grandma's basement. We have the wedding photos to prove it. There was a mini priest and everything. Later, a girl at four-year-old's preschool wanted to marry him but he adamantly refused. He was sure he was already married, for real.

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LOL! I'm surprised the boys that age would go along with it! When I was 8 I performed a backyard wedding ceremony for my sister and the neighbor boy who were both 6. She had a lovely bouquet of wildflowers and a clover ring. The older neighbor boy was 8 and too embarrassed to play the part of minister so he was the best man.

Who says we needed willing boys? I married two different girlfriends the same day. :)

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I asked her, "So, like...do you guys have playground lawyers if they want to get divorced or what?"


I was the "playground lawyer" in 6th grade.  I never handled any divorces, though.  Just contracts for bets and other agreements.  :laugh:   The one I remember most clearly was a bet over whether Michael Jordan would return to basketball after he retired in 1993.  There was $50 or a shiny Bulls jacket at stake in that case.

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I remember a wedding in fourth grade between Kelsey and Bobby. I was so flattered that Kelsey asked me to be the Maid of Honor. We even talked the very elderly playground supervisor into being the organist! If I remember correctly, we planned it for weeks on end.

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My oldest is divorced from a board member's dd. They married when I lived in AZ.


We (me and the mom) joked that the dire predictions had come true: both ap parented kids were still nursing when they married.


I moved away (taking the bride's husband). The family came to my wedding to Adrian. Apparently it was "awkward" to be ruinited and the young couple divorced. My xdil has not unfriended me on FB so there has been little drama.

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My DD was planning to marry Chase in Kindergarten. Apparently, they shared a common interest in building things and destroying them with the toy dinosaurs. Since her class had 17 girls and 6 boys, I imagine Chase was willing to put up with a "fiancee" in order to have someone to play with.



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Recently, while teaching at a school, I had a student come up to me and show me her binder.  It was full of drawings of a wedding.  Turns out she planned on marrying a boy in our classroom.  I got a kick out of her meticulous planning. 


Weeks later, I overheard the two students talking to each other over the "budget" of the wedding and how out of control her plans were for the ceremony and reception.  After all of this time as an observer, I could NOT resist and had to butt in and then kindly tell the boy to consider going on to college as his bride-to-be's nuptials were going to cost him an arm and a leg.  He shook his head in deep thought and said he needed a six-figure income with her $$ taste. :lol:  :lol: :lol:  

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ROFL! We did it all of the time in elementary school. My best friend seemed to be a smidge trampy, marrying a new boy every week... I could never find a boy I liked enough to marry in our grade so after the wedding ceremonies, I often sang tragic songs on the swings such as All By Myself. Yep, I was a bizarre kid.

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Did anyone else have a "Mock Wedding" as an actual school sanctioned activity? Or is that just because I grew up in Louisiana? Ha ha ha!


We had a mock wedding as part of Home Economics class in Middle School. The bride an groom were selected, the the attendants were chosen. We wore appropriate attire and had a ceremony in the gym. A small reception was held afterwards.


Anyone else???

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