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S/O Princess Bride... are there any other movies "everyone" has seen, but you haven't?


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I'd rather watch almost anything than It's a Wonderful Life. Even an obscure Dolph Lundgren film.


But not Beaches. Or Steel Magnolias. Or Meg Ryan outside of When Harry Met Sally.

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A serious hole in your classical education, my friend :D


As for me-- Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Goonies.


WHAT?????  You've never seen these?  I...can't...comprehend...  The original Star Wars are the only ones worth watching and it goes without saying that Indiana Jones is a HUGE hit in our house (we've seen them about a gazillion times) and Goonies is simply fantastic.  All of these movies are action/adventure movies, which we are all about.  Still, I can't believe you've never seen any of them!!


Oh! Just remembered I've never seen the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. I remember my older sister having the series on VHS in a place of honor on her bookcase, but I never got around to watching it myself.


Again, WHAT????  James Bond even loves this movie.  My dad gave me the DVD set one year for Christmas and we've watched them tons of times.  Pre-kids, we'd spend a whole Saturday laying on he sofa, eating popcorn and watching all 6 hours of it.  


I've never seen:


Life is Beautiful

The Pianist

A Beautiful Mind

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Home Alone movies - can't watch them, the kid drives me crazy.  I'm not much into romantic comedies so haven't watched many of those. 


Never seen The English Patient, The Elephant Man, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Annie Hall, Braveheart, Shawshanke Redemption to name a few.   



We've watched all the Godzilla type monster movies, Indiana Jones and all the star wars movies a dozen times each at least. 

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For those that said they have never seen The English Patient, don't bother.  Biggest waste of 2 hours that I have ever spent. 


I have not seen many movies from the past 10 years.  Just don't watch them.  The biggest one I have never seen is probably ET.  Never had a desire to see it when I was a kid and still don't care to see it.  

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Movie buff here.  Really, even got outed for being one in school multiple times, as my prof friend would out me repeatedly.  Nothing like auditoriums of essential strangers knowing that.  My thesis was on sci fi films.  I will even forgo dinner for a trip to the theater and call it popcorn dinner.   :D


But I don't do schmaltzy romance movies.  At all.  [Yawn]  ...I think this includes the Notebook, etc?  So add any of those movies to the list, though (thankfully) I don't even recall the names. 


Oh, and I have seen It's a Wonderful Life, but will take a pass for future viewings.



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It's probably unAustralian for me not to have seen Mad Max, but I'm ok with that.

:svengo: Next you're going to tell me you don't like Muriel's Wedding or Strictly Ballroom. I would have to rethink my love of you! :tongue_smilie: I hadn't seen Mad Max, Road Warriors, or Beyond the Thunderdome until a few years ago. Did you know there's a 4th movie in the works?



ETA: I haven't seen....*thinks*.....more than ten minutes of Pride and Prejudice of any variety. No thanks!

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Wow.  I’ve been reminded of so many movies I’ve never seen.


When Harry Met Sally

Napoleon Dynamite

Black Hawk Down

any James Bond movies

any Austin Powers movies

Life is Beautiful

The Pianist

A Beautiful Mind

The Elephant Man

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

Annie Hall

Mad Max

The Hobbit

LOTR (I’ve seen part of the 1st one, but didn’t care enough to seek out the rest)


I did see the first new Star Trek but not the one that came out earlier this year.  I did see "The Outsiders" with DS last school year, but only b/c he had to read the book.

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There are so many movies I haven't seen it's hard to pick out a few.  :tongue_smilie:


- the Star Wars Prequels (not even Ewan Mcgregor can tempt me)

- Inception

- any Batman other than Tim Burton's

- The Avengers or any other from that universe other than Iron Man

- Avatar (I still haven't forgiven James Cameron for making Billy Zane say those silly lines in Titanic)

- any movie starring Will Farrell or Adam Sandler (except for Wedding Crashers)

- any movie starring the guy from Home Improvement

- any movie starring a car or cars (except for Herbie the Love Bug when I was a wee mite)

- Brave

- Finding Nemo


ETA: I'm sure there are tonnes of them that would shock some, but if I don't want to see a film, it's off my radar.

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I think at least a banning until she can watch said film should be in order!


This might get me kicked off the board but the only Jane Austen novel based movie I've seen is Clueless, which probably doesn't really count.


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I loved the English Patient!


And Naveen Andrews in there is awesome!  Such a romantic scene.



For those that said they have never seen The English Patient, don't bother.  Biggest waste of 2 hours that I have ever spent. 


I have not seen many movies from the past 10 years.  Just don't watch them.  The biggest one I have never seen is probably ET.  Never had a desire to see it when I was a kid and still don't care to see it.  


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:svengo: Next you're going to tell me you don't like Muriel's Wedding or Strictly Ballroom. I would have to rethink my love of you! :tongue_smilie: I hadn't seen Mad Max, Road Warriors, or Beyond the Thunderdome until a few years ago. Did you know there's a 4th movie in the works?



ETA: I haven't seen....*thinks*.....more than ten minutes of Pride and Prejudice of any variety. No thanks!


Strictly Ballroom is one of my all time favorite movies!!!!

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Pretty much anything that Leo DeCaprio is in.


catch me if you can is good - but it is the story of frank abegnale jr.   he drove steven Spielberg up the wall.    FAjr was on set as a consultant, and he would totally charm/fascinate the crew with his stories.  SS would come back, and instead of working, everyone was listening to FAjr.  he really did pass the LA bar just by studying.  never took a law class.

incidentally - we owe many check security measures to FAjr.  he designed them, made a fortune, and paid back what he defrauded.  while he pretended to be a Pan Am pilot, he never flew Pan Am to reduce his chance of being outted.


FAjr appears in the movie as a French policeman.


eta: a lot of movies people say they haven't seen - I haven't even heard of.  (and some I only saw because my mother was constantly going to movies, and dragged me with her so I wouldn't be home alone.  I knew they'd be bad . . . . )

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:svengo: Next you're going to tell me you don't like Muriel's Wedding or Strictly Ballroom. I would have to rethink my love of you! :tongue_smilie: I hadn't seen Mad Max, Road Warriors, or Beyond the Thunderdome until a few years ago. Did you know there's a 4th movie in the works?


Those movies are atrocious! They made us watch Muriel Wedding in high school. :ack2: 


I'm depressed that anyone outside the country has heard of them.

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Those movies are atrocious! They made us watch Muriel Wedding in high school. :ack2:


I'm depressed that anyone outside the country has heard of them.

Muriel's Wedding benefited from the Abba Effect: Americans will pay to see any old crap as long as Abba is in the soundtrack.



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I agree with you Mom in High Heels about the original Star Wars and the Indiana Jones.  We have all of them in both videos and dvds.


On one of our trips to Disney World when ds was quite small  after the Indiana Jones Stunt Show, we went to meet the actors/stunt people and my ds thought that it was actually Indiana Jones that he was meeting as in the one from the movies.  (he had no idea who Harrison Ford was but only who Indiana Jones was. and in his mind that is who he was meeting.  The stunt guy was fantastic with ds.

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Muriel's Wedding benefited from the Abba Effect: Americans will pay to see any old crap as long as Abba is in the soundtrack.




Muriel's Wedding benefited from the Abba Effect: Australians will pay to see any old crap as long as Abba is in the soundtrack.







Yep. That must be it. :D

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Muriel's Wedding benefited from the Abba Effect: Australians will pay to see any old crap as long as Abba is in the soundtrack.







Yep. That must be it. :D

I didn't want to cast aspersions on Australians, but it was a surprisingly big hit in North America.

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There are so many movies I haven't seen it's hard to pick out a few.  :tongue_smilie:


- the Star Wars Prequels (not even Ewan Mcgregor can tempt me)

- Inception

- any Batman other than Tim Burton's

- The Avengers or any other from that universe other than Iron Man

- Avatar (I still haven't forgiven James Cameron for making Billy Zane say those silly lines in Titanic)

- any movie starring Will Farrell or Adam Sandler (except for Wedding Crashers)

- any movie starring the guy from Home Improvement

- any movie starring a car or cars (except for Herbie the Love Bug when I was a wee mite)

- Brave

- Finding Nemo


ETA: I'm sure there are tonnes of them that would shock some, but if I don't want to see a film, it's off my radar.



I should have put this movie in the other thread, but Wild Hogs is a funny movie.  Yes, Tim Allen is in it (I don't mind him), but it's a fantastic little comedy. 

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Not even Galaxy Quest? :svengo:

Hellooooo, Alan Rickman! :tongue_smilie:


But that was more of an ensemble piece. Or so I rationalize.

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:svengo: Next you're going to tell me you don't like Muriel's Wedding or Strictly Ballroom. I would have to rethink my love of you! :tongue_smilie: I hadn't seen Mad Max, Road Warriors, or Beyond the Thunderdome until a few years ago. Did you know there's a 4th movie in the works?



ETA: I haven't seen....*thinks*.....more than ten minutes of Pride and Prejudice of any variety. No thanks!

Muriel's Wedding. I caught that one late night and don't know what it was about the story, but it totally caught me. 


There are so many movies I haven't seen it's hard to pick out a few.  :tongue_smilie:


- the Star Wars Prequels (not even Ewan Mcgregor can tempt me)

- Inception

- any Batman other than Tim Burton's

- The Avengers or any other from that universe other than Iron Man

- Avatar (I still haven't forgiven James Cameron for making Billy Zane say those silly lines in Titanic)

- any movie starring Will Farrell or Adam Sandler (except for Wedding Crashers)

- any movie starring the guy from Home Improvement

- any movie starring a car or cars (except for Herbie the Love Bug when I was a wee mite)

- Brave

- Finding Nemo


ETA: I'm sure there are tonnes of them that would shock some, but if I don't want to see a film, it's off my radar.

Mercy!  Anything with Will or Adam is pure torture (well, except for 50 first dates)


What?  Finding Nemo - oh man! One of the movies my son watched numerous times so acquired an affection for the story.


Muriel's Wedding benefited from the Abba Effect: Americans will pay to see any old crap as long as Abba is in the soundtrack.



Wait! That probably helped.  Grew up with Abba music - my mother loved to dance to Abba around the house.

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