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I just spent $527


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on groceries.




And that was ONLY food!  


We went to Costco yesterday and while I know we were low on a lot of staples (like $30 worth of rice) and I know we bought a lot of meat......


I was still FLOORED when we got up to the front and paid the bill.  Normally I am careful about counting it all up in my head or have a ball park before going to the front, but this time DH and I separated with two different carts and just met up front.


I am really hoping this lasts about 3 weeks (minus milk and produce runs).


$500 doesn't get what it used to get!



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Some of it was staples that will last months (rice and such) but yeah, our groceries are around $650/mo.  



You have a family of 5 and you bought $527 worth of groceries and you hope it will last for THREE weeks!?


Oh wait. you have 3 boys... :glare:.


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You have a family of 5 and you bought $527 worth of groceries and you hope it will last for THREE weeks!?


Oh wait. you have 3 boys... :glare:.

I have a family of 3. If I spent $500 on groceries and replacing staples I'd spend that amount easily and would have to go do more shopping in about 2 weeks as the perishables would run out. On the second trip I'd easily spend another $250-300.

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Well at this point, no matter how careful I am, three weeks would cost us around $850-900. Right now the the difference between Canadian dollars and US isn't much. That would be $825.00 US. The only way I can get that down at all is if I grow everything and we butcher our own animals. Makes me wish we'd move across the border sometimes.

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I remember the first time I shelled out $500 a Costco. At that moment I felt as though I was extremely middle class. Growing up poor, such a thing would have been totally out of the question and it dawned on me that not only could I spend $500 at Costco I didn't need to panic about it either. Totally surreal.

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Your title caught my attention, because we just spent $529 dollars this weekend....on two suits for DH.  We dress for church so DH wears suits pretty regularly.  He was down to one pretty beat up suit.  He hasn't had a new suit in about...hmm, 10 years?  (Holy cow, no wonder he was complaining!)


He sure does look good in a nice suit though!   :001_wub:

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Oh good.  Can we turn this into a sympathy thread?  I have three boys eating me out of house and home.  I used to be soooo proud of my ability to be frugal and my tiny little grocery bills.  Darn that karma.  Now I am practically the mayor of Kroger I'm there so often.


We are in the same boat. Only we don't have Kroger. It's Foodland and Piggley-Wiggley.  I had no idea boys could eat so much and eat all.the.time. My kids are all very slim, but they can pack away the food like nothing I have ever seen. I shudder to think how much they would eat of they were involved in sports.

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Guest fishermind

This trip the ONLY non human edible item was dog food.


And I guess in theory, that is still edible by humans!




Would a dog food diet save cash?

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I stopped looking at grocery prices months ago.  We get what we get and there is nothing we can do about the price.  I am afraid it won't be getting any better.    There are a few things I watch the price on and if it's bogo or on sale fora  really good price I stock up otherwise I won't by it but for our everyday  meals we like certain brands, certains meats, organics and it cost what it costs. kwim.

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I have a family of 3. If I spent $500 on groceries and replacing staples I'd spend that amount easily and would have to go do more shopping in about 2 weeks as the perishables would run out. On the second trip I'd easily spend another $250-300.

Same here. Family of 3, and ds is 10. We can't shop in bulk as we don't have the space to store that amount of food, and our diet includes a lot of perishables. I typically spend $70 to $90 a trip week twice a week on groceries. That does include some non-food items. It works out to be around $700/ month.

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We are in the same boat. Only we don't have Kroger. It's Foodland and Piggley-Wiggley. I had no idea boys could eat so much and eat all.the.time. My kids are all very slim, but they can pack away the food like nothing I have ever seen. I shudder to think how much they would eat of they were involved in sports.

LOL. Ds plays hockey and is very physically active. He eats more than I do, but it's not substantially more. We encorage a lot of nutrient dense foods though, like salmon, raw vegetables, and nuts. I think those foods "reduce" hunger in that he requires less to feel satisfied. But I won't pretend his activities don't increase his caloric intake.


Unfortunately, he has diabetes, obesity, and heart disease in both sides of his family. So, we eat the cost of sports (including food) now to hopefully counteract his genetics.

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Groceries are ridiculous any more we are spending about 200 dollars more a month than we were a little over a year ago. We do have some increase from my dietary changes. Did you only shop at Costco? I usually go to about three different stores. I only go to Costco about once a month and I have never spent that much but I buy at two other stores too.

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Oh good.  Can we turn this into a sympathy thread?  I have three boys eating me out of house and home.  I used to be soooo proud of my ability to be frugal and my tiny little grocery bills.  Darn that karma.  Now I am practically the mayor of Kroger I'm there so often.


Not only are MY boys eating me out of house and home, but we always seem to have a few extras lurking around.  I am beginning to think my 15yo's friends come because I feed them.  LOL

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Mayor of Kroger -- LOL!


I am pretty sure that I'm not only going to need to raise my grocery budget when I have four big boys, but I'm also going to need to raise my gas budget, because I'll need to account for another trip to the store (minimum 10 miles away) during the week. I don't think I can physically store a week's worth of food for four hungry boys (and a girl), LOL!

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Your title caught my attention, because we just spent $529 dollars this weekend....on two suits for DH.  We dress for church so DH wears suits pretty regularly.  He was down to one pretty beat up suit.  He hasn't had a new suit in about...hmm, 10 years?  (Holy cow, no wonder he was complaining!)


He sure does look good in a nice suit though!   :001_wub:


One trick is to buy an extra pair of pants since they wear out faster than jackets. 

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Family of 5 here, and my kids are still relatively young.  My dh, though, does crossfit and eats SOOOOO much.  Especially good quality protein, so lots of eggs, lean meats, greek yogurt, etc.  Every week we get a produce box (around $30) + Milk and egg delivery from a local farm (around $10) +I spend $100-150 on groceries + every 2-3 weeks I do a Costco run that is anywhere from $200-300.  So weekly we're spending in the ballpark of $300.  That does include household products too, though.  But it does not include the beef in my freezer we buy once a year.  It's RIDICULOUS!

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I stopped looking at grocery prices months ago.  We get what we get and there is nothing we can do about the price.  I am afraid it won't be getting any better.    There are a few things I watch the price on and if it's bogo or on sale fora  really good price I stock up otherwise I won't by it but for our everyday  meals we like certain brands, certains meats, organics and it cost what it costs. kwim.


This, kinda. I shop early a.m. or late p.m. and buy clearance meat. Kroger sometimes has reduced produce, too. I plan meals around that.


But my life is such that many cost saving ideas are not something I can do. I am not home enough, and I expect enough of my kids already.


I do that best I can, and I'm done beating myself up over not making my own spaghetti sauce, buying Eggsland best hb eggs, not making my own yogurt (though I often buy it on clearance), or the fact that my family needs a great deal of quality, non bean protein to be reasonable.

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Oh good.  Can we turn this into a sympathy thread?  I have three boys eating me out of house and home.  I used to be soooo proud of my ability to be frugal and my tiny little grocery bills.  Darn that karma.  Now I am practically the mayor of Kroger I'm there so often.


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We are a family of 4 and spend about 1000K a month. That includes household/toiletries and kitty food/litter. For awhile I was trying to do mostly organic but just couldn't afford it. It got way over 1K a month. We use about 3 gallons of milk a week and at $7 a gallon that was too much, Trader Joes we can get good milk for $3. I buy an organic spray from Trader Joes and wash all my produce now instead of buying organic. 


I would love to buy organic meat but that will have to wait until the kids are out of the house and it's jut me and my husband! :)


I would love to try and find ways to lower my food budget, but it's hard when you still want to buy healthy and good quality stuff.  I wonder if I am buying too many specialty foods. I wonder if I tried to do more simple homecooking, I would still get healthy but also cheaper! 


I have started to buy more frozen vegetables instead of fresh. This has really helped. But, I sort of feel we are not eating as healthy. 

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