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Okay ladies, place your bets........

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Boy, 11:35 pm, at 11:36 pm Aubrey will develop a first rate case of amnesia, at first sight of said boy, and not remember any of the pain she encountered at 11:35 :001_tt1: due to the exquisite beauty of said bouncing boy. Whose name will be Tigger after the greatest bouncer of them all :D

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Y'all are picking some mighty big babies. Ftr, though, my smallest was 8.8, so I'm afraid y'all are in the right ballpark.


At least you haven't said surprise twins, lol.


I really wish the a/c were fixed.

Ummmm, Aubrey, HOW ARE THINGS GOING??? Are you having contractions?
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Ummmm, Aubrey, HOW ARE THINGS GOING??? Are you having contractions?


Nope. And other than clean house (which we did night before last *very* thoroughly in *hopes* of an 8/8/08 baby), I don't know what to do.


I was ripping up my SOTW 2 for a binder, but I'm...uh...not sure sitting down is such a good idea any more.

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Nope. And other than clean house (which we did night before last *very* thoroughly in *hopes* of an 8/8/08 baby), I don't know what to do.


I was ripping up my SOTW 2 for a binder, but I'm...uh...not sure sitting down is such a good idea any more.


Squat , run in place.


My vote is 8/10/8, 3 am, boy, 8.5. Any bigger you are going to need massage and lots of it, oh yeah warm cloths work well.



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I think Aubrey will deliver a fine baby boy around nine this evening. Seven lbs, 3 oz. She will name him Wilberforce, after a previously unknown great, great, great grandfather.




:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm not the bettin' type.... :bigear: :lurk5:

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Sunday night but actually on 8/11. A baby, mmmm.... this is hard without actually looking at her..... girl. I'll go with a girl born on 8/11 at 1:14 a.m. Oh, and the name will be Elizabeth.


Good guess. Because we *have* an Elizabeth! And since we call her by her middle name, sometimes I wish we'd given her a different first name so we could have a Beth, too. I *love* the name Beth.

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Hmmmm . . . Y'all are wrong. I'm right. She's going to have a girl. Her name will be Margaret (just 'cause the cutest baby girl EVER is named Margaret - note my signature!). And, she will weigh in at 10 pounds even. And Aubrey - don't worry- I delivered an over 10 pound baby and all was FINE!!!!! My easiest birth.


So, did you call the midwife? Did your water break? If so, she'll be born tomorrow at 10 am. If not, she'll be born on Wednesday.

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Hmmmm . . . Y'all are wrong. I'm right. She's going to have a girl. Her name will be Margaret (just 'cause the cutest baby girl EVER is named Margaret - note my signature!). And, she will weigh in at 10 pounds even. And Aubrey - don't worry- I delivered an over 10 pound baby and all was FINE!!!!! My easiest birth.


So, did you call the midwife? Did your water break? If so, she'll be born tomorrow at 10 am. If not, she'll be born on Wednesday.


Oh, CONVINCE dh that if it's a girl it should be Margaret. I've been lobbying for that name for 2 pg's now!


Yep, dh called. She was in her dh's car on the way to the airport to pick up her ds. They're going back home, & they're going to pick him up in 2 cars now. The airport is halfway between her & me.


It's probably wise, but I hate for them to change their plans. Esp since I. haven't. had. one. contraction!

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(as you wish!), but if it is the amniotic fluid you are leaking.....then for how long are you going to wait if no labor sets in? There is something called low amniotic fluid and/or infection if there is not enough fluid at this point.


I am just a scaredy-cat, but I did have labor started with #7 due to low amniotic fluid (week of my due-date) and he came out really tired-looking.


Hope this doesn't apply to you and that your contractions have begun. I am so rooting for you and yours.

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