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I don't get the Miley Cyrus debacle from VMA's.


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He doesn't watch it either and doesn't care to. He seems to think it is more important to be physically active when he is not engaging in his educational pursuits or building with Lego's while listening to audio books.


Yes...because most people are outside playing or doing schoolwork in the evening, on a weekend, when the VMA's are on.  

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This thread is hilarious.


I am no prude, and not offended by sexuality, but I am offended by bad singing, weird dancing, ugly costumes, unflattering hairstyles and obsessive tongue thrusting. It was just...bad. Really bad. It did cause dh to google twerking, which if you knew him is priceless, so there is that.

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I get what you're saying, I'm just not convinced by it and I'm not sure how Miley`s taboo breaking (as if she did) gets celebrated when it comes at the cost of cultural appropriation and reducing women of a certain group to mere props.


I keep hearing this opinion that these women of color were reduced to mere props. They are back-up dancers who got a gig at the VMAs. Would you be more comfortable if they were given pink slips and their jobs were handed to white women? Dancers don't always dictate the choreography and these dancers don't deserve to loose work over a stranger's outrage on their behalf.

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Lose the personal attack, please.
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This is one time where being culturally illiterate may be a good thing. This thread is the sum total of my exposure to this whole shebang.


And Macklemore is a white rapper/hip hop artist with a genius music partner (Ryan Lewis) in the quirky Seattle hip hop tradition. If he tries his hand at R&B I will personally seek him out and slap him.

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I keep hearing this opinion that these women of color were reduced to mere props. They are back-up dancers who got a gig at the VMAs. Would you be more comfortable if they were given pink slips and their jobs were handed to white women? Dancers don't always dictate the choreography and these dancers don't deserve to loose work over a stranger's outrage on their behalf.

I haven't heard anyone criticize the dancers.


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I keep hearing this opinion that these women of color were reduced to mere props. They are back-up dancers who got a gig at the VMAs. Would you be more comfortable if they were given pink slips and their jobs were handed to white women? Dancers don't always dictate the choreography and these dancers don't deserve to loose work over a stranger's outrage on their behalf.

I haven't heard anyone criticize the dancers.


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I haven't heard anyone criticize the dancers.


Of course not. They wouldn't dare. But they'll say they were 'used,' that they never should have been there in the first place, that they see them as 'props,' and imply that their casting had racist undertones. Those women are not sheep. They're getting work in their chosen profession and had national exposure. They probably nailed the dance as choreographed and when they add the VMAs to their resumes, EVERYONE will know which number it was. I can't help but shake my head a bit that so many people are outraged on their behalf.

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Of course not. They wouldn't dare. But they'll say they were 'used,' that they never should have been there in the first place, that they see them as 'props,' and imply that their casting had racist undertones. Those women are not sheep. They're getting work in their chosen profession and had national exposure. They probably nailed the dance as choreographed and when they add the VMAs to their resumes, EVERYONE will know which number it was. I can't help but shake my head a bit that so many people are outraged on their behalf.

I don't think the outrage is really about the individual dancers. I think it's about another case of appropriation and objectification of a group of people (black women) rather then the specific dancers.


I'm sure that women in the Robin Thicke video were well paid and had a good time making the video. Does that somehow invalidate the idea that the video objectifies women?

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Of course not. They wouldn't dare. But they'll say they were 'used,' that they never should have been there in the first place, that they see them as 'props,' and imply that their casting had racist undertones. Those women are not sheep. They're getting work in their chosen profession and had national exposure. They probably nailed the dance as choreographed and when they add the VMAs to their resumes, EVERYONE will know which number it was. I can't help but shake my head a bit that so many people are outraged on their behalf.


Errr...did you actually *watch* the performance? I wasn't talking about *dancers*. I'm talking about a big-assed woman who strutted on stage for Miley to spank and lick her butt, then she strutted off. Prop. Not a dancer. And no, I don't think the girls in the Blurred Lines video are any different. 

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And obviously the song itself is deliberately skeevy ('what rhymes with hug me?').

But, what does rhyme with "hug me?" Am I showing my age? What is in the ugme word family?? I want to know.


After watching the Blurred Lines video and seeing Miley's video, I sort of get the performance. I still think it was poorly done and beyond tacky, but I can see what she was thinking. Poor thing...wanted to be one of those poor naked models around Robin Thicke. Why would she want to put herself in that position? Is that what young girls are supposed to want these days? To be naked and ogled by fully dressed older men? Disgusting.


Beyond that, the lyrics in her Won't Stop song are horrifying. Did she write it herself? I think people are more horrified by her performance because we have watched her grow up. People feel a little parental interest in her and it's like watching a train wreck. When Britney melted down, her parents stepped in and got her help. She used to go to interviews and speak about faith, family, and self respect. Now?? It makes everyone cringe.

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Charlie! I haven't watched Charlie since the other two stole his kidney. :D

Off topic but...

This reminds me, never let your children watch charlie if they don't have their standard bible stories down solid.


Ds came to me a couple months ago and asked:


ds: mom, you know that first guy on earth?

me: Adam

ds: yeah adam. When God put him to sleep and took his kidney, did he know it afterward?

me: :blink:  No dear that was charlie the unicorn who had his kidney stolen, God just took a rib. :lol:




This child has been taught Adam and Eve at every turn but that is beside the point. I can thank my dh for that gem of a moment.

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It is a catchy tune that I actually like. Except for the lyrics. I was humming the song and dd11 said "Mom, do you know what that song says?!"

It is a catchy tune. These lyrics are more agreeable. Thicke says his song is inspired by and a tribute to Gaye. Yeah.



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But, what does rhyme with "hug me?" Am I showing my age? What is in the ugme word family?? I want to know.

Well, it doesn't exactly rhyme... ;)


Is that what young girls are supposed to want these days? To be naked and ogled by fully dressed older men? .

And to take it a step farther, if they want to be naked and ogled by fully dressed older men, I would sincerely hope they would want to be ogled by nicely dressed older men.


I know I have mentioned this before, but I still can't get the image out of my head -- and it's not of Miley Cyrus gyrating and twerking and lolling her tongue out of her mouth like some kind of demented cartoon character. It's the hideous image of Robin Thicke's striped suit that is emblazoned on my brain. What was he thinking? Did someone tell him that vertical stripes were slimming and he wanted to look very, very slim? Did he read an article somewhere about how black and white are always classic and will never go out of style, so he wanted to hedge his bets and wear a whole lot of both of them at the same time? And how did his wife let him leave the house dressed like that? She must really hate his guts. There's no other explanation.

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Off topic but...

This reminds me, never let your children watch charlie if they don't have their standard bible stories down solid.


Ds came to me a couple months ago and asked:


ds: mom, you know that first guy on earth?

me: Adam

ds: yeah adam. When God put him to sleep and took his kidney, did he know it afterward?

me: :blink: No dear that was charlie the unicorn who had his kidney stolen, God just took a rib. :lol:




This child has been taught Adam and Eve at every turn but that is beside the point. I can thank my dh for that gem of a moment.

ROFL! I have to tell my daughter that when she wakes up. She introduced me to Charlie.:D

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Well, it doesn't exactly rhyme... ;)



And to take it a step farther, if they want be naked and ogled by fully dressed older men, I would sincerely hope they would want to be ogled by nicely dressed older men.


I know I have mentioned this before, but I still can't get the image out of my head -- and it's not of Miley Cyrus gyrating and twerking and lolling her tongue out of her mouth like some kind of demented cartoon character. It's the hideous image of Robin Thicke's striped suit that is emblazoned on my brain. What was he thinking? Did someone tell him that vertical stripes were slimming and he wanted to look very, very slim? Did he read an article somewhere about how black and white are always classic and will never go out of style, so he wanted to hedge his bets and wear a whole lot of both of them at the same time? And how did his wife let him leave the house dressed like that? She must really hate his guts. There's no other explanation.

All I could think was Beetlejuice.

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Oh, my goodness.  I went to watch the Blurred Lines video to see what everyone was talking about and now I can't get the song out of my head.  





It's amazing. I don't have cable, and I very rarely listen to the radio (and when I do, its old country, thank you! No foam fingers or tongue thrusting there..). I have heard so much about Blurred Lines, and thats saying something. I'm almost tempted to listen to it... Almost.

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It's amazing. I don't have cable, and I very rarely listen to the radio (and when I do, its old country, thank you! No foam fingers or tongue thrusting there..).

There's plenty of objectification of women in country music, too: "country girl, shake it for me," "honkytonk badonkadonk," "save a horse, ride a cowboy," etc.

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There's plenty of objectification of women in country music, too: "country girl, shake it for me," "honkytonk badonkadonk," "save a horse, ride a cowboy," etc.


I said Old country. I can't stand the new stuff... its not even country music anymore, anyway.


Besides, I was specifically referring to having to witness the raunchy dance moves and filth. Miley did that all on her own. As for women being objectified.. I'm pretty sure one can find examples of that in most  All places today.


ETA: Hoping that didnt sound snappy. I didn't mean for it to, if it did. :)

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Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks the song Blurred Lines is terribly degrading to women. I thought that the very first time I saw him perform the song, on Jimmy Kimmel. I couldn't even watch the whole thing, I was so disturbed. I thought maybe I was just becoming a total prude. :p


Seeing him on VMA just confirmed that he really couldn't care less about women at all. At least some popular R&B singers pretend to like women.

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All I could think was Beetlejuice.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Me, too -- and when nmoira posted the Beetlejuice and Miley meme upthread, I was secretly relieved to find out that I wasn't the only one who made the same connection! :D


Although I think Beetlejuice wore the outfit better. ;)

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Me, too -- and when nmoira posted the Beetlejuice and Miley meme upthread, I was secretly relieved to find out that I wasn't the only one who made the same connection! :D


Although I think Beetlejuice wore the outfit better. ;)


And Beetlejuice is slightly less skeevy.

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:D :D :D :D


And at least Michael Keaton was underneath all of the makeup. When you take off Robin Thicke's makeup, you're still stuck with Robin Thicke. :ack2:



The unrated video for Blurred Lines almost has it right... instead of "Robin Thicke has..." it should be "Robin Thicke is a big dick."

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Am I the only one who automatically sees Alan Thicke in her head when she reads Robin Thicke? And then I wonder why everyone is jumping on Mr. Sever.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Hey, it was DOCTOR Seaver! (And I can't believe I remember that, because I hardly ever watched the show! I think he was supposed to be a psychiatrist or something.)


I think Alan Thicke is pretty squicky, too, so maybe the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. He has had an alcohol problem for years, and didn't he once claim to be a s*x addict?

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You know what's worse than getting Blurred Lines stuck in your head?

Getting 'We Can't Stop' stuck in your head. (That's the name right - Miley's song?)

Idk what the crap happened there. But the chorus of it was stuck in my head for like, 2 days.


The kids and I use this to reset our musical brains. Works like a charm. ;)


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Okay, I had to google it and watch the video for Blurred Lines. Both of them. Oh. I don't have anything nice to say about that.


As to Robin Thicke himself, nothing nice to say about him or his wife. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/robin-thicke-grabs-fan-behind-vmas-after-party-article-1.1441323

I cannot belief that picture! Oh my word!

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Okay, I had to google it and watch the video for Blurred Lines. Both of them. Oh. I don't have anything nice to say about that.


As to Robin Thicke himself, nothing nice to say about him or his wife. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/robin-thicke-grabs-fan-behind-vmas-after-party-article-1.1441323


I had one of those involuntary shivers when I saw that picture!

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This is kind of off-topic, but I saw pictures posted almost next to each other on a newsfeed yesterday, and one photo was Robin Thicke and the other was Tim Tebow.


I found it interesting that while they are both nice-enough looking men, Robin Thicke looked smarmy and arrogant, but Tim Tebow (even in his football uniform) looked like a pleasant person. I think it was something in their eyes and their expressions.


And I'm not even a Tim Tebow fan.

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I think you are giving her WAYYYY more credit than she deserves.  I don't think she's promoting autonomy or self-determination.  Or equality for women or sexual empowerment.  I think she's attempting to promote "Look at ME!! I'm all grown up and I'm hot!!"

I don't think I'm giving her much credit. I don't mean to, so if I am, I retract it. I think she is a woman who did her job, and was then summarily pounced on by the public for doing what she was hired to do.  I got a knee-jerk reaction to the pounce, and I do think that pounce would have been less if it weren't good-girl Hannah Montana gyrating up on stage. Maybe that's what I'm reacting to. 


I also find it interesting that earlier you concluded people were upset because she was flaunting without guilt (or something about not feeling guilty, sorry if I have it wrong).  I wonder why you concluded she doesn't feel any guilt for her behaviour?  I think there's a decent chance that if she actually watched her performance, she'd be feeling all kinds of regret.  Many girls who act this way aren't doing it because they feel empowered and strong, inside they are just scared little girls trying to find a way to get people to like them.  It's all an outward facade.

Looking through photos of her in the past year or so, I'd suggest she's probably happy to do things her way, to march to the beat of her own drum, as it were. It could be that she's following the same trajectory that Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have gone and is loosing perspective mentally, but I see a 20 year old woman taking life by the horns and rejecting the "safe" and "well traveled" road, one that was decided for her and one she had a great, public responsibility to uphold since she was young. I could be wrong, and in all honesty I don't have a dog in this race, so if I'm wrong I'll shrug my shoulders and be on my way.

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Straight from the horse's mouth:

'You wanting to make history.  Me and Robin the whole time said "You know you are about to make history right now?'




'They're over thinking it. You're thinking more about it than when I did it. Like I didn't even think about it because that is just me,' she said.

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Straight from the horse's mouth:

'You wanting to make history. Me and Robin the whole time said "You know you are about to make history right now?'




'They're over thinking it. You're thinking more about it than when I did it. Like I didn't even think about it because that is just me,' she said.

She sounds like quite the little Einstein, doesn't she? :rolleyes:

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