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The Hannah Anderson case is disturbing and..........


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surely afterward you were at least properly ashamed of yourself for having been a victim of a crminal and did not wear shorts and teeshirts.  *GIANT EYE ROLL*


I wore a toga (we called it a sheet back then), with a long-sleeved shirt underneath.  To protect the foot-fetish guys from their baser instincts, I wore Wellies, too.


Actually, I was proud of myself for the way I handled the situation.  I accomplished my objective, which was that I and everyone we were around would be alive at the end of the event.  I used my wits and I was lucky that the kidnapper was cooperative -- kind of like the spider and the fly, the kidnapper was the fly.


Afterward, I was protected by the police, coworkers, and friends, for several weeks, while the kidnapper was at large.


There was no internet back then, thank heavens.  I would have read all the speculations and outright lies and been more traumatized by that, given that no one was killed during my ordeal.

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It does seem like investigators are suspicious (as is their nature, I suppose) of her victim status.


There appears to be more planning and forethought on her part (ie, phone calls and packing her pajamas) than the original portrayal of the situation suggested. She wouldn't be the first teen involved in the killing of a parent/sibling, if that proves to be the case. Unfortunately, all of the other witnesses are dead, so it may never really be known just what happened.


The fear the mother and the little brother must have experienced when it became obvious that he was going to kill them must have been horrible.


Not to mention, she brought her pet cat with her when she was kidnapped. It's all very strange.

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Not to mention, she brought her pet cat with her when she was kidnapped. It's all very strange.


I had my hair done at a salon while I was kidnapped.  At gunpoint.  The guy told me if I gave any indication that anything was wrong, he'd shoot the people in the salon.  He chose my new hairstyle.


What if all you knew was that I had had my hair done?  What would you think?  Might you jump to unwarranted conclusions?

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Did I say she is the devil?  Did I say she asked for this?  Did I even hint that she might have been responsible for her mother's and brother's deaths?  NO!!  I said I thought -- from her own social media pictures, past and present, and from her attire yesterday (as she made a guest appearance at a fundraiser) -- that she is a show-off.  I personally can't fathom putting aside grief over losing a mother and brother and being kidnapped by a predator -- and posting photos of my new manicure.  I think her behavior is a bit bizarre, but that's just my opinion.  Anyone else is free to have a different opinion.


I also that POSSIBLY, IN THE MIND OF HER KIDNAPPER, her silly behavior signified that she was "easy" and her history of going on vacations alone with him meant that they had a "relationship."  Doesn't mean they did have a relationship, or that she was looking for one.  Just that that's what he might have thought, because she was careless about her behavior and attire.  The guy was sick, and he had some daddy issues that he was trying to recreate in his mind regarding young girls.  She played right into his hand, probably unknowingly.


That's really all I said or meant.



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The way you comment about a 16 year old girl on an internet forum is also a reflection of who you are and what your values are.

This can't be said enough.


Hmmmm, a t-shirt with a v neck on a teen just trying to get back to normalcy as best as she can vs an adult woman making nasty assumptions and comment about said teen. Yeah, who is the one showing their true selves here??

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  NO!!  I said I thought -- from her own social media pictures, past and present, and from her attire yesterday (as she made a guest appearance at a fundraiser) -- that she is a show-off. 


So, again, SNEAKING in the back door, attempting to AVOID the media, as she did, to attend a fundraiser to pay for her family member's FUNERAL, is being a show off? Just stop, you are not making yourself look better. You are being catty about a girl who just lost her family. There is ZERO excuse for that. NONE.

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Perhaps if she wore a burqa for the next year or so she would heal more quickly.


While I don't see "show-off" in any of the photos I've seen, who cares if she is or was previously a show-off?  What does that have to do with anything?  Is it implied that all high-school girls who appear "show-offy" in front of others are candidates for this sort of crime?  Fair game, or shame on them and their parents for making them vulnerable?  Come on.  She is who she is.  I have a sister who was similar as a high school student - cute and blonde and bubbly, wearing make-up and what my mom called a "clothes horse."  I didn't know she was offering herself up to a perverted murderer.  If anything she was a strong, sensible person and didn't take any sh!t from anyone.

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Even before I saw that news article, I thought it was more likely the kidnapper would eventually try to kill Hannah than that she was somehow off to a happy life with him.  I mean, everyone knew who they were, and how long could they hide out in a tent in the wilderness?


Poor girl probably had to watch her every move and facial expression to avoid setting him off.  She did a good job of keeping herself alive, only to be accused by strangers of being complicit with her family's murders.

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I agree with you on this, SKL, but this doesn't seem to fit with your posts in the "S/O Modesty TSA Agent" thread from earlier this summer. I remember it, because I thought your outlook( others, too, tho) on it was really awful, imo.


Not sure what the point is of bringing this up.  I realize I was in the minority on that post but it is completely irrelevant here.  I could respond to the "substance" but I will refrain because it is best to let an old, combative post die.


Between this and some other nasty, personal posts I've seen recently, I am seriously beginning to think that this board is not very friendly any more.

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Did I say she is the devil?  Did I say she asked for this?  Did I even hint that she might have been responsible for her mother's and brother's deaths?  NO!!  I said I thought -- from her own social media pictures, past and present, and from her attire yesterday (as she made a guest appearance at a fundraiser) -- that she is a show-off.  I personally can't fathom putting aside grief over losing a mother and brother and being kidnapped by a predator -- and posting photos of my new manicure.  I think her behavior is a bit bizarre, but that's just my opinion.  Anyone else is free to have a different opinion.


I also that POSSIBLY, IN THE MIND OF HER KIDNAPPER, her silly behavior signified that she was "easy" and her history of going on vacations alone with him meant that they had a "relationship."  Doesn't mean they did have a relationship, or that she was looking for one.  Just that that's what he might have thought, because she was careless about her behavior and attire.  The guy was sick, and he had some daddy issues that he was trying to recreate in his mind regarding young girls.  She played right into his hand, probably unknowingly.


That's really all I said or meant.


All you really said or meant was that her carelessness about her behavior and attire played right into his hand, probably unknowingly?


I don't think you're helping your case here. I find your rationalizations disturbing, not so much for the speculating about what might have been going on in his mind, but rather the implicit suggestion that she was somehow culpable in her victimization on the basis of her exhibiting normal teenage dress and behavior. And further that she is not coping with the aftermath in a way you find sartorially satisfactory, and her demeanor appropriately demure and penitential (yes, victims are expected by some to look and act a certain way, and if they don't they're victimized all over again). Let's assume she is indeed a silly and frivolous show-off. Let's further assume she has never worn a bra and habitually dresses in a revealing manner. What in thundering tarnation does this have to do with anything?

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That Gavin DeBecker book is trotted out as some revelation on the internet all the time.  Blech.  yuck.



I see we were absolutely able to take this thread to slut shaming despite someone's claim it wasn't possible.  Congratulations WTM, you have achieved the impossible.


Better that little Hannah be a lot uglier bc then we couldn't doubt her virtue.  Apparently.


of course then we wouldn't care about her much at all and the news would hardly cover the story.


esp if she were... dun dun dun... a person of color.



Agree about the bold, and ironically that is one of the points of de Becker's work in terms of statistics and real risk. I'm not sure I understand your animosity?


To add to the thought, pretty white girls in danger/trouble/drama get news time.


I also agree about the slut shaming.

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Between this and some other nasty, personal posts I've seen recently, I am seriously beginning to think that this board is not very friendly any more.


The pc bully has really hit the WTM boards. People on here apparently can't share their opinion without being told "they're awful" etc.


Various people have had differing opinions. I happen to think that this girl is innocent, but I want others to have the freedom to state their opinions without being flogged.



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Agree about the bold, and ironically that is one of the points of de Becker's work in terms of statistics and real risk. I'm not sure I understand your animosity?


To add to the thought, pretty white girls in danger/trouble/drama get news time.


I also agree about the slut shaming.


On a recent thread, a couple of posters mocked some of the ideas he discusses in his books and basically said that believing predators can give subtle signals and warning signs that would-be victims can sometimes recognize subconsciously even without being able to point to any specific, overt red flag is no different from believing in magical ability. Can't remember whether this PP was one of them, but in any case the animosity toward de Becker is not limited to this thread.

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On a recent thread, a couple of posters mocked some of the ideas he discusses in his books and basically said that believing predators can give subtle signals and warning signs that would-be victims can sometimes recognize subconsciously even without being able to point to any specific, overt red flag is no different from believing in magical ability. Can't remember whether this PP was one of them, but in any case the animosity toward de Becker is not limited to this thread.



That's dumb.

Thanks for filling me in on the possible back story.

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I am wearing shorts (short ones at that) and a tee shirt today. Maybe I am planning to be kidnapped. Or maybe, just maybe, I am taking my sons to the beach. The dress I have to put on after isn't all that modest either.


It is not "bullying" to call out disgusting and downright obnoxious opinions about 16 year old girls and their clothing choices having ANY bearing on the murder of their family. It is also not bullying to be told you are wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinions. We are not entitled to share those opinions in an echo chamber with no disagreements from others.

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Strange compared to what?  The usual everyday murder/kidnapping?


The man who found the campsite was a former sheriff. He noted that they were a very strange sight in the Idaho backwoods..... a mismatched age couple with brand new equipment, with the girl wearing pajamas and carrying a cat.  He said something along the lines of, the only reason you'd bring a cat here would be as bait for a larger animal.  So yes, it is  a strange story compared to the "everyday murder/kidnapping".  Thank goodness.  That's the reason they were spotted.


The latest news that she was unaware of her mother and brother's deaths while with him (until after he was killed) make some of her behavior more explainable.  Like saying "We're in trouble" when the sheriff on horseback spotted the pair.  If she was aware of the murders, that's extremely suspicious.  If not, I wouldn't judge her behavior at all. I do not think it is possible for a 16 year old to be in a consensual romantic relationship with a 40 year old man.  I don't know if it was a sexual relationship or if he was still "grooming" her and obviously, it's not my business.

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I just want to point out that even if she, in her mind, became secretly "romantically involved" with this man, that does not make her different from millions of other teens who are groomed and seduced.  It does not mean she wanted her mom or little brother or dog to be tortured, killed, and burned.

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But her age doesn't make her automatically innocent. Plenty of 16YO are criminals. Amy Fisher was 17. We don't know anything yet (which is fine--we aren't the police).


I'm not automatically innocent either, nor are you.  But we're presumed innocent until someone proves us guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  Everyone deserves the same presumption.  If she had a history of violence etc. then I might start tipping toward "maybe."


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Guest submarines

I just want to clarify that my lack of appreciation for The Gift is my own unique brand not inspired by any local threads.

OT, but if it is different from what was mentioned above, I'd love if you shared. Thanks.

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I would think that, if there was blatantly overt evidence that she played a part in the murders, they would have already taken her into custody? To me, the police are clearly hinting that they are investigating things further as they should. As upsetting as it is, innocent people and victims are not above being investigated. They have to rule her out completely, for her sake and for her mother and brother's justice.

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Not sure what the point is of bringing this up.  I realize I was in the minority on that post but it is completely irrelevant here.  I could respond to the "substance" but I will refrain because it is best to let an old, combative post die.


Between this and some other nasty, personal posts I've seen recently, I am seriously beginning to think that this board is not very friendly any more.


Not at all. In fact, I the point couldn't be more directly relevant if both threads had been planned to show this change in opinion. Take for example what you said earlier in this thread, "What I don't understand is why anyone even has room in their brain to want to blame this girl."


This is in direct opposition to what you had supported in the airport thread. In that thread you suggested that the way in which a woman dresses can, and sometimes does suggest that she is soliciting sexual attention, even if she may not be aware of the kind of attention she's asking for:


"If you dress suggestively, some people are going to take that as a sign that you are interested in that kind of attention. Some of them might turn away, others might view it as an invitation to come over and get friendly. A young girl may be vulnerable in this case because she may not realize the full implications of this kind of social behavior. She may be lured or humiliated in some way before the other person realizes she isn't interested. Nobody will thinks she's "asking for" rape, but it is much more likely that some will think she's "asking for" sexual attention. Because girls DO ask for that at times, and dressing suggestively is one way to do it."


Personally, I think it's nice to see these conversations do make a difference. I think sometimes people get the impression that conversations make no difference in people's opinions. To see examples of success is a nice thing. Of course, it's from my point of view this is a positive change, so I do hope you don't feel badly about making it.


What I personally think is that people get confused, and understandably offended, when they are accused of something like blaming the victim, because their intentions don't match the accusations. I think that's part of what makes slut-shaming so pervasive - we as a society are largely ignorant of the ways in which we promote it. It's good for these issues to come out, even if it's unsettling emotionally for a time. It creates a more tolerant, peaceful environment in the long run, and I think we all want that for our kids, and future generations in general.

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I'm not automatically innocent either, nor are you.  But we're presumed innocent until someone proves us guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  Everyone deserves the same presumption.  If she had a history of violence etc. then I might start tipping toward "maybe."



You are presumed innocent before being convicted of a crime. Not before being considered as a suspect.   


Just to be clear, I am talking about her being a suspect in having a role in the torture and murder of her mother and brother.  Not anything else.

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Photos of Hannah show a girl looks and acts much older than 16.  She is a show-off in the photos.  (Case in point:  this link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2395276/Out-public-time-Kidnapping-survivor-Hannah-Anderson-spotted-attending-fundraiser-dead-mother-brother.html -- is she even wearing a bra under that low-cut top?  And this is just a couple of days after her "ordeal" in the mountains with a creepy older man?)


There's something about this girl that doesn't sit right with me.  Maybe she didn't collude with the guy in killing her family, but she may very well have flirted with him to the point that he really believed there was an understanding between them.

The shirt and shorts she is wearing appear to be some kind of sports uniform -- the girl next to her is wearing the same thing and there are numbers on the front of both girls' shirts. Also, if you saw the video, she is very quickly hustled into the restaurant where the community was hosting a fundraiser for her family, she did not look at or respond to the media at all. She is hardly "showing off."


I'm totally shocked (although given some of the recent threads I probably shouldn't be) that anyone would be speculating about this poor girl this way, based on exactly ZERO evidence that she had anything to do with her family's murder or her own kidnapping. How is it any LESS creepy for total strangers to wonder if she's wearing a bra and if her short shorts mean she wanted a relationship with this guy, than it would be if DiMaggio himself thought that??? That is just a twisted idea, no matter who's thinking it.



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Even if she was in on it the question would be why?!


Many violent criminals were victims of predators or abuse.  Not saying this girl is part of that.  Just, "I was abused as a child" is tragically common, and is not accepted as an excuse for murder.

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As a child, she can not be in a romantic relationship with an adult.  That's coercion.  Not romance.


Right. We agree. I thought that was pretty clear when I said "sucked into" but maybe I should have put romantic in quotes.


Perhaps you disagree that a teen in such a position, if the teen cooperated in a murder would be charged. I have never seen anything to make me think she wouldn't be. Teens who kill abusive parents have been charged with murder.  She would likely be given a plea deal to testify against the man if the man was alive, but I think she would be charged. However, I don' t think that is the case here at all. All her behavior is consistent with her story and her friend's story and what we know about predators and victims.

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I agree with you on this, SKL, but this doesn't seem to fit with your posts in the "S/O Modesty TSA Agent" thread from earlier this summer. I remember it, because I thought your outlook( others, too, tho) on it was really awful, imo.


So does she need to revise one of the opinions, or maybe we can just rate the awfulness!???


Remember the "Dingo Ate My Baby" Lady was convicted primarily for having a seemingly unnatural reaction to traumatic events.


I don't think there's anything to be gained by law enforcement pursuing this. The relevant parties are mostly deceased, let the girl recover from the events (which had to be traumatic no matter what she thought of them),  and everyone can get on with their lives. Hopefully the NSA won't ever let us know anything about the communications between Dimaggio and Hannah!

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I am wearing shorts (short ones at that) and a tee shirt today. Maybe I am planning to be kidnapped. Or maybe, just maybe, I am taking my sons to the beach. The dress I have to put on after isn't all that modest either.


It is not "bullying" to call out disgusting and downright obnoxious opinions about 16 year old girls and their clothing choices having ANY bearing on the murder of their family. It is also not bullying to be told you are wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinions. We are not entitled to share those opinions in an echo chamber with no disagreements from others.



I'm really tired of people yelling. "Bully!" when what is REALLY happening is that person is being called out on their hate. That's not bullying. That's shining a light on unacceptable, and frankly sick behavior.

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I don't disagree a teen mght be charged though I definitely disagree that a teen being controlled by a coercive abuser should be charged.


At what age should she be charged if she was involved in the two murders?  18? 21?

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At what age should she be charged if she was involved in the two murders?  18? 21?


I'm thinking she deserves a mulligan even if involved. Obviously the older guy would be the mastermind, and would wield undue influence given their long-standing relationship.

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It's not just the WTM forum that's speculating about this case-- it's everywhere.  The sad part of it is, I think the judgement comes mostly from her not looking and acting sad enough. She's not behaving the way a TV character would!!! And her ongoing trips and relationship with the older man.  Anyone with the most rudimentary understanding of childhood abusers would understand the pattern there, but, apparently that is not common enough knowledge.


Having said that, I do think the police are investigating her as a suspect.  Their loud insistence that they are NOT investigating her is the biggest clue that they are. 



I'm thinking she deserves a mulligan even if involved. Obviously the older guy would be the mastermind, and would wield undue influence given their long-standing relationship.


Even if she was involved in the torture and murder of her mother and eight year old brother?


I am reminded of the DC Sniper case, where an older man worked with a teenaged partner to terrorize and murder a whole lot of people (Google says "at least 10"). It was always pretty clear that the older man coerced and abused the teenager. But they both went to jail. I wouldn't give that teenager a pass, and I wouldn't give one to this girl either. Though her being white and pretty would go a long way in helping her case, if she were involved.

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In most states (30) the age of consent is 16 unless the adult has a position of authority. I don't know if "close family friend" would count legally as a position of authority. It certainly does morally, IMO. I say this just to point out that in most states, a 16 yo girl and a 40 something yo man relationship is not illegal. Simply having a large age difference does not automatically make it a position of authority.


In the rest of the states though, it's 17 or 18. In both CA and ID it's 18, so if there was contact, it's illegal.

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I thought she just turned 16 (i.e. wasn't the Amber Alert for a 15yo), that some nonsense has been going on (at least in his mind) since before she was 16.


But I do think there is a big problem with people not being able to separate the "relationship" between the girl and the 40yo from any crime the 40yo committed.


It's not impossible that she was involved, of course, but I think it is just awful what our country is doing to this girl right now.  (I realize it is not just this board.)  Why can't we just let law enforcement do its job?

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I keep seeing articles mentioning the presence of DNA test kits in the evidence the police have collected from the creep's house. I'm wondering if there was a chance that he believed he might be this girl's father. Maybe the whole thing wasn't sexual and she wasn't assaulted. Maybe he believed he was getting his kid back in some sick, twisted way. That might explain her behavior, IMO. One's reactions after sexual assault would probably be very different from one's action after a kidnapping by someone who believed he was your parent. 

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I keep seeing articles mentioning the presence of DNA test kits in the evidence the police have collected from the creep's house. I'm wondering if there was a chance that he believed he might be this girl's father. Maybe the whole thing wasn't sexual and she wasn't assaulted. Maybe he believed he was getting his kid back in some sick, twisted way. That might explain her behavior, IMO. One's reactions after sexual assault would probably be very different from one's action after a kidnapping by someone who believed he was your parent. 


This is ***EXACTLY*** what I have been wondering, too.

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I keep seeing articles mentioning the presence of DNA test kits in the evidence the police have collected from the creep's house. I'm wondering if there was a chance that he believed he might be this girl's father. Maybe the whole thing wasn't sexual and she wasn't assaulted. Maybe he believed he was getting his kid back in some sick, twisted way. That might explain her behavior, IMO. One's reactions after sexual assault would probably be very different from one's action after a kidnapping by someone who believed he was your parent.

I wondered about that. The other suspicious evidence the police mentioned was used condoms. Those two items paired together makes me wonder if Mom was the one with the relationship with him?

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I keep seeing articles mentioning the presence of DNA test kits in the evidence the police have collected from the creep's house. I'm wondering if there was a chance that he believed he might be this girl's father. Maybe the whole thing wasn't sexual and she wasn't assaulted. Maybe he believed he was getting his kid back in some sick, twisted way. That might explain her behavior, IMO. One's reactions after sexual assault would probably be very different from one's action after a kidnapping by someone who believed he was your parent. 


Apparently this was a police kit left behind by the LE, not something involving the victims or suspect.


I don't think this girl did anything to her mother or brother, whether she was aware of his crime or not. If she was aware of the crime and didn't report it, well it could certainly be argued that she was under his influence or afraid of his retribution. So I don't see any reason for her to be charged with a crime even if she was aware.

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It's not just the WTM forum that's speculating about this case-- it's everywhere.  The sad part of it is, I think the judgement comes mostly from her not looking and acting sad enough. She's not behaving the way a TV character would!!! And her ongoing trips and relationship with the older man.  Anyone with the most rudimentary understanding of childhood abusers would understand the pattern there, but, apparently that is not common enough knowledge.


Having said that, I do think the police are investigating her as a suspect.  Their loud insistence that they are NOT investigating her is the biggest clue that they are. 




Even if she was involved in the torture and murder of her mother and eight year old brother?


I am reminded of the DC Sniper case, where an older man worked with a teenaged partner to terrorize and murder a whole lot of people (Google says "at least 10"). It was always pretty clear that the older man coerced and abused the teenager. But they both went to jail. I wouldn't give that teenager a pass, and I wouldn't give one to this girl either. Though her being white and pretty would go a long way in helping her case, if she were involved.


I have no idea why you remarked on this but I will tell ya, I don't care what color anyone is if they did something wrong. 15-16 if she was involved she knew it was wrong. She wasn't some sheltered young girl who had no idea etc etc. I do think your statement was in very poor taste and it is remarks like this that are the source of all issues. Everyone should be treated equal and I really think people are forgetting what that word means. If she is a victim I hope she gets help. If she helped in any of this I hope she goes away I don't want people like that walking the streets free.

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I'm pretty sure the statement wasn't that she should be treated differently because she is a pretty white girl but that she would be treated differently.  It is a very true statement.  Regardless of how "fair" or "equal" the system should be there is both gender and racial bias when dealing with crimes, especially of a violent or sexual nature.  That is the reality of the way the justice system works.  A pretty white girl will not get the same sentence as a big black boy would.  

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I'm pretty sure the statement wasn't that she should be treated differently because she is a pretty white girl but that she would be treated differently.  It is a very true statement.  Regardless of how "fair" or "equal" the system should be there is both gender and racial bias when dealing with crimes, especially of a violent or sexual nature.  That is the reality of the way the justice system works.  A pretty white girl will not get the same sentence as a big black boy would.  


I understand the statement. I am saying that needs to stop. The thoughts, the statements all of it. People say it and just accept it and it needs to stop. People should stop talking about color and start talking about behavior. I don't care if you are a poor black boy or a rich white boy if you do wrong you need to pay for it plain and simple. That is how it should be looked at. People should stop saying stuff like this it just keeps up the issues.

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